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1、大学英语测试与评估1第二版答案大学英语测试与评估(1)答案听力理解 2第一章 短对话 2Exercise One 2Exercise Two 3Exercise Three 4Exercise Four 5第二章 长对话 6Exercise One 6Exercise Two 8Exercise Three 10第三章 短文理解 11Exercise One 11Exercise Two 13Exercise Three 14Exercise Four 15第四章 短文听写 16一、 单词词组填空考查点 16二、单词及词组听写练习 18Exercise One 18Exercise Two 1

2、8Exercise Three 18第二篇 阅读理解 19第一章 篇章阅读 19一、五大题型攻克篇章阅读 19三、篇章阅读练习 21Exercise One 21Exercise Two 22Exercise Three 23Exercise Four 24Exercise Five 24Exercise Six 25Exercise Seven 26第二章 长篇阅读 26第三章 选词填空 28Exercise One 28Exercise Two 28Exercise Three 29Exercise Four 29Exercise Five 30Exercise Six 30Exercis

3、e Seven 31第三篇 段落翻译 31第一章 段落翻译练习 31第四篇 作文 34听力理解第一章 短对话Exercise One1.答案D 第三个选项与主题不符,应排除M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish weve gone to the beach instead.W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington Ill be happy here no matter what the temperature.Q:What does the woman

4、 mean?2. 答案C A 选项与主题不符,而且all太绝对,绝对的选项多半是错的W: Did you watch the 7 oclock program on Channel 2 yesterday evening? I was about to watch it when someone came to see me. M: Yeah. It reported some major breakthroughs in cancer research. People over 40 would find the program worth watching. Q: What do we l

5、earn from the conversation about the TV program?3. 答案 D A 选项与主题不符M: Do we have to get the opera tickets in advance?W: Certainly. Tickets at the door are usually sold at a higher price.Q: What does the woman imply?4. 答案C A C主题相关W: You bought a pair of jeans yesterday, didnt you? What are they like? M

6、: Oh, they are pretty much like my other ones, except with a larger waist. I guess I havent spent much time exercising lately.Q: What can we infer from the conversation about the man?5. 答案D A B; CD 主题相关或相近,听的时候应注意提问, 这道题同样也符合男女原则W: I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday. What do you

7、 think? M: I guess its something I havent acquired a taste for yet.Q: What does the man imply?6. 答案B 两项提及painting,一项提及artist work;三项提及时间。D 选项与主题不符 W: Have you finished that painting for the new student center?M: Just this morning, Ive been working extra hours all week, you know the building opens to

8、morrow.Q: What does the man mean? 7. 答案D C D 相关M: Jane missed class again, didnt she? I wonder why. W: Well, I knew she had been absent all week, so I called her this morning to see if she was sick. It turned out that her husband was badly injured in a car accident. Q: What does the woman say about

9、Jane?8. 答案 A, A D选项主题相关W: Ive been waiting here almost half an hour. How come it took you so long? M: Sorry, honey. I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? Exercise Two引导学生找出含义相反的选项1. 答案 D B D 相反W: Arent you disappointed that you

10、 didnt get the promotion?M: Maybe a little, but I know I need more experience before Im ready for that kind of responsibility.Q: What do we learn about the man from this conversation?2. 答案 D A D 相反W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled. M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the w

11、ork load has doubled.Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?3. 答案 D C D 相反M: I just received an Email from one of my former classmates. I was surprised, I hadnt heard from him for ages.W: Well, Ive been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line o

12、ccasionally,Q: What does the woman mean?4. 答案 B A B 相反M: Did you really give away all your furniture when you moved into the new house last month?W: Just the useless pieces, as Im planning to purchase a new set from Italy for the sitting room only.Q: What does the woman mean?5. 答案D A D 相反M: Ive brou

13、ght back your Oxford Companion to English literature. I thought you might use it for your paper. Sorry not to have returned it earlier.W: I was wondering where that book was.Q: What can we infer from that conversation?6. 答案A A B 相反 A女孩子们相处得很好;B女孩子们相处得不好M: What was it like working with those young st

14、ars?W: It was a great group, I always got mad when people said that we didnt get along, just because were girls, there was never a fight. We had a great time.Q: What does the woman mean?7. 答案 B B D 相反M: How do most students find a job after they graduate?W: They usually look for a job by searching t

15、he Want Ads in the newspapers.Q: What does the woman mean?8. 答案 D A D相反M: Hi, Jenny! Have you talked to Mr. Wright about the new sports program?W: Well, I contacted his office half an hour ago, and his secretary said he was out for lunch until 2:00.Q: What does the woman mean?Exercise Three1. 答案 D C

16、 选项与主题不符 提醒学生留意对话中的转折词W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.M: Im no doctor, but its not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?2. 答案C W: Just imagine! We h

17、ave to finish reading 300 pages before Monday! How can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?M: Yeah, but what troubles me is that I cant find the book in the library or in the university bookstore.Q: What does the man mean?3. 答案 A, 根据求同原则,排除D选项;转折处出题M: Bill says hes not working so h

18、ard on his biology project.W: But he spends a lot of time in the lab, doesnt he?Q: What does the woman imply about Bill?4. 答案 B, 转折处出题。四项均以he开头,描述某位男士的特点或状态 。信息点比较分散,需根据听音内容做出进一步的判断。M:ShouldweinviteMr.Smithtojoinusfordinnerthisweekend,hehasjustcomebackfromEngland.W:Youcanhaveatry,butasfarasIknow,hes

19、eldomacceptsinvitationsfromhisemployeeQ:WhatcanweinferaboutMr.Smith?5. 答案B 第一个选项与主题不符 男的先说自己不是专家,但是又提醒那位女士冰箱的声音不对,建议表建议的词后多半是答案:(What about? How about? Why not? Why dont? Youd better;Lets; Let me;be supposed to do;反问句。)M: Im no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesnt sound right. Maybe yo

20、u should have it fixed.W: Youre right. And I suppose Ive put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?6. 答案A A D主题相近 建议 M: Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping? The supermarkets outside the city are so much cheaper. Id also be happy to pick up anything you need.W:

21、 Well, I dont like to let anyone else drive my car. Tell you what, why dont we go together?Q: What does the woman mean?7. 答案A D 选项与主题不符 否定之后多半是答案所在M: The taxi driver must have been speeding.W: Well, not really. He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the t

22、ruck ahead of him.Q: What do we learn about the taxi driver?8. 答案 D 否定之后是答案所在:M: Its already 11 now. Do you mean I ought to wait until Mr. Bloom comes back from the class?W: Not really. You can just leave a note. Ill give it to her later.Q: What does the woman mean?(2006.12)Exercise Four1. 答案 A A B相

23、关 虚拟句处是重点W: I was so angry yesterday! My biology teacher did not even let me explain why I missed the field trip. He just wouldnt let me pass!M: That doesnt seem fair. Id feel that way too if I were you.Q: What does the man imply?2、答案 B 虚拟句处是重点:W: What would you do if you were in my position?M: If P

24、aul were my son, I just not worry, now that his teacher is giving him extra help and heis working hard himself. Hes sure to do well in the next exam.Q: Whats the mans suggestion to the woman?3. 答案 AW: Having visited so many countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.M: I wish I

25、 could. But Japanese and, of course English are the only languages I can speak.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?4. 答案 C to go out of ones way, if onlyM: I think the hostess really went out of her way to make the party a success.W: Yes, the food and drinks were great, but if only we had know

26、n a few of the other guests.Q: What did the two speakers say about the party?5. 答案 B 强调处出题M: Finally, Ive got the chance to put on my new suit tonight. I hope to make a good impression on your family.W: Come on! Its only a family reunion. So jeans and T-shirts are just fine.Q: What does the woman me

27、an?6. 答案 D 强调处出题M: Miss, can I interest you in a pork special with serving tonight? Its only 799, half the usual price and its very tasty.W: Oh really? I will try it.Q: What does the man say about the dish?7. 答案 A利用关键词考察地点、职业、人物关系等 M: If you can make up your mind about the color, I can start on the

28、outside of your house early next week.W: Well, right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but Ill let you know tomorrow.Q: Who is the woman talking to?8. 答案 DM: Hello, Mary. This is Paul at the bank. Is Tony home?W: Not yet. Paul. I dont think you can reach him at

29、 the office now, either. He phoned me five minutes ago to say he was stopping for a hair-cut on his way home.Q: What do you think the woman probably is?第二章 长对话Exercise One 1.M: Mrs. Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I just like to go over some of the things that you told polic

30、e officer Parmer at the bank.W: All right.M: Well, could you describe the man who robbed the bank for this report that were filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us.W: Well, just, I can only remember basically what I said before.M: Thats all right

31、.W: The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache.M: Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks?W: Um, no, none that I can remember.M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?W: Well, I guess around 30, maybe younger, give or take a few years.M: Mm, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?W: Yes, yes, he had on a dark sweater, a solid color.M: OK. Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?W: I r

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