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1、届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之三十六13页word版2019届二轮复习短文改错模拟试题10篇训练之三十六【1】At 3:42 one of the greatest earthquake of the 20th century shook Tangshan. It seemed as if the world was at the end A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wider cut across houses, roads and canals Steam bursts from hol

2、es in the ground Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruin The suffering of the people was extremely Two-thirds of them died and injured during the earthquake The number of people killing or injured reached more than 400,000After the earthquake, ev

3、erywhere the survivors looked nearly everything was destroyed Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves and sand was now filled the wells instead of water People were shocking and they felt hopeless1.earthquakeearthquakes 2.thean 3.widerwide 4.burstsburst 5.ruinruins 6.extremelyextreme 7.inju

4、red前加were 8.killingkilled 9.was now filled去掉was 10.shockingshocked【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,详细讲述了唐山大地震发生时的具体情形并介绍了这次大地震对人们带来的巨大痛苦。【详解】第一处:考查名词单复数。句意:在3点42分,20世纪最大的地震之一让唐山摇晃了起来。固定短语“one of+可数名词复数”意为“.之一”,介词of的后面要可数名词复数形式earthquakes,所以要把earthquake改为earthquakes。第二处:考查固定短语。句意:似乎整个世界都结束了。介词短语at an end意为“结束”,所以要把t

5、he改为an。第三处:考查形容词。句意:8公里长30米宽的裂缝把房屋道路和水渠割开了。句中形容词原形wide直接用在数词之后,与前半句中的long形成呼应,所以要把wider改为wide。第四处:考查时态。本文是一篇记叙文,介绍唐山大地震的有关情况,全文以一般过去时为主,动词burst的过去式是burst,所以本句要把bursts改为burst。第五处:考查固定短语。句意:在15秒之内,整个城市成为一片废墟。介词短语in ruins意为“成为废墟”,所以要把ruin改为ruins。第六处:考查形容词。在英语里副词通常作状语修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子;而形容词通常作定语修饰名词代词,本句应


7、感觉很绝望。形容词shocked意为“震惊的”,通常修饰人或与人有关的事物。而“shocking”意为“令人震惊的”通常修饰事物,所以要把shocking改为shocked。【点睛】本文小题6考查了形容词和副词。形容词、副词的误用主要指在该用形容词的地方用了副词,该用副词的地方用了形容词。改错行中出现形容词或副词时就要仔细分析该形容词或副词修饰什么,形式是否正确,是原级、比较级还是最高级。形容词、副词误用也是常考的改错项目之一。I had not interest in English.interest是名词,应用形容词no来修饰,而not是副词,副词不能修饰名词2) These are th

8、e happier girls Ive ever seen.(NMET2007)此处有Ive ever seen限定,应用最高级,故happier应改为 happiest.3) You can borrow a book very easy. 把easy改为easily. 应该使用副词修饰形容词easy。【2】Recently I failed an exam. However, after I came out of my teachers office, I told myself, “Smile! Its not so serious.”I smiled a big smile and

9、it _1_ (work) a little, really.Everyone gets _2_ (frustrate) sometimes. I used to be always influenced by pressure and I was often in low spirits. But one day I came _3_ a sentence in the Bible, “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself; let the days own trouble be s

10、ufficient for the day.” It suddenly struck me, “_4_ (worry) about a problem doesnt help. Why not just _5_ (give) a big smile and face up to the trouble?”Now every time I want to cry, I remind myself that _6_ (laugh) is better than tears and anger. I _7_ (convince) that theres something magical about

11、 a smile. A smile helps me recover confidence and gives me the courage to move on.Remember, whenever youre faced with a setback, whenever youve been treated _8_ (fair), all _9_ matters is determination and you can feel happy again. Smile at life, _10_ it will shine on you.答案1worked2.frustrated3.acro

12、 convinced8.unfairly9.that10.and【3】Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It _1_ (be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it _2_

13、(actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of _3_ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.But the river wasnt changed in a few days _4_ even a few months. It took years of work _5_ (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work pai

14、d off and now the water in the river is _6_ (clean) than ever.Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit _7_ is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or dont know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation,dont you want

15、a quick fix and something to change immediately?While there are _8_ (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the _9_ (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be _10_ (patience)答案 reduce6.cleaner7that/which8.amazing9.changes10.patient【4】No one knows for sure when a fire will happen, so it is _1_ (extreme) necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. Check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find _2_ in the dark when lights have failed. Find out _3_ th

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