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1、高二上英语期中试题附答案听力2016-2017年高二上英语期中试题(附答案听力) 重庆十一中高2008级高二(上)半期考试英语试题考试说明: 1考试时间120分钟 2试题总分10分 3试卷共3张,10 页本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。注意事项: 1 答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 选出每小题答案前,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框,不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答

2、题卡上。第一节 (共小题;每小题1分,满分7分)听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 hat is the an?A A dtr B A laer A teaher 2 hat ill the an have t d?A Return the tape t the an B eep the tape fr anther ee Brr a tape rerder trr3 hat des the an ean?A ud is a gd studen

3、t B ud is ver pr in her lessns ud shuld fus n her stud4 hat des the thief l lie?A ediu height, ith a ell T-shirt B Quite shrt, ith lng bla hair Ver tall, ith lng ell hair here des the nversatin prbabl tae plae?A In a librar B In a restaurant In a eeting r第二节(共1小题;每小题1分,满分22分)听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,

4、从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题。6 hats the relatinship beteen the t speaers?A Student and teaher B lleagues lassates7 h desnt the an sta in the ffie ften?A Beause he finds it t nis B Beause hes t bus ith his urse Beause a is h

5、ard t get alng ith8 hat des Stan suggest the d?A ve t anther ffie B As fr a eeting r Tal t as students penl听第7段材料,回答第9、10题。9 hat d e n abut the an?A She is uh thinner than last ear B She is a little fatter than last ear She lies the red dress ver uh10 H ften des the an plan t g t the g?A Ever daB Ev

6、er t das Ever ee听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。11 hat des the lad ant t find ut?A hats nB hats rng hats up12 H lng des the afternn perfrane last?A 120 inutesB 10 inutes 16 inutes13 hat an e learn fr the nversatin?A The an ight be a visitr t the itB All hildren under 7 arent alled t enter An tiets are half prie 3

7、0 inutes befre the perfrane 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14 h used t live in the r?A The an B The ans sn The ans husband1 H des the an feel abut the r?A It is a nie r but nt s quiet B It is a gd plae but the rent is a bit high It is ust the ind f r he is interested in16 hat ill the an d next? A T ve in as sn as

8、 pssible B T e again the next rning T pa her 80 dllars in advane听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17 hat an be fund n the annuneent bard in the lal stres?A Se funn stries B Se servie infratin Se entertainent nes18 hat an e d b using the raigslist site?A ath vies B Pla puter gaes D se shpping nline19 hat des ling fr

9、 a b require arding t the tal?A ning hat ind f b is eas B ning hat b pas the st ne ning hat ind f r u ant t d20 H an as f finding a b are entined in the tal?A Less than threeB Three re than three 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。A I had been rin

10、g fr a pan in Australia fr re than ten ears I had ust fund a better b and I ne that the anager uld be disappinted hen I as leavingI reentl beae friends ith a ung an h had ust igrated (移民) t Australia t esape ar in his heland He as unsilled and as finding life diffiult as he as unepled The anager ase

11、d e t intrdue sene h I thught uld d the b ust as ell as e, s I t this pprtunit t arrange (安排) an intervie fr ne friend Hever, in the end, he as nt ffered the b after the intervieLater, I ased the anager h friend as turned dn The anager thught that his English as nt gd enugh fr the psitin, but I sugg

12、ested that friend ill be a gd hie fr the pan sine I uld train hi I believed that ne given the tie t learn, he uld d the b After a ees training, he as epled and as happ ith his psitin I ne h the terrible ar had fred hi t leave his heland and hat prie he had paid fr ding s I appreiate being able t liv

13、e in Australia and believe that this appreiatin is best prved b ffer ats f indness t peple in need f help The sile f appreiatin fr this an ntinues t tivate (激励) e t be ind21The reasn h the anager as disappinted hen the authr left a be that A the ere lse friends and he didnt ant hi t leaveB his leavi

14、ng ight ause re rers t leave the authr had never disagreed ith hiD the authr as an exellent rer fr the pan22 His ne friend as refused at the intervie beause A he as ea at English B the ere afraid he uldnt r there lng he had ust igrated fr anther untrD he as intrdued b the riter h as abut t leave the

15、 pan23H did the an get the b in the end?A He insisted that he uld d the b ell B The anager ne hi better and had pit fr hi He shed his nfidene and patiene during th e intervieD The authr helped train hi fr the b24hih f the flling stateents ight the authr agree ith?A The appreiatin fr a persn uve been

16、 ind t is the best gift u an getB If sene igrates t a freign untr, ning English is iprtant Peple h live in ther untries have diffiult getting gd bsD Peple shuld r hard and nt give up hen the ant find a bBSPEIAL EVENTS THIS EEENDaptain GdfellD ur hildren en interesting stries, funn gaes, and exiting

17、danes? aptain Gdfell ill be read t teah all these things t hildren f all ages at the it Theatres n Saturda rning at 10:00 Freealing Tur f the TnFrget ur rries n Saturda rning Tae a beautiful al and learn abut lal histr eet at the frnt entrane f it Hall at 9:30 ear frtable shes!Fils at the useuT Eurp

18、ean fils ill be shn n Saturda afternn at the useu Theatre See Bren ind at 1:30 The rers ill be at 3:4 Fr further infratin, all 4987898 Internatinal Pini Are u tired f eating the sae ind f fd ever da? e t entral Par n Saturda and en fd fr all ver the rld Deliius and nt expensive Nn t :00 pTae e ut t

19、the BallgaeIts tber, and tnight is ur last hane t see the Redbirds this ear Get ur tiets at the gate It ight be ld Dnt frget seaters and aetsD u ant t hear “The Z”?“The Z”, a ppular r grup fr Australia, ill give their first US nert this ear trr night at 8 Rse Hall, it llege 2 If u are ging n the ali

20、ng Tur, dnt frget _A ur rriesB ur beautiful al ur frtable shesD ur seaters and aets26 u an prbabl eat hinese, Italian and Arab fd _A at entral Par n SaturdaB at the frnt entrane f it Hall at the ballgaeD at :00 p27 hih f the flling is NT true?A “The Z” is an Australian r grupB “The Z” are ging t eet

21、 their Aerian audiene fr the first tie “The Z” ill appear at 8:00 pD “The Z” ill perfr in frnt f llege studentsIagine, ne da, getting ut f bed in Beiing and being at ur ffie in Shanghai in nl a uple f hurs, and then, after a full da f r, ging ba he t Beiing and having dinner thereSunds unusual, desn

22、t it? But its nt that unrealisti, ith the develpent f hinas high-speed raila sste hina has an even greater high-speed raila plan t nnet the untr ith Sutheast Asia, and finall Eastern Eurpe hina is planning t extend(延长) its n high-speed raila netr t up t 17 untries in 10 t 1 ears, eventuall reahing L

23、ndn and Singapre If hinas plan fr the high-speed raila ges frard, peple uld rush fr Lndn t Beiing ithin t das The ne sste uld still fll hinas high-speed raila standard And the trains uld be able t g 346 ileters an hur, alst as fast as se airplanes hinas bullet train(高速列车), the ne nneting uhan t Guan

24、gzhu, alread has the rlds fastest average speed It vers 1,069 ileters in abut three hurs f urse, there are se tehnial hallenges t vere There are s an issues that need t be settled, suh as safet and aintenane(保养) f raila tras S, its iprtant t pa attentin t ever detail But the e issue is reall ne hina

25、 is alread spending hundreds f billins f uan n lnger raila nstrutin hina prefers that the ther untries prvide natural resures rather than finanial investent Resures fr thse untries uld fld int hina t supprt develpentItll be a in-in pret Fr ther untries, the raila netr ill ertainl reate re pprtunitie

26、s fr business, turis and s n, nt t entin the better uniatin ang thse untries Fr hina, suh a pret uld nt nl nnet it ith the rest f Asia and bring se uh-needed resures, but uld als help develp hinas far est e predit that in the ing deades, illins f peple ill ve t the estern parts, here the land is ept

27、 and resures unused ith high-speed trains, peple ill set up fatries and business enters in the est And thell trade ith entral Asian and Eastern Eurpean untries28 Arding t the passage,the greatest hallenge t the ne high-speed raila plan is A finanial prbles B safet f the sste tehnial issuesD aintenan

28、e f raila tras29 hats the authrs attitude tards hinas high-speed raila plan?A Psitive B Negative Dubtful D ritial 30 hinas ne high-speed raila plan ill be a in-in pret beause A hina and the untries invlved ill get uh-needed resures B hina and the untries invlved ill benefit fr the pret in varius as

29、hin a ill develp its raila sste and uniatin ith ther untriesD the freign untries invlved ill develp their raila transprtatin, business and turis31 hih f the flling ight be the best title fr the passage? A Internatinal Raila Netr B High-speed Bullet Trains Big Raila Dreas D:Ne Raila StandardsDI heard

30、 an parents plaining that their teenage hildren are rebelling(叛逆) I suggested the reall their n teenage ears At that age the uld lie t be gring aa fr parents The preferred t stand n their n t feet But tae a gd l at the present rebellin It sees that teenagers are taing the sae a f shing that the disa

31、gree ith their parents Instead f ging ut fighting bravel n their n, st f the are luthing (紧握) at ne anthers hands fr reassuraneThe delare the ant t dress as the lie But the all ear the sae lthes The set ff in ne diretins in usi But seh the all end up gathering arund listening t the sae rerd Their reasn fr thining r ating in a siilar a is that the rd is ding it The have e ut f their n (蚕茧) int a larger nIt has bee harder and harder fr a teenager t stand up against the ppularit ave and t g his r her n a Industr has firl arved ut a teenage aret These das ever teenager an learn fr the advertisee

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