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1、专业英语一. 英语句子的宏观结构:句子的树形结构及核心内容Many observers fear that many such plants with potential uses in medicine and agriculture will perish along with Madagascars tropical forests before they are ever studied and applied.要点提示:1.主句是英文句子的核心,作者为了把思想表达完整,主句中某些句子成分往往需要补充信息,于是在需要补充的位置(主语,谓语,宾语甚至是补充成分中)增加若干补充成分,构成树

2、形结构。2.补充成分通常是定语,状语及同位语。定语修饰名词; 状语修饰动词,形容词,句子; 同位语修饰名词,代词。3.这种补充成分可以存在于任何需要补充的位置,可以在主句中,从句中,短语中,构成多级补充,形似一棵大树。4.树形结构的主干可长可短(6种类型),枝条可多可少,层次可一级或多级。每种主句类型都因枝条的多少长短而产生变化,从而变化出有相同句型的无穷句子形式。(1).枝条部分通常是定语、同位语或状语,形式可以是单词、短语或句子。短语和句子更重要。(2).枝条也会因增加补充成分而产生多级分枝。(3).作为枝条的从句,分析方法和写法与主干相同(4).不同句子之间的区别在于主干的构成方式(句型

3、),分枝的位置和层次。(5).所有句子都由主句及补充成分构成,都呈树形结构。区别是主干(主句)的类型,枝条的位置、数量及层次。5.隔离现象:正是这种补充成分的存在,把主句的各成分分隔开来,形成主谓、动宾的隔离,并增加了句子的长度 ,提高了阅读的难度。多层次的补充成分构成了多级树形结构。Although this small countrys debt is one of the highest in the world per citizen, the leaders are committed (坚定的)to sustainable development based on the appl

4、ication of modern biological principles and practices.Heavy rains, however, cause the cleared hills to erode, bleeding the rich red topsoil into the rivers and destroying the lands ability to grow crops.二. 英语句子主干(主句)的类型 有6种基本句型。6种句型由7种句子成分中的几种构成。每个句型中的补充成分就是“零件”或“枝条”,分别可以是单词、短语或句子(从句)。主句可以看作主配件。补充成分

5、(零件)也可以有各自的补充成分,构成多级结构。1. 主语+谓语:I know; They are working.2. 主语+系动词be+表语: He is a teacher.部分“主系表”结构相当于“主谓”结构,“be+表语”=谓语。People all over the world were anxious to have peace.全世界人民都渴望和平 (常见于形容词作表语时)He feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. 3. 主语+谓语+宾语: We like English.4. 主语+谓语+间

6、宾+直宾: Mother taught me a song. They assured us that the train would be on time.5. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补: Mary asked me to tell you the truth.以上几种句型有三种词性:名词,形容词,副词。6.there be(v) 结构:类似于无主句(或倒装句),有时态和语态的变化。可变形构成不定式或Ing短语,副词词性。There is a man sitting(who is sitting) on the fence.There is a book on the table.There

7、is nothing worse than getting lost in the forest. We dont want there to be any students falling behind.There lives an old man in the valley.(An old man lives in the valley)(相当于倒装)。三. 主句的构成(注意句型,成分,词性的区别)英语句子主要由7种成分构成:主语,谓语,宾语,定语,状语,补语,表语。其中,状语、定语是附属成分,其它五个成分是核心。7种句子成分相互组合,构成6种基本句型。句子成分可以是单词、短语或句子(即丛

8、句, 不是所有成分都如此)。长句中多用短语及从句充当句子成分。10类词:名词,动词,代词,数词,介词,冠词,连词,形容词,副词,感叹词。(只有红字部分可以独立充当句子成分),每种句子成分由几种词类充当。注意:单词,短语和从句都具有“词性”,往往有几种词性,在句中充当不同成分。At home my mother often asks me to review my lessons when I watch TV.构成句子的成分(零件)有两种属性:其一,它是由三种“零件”构成:单词,短语(或词组),从句。其二,各“零件”的词性可以是一种或几种,不同成分不相同,必须牢记这些规则。主动语态中的宾补,在

9、被动语态中称为“主补”,相互关系未变,只是改变了名称。The atmosphere of the earth is also thought by most investigators to have been rich in hydrogen, although there is debate on this point.主动态:Most investigators think the atmosphere of the earth to have been rich in hydrogen, although there is debate on this point.主动:The wor

10、ker paints the door yellow.被动:The door is painted yellow by the worker.词性决定用法。1. 主语(三种词类)由三种词构成:名词,代词,数词名词可以是单词,词组,句子(名词从句)。词组:不定式,-ing式,the形容词,the+过去分词。都有名词词性。句子:名词从句。books are useful名词作主语He likes music. 代词作主语8 is a good number. 数词作主语To do is harder than to say. 不定式短语作主语Running is good for health.

11、Ing式短语作主语Who becomes your friends is a matter of importance.从句作主语the rich can help the poor. “The +形容词”作主语the injured are foreigners. “the + 过去分词”作主语2. 谓语:由动词构成。谓语包括动词型谓语(由实义动词、助动词、情态动词构成)和系表型谓语(由系动词与表语构成)。 动词型谓语由单词或词组构成,包括动词,时态,语态,情态等内容,共同构成谓语。动词型:All my friends love basketball. He is working in th

12、e company.The two students have been waiting for half an hour.She must have been sitting there for a long time.系表型:She is busy doing homework.除了常见的is, am, are及其过去式以外,以下词语也可以作系动词:Seem, sound, look, get, prove, smell, become, go, keep, appear, grow, come, taste, stay, turn, remain等。注意:一个常见的实义动词,如果发现后面

13、跟着形容词,说明这个动词在这里已经转化为系动词。3. 宾语构成宾语的词类与构成主语的词类相同,即由三种词类构成:名词,代词,数词,名词词性的词组与句子:不定式,-ing式,the形容词,the+过去分词,丛句。例句:People normally prefer red apples.Do you know her?Many people love 8.Most girl students want to attend the party.I have finished writing.I know that you are an expert.We love the true, the goo

14、d and the beautiful.Society should care about the disabled.双宾语:She will give you a software.Please buy me a newspaper.第二个宾语是直接宾语,第一个宾语是间接宾语,是直接宾语的接受对象。作宾语的两个词都是动作的对象,没有主谓关系。4. 宾补:用来补充说明宾语的动作,行为,状态,性质,特征等。宾补与宾语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系或主从关系。可以用作宾补的词类有名词,数词,形容词,副词,除代词,动词以外的词类及短语)短语:不定式,ing式,过去分词(词组),形容词词组,介词词组(5大短语

15、皆可)。We elected Mary chairwoman.They made me the second.My father painted the table red.Now we may turn the TV on.(on 往往移到动词后面)She asked me to come.Is there any way to recognize clutter at a glance? Heres a device my students at Yale found helpful.I hear a girl singing a pop song.I want it finished r

16、ight now.The enemies set the house on fire.提示:如果宾语很长而宾补较短,常常把宾补提前,宾语后置,以求平衡和易懂。例:Make sure that all bottles are opened in your presence, and that their rims are clean and dry.The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the

17、job.5. 定语(补充成分,修饰名词,代词)可以充当定语的词类有:名词(词组),代词,数词,形容词,副词。(6种词中,除动词以外都可以,与表语同)。词组和句子:-ing短语,不定式短语,过去分词短语,介词短语,形容词短语,定语从句,都有形容词词性。Middle school teachers.(名词词组)Eight dictionaries.(数词)Very kind people.(形容词前置)He is the man responsible for this dorm.(形容词后置)he jumped from the window into the boat below.(副词)Th

18、e person there is waiting for you.(副词,后置)Touching stories. (ing式前置)The dog barking at the door.(ing式后置)Something to play with.(不定式)不定代词的定语通常后置。如something new, anything important.Finished products.(过去分词前置) 成品。All fish, birds, and frogs examined a year after the chemical applications had ceased still

19、contained DDD.(过去分词短语后置)The magazine on the teatable. (介词词组)The school where we are studying.(从句)6. 状语(附属成分,修饰动词、形容词或整个句子):充当状语的词类:(时间)名词,副词,少数形容词。词组和句子:不定式短语,-ing短语,过去分词短语,介词短语,独立主格结构,惯用特殊词组(如with复合结构),状语从句。它们都有副词词性。状语从句有九种主要类型:目的,原因,时间,地点,条件,结果,方式(手段),让步,比较等。根据从属连词确定其功能。Robert will come here(名词) n

20、ext Sunday.(名词词组)Most boys are working hard.(副词)Nokia was expanding its business in the Chinese market.(介词词组)John Brown came to return his books.(不定式)A young man stood there gazing at the sea.(ing式)Given one more chance , he would succeed.(过去分词词组)When I was young, I liked to go fishing.(丛句)The old w

21、oman sat in the chair, motionless and speechless.(形容词)The bandit(强盗) stood in front of them, gun in hand.(独立主格结构)A beggar is begging for food door by door.(惯用词组)Afraidofdifficulties,theyprefertotakethe easyroad(形容词短语)She returned to work,unhappy(形容词)Cold and hungry, he stopped working and went home.

22、(形容词)作状语的形容词与主句主语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系,逻辑上往往表达原因。7.表语:与系动词连用,用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态。宾语是谓语动词动作的作用对象。充当表语的词类:名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词能独立充当句子成分的6种词,除了动词以外,都能充当表语,与定语相同。具有上述词性的短语和从句:不定式短语,ing式短语,过去分词短语,形容词短语,介词短语(5大短语),名词从句。名词作表语 Africa is a big continent. 代词作表语 Whats your fax number? 形容词作表语 I feel much better today. 数词作表语

23、 The number many people like best is 8. 副词作表语 The sun is up. Ing短语作表语 Her job is selling computers. 不定式短语作表语Our next step was to get raw materials ready. 介词短语作表语 The patient is out of danger. (介词短语相当于动宾结构)过去分词作表语The library is now closed. (过去分词的形容词性)形容词短语作表语The bottle is full of water .(形容词短语相当于动宾结构

24、)从句作表语 This is what he said .基本句型的四种变化规律1.变短:省去一个或者多个句子成分,或者省去一个句子成分中的一部分,在口语中很常见,前面刚提到过的部分,在接着的句子里常常省略。例如:Who is that?(It is) Me.Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect (supplies).2.变长:通过给5个基本句型中某成分增加定语,状语,并列成分等,整个句子就可以变长。句型1变长:主语+谓语Now she is working in a big Ame

25、rican company whose headquarters is located in New York.句型2变长:主语+系动词+表语He is the man who wants to see you.The tall students in Class 2 and Class 4 are from the north.Now everyone is very happy when a long vacation comes.句型3变长:主语+谓语+宾语The girl student from Shanghai will surely win the first gold meda

26、l which will change her fate. In my opinion, they will accept the condition because they know they have no choice.句型4变长:主语+谓语+间宾+直宾In my childhood, my mother taught me a very touching song.In our childhood, my mother and aunt taught my brother, my sister and me a very touching beautiful song which w

27、e still remember.句型5变长:主语+谓语+宾语+宾补As soon as i arrived, they asked me to meet their new general manager and new partners.从上述分析可以看出,只要去掉修饰成分,辅助成分,句子都很简单。3.移位(倒装)倒装又分整个谓语移至主语前面的完全倒装和只是把助动词、系动词或情态动词放在主语前面的部分倒装。五种基本句型都能够根据需要进行移位。分为语法倒装和强调倒装两种.Do you have an English class on Friday morning? 语法倒装Often did

28、 we warn him not to do so. 我曾常常警告他不要那样做 。强调倒装By the door stood an armed guard. 门口站着一名手持武器的士兵。强调倒装4.替换词语每一种句子成分都可以用不同词类的单词、短语、从句充当。比如,名词、代词、数词、-ing式、不定式、the+形容词、the+过去分词、从句都可以做主语,通过这种替换,句子形态会有很多变化,但其在句子中充当的成分未变,应该归为一类句型。只要把这些充当相同句子成分的不同形式当作一个整体看待,句子就显得简单了。如“主系表”结构可以有如下形式:He is rather thin.16 is bette

29、r.Learning English for 5 minutes a day is far from enough.To do is better than to say.For one to do good deeds all his life is not easy.What you want is just what i want.只要把握住这几个句子所属的句型,分析与理解句子就迎刃而解。重要短语(零件)的构成及功能1. 名词短语: 由“定语名词”组成,相当于一个名词。核心是“名词”,定语有多种形式,可前置,可后置。形容词名词:our motherland.名词名词:school gir

30、l.名词词组+名词:South China Sea.数词过去分词名词:two fallen leaves-ing式名词:exciting stories 冠词+名词:a song. 2. 动词短语:由动词的各种时态、语态或加上情态动词构成,在句中充当谓语。如will do, be doing, have done, have been doing, must have been done, must have been doing等。3. 副词短语:由“副词副词”构成,如very quickly, quite carefully, so beautifully以上三种短语较简单,重点是以下五种

31、,包括三种非谓语动词短语(-ing式,不定式,过去分词),介词短语,形容词短语。其中,功能最强大的是非谓语动词短语中的不定式和ing式,具有几种词性,能充当多种句子成份。4. 不定式短语:由“to+动词原形”构成基本型,可以带主语,宾语,宾补,状语,有时态和语态变化。词性:具有名词,形容词,副词词性。记忆方法:构成方式和五种基本句型类似(短语是一种变形的句子)。to动词原形:to do(主-谓)to动词原形+宾语:to ask a question.(主-谓-宾)to动词原形+双宾语:to give him some adviceto动词原形+宾语+宾补:to have something done.逻辑主语+上述几种类型:for me to do it.There to be。There be句型相当于无主句,We dont want there to be any students falling behind 连词+不定式:what to do, how to read,where to goWhen to start(连词充当不定式中的某个成分。)用法:仅不能作谓语,其它成分都可以充当。1)作主语:To wo

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