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1、届高考英语完型填空专项训练完型填空专项训练The car, running along the well-lit road now sank in darkness. I broke the 36 on purpose, 37 that the driver was too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?”“9 oclock after this 38 .”“Then when do you come out in the morning?”I 39 another question. “9 o clock,

2、toojust as if I worked at an office.” His 40 surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I 41 from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, its hard to earn money, theyre often 42 by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazy, 43 the fruits. But

3、this driver told me, “ I find it 44 to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for 45 . Its fortunate that I hardly drive 46 a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand Yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never 47 an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a 48

4、 , I turn into a narrow street” His words showed his 49 with his life and the pride he 50 in his job Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high 51 。As an ancient saying goes,“Neither joy in material 52 nor grieve(痛苦) over Personal setbacks”How many people nowadays can show hig

5、h ideals by 53 living and go far with a calm mind? I couldnt help feeling 54 when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold 55 .36Awindow Bstillness Csilence D. quietness37Aon condition Bfor fear Cin belief D. in order38A. night Btrip Ccycle D. process39Athrew out Bgave away Cmade up D. l

6、ed to40Acharacter Bconfidence Cattitude D. easiness41Asuffer Brequest Cbenefit Dhear42Adetected Bordered Cfined Dseized43Akeeping Btasting C. enjoying Dchoosing44Aexciting Bdisappointing Ctiring D. amazing45Afreedom Bpleasure Chobby D. company46Awithout B. with Cbehind Dbeside47A .follow B. admire C

7、envy D. meet48Aroute Bpath Crailway Dhighway49Aintelligence Bsatisfaction Ccompetition Dhonesty50Amade Bheld Ccaught Dtook51Abuildings Bmountains Cstandard Dheaven52Agains Bconcerns Csupports D. loss53Aspecial Bhappy Csimple D. original54Aangry Bcontent Cdangerous D. curious55Amorning Bnight Cmoment

8、 Dseason解析:36. C. tooto“标志太而不能”由此可判断选C,作者有意打破沉默,以免司机因为疲劳而出问题。37. B. for fear 害怕。38. B. 这个故事发生在晚上,司机说他送完我就回家,因此选B项“出行”、39. A. 问了一个问题后,我接着对他发问。 Throw out 随口说出。40. D. 从这个司机的回答看,他不像别的出租车司机那样,他如此自在,这让我感到十分诧异。41. D. 我每次坐出租车时,从司机那听到的都是抱怨。42. C. 赚钱很难,而且经常被警察罚款。43. C. 或者抱怨说,领导懒洋洋地坐在办公室里享受他们的劳动果实。44. C. 从下文信息

9、可知,这个司机觉得他原先的生活很无聊,让人觉得很厌烦。45. B. 这个人觉得当司机很惬意,不要每天早起晚归,而且每个月能赚到足够的钱。46. A. 用hardlywithout双重否定表肯定的含义:很幸运,我几乎没开过空车。47. A. 从下文内容可知,从来不跟在空车后面,这样的车向南开,他就开车往北去。48. D. 与下文“狭窄的接到”呼应,选D表示“公路”。49. B. 从前文这个司机的描述看,他很喜欢自己开出租车的生活。50. D. take pride in ”以自豪“。51. B. 由生活常识可知,高山上的空气稀薄。52. A. 就像一句老话说的,“不以物喜,不以己悲”。53. C

10、. 就像这个司机这样的境界,过一种简单而有思想的生活。54. D. 此情此景,不禁让我感到不寻常。55. B. 文章开头就暗示了故事发生在晚上。Mr. Gray travelled a lot on business. He sold machines of various kinds to farmers, which he thought not really a very_1_job, but Mr. Gray had always been interested in _2_, and he was quite satisfied with his life. He had a big

11、 _3_, and usually enjoyed driving it long distances, but he was also quite _4_ to go by train sometimes too especially when the weather was _5_ . He was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow, and it was _6_tiring to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows without being wo

12、rried about how one was going to get to the next place.One of Mr.Grays _7_was often where to stay when he reached some small _8_in the country. He did not expect _9_ and wonderful food, but he found it annoying (恼火的) when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water_10_good food after a

13、 long and tiring day.Late one winter evening, Mr. Gray arrived at a small railway station. The journey by train that _11_ had not been at all interesting, and Mr. Gray was cold and tired and _12_ . He was looking forward to a _13_ but satisfying meal by a brightly burning _14_ , and then a hot bath

14、and a comfortable bed. While he was walking to the taxi stand, he said to a local man who was also_15_there, “As this is my _16_visit to this part of the country and I was in too much of a hurry to find out about hotels before I _17_home, I would very much like to know how many you have here.”The lo

15、cal man answered, “We have two.”“And which of the two would you_18_ me to go to?” Mr. Gray asked then. The local man scratched (搔) his_19_ for a few moments and then answered, “Well, its like this, _20_ one you go to, youll be sorry you didnt go to the other.”1. A. bad B. hard C. disappointing D. ex

16、citing2. A. farming B. gardening C. travelling D. driving3. A. taxi B. plane C. car D. boat4. A. satisfied B. tired C. excited D. encouraged5. A. cold B. hot C. cool D. bad6. A. more B. less C. much D. so7. A. problems B. questions C. purposes D. jobs8. A. room B. restaurant C. hotel D. place9. A. p

17、leasure B. comfort C. quietness D. peace10. A. or B. and C. but D. nor11. A. time B. day C. week D. moment12. A. cross B. thirsty C. sleepy D. hungry13. A. large B. simple C. rich D. wonderful14. A. fire B. candle C. oil D. light15. A. staying B. walking C. sitting D. working16. A. last B. best C. f

18、irst D. only17. A. left B. returned C. went D. missed18. A. want B. advise C. allow D. permit19. A. hand B. arm C. head D. back20. A. whichever B. whatever C. any D. each答案与分析本文是记叙文。全文以幽默的手法叙述了Mr. Gray在出差在外时所遇到的吃饭、住宿等方面的麻烦。1. D 从后面的but Mr.Gray had always been interested in 2(traveling, and he was qu

19、ite satisfied with his life.看前后为转折,后面用了interested与satisfied,因此用(not)exciting。2. C 从第二段开始,我们知道Mr. Gray为了推销机器,到处跑,因此travelling最合适。3. C 从下文but he was also quite 4(satisfied)to go by train看,他有一辆汽车。4. A 从破折号后的解释especially when the weather was to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows with

20、out being worried about how one was going to get to the next place,我们得出他有时也乐于乘火车。C有一定干扰性,excited意思是“兴奋的”,不合题意。5. D 从后面的He was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow我们知道在坏天气(bad weather),他就乘火车。6. B 从后面的to sit comfortably in a train看乘火车比开车要less tiring 。7. A 从后面的where to stay以及found it anno

21、ying when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water我们知道坐火车后住哪里是一直让他头疼的事情,因此用problems。 B有一定干扰性,question是需要回答的迷惑性问题,因此不合题意。8. D 联系后面他找房子困难我们知道他到的是乡下的小地方。9. B 四个选项都有干扰性。pleasure的意思是“乐趣”,comfort的意思是“舒适”,quietness意思是“静”,peace的意思是“和平”,指安全。联系后面的wonderful food,我们知道,虽然Mr. Gray不奢望舒适与美食(但他也不想得到

22、a cold room)。10. A 从前面的no得此答案。11. B 从Late one winter evening,我们知道Mr. Gray坐了一天的火车。12. D 从He was looking forward to a 13(simple)but satisfying meal我们看出他很饿了。13. B 从后面的but satisfying得此答案。其他选项都不与satisfying形成转折。14. A 联系前面的Mr.Gray was cold我们知道,Mr. Gray想在温暖的火炉旁吃一顿简单但令人满意的饭。15. B 联系前面的he was walking以及空前的also

23、得此答案。16. C 从Mr. Gray向陌生人询问宾馆我们知道,这是他第一次来这里。其他答案不合题意。17. A Mr. Gray现在是在一个陌生的地方,因此he left home。18. B 联系上下文,我们知道这是Mr. Gray让别人给自己介绍好的宾馆,因此用advise一词。19. C 因为自己也不知道究竟哪个好,因此他挠头。20. A 显然这个人想表达这两家宾馆都很差,因此他说“不论你走进哪一家,你都会后悔你没有去另一家。”whichever在这里引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter which,意思是“无论哪个”。 Two men on a touring holiday

24、 were injured by an explosion in their motor van (面包车) yesterday.Shoppers, traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were _1_ by a loud bang, and seconds later the two men jumped over from the van, which had stopped outside Barclays Bank. Several people rushed to give _2_ and helped to put out the

25、fire _3_the van. A light American truck changed the _4_ to provide living accommodation(临时居住)room , _5_firemen arrived.The men, Mr. Gary House, who was driving, and his_6_, Mr Charles Lynn were taken to hospital with slight _7_ . They were allowed to leave after _8_ . “I heard this explosion. It was

26、_9_ loud. I thought it could have been a (n) _10_.” said Mr. Leslie Webster, manager of the market, who was working in his office in Red Lion Street. “I looked out of the window and saw this lad jump from the van and _11_ on the ground. Then another lad came out of the van. He seemed to be in a _12_

27、 state parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees,”“I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器) , but_13_ the time I got outside someone from the bank was in the_14_ with an extinguisher.”Mr. Webster said both men were shocked. One was taken into the markets office to wait for a (n) _

28、15_ . “The second man _16_ going back into the van to see if everything was _17_ , and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was blazing,” he added. _18_ inside the van was mainly superficial (表面的),_19_a plastic window was blown out.The two men have spent the last six months_20_. At the

29、time of the incident their wives were shopping in the city.1. A. disappointed B. excited C. frightened D. shocked2. A. call B. warning C. report D. assistance3. A. inside B. outside C. around D. towards4. A. plan B. mind C. direction D. nature5. A. after B. before C. when D. until6. A. wife B. passe

30、nger C. visitor D. guest7. A. wounds B. sickness C. burns D. hurts8. A. operation B. treatment C. recovery D. examination9. A. often B. pretty C. usually D. actually10. A. bomb B. fire C. truck D. accident11. A. lie B. die C. roll D. fall12. A. good B. poor C. easier D. worse13. A. at B. for C. after D. by14. A. van B. office C. market D. room15. A. rescue B. doctor C. firefighter D. ambulance 16. A. kept on B. insisted on C. cared for D. gave up17. A. in order B. in all C. all right D. all over18. A. Equipment B. Suffering C. Damage D. Condition19. A. althoug

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