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PEP六年级英语上册 Unit 4Unit 4 单元教案 3 精品.docx

1、PEP六年级英语上册 Unit 4Unit 4 单元教案 3 精品教师集体备课教案学科: 英语 年级:六年级 第 4 单元课题Unit4 I have a pen pal主备教师 备课时间课时第 1 课时教学目标 1.能够听、说、认读句子:What are your hobby? I like collecting stamps? 2能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps,riding a bike,diving playing the violin,making kites. 教学重点 掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。教学难点 拼写:riding,div

2、ing,making.教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课 区 域个人备课区域教师活动学生活动1热身(Warm-up)教师放五年级下册Recycle 2的歌曲“I Love Going Hiking”.2预习(Preview)“滚雪球”游戏:教师边出示各种形状的树叶,边说:“I like collecting leaves”请一名学生在此基础上再加一句话,如:“I like collecting leavesI like taking pictures依次类推,看谁说出的句子最多。(为本课动词ing形式的运用埋下伏笔)3.新课呈现(Presentation) (1)教师展现一个足球给学生看:L

3、ook,what is this?Do you like playing football? (2)Teacher does the actions:dance and sing.让学生猜并感知新短语。4.New conceptTeacher dances and says,“I like singing.”Then,teacher shows some pictures to the students and says,“Look,they are my pictures of singing.I like singing .My hobby is singing.”(板书“hobby”)教

4、学新单词。问:What is my hobby?I like dancing.(板书“I like ”)问:What is your hobby ?5.Lets start 教师与一名学生示范。教师问:“Whats your hobby?”学生回答:“Swimming. What about you?”教师回答后示范填写Lets start部分的表格。同桌或前后两名学生之间进行问答、填表。6.Lets learn(1)教师边做动作边说自己的业余爱好:“I like playing the violinWhat is your hobby?”引导学生回答:“I like”教师板书:What is

5、 your hobby? I like playing the violin指导学生拼读hobby,playing the violin并进行问答操练。 (2)请学生上台做动作,让其他人猜猜他/她的爱好是什么。学生边唱边跟教师做相应的动作。学生自由交谈。指名学生回答。请学生帮助回答问题。完成课本第39页表格。 学生表演,熟悉“hobby”的运用。板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen pal dancing singing reading stories playing football doing kung fu What are your hobbies? I likeI al

6、so like教学反思:教师集体备课教案学科: 英语 年级:六年级 第 4 单元课题Unit4 I have a pen pal主备教师 备课时间课时第 2 课时教学目标 能够听、说、读、写句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stampsHe likes collecting stamps,too 教学重点掌握句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stampsHe likes collecting stamps,too.教学难点 在实际情景中正确运用句型:HeShe likes教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课

7、 区 域个人备课区域教师活动学生活动Step 1热身预习: 1.出示音标,进行认读音标练习。 3:,a,J、,3,l,r. 2.听录音,跟读本节学习内容。3.学生在小组内教授单词,选出最好的作为小老师教读。4.勾画拼读不够熟练或有困难的单词。5.指名学生到前台当老师,重点教大家有困难的单词,或讲授学习记忆单词的好方法。Step 2 呈现学习任务:Teacher does the chain drill with students,then asks the students answer the questions.S1:what are your hobbies,S2?S2:I like s

8、inging and dancing.what are your hobbies,S3?S3:I like reading stories.what are your hobbies?Teacher:I like dancing and doing kung fu.(板书该句) What are your hobbies,S4?S4:I like playing football and doing kung fu.Teacher:What is S4s hobby?(Write the sentence“He likes”on the blackboard)Step 3 练习:Get the

9、 students to work in pairs,talk about their hobbies,and then tell the teacher their partners hobbies.Step 4 学习效果巩固与作业: 1.根据提示完成句子(1)I like .(集邮)(2) My mother likes .(制作风筝)(3) She likes . (拉小提琴)(4)His hobby is .(跳水)(5)My hobby is .(骑自行车) 2.写出问句。(1)I like swimming. (2)He likes diving. (3)My father lik

10、es reading newspapers. 练习读音标。学生教读。抽四名学生上台和教师一起做对话练习。指名学生回答。学生练习用第三人称进行表述。自主完成练习。板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen pal What are his/her hobbies? He/She likes 教学反思:教师集体备课教案学科: 英语 年级:六年级 第 4 单元课题Unit4 I have a pen pal主备教师 备课时间课时第 3 课时教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写五个动词的第三人称单数形式:lives,teaches,goes,watches,reads. 2能够听、说、认读句子:D

11、oes he live in China? No,he doesnt.He lives in Australia,but he studies Chinese.教学重点 掌握五个动词的第三人称单数形式.教学难点 区别使用后缀“s”和“es”.教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课 区 域个人备课区域教师活动学生活动Step 1 导入:播放歌曲My new pen pal.Step 2 预习:1.出示A Lets learn部分的单词卡片,让学生开火车拼读动词短语。2.播放A Lets talk 部分的录音。3.师生对话。Step 3 新课呈现:1.板书“live”,然后指着自己说:“I live

12、 in.Where do you live?”引导学生作答后教师出示一张动物单词卡片,如:fish,问:“What is this?”“Does it live in the sky?”引导学生回答:“No,it doesnt.It lives in rivers.” 2.在黑板上的“live”后加上s,一次拿出其他动物的单词卡片,用一般现在时的疑问句形式就动物的住所提问,引导学生给出肯定或否定的回答。3.板书:Does your father/mother/pen pal live in Guiyang?No,he doesnt.He lives in Wuhan.(并展示lives 单词卡

13、片,带读单词。)4.以此方法教学“teaches,goes,watches,reads.”5.教师播放B Lets learn部分的录音。Step 4 练习:1.教师介绍某人的一天。 2.读一读并仿写。例如:read-reading-readsCook teach do study make live 听录音齐唱。开火车读短语。跟录音读。 引导学生回答。学生操练。学生跟读。听教师的介绍后学生复述故事。板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen pal lives teaches goes watches reads教学反思: 教师集体备课教案学科: 英语 年级:六年级 第 4 单元课题

14、Unit4 I have a pen pal主备教师 备课时间课时第 4 课时教学目标 能够听、说、读、写句型:Does she teach English? No,she doesntYesshe does教学重点 掌握句型:Does he/ she ? No,he/she doesnt/Yes,he/she does教学难点 在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课 区 域个人备课区域教师活动学生活动Step 1热身:Get the students to sing the song together.(My new pen pal)Step 2 Revision

15、 1.Free talk A:What are your hobbies? B:I like reading stories. A:What are his/her hobbies? B:He/she likes2.Chain drillAsk and answer:Do you like?Step 3 Presentation: 1.Lets tryGet the students to listen to the tape and circle the right answer.2.教师出示自己好友的照片,旁边可提示几个问题:Does she live in?Does she like?3

16、.师生对话。Teacher asks several students and makes sure the students understand.4.Lets talk(1)播放Lets talk的录音,并让学生回答问题:What does John like?(2)Listen and try to find the answers.(3)Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 5 Homework:Introduce your pen pal to your parents.Step 6 课堂练习: 1.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 Go do wat

17、ch teach read Play have wash make write Take live swim run walk fly study 2. 按要求完成句子。(1)Does Ann go to school by bike?(肯定回答)(2)Does she read newspapers at night?(肯定回答)(3)Does your uncle work in a hospital?(否定回答)(4)Does your mother live in Beijing?(否定回答) 跟老师一起唱My new pen pal.自由交谈。 听录音,试着对所学内容有初步感知。自由

18、发问。学生回答,并做展示。随堂练习。板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Does he/she ? No,he/she doesnt./Yes,he/she does.教学反思:教师集体备课教案学科: 英语 年级:六年级 第 4 单元课题Unit4 I have a pen pal主备教师 备课时间课时第 5 课时教学目标1.能够读懂Read and write 部分,并能完成相应的活动。2.鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣爱好。教学重点 理解 Read and write中的短文。教学难点 Read,answer and write.教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课 区 域

19、个人备课区域教师活动学生活动Step 1热身:Free talkTeacher talks about their friends with the students. Like:Who is your friend?What is her/his hobby? Does he/she live in China?Does he/she like drawing pictures?What about you?Oh,youre the same/different.Step 2 新课呈现:1.根据page42所填的内容和同学们讨论自己和搭档的爱好。2.四人一组,初步阅读Notice Board

20、.3.精读课文,并完成所提问题。(1)Do the four people in the text want pen pals?(2)How many hobbies can you find in the text?4.播放录音。Step 3练习:Lets cook (1)Finish this ad for a cooking club.(2)Work in pairs and then check the answer.Step 4 Add-activitiesDo a surveyInterview your classmates and then give a report.Get

21、the students to ask their friend about their hobbies.Step 5 课堂练习: 用所给动词的正确形式填空。(1)I to work every day.(go) (2) My sister her homework in the room.(do) (3) Li Ming dinner at 7:00 on Sunday.(have) (4)She TV at night.(watch) (5) He me Chinese at school.(teach) (6) your mother newspapers every morning?(

22、read)自由交谈,复习旧知。可以同桌或前后桌共同谈论。分组阅读。学生跟读。完成练习。板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Amy likes John Mike Robin 教学反思:教师集体备课教案学科: 英语 年级:六年级 第 6单元课题Unit6 How do you feel?主备教师 备课时间课时第 4 课时教学目标1.能听懂、会说:How do you feel?和How does Sam feel?并能在日常生活中区分和正确使用这两个句子。2.能听、说、认读:should,feel,well,并能读懂短文。教学重点 学习句型:What should he/

23、she / you do?教学难点 区分和正确使用:How do you feel?和How does Sam feel? 教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课 区 域个人备课区域教师活动学生活动Step 1 Warm-up and Revision复习本单元A部分Lets learn 的内容,让学生听指令做动作。如教师说:I am happy.学生必须做出相应的表情。Step 2 Presentation1.播放Lets try部分的录音,让学生能了解大体的故事情节,并完成练习题。2.创设情境,呈现新知。出示人物面具,让学生使用This is介绍这些人物:Sarah,Sam和Mum。教师说:

24、One day they are going to the zoo.But their father is ill.What should they do?3.教师提问:Where are they going?Whats wrong with Sams father?Can they go to the zoo?How does Sam feel?What should they do?4.教师提出问题让学生思考:How do you feel?与How does Sam feel?相同吗?有什么区别?给学生讲解当主语为第三人称单数时,应如何询问。5.播放教材配套的录音。6.分组扮演对话中的

25、人物进行实际交流,教师适时给予表扬。7.Read and write部分。 (1)阅读Robin and the Ant,完成后面的练习。 (2)师生共同检查所做的习题,培养学生要养成互相帮助的好习惯。8.Tips for pronunciation.(1)让学生朗读下面的单词,感知字母t的发音/t/.辅音+辅音,弱读。 (2)阅读Robin and the Ant,找出文中发音类似的词组。Step 3 Practice:最佳拍档每两名同学为一组,每对拍档的时间为4-5分钟。一位同学说英语,他的拍档在前面做表演。Step 4 Assessment能用How do you feel?与How does Sam feel?询问某人的感受,注意人称的变化。Step 5 Add-activities 回家给父母讲解Robin and the Ant的故事。 听教师说,做相应的表情。听录音,完成练习。学生思考。学生跟读。学生展示练习情况。朗读单词,感知发音。学生玩“最佳拍档”的游戏。板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel? Whats wrong? How does Dad feel now? How do you feel?教学反思:

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