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1、第一学期七年级英语期中试题含答案2016-2017年第一学期七年级英语期中试题(含答案) 2016-2017学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分:10分)注意事项: 1、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。2、作答试题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在试卷规定的位置上,并认真核对。3、答案必须填在答题纸上,在其他位置作答一律无效。每小题做出答案后,用2B铅笔、钢笔或圆珠笔填在答题纸的相应位置。第一部分 选择题(共80分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每

2、段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。1 hats Ts favurite fruit? A B 2 H des Lus brther g t shl? A B 3 hat tie des i usuall have breafast? A B 4 hats the eather lie trr? A B hats in the piture? A B 6 H lng des A read English ever rning?A Fr t hurs B Fr ne hur Fr 30 inutes7 hats her te

3、lephne nuber?A 8431978 B 8461968 8361988 hat lur is Lils at?A Bla B Red hite9 H an students are there in lass ne?A 24 B 19 4310 h has an E-dg? A T B ie David 第二部分 听对话和短,回答问题。本部分你将听到一段对话和两篇短,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题秒钟。听完后,你还有秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听下面一段对话,回答11-12题。11 hat is T ding n?A He is reading

4、 nespapers B He is reading a b abut anials He is athing an interesting sh12 hat des Ts brther ant t be in the future?A A pliean B A teaher An anial dtr听第一篇短,回答13-1题。请根据短内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。NaeLeHis failThere are 4 peple in his failHis parents are 13 He and his brther are studentsHis shl lifeThere are

5、14 girls and 20 bs in his lassHe has six lessns fr 8:00 a t 3:00 pHe lies aths and draing ver uhHis dreaHe ants t be a/an 1 teaher hen he grs up13 A dtrsB teahers s14 A tentB telve tent-t1 A artB English histr听第二篇短,回答16-20题。请根据短内容,选择正确答案。16hat des Bett lie best?A SprtB usi ath17hat subet des Sall di

6、slie?A athB usi Sprt18 h d the t girls ant t in the Sprts lub?A Beause the thin ding sprts an ae the sli B Beause the thin ding sprts an ae the lever Beause the thin ding sprts an ae the health19 h ill in the sae lub?A Bett and SallB Sall and Peter Bett, Sall and Peter20 hat lub des Peter in?A The u

7、si lubB The Sprts lub The ing lub二、选择填空(共 20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)21 Daniel seties plas _ basetball fr half _ hur at the eeendA the; an B the; a /; an D /; the22 h is the an ver there? She is rs a She is _ hinese teaher and teahes _ hinese A e; us B e; ur ur; us D ur; ur23 This ung an desnt have uh ne, _ h

8、e has an gd friends A andB but s D r24 Ill g n a trip ith friends next Sunda _ _A Nie t eet u B Gd lu Have a gd tie D es, please2 _ Sin happ tda? I dnt thin s He _ l ha pp this rning A Des; isnt B Des; desnt Is; desnt D Is; isnt26 _ d ur parents ath TV ever da? Less than ne hur A H ften B H uh H an

9、D H lng27 h _ sprts in ur fail best? brther and I _ A 1ie; des B 1ies; are 1ie; are D 1ies; d28 u, glasses are bren uld u please bu e a ne _?A that B ne it D pair 29 Exuse e! heres the usi r,sir?_, n the send flr A Pardn B h, I see Srr, I dnt n D This a, please30 an u _ it in English? Srr, I ant I a

10、nt _ English at allA tell; sa B tal; spea sa; speaD spea; tell31 Sand lies eating eat, but he _ eats it beause he is t fatA ftenB seties alasD seld32 Hurr up, Bb! Its tie fr u_&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;_A pla ftball B fr the lunh ging he D t

11、g t shl33 The superaret near he _ at seven a and it _ fr eight hurs a da A pens; is pen B is pen; pens is pening; pens D pens; is pening34 H ill ur father e and visit ur shl _ nda rning? He ill get here _ his arA in; n B in; b n; b D n; in3 Ever da, I pla ith dg fr inutes That aes hi happA a feB fe

12、a little D little36 The_ eeting begins at 8:00 0l in the rning A parents B parent parents D parents37 It taes Lisa t hurs _ ever da A pratise t dra B pratise draing t pratise t dra D t pratise draing38 I ant _ u aru nd ne shl Lets _ at the gate A shing; eet B shing; t eet t sh; t eet D t sh; eet39 E

13、xuse e! _? Its 11 tberA hat tie is it B hat da is it tda hen is it tda D hats the date tda40 I lie athing TV ver uh It_ e_ great A aes; feelB aes; feeling ae; feel D ae; feeling三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) D u have an hbbies? Everbd needs hbbies If u dnt have an hbbies, u a feel 41 e shuld have se diff

14、erent 42 in ur free tie e shuld d sething e lie Se peple lie singing, 43 phts and traveling, 44 peple en lleting staps, reading r shpping 4 hbb is lleting staps I lie it best beause I an learn a lt f things fr 46 Se peple llet staps 47 the an get ne fr the But I a ust 48 in lleting the and en ling a

15、t the hen I a free Stap lleting is ver ppular all ver the rld I 49 an Australian b and a Frenh girl The bth lie lleting staps e 0 ur staps t eah ther nline That is s gd41 A strngB unhapp seetD tired42 A ativitiesB lasses lessnsD lubs43 A havingB taing aingD getting44 A antherB ther allD thers4 A ipr

16、tantB frtable favriteD different46 A phtsB staps travelsD sprts47 A beauseB and butD s48 A surprisedB exited interestedD tired49 A nB ant aeD thin0 A giveB sh rD tae四、阅读理解(共1小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ABenn drives a shl bus, but his bus isnt the sae as ther shl buses beause there arent an hildren n it There are

17、 nl dgs Benns bus taes dgs t shl at 8:00 in the rning and brings the ba he at :00 in the afternn Benn taes the dgs t a dg sh1 There he teahes the dgs t d an things: sit dn, stand up, bring the shes t the aster, eep the aster fr danger (危险) an dgs g t Benns shlbig dgs, sall dgs, ld dgs, ung dgs Benn

18、sas that ung dgs an learn re quil 1 hat des Benn d? _ A A dtr B A rer A driver D A pliean2 hat else d u n abut Benn? A He teahes dgs in a shlB He drives hildren t shl He has a shl fr ung hildrenD He teahes hildren in a shl 3 here d the dgs spend the night?A In the shlB n the bus In the street D In t

19、heir n hes 4 hih ind f dgs is eas t teah?A Strng dgs B ld dgs ung dgs D Big dgs hat d es Benn teah the dgs t d?A Eat B Run Sleep D D things fr their astersBan peple lie anials, suh as dgs and ats, and eep ne r re f the as pets If u eep a dg r a at as a pet, u ust n h t l after it A grn-up dg needs t

20、 eals a dant re It an eat eat, fish, rie and se ther things Dgs lie large bnes(骨头), but u ant give the hien bnes Reeber t give the lean ater A dg shuld have a lean, dr bx fr sleeping ashing it ne a ee is gd fr its health If it is ill, tae it t a dtr A health dg ill bring u re pleasureBe areful hen u

21、 hse a at A at has t eals a da ith se eat r fish It drins a little il ever da Seties u an give it vegetables t eat Dnt frget that it needs lean ater t drin Tae gd are f ur pets The ill be ur gd friends abe the an give u se help hen u are in need6 an peple eep _ as petsA pandasB elephants hienD ats7

22、hat d dgs lie eating?A All the bnesB Big bnes hien bnesD Sall bnes8 A health dg an ae u_A happ B truble rD ill9 ats usuall drin_A range B red in apple uieD il and ater60 ill pets be peples friends arding t the artile?A N, I dnt thin s B es, but nl a little es, the ill D N, the nthen u are nt happ, t

23、here are s e as t ae u happ r feel gd abut urself1 L in the irrr(镜子) and sa t urself, “I a speial persn and theres n ne in the rld lie e I an d anthing!” It rs!2 D sething nie fr sene Helping thers alas aes u feel gd3 Sile! Be friendl t peple arund u L fr the gd things in ur friends and fail4 Learn

24、sething ne! D u alas ant t learn h t si? G fr it! Read and start a diar Turn ff the TV and let ur iaginatin(想象) fl! If u have an ideas r dreas, rite the dn!6 Sta ith ur fail e all need ur fail tie Tal ith ur u and dad r abe even ur usin61 H an as an ae u happ r feel gd abut urself? A ne B Three Five

25、 D Six 62 hat shuld u d if u have an ideas r dreas arding t the passage?A D se readingB rite the dn Tal ith ur parents D Tell thers63 here an u read this passage? A In a str b B In a ditinar(字典) In a agazine(杂志) D In a diar64 hat an u d if u ant t learn sething ne arding t the passage? A ath TV B Ta

26、l ith ur friends Spea t urself D G fr it6 hats the best title f the passage? A D sething nie B Sile at ther peple Sta ith ur fail D Feel gd abut urself第卷 非选择题(共70分)五、词汇运用 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。66 e students shuld d rning _ (运动) ever da t eep us health67 e an see se _ (英雄的) pitu

27、res n the all e shuld learn fr the68 hat is the tie n? Its a _ (一刻钟) past nine69 ur Shl librar ls _ (现代化的) e usuall g there t brr bs70 ther tells e a _ (真实的) str It is ver ving(B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空不限一词。71 e have sprts _ (t) a ee uld u lie t in us?72 Lebrn aes is ne f favurite basetball _ (pla)

28、 in the NBA73 i, _ (nt be) late fr lass again Srr, I nt74 r Lin feels _ (real) srr fr the bad nes!7 The students in lass 2 have a gd tie _ (pratise) singing and daning in the part六、阅读表达 请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题。(共小题;每小题2分,满分10分)All students need t have gd stud habits(习惯) hen u have gd stud habits, u ill lea

29、rn things quil, and als reeber the easilD u lie t stud in the living r? This is nt a gd plae beause it is usuall t nis u need t stud in a quiet plae, lie ur bedr A quiet plae ill help u nl t thin abut ne thing hen u stud, d nt thin abut ther thi ngs at the sae tie nl thin abut ur her If u d this, u

30、ill d ur her re quil, and u ill ae feer istaes(错误)Gd stud habits are ver iprtant If u dnt have the, tr t learn the If urs are alread gd, tr t ae the better 请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题。(不超过3个单词)76 hat d all the students need t have?_77 H ill u learn and reeber things if u have gd stud habits?_78 h isnt the living r a gd plae fr stud?_

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