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1、ZedGraph教程ZedGraph 是一个非常优秀的开源的作图控件1、在 vs 中使用 ZedGraph2、基本一些概念几个注意点:图片的保存路径设置:RenderedImagePath 属性中设置,程序对该文件夹应该是有写和修改权限的图片的输出格式:OutputFormat 属性中设置,Png 的推荐,比较清晰。ChartChartBorder图表区域的边框设置ChartFill图表区域的背景填充Legend图表的注释标签显示设置项目,一组数据对应一种颜色的注释IsHStack当有多个显示项的时候设置 Y 轴数据是叠加的还是分开的Xaxis图表区域的 X 轴相关信息设置AxisColor坐

2、标轴颜色Cross坐标的原点,可以设置坐标的偏移程度CrossAuto原点自动设置:True 的话 Cross 的设置就无效了。FontSpecX 轴标题字体相关信息AngleX 轴标题字体显示时候的角度,0为水平 90为垂直FillX 轴标题字体填充信息ColorOpacity透明度IsScaled设置 X 轴标题字体显示大小是否根据图的比例放大缩小RangeMax填充时候的最大倾斜度(有过渡色,没试过)RangeMin填充时候的最小倾斜度(有过渡色,没试过)StringAlignmentX 轴标题字体排列(不清楚,没试过)IsOmitMag是否显示指数幂(10次方,没试过,似乎与 IsUs

3、eTenPower 有关系)IsPreventLabelOverlap坐标值显示是否允许重叠,如果False的话,控件会根据坐标值长度自动消除部分坐标值的显示状态IsShowTitleX 轴标题是否显示IsTicsBetweenLabels两个坐标值之间是否自动显示分隔标志IsUseTenPower是否使用10次幂指数IsZeroLine当数据为0时候是否显示(在饼状图显示的时候有用)IsVisible是否显示 X 轴MajorGrid大跨度的 X 轴表格虚线线显示信息DashOff虚线中孔间距DashOn虚线单位长度MajorTic大跨度的 X 轴刻度信息IsInside在 Chart 内部

4、是否显示IsOutSide在 Chart 外部是否显示IsOpposite在对面的轴上是否显示MinorGrid小跨度的 X 轴表格虚线显示信息MinorTic小跨度的 x 轴刻度信息MinSpace刻度和轴之间的距离(没试过)Scale刻度值的一些设定IsReverseX 轴的刻度值从高到低还是从低到高MajorStep大刻度步长MajorStepAuto是否自动设置大刻度步长MajorUnit大刻度步长单位Max刻度最大值MaxAuto根据输入数据自动设置刻度最大值Min刻度最小值MinAuto根据输入数据自动设置刻度最小值MinGrace不清楚,没试过MinorStep小刻度步长Mino

5、rStepAuto是否自动设置小刻度步长MinorUnit小刻度单位Type数据显示方式Liner直接现实(自动)Date按日期方式显示Log按指数幂方式显示Ordinal顺序显示Y2Axis第二个 Y 轴坐标信息显示(具体设置看 X 轴)Yaxis第一个 Y 轴坐标信息显示(具体设置看 X 轴)BarBase在生成柱状图的时候设置柱状是基于 X 轴还是其他轴BarType柱状的类型叠加或其他。IsFontsScaled图比例变化时候图表上的文字是否跟着自动缩放IsIgnoreInitial是否忽略初始值IsIgnoreMissing是否忽略缺省值IsPenWidthScaled图比例变化时候

6、图表上的画笔的粗细是否跟着自动缩放IsShowTitle图表标题是否显示PaneFillPane 的一些填充信息BaseDimension缩放比例基数(可以试试效果)IsImageMap不清楚干吗用的AxisChaneged是否允许自动绘图(没试过,一般都 true,动态绘图)CacheDurationCache 保存时间0OutputFormat输出格式RenderedImagePath输出路径RenderMode输出模式,不太清楚一般都是 ImageTag,另一个输出的是乱码不是图片。对于图表而言,一般是三种表现形式:柱状图、饼状图和点线图。ClassDescriptionMasterPa

7、neA class to manage multiple GraphPane objects, derived from PaneBase. Use of the MasterPane class is optional, as the GraphPane class can be used directly for a single pane. Also provides methods for layout, arrangement, and management of the individual GraphPane objects.GraphPaneThe primary class

8、for the graph, derived from PaneBase. Includes all other classes as properties. Also controls the pane title, the pane frame and axis frame, backgrounds, etc.XAxis, YAxis, Y2AxisChildren of the Axis class. These classes include many aspects of the axis display, including tics, grids, colors, pens, f

9、onts, labels, and styles.ScaleA class instance maintained by the Axis class. Contains the scale range, step sizes, formats, and display options for the scale. Comes in variants for Linear, Log, Text, Date, Ordinal, Exponent, LinearAsOrdinal, and DateAsOrdinal scales.LegendThe class that describes th

10、e location, font, colors, etc., used to draw the legend.CurveItemAn abstract base class that contains data for a single curve. LineItem, BarItem, HiLowBarItem, ErrorBarItem, PieItem, StickItem, OHLCBarItem, and JapaneseCandleStickItem are all derived from this class.CurveListA collection class to ma

11、intain a list of CurveItem objects. The order of the curves in the list controls the Z-Order for drawing. The last curve in the list will appear behind all other curves.GraphObjAn abstract base class that includes position information for a variety of supplemental graphic objects on a plot. TextObj,

12、 ImageObj, LineObj, ArrowObj, EllipseObj, BoxObj, and PolyObj are derived from GraphObj.GraphObjListA collection class to maintain a list of GraphObj objects. The order of the objects in the list, plus a ZOrder property, control the Z-Order for drawing. The last item in the list will appear behind a

13、ll other items with the same ZOrder value.FontSpecA utility class that includes information about the font family, color, angle, size, style, frame, and background fill of the text on the graph. Each class that includes text information will contain one or more FontSpec objects to specifically descr

14、ibe the associated fonts.FillA utility class that includes characteristics of background color fills. Each object that has color fill capability will contain one or more Fill objects to specifically describe the associated color fill.BorderA utility class that includes characteristics of object bord

15、ers. Each object that has border capability will contain one or more Border objects to specifically describe the associated border color and line properties.LocationA general class for handling the location of graphic objects on the plot.PointPairA data struct that encapsulates a single pair of doub

16、le values representing an (X,Y) data point. This is the internal data storage format for the value arrays in each CurveItem.PointPairListA collection class to maintain a list of PointPair objects.XDateThis class encapsulates a single date-time value (stored as a System.Double), plus a wide array of

17、methods to convert between XL date, Astronomical Julian Day number, Gregorian Calendar date, fractional year, etc. See the discussion of Date-Time axes below, for details.Member - DescriptionAxisChange()() - This performs an axis change command on the graphPane.BeenDisposed - This checks if the cont

18、rol has been disposed. This is synonymous with the graph pane having been nulled or disposed. Therefore this is the same as ZedGraphControl.GraphPane = null.BorderStyle - Gets or sets the border style of the tree view control. (Inherited from UserControl.)ContextMenuBuilder - Subscribe to this event

19、 to be able to modify the ZedGraph context menu.Copy(Boolean) - 将图像复制到剪贴板。DoPageSetup()() - 打开打印设置对话框。DoPrint()() - 打印图表。DoPrintPreview()() - 打印预览。EditButtons - Gets or sets a value that determines which Mouse button will be used to edit point data valuesEditModifierKeys - Gets or sets a value that

20、determines which modifier keys will be used to edit point data valuesGetImage()() - 返回图表上的图像。GraphPane - Gets or sets the GraphPane property for the controlIsAntiAlias - Gets or sets a value that determines if all drawing operations for this control will be forced to operate in Anti-alias mode. Note

21、 that if this value is set to true, it overrides the setting for sub-objects. Otherwise, the sub-object settings (such as IsAntiAlias) will be honored.IsAutoScrollRange - Gets or sets a value that controls whether or not the axis value range for the scroll bars will be set automatically.IsEnableHEdi

22、t - Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not editing of point data is allowed in the horizontal direction.IsEnableHPan - Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not panning is allowed for the control in the horizontal direction.IsEnableHZoom - 是否允许横向缩放。IsEnableSelection - Gets or

23、sets a value that determines whether or not selection is allowed for the control.IsEnableVEdit - Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not editing of point data is allowed in the vertical direction.IsEnableVPan - Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not panning is allowed for th

24、e control in the vertical direction.IsEnableVZoom - 是否允许纵向缩放。IsEnableZoom - 是否允许缩放。IsPrintFillPage - Gets or sets a value that determines whether or not the MasterPaneRectdimensions will be expanded to fill the available space when printing this ZedGraphControl.IsPrintKeepAspectRatio - Gets or sets

25、a value that determines whether or not the visible aspect ratio of the MasterPaneRectwill be preserved when printing this ZedGraphControl.IsPrintScaleAll - Gets or sets a value that determines whether the settings of IsFontsScaled and IsPenWidthScaled will be overridden to true during printing opera

26、tions.IsScrolling - Returns true if the user is currently scrolling via the scrollbar, or false if no scrolling is taking place.IsScrollY2 - Gets or sets a value that determines if the vertical scroll bar will affect the Y2 axis.IsShowContextMenu - 是否显示右键菜单,如果指定了ContextMenuStrip会一直显示指定的ContextMenu。I

27、sShowCopyMessage - 复制图像时是否显示提示信息。IsShowCursorValues - 鼠标在图表上移动时是否显示鼠标所在点对应的坐标值。默认为falseIsShowHScrollBar - 是否显示横向滚动条。IsShowPointValues - 鼠标经过图表上的点时是否气泡显示该点所对应的值。默认为falseIsShowVScrollBar - 是否显示纵向滚动条。IsSynchronizeXAxes - Gets or sets a value that determines if the XAxisScaleranges for all GraphPane obj

28、ects in the MasterPane will be forced to match.IsSynchronizeYAxes - Gets or sets a value that determines if the YAxisScaleranges for all GraphPane objects in the MasterPane will be forced to match.IsZoomOnMouseCenter - 使用滚轮时以鼠标所在点进行缩放还是以图形中心进行缩放。LinkButtons - Gets or sets a value that determines whi

29、ch Mouse button will be used to click on linkable objectsLinkEvent - Subscribe to this event to be able to respond to mouse clicks within linked objects.LinkModifierKeys - Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used to click on linkable objectsMasterPane - Gets or sets the

30、MasterPane property for the controlMouseDownEvent - 代替MouseDown事件,有一个bool类型的返回值,代表是否响应该事件。MouseUpEvent - 代替MouseUp事件,有一个bool类型的返回值,代表是否响应该事件。PanButtons - Gets or sets a value that determines which mouse button will be used as a primary option to trigger a pan event.PanButtons2 - Gets or sets a value that determines which mouse button will be used as the secondary option to trigger a pan event.PanModifierKeys - Gets or sets a value that determines which modifier keys will be used as a primary option to trigg

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