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1、初三丰台一模英语一、听力(本题有l5小题,共20分。其中110小题每题l分,ll一l5小题每题2分) 第一节 (A)听句子,根据所提问题,选择正确图画。句子读一遍。 1. What is John looking for? 2. How does Tom learn Chinese? 3. What time does Miss Yuan drive to the office? 4. How does Mr Huang go to work? 5. Whats Lindas favourite subject? (B)听对话,根据所提问题,选择正确选项。对话读一遍。6. What will

2、the weather be like the day after tomorrow?A. Windy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 7. What did the man do in Harbin?A. He went skiing. B. He went skating. C. He went swimming. 8. Where do the elephants come from? A. Africa. B. Asia. C. America. 9. How far away is the post office?A. About two blocks. B. About

3、 four blocks. C. About six blocks. 10. Why is Wang Dong getting so fat?A. He likes sugar and meat very much. B. He doesnt often take exercise. C. He never goes to work on foot. 第二节听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段较长的对话,回答第ll至第l2小题。11. Whats the matter with the man?A. He finds it difficult to go to sleep at n

4、ight.B. He cant sweep the floor. C. He was seriously ill. 12. How many days has the man been like this?A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第、l3至第l5小题。13. Who had the worst morning?A. DingJun. B. Li Mei. C. The saleswoman. 14. When did Li Meis daughter buy her a pair of new shoes?A

5、. Today. B. Last night. C. Yesterday. 15. Why did she go back to change the new shoes? A. Because the shoes were too small. B. Because the shoes were broken. C. Because the shoes were too big. 二、单项填空(本题有l0小题,每小题l分,共10分) 从A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空格的最佳选项。16. Im going to take my driving test tomorrow. - . A

6、. Congratulations B. Id love toC. Good luck D. Thats a deal17. Thanks to the Internet, the world seems to become . A. smaller and smaller B. small and smallC. more and more small D. smallest and smallest18. What do you do Mid - autumn Day?-We usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes in the open air. A

7、. to B. in Cat D. on19. Im sorry, but cant you see the sign which says No A. parks B. park C. parking D. parked20. Whats the result of the basketball match ?Our team the game by a score of 72 to 68. A. will win B. won C. wins D. had won21. exercise every day, my child. Its good for your health. Fath

8、er said to Mary. A. Takes B. To take C. Taking D. Take22. students will come to study in our school this autumn. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Hundreds D. Hundred23. To our great surprise, the blind girl learned to music so well just by ear. A. give B. take C. carry D. play24. Could you tell me yo

9、u are going to be when you grow up?-An engineer. A. how B. when C. what D. if25. At the school sports meet class got more medals than theirs. A. our B. ours C. we D. ourselves三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题l分,共l5分) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从2640各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。John was so lazy that he stayed home and watched television a

10、ll day instead of working. One day his 26 saw a Help wanted ad in the supermarket window. The supermarket needed 27 to put things on the shelves. She told the manager drat her husband didnt have a job but he was very 28 She told him that John would come to apply for (申请) the job. 29 she got home and

11、 told John about the job, he was just watching television attentively. It made her so angry that she 30 the TV and ordered him to go and see the manager of the supermarket. John didnt want his wife to be angry. So he went. On the way, John drought if the manager 31 him the job, he wouldnt be able to

12、 stay home and watch television all day long. He would have to 32 in the supermarket every day. Then he had 33 . He decided to tell the manager that something was wrong with his shoulder so he 34 not raise his arm above his head. He was 35 the manager wouldnt give him the job. When he arrived at the

13、 supermarket, he told the manager that he needed the job. Are you strong? the manager asked. John explained that he couldnt raise his 36 above his head. John told him that he 37 an ccident at home while digging in the garden. How 38 can you raise your arm? the manager asked. John lifted his arm 39 O

14、nly this high, he said. And how high could you raise it 40 the accident? asked the manager. This high, said John. And he lifted his arm above his head. 26. A. wife B. daughter C. neighbor D. mother27. A. everyone B. someone C. none D. no one28. A. busy B. old C. strong D. weak29. A. Unless B. Becaus

15、e C. Before D. When30. A. gave off B. put up C. turned off D. turned on31. A. sent B. offered C. told D. called 32. A. play B. rest C. work D. shop33. A. an idea B. a question C. a lesson D. an order34. A. may B. should C. must D. could35. A. sorry B. sure C. afraid D. shy36. A. arm B. leg C. foot D

16、. shoulder37. A. had B. took C. happened D. got 38. A. low B. high C. far D. long 39. A. a great deal B. very high C. a little D. a lot 40. A. before B. after C. if D. though四、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ACharlie was spending his summer holidays by the sea. One day he c

17、limbed over some rocks. He was looking for some crabs (螃蟹) for supper. He took off his shorts and put them on a rock. The afternoon went quickly. Time was flying by. Look! The sea was coming in fast. It was over some of the rocks now. Charlie looked up. Its getting late. Oh dear! Look at the sea. Wh

18、ere are my shorts now? he thought. He saw them on a rock. Oh dear! The rock was an island! Now he must swim and got them. Charlie jumped into the sea and started swimming. He reached the rock and put his shorts on his head. Then he started swimming back. Oh no! The sea was too strong for Charlie. It

19、 was pulling him away from the beach. Help! he called. I cant get back. Luckily, a boat was coming by. The people in the boat saw Charlie and heard his call for help. Are you all right? asked the woman in the boat. No! I cant swim back. The sea is too strong. The woman stopped the boat and she and a

20、 girl pulled Charlie into the boat. He threw his shorts into the boat too. Then they turned the boat Bound and took Charlie back to the beach. That was lucky, said the woman. Thank you very much, said Charlie. Be careful next time, said the woman. The sea is usually very strong near these rocks. Nex

21、t time, Im going to keep my shorts in my bag, said Charlie. Better safe than sorry!41. Where did the story take place? . A. In the hills B. By the sea C. On the river D. In the town42. What was Charlie doing that day? . A. He was watching the sea B. He was looking for seafoodC. He was lying on the b

22、each D. He was helping the people in the boat43. Before looking for crabs, Charlie put . A. his shirts in a bag B. his shoes on a rockC. his shorts in a bag D. his shorts on a rock44. Charlie cried for help because A. the sea was carrying him away from the beachB. the sea was pulling Charlie onto th

23、e rocksC. the sea was getting lowerD. the sea was going out45. Who saved Charlie? . A. A man and a girl B. Two menC. A woman and a girl D. A man and a boyBNew York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and do. You can go to diffe

24、rent kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities too. Its expensive to live there, and there are too many people in some places in big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good

25、 schools and receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or good places to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before they move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living ther

26、e. 46. In big cities people can do all of the following EXCEPT . A. going to different kinds of museumsB. seeing many kinds of plays and filmsC. buying things from all over the world D. living there with little money47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? . A. Big cities are not

27、 clean and safe enoughB. People can easily find good places to live in in big citiesC. People can always find work to do in big cities D. All people like to live in big cities48. From the passage we know that . A. people in big cities are usually very dirty B. Paris is an exciting place for people t

28、o live in C. people will no longer like living in big cities D. big cities dont have serious problems49. In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people . A. to move to big citiesB. not to move to big citiesC. to move to big cities without thinking of any problemsD. to move to big cities af

29、ter they think over the problems of living there50. Which is the best tide for this passage? . A. Big Cities B. Interesting Things in Big CitiesC. Good Schools in Big Cities D. New York, London and ParisCHave you ever heard an echo of your voice?An echo is a reflected (反射) sound. Stand in a very lar

30、ge, empty hall with nothing on the walls. Then shout. The sounds you make will hit the walls and come back to you. The walls reflect the sounds. These reflected sounds are called echoes. We can use reflected sound to make sound travel farther. Hold a watch about fifty centimeters from your ear. You

31、cannot hear it. The sound of the watch travels a short way in all directions. lt does not travel as far as your ear. You can make it travel to your ear by using a roll of cardboard (纸板筒). Make the roll of cardboard about fifty centimeters long. Put one end over your ear and hold the watch at the oth

32、er. Now you can hear the watch because the sound has not gone in all directions. lt is reflected down the roll to your ear. A megaphone (喇叭筒) works in the same way. It makes sound travel farther. lt reflects the sound into a beam which can travel a long way. In the ship, the sailor uses the megaphone to make his vo

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