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1、英语重要句型活用指南第一章it做形式主语的句型动名词做主语通常表示一件已知的事情或经验。动名词做主语要视为一个单一的个体,其后动词用单数形式。climbing mountaing is interesting.driving the car during the rush hour is tiring.不定式做主语通常表示一件未完成的事情或目的。此类短语作主语时,亦视为单一个体,其后动词用单数形式。to study abroad has long been my dream.但无论动名词还是不定式作主语如果太长,不美观,需要it作形式主语。如果主语不长则不需要形式主语,否则也影响美观。it i

2、s useless to learn english writing without a clear understand of sentence is no use +动名词= it is useless +不定式= there is no use in +动名词只能修饰事物的形容词很多,常用的有,hard,difficult, easy,worth,while,necessar,interesting,essential ,useful,useless,此类形容词造句千万不可以人做主语;表示人气质的单词如stupid,cruel,wise,kind,careful

3、,careless,impolite,polite可以人做主语;有些形容词即可修饰人亦可修饰物,如good,bad,foolish。 修饰人时用介词of,修饰物时用介词forit is good of you to help the is goood for us to do the jogging.一边吃东西一边说话很不礼貌。it is impolite to talk while eating.你有必要立即开展工作。it is necessary for you to start the work at once.-at once置于动词后面come here at once

4、.选择好友对你是很重要的it is important for you to choose good friends.-choose=pick out选择你任由窗子开着,实在太粗心了it was careless of you to leave the window open.-leave不及物动词 任由-,加宾语之后,再接形容词或分词作宾语补足语。他真蠢,竟然犯了这样的错误it was stupid of him to make such a mistake.2)it is -that强调句型介词的宾语1)只有whether及疑问词引导的名词从句,可做介词的宾语;2)that从句决不可直接做

5、介词的宾语,其补救方法如下:介词+the fact+that从句;Im curious about whether he can do it;Im curious about what he will do;Im curious about when he can do it;Im curious about hwo he will do it;Im curious about the fact that he shoud study so hard.介词+变成所有格+变成动名词 Im curious about his studying so hard. He is interesting

6、in marys having married peter.主语+be+adj+that从句:Im curious that he should study so hard. Im interested(adj) that mary has married peter.whether引导的名词从句只有在做动词的宾语时,或被形式主语it替代时,才可与if互用,其余情况中,则不能用if取代whether.whether he will come is not known.(true)if he will come is not known(false)if he will come is not

7、known(false)the problem is whether he will come.(true)the problem is if he will come.(false)I dont know whether he will come.(true)I dont know if he will come.(true)it follows +that从句当然-from this evidence, it follows that he is not the doesnt follow +that从句未必-although she is poor, it doe

8、snt follow that she is occurs to +人+that从句=it strikes +人+that=人+hits on+it+that从句某人突然想起-it occurs to me that I should ask him for help.=it struck me that I should ask him for help.=i hit on it that I should ask him for help.=I suddenly remembered that I should ask hime for help.他真的已经到伦敦

9、了吗?is it ture that he has gone tolondon?-it is ture that-?真的-?很遗憾你的朋友把他的行李留在这了。it is a pity that your friend has left his luggage here.- it is pity that-?=it is a regret that-=it is regrettable that很遗憾几乎可以确定的是,你将在戏剧院里见到一两位你的朋友。it is almost certain that you will see one or two of your friends in the

10、theater.父母爱子女是很自然的事情。it is natural that parents should love their children.-it is natural that-should是很自然的事可以确定的是,他绝非好人。it is certain that he is by no means nice. It is certain that by no means is he nice.-by no means=in no way绝非他会不会服从规定令人怀疑。it is doubtful whether he will comply with the order.-obey

11、/abide by/comply with/conform to服从我从未想到他会这么无礼it never occurred to me that he should be so impolite/rude.-it never occurred to me that = I never thought that-我从未想到虽然他喜欢音乐,他未必擅长唱歌although he loves music, it does not follow that he is good at singing.-it doesnt follow that未必3)it is said that据说-it is sa

12、id that he is very is believed that the rumor is is said that-据说it is believed that-一般相信it is expected that-一般预料it is thought that-一般认为it is reported that-据报道it is estimated that-据估计it is known that-众所周知it is expected that john will be back by ten.预料中的事情it is reported that the car

13、 accident took place sometime is thought that peter is good-for-nothing.大家认为彼得一无是处。it is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.a)时态相同时候,to之后要接原形动词。it is said that he is nice.=he is said to be is thought that peter is good-for-nothing.=peter is thought to be good

14、 is known that he works hard.=he is known to work hard .b)时态不同时,to之后要接have+过去分词it is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.=the damage is estimated to have been over one million is reported that car accident took place sometime yesterday.=the car accident i

15、s reported to have taken place sometime yesterday.c)若that从句中有助动词will,can,may,should时,其变化如下:it is said that he will come tomorrow.=he is said to come tomorrwo. (will删除即可)it is said that he can do it.=it is said that he is able to do it.=he is said to be able to do is said that he is likely to h

16、elp mary.=he is said to be likely to help is said that they should finish it before leaving.=it is said that they are supposed to finish it before leaving=they are said to be supposed to finish it before leaving.以上句型都是it引导that从句,有时候it也可以代替whether或疑问词所引导的名词从句。it will be reported when the meet

17、ing will take is not known whether they are still has not yet been decided whether we should start on Saturday or no is said that亦可用以下句型代替it is said that he is a is rumored that he is a millionaire.people say that he is a millionaire.word has it that he is

18、a millionaire.rumor has it that he is a millionaire.注意不可用the word/the rumor has it that据说那男孩长大后成了一位知名的科学家it is said that the boy grew up to be a noted scientist.=the boy is said to have grown up to be a noted scientist.=people say that the boy grew up to be a noted scientist.据说罗伯特将转到另一所大学就读it is sai

19、d that rebert will transfer to another college.据估计,明天通货膨胀将上升百分之五it is estimated that the inflation next year will go up/rise by five percent.目前尚未决定谁要参加演讲比赛it hasnt been decided who will take part in/participate in the speech contest.一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻it is generally thought that traving abroad can enrich

20、 ones knowledge.今天的报纸报道台北市昨晚发生大火it says in todays newspaper that a big fire took place/broke out intaipeilast night.4) it seems that-似乎-,好像-中文句子出现似乎时,我们就想到seem或appear这两个字,这两个字的意义和用法完全相同,常用句型有:a)it seems/appears that从句it seems john loves music very much. It appears that they can handle the problem.b)

21、主语+seems to原形动词;主语+seems to +have+过去分词(1)时态相同时,to后接原形动词it seems that john loves music very much.=john seems to love music very appears that they are able to handle the problem.=they appear to be able to handle the problem.(2)时态不同时,在之后接have +过去分词it seems that john was happy when young.=john s

22、eems to have been happy when appears that they have just been to japan. They apear to have just been to japan.在下列句型中,to be可省略。5)find it-to不定式发现英文中有种动词是不完全及物动词,此类动词加了宾语后,意思并不完整,必须在宾语之后加形容词或名词补充其意思不足。此时形容词或名词就为宾语补足语。I find him (to be)nice. I think him a good boy.I deem him honest. I consider

23、him good.i believe him trustworthy. I made him happy.下列不完全及物动词加了宾语后,则需加介词形成宾语补足语I regard him as a nice. I regard him as a nice boy.I refer to/view/see/look on him as nice/a nice boy.不完全及物动词不能直接以不定式短语做宾语,一定要用形式宾语it代替真宾语,加了补足语后再接不定式短语。I find it interesting to climb mountains.(true)I find to climb moun

24、tains interesting.(false)I deem it necessary to learn english.I consider it my duty to help him.I believe it good to go jogging.his laziness made it impossible for him to achieve success.I regard it as my responsibility to offer him help.I feel it an honor for me to deliver this speech.注意,以上find,dee

25、m,believe,consider,如果后接that从句,则从句后不需再加宾语补足语,此时此类动词就变成了完全及物动词。That可以省略。I find (that) it is interesting to climb mountains.-宾语从句。完全及物动词I find it interesting to climb mountains.-不完全及物动词make it a rule to-习惯于-I make it a rule to get up early. Make是不及物动词,it是形式主语,代替真宾语,即不定式短语to get up early,a rule则是宾语补足语。I

26、 make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch.=I am in the habit of taking a short walk after lunch.fall into a habit of养成-的习惯fall into a habit of =get into a habit of=foster a habit of=cultivate a habit of =form a habit ofI fall into a good habit of being punctual when young.我发现很难和同学解释这件事。I find

27、 it hard to explain the matter to the student.=I find (that) it was hard to-你会发现在林中观鸟是件趣事。you will find it interesting to watch birds in the woods.=you will find (that) it is interesting to -我认为道人短处是可耻的。I think it shameful to speak ill of others behind their backs.=I think (that) it is shamful to-我相

28、信我们用功是值得的。I believe it worth while for us to study hard.=I believe (that) it is worth while for us to-=I believe (that) it pays for us to-我习惯在睡前听点音乐I make it a rule to listn to some music before going to bed.=I am in the habit of listening to-(that)我认为要他来负责这个计划是错误的I think it wrong for him to be resp

29、onsible for the project.=I think (that) it is wrong for him to-6) think it -that认为-I think it certain that our team will win. He made it clear(我表示的很清楚了) that he objected to the proposal.a)和不定式短语一样,that引导的名词从句也不可直接做不完全及物动词的宾语,一定要用it代替:I think it certain that our team will win.I think that our team wi

30、ll win certain.(false)he made that he objected to the proposal clear.(false)he made it clear that he objected to the proposal.(true)主语+take it for granted that-视-为当然的I take it for granted that he would agree to the plan.主语不完全及物动词形式宾语介词短语做it的宾语补足语名词从句做宾语被it代替take -for-将-视为-we take him for a good boy/good =we

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