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1、狮子王电影中英文对白小狮子被捡到狮子王中英对白 -1页- 你还好吧?孩子 我想是吧 - You OK,kid? - I guess so. 你差点就死了 - You nearly died. 我救了你 - I saved you. 彭彭也帮了一滴滴忙 Well,Pumbaa helped. a little. 谢谢你们帮忙 Thanks for your help. 你要去哪里? - Hey,where you going? 不知道 - Nowhere. 他看起来很BLUE Gee,he looks blue. 我倒觉得是金黄色 Id say brownish gold. 不,我是说沮丧 No

2、,no,no. I mean hes depressed. 孩子你在烦什么? Kid,whats eating you? 烦?狮子可是万兽之王 Nothing. Hes at the top of the food chain. 烦个屁呀! The food chain. 那你从哪儿来的? So,where you from? 谁在乎?我又不能回去 Who cares? I cant go back. 你是被扫地出门的 Ah,youre an outcast. 好极了!我们也是 - Thats great. So are we. 你做了什么事? - Whatd you do,kid? 很可怕的

3、事 但是我不想跟你们说 Something terrible,but I dont want to talk about it. 很好,我们也不想听 Good. We dont want to hear about it. 拜托,丁满 我们能帮忙吗? Come on,Timon. Anything we can do? 除非你们能够改变历史 Not unless you can change the past. 孩子你要知道在这个时候 我这位伙伴丁满说 Kid,in times like this,my buddy Timon here says. 你必须把你的背后抛到过去 you got t

4、o put your behind in your past. 不 - No,no,no. 我是说 笨蛋 Amateur. - I mean. 能不能闭上你的乌鸦嘴呀 Lie down before you hurt yourself. 是你必须把过去抛到脑后 Its,you got to put your past behind you. 孩子 你常会碰到一些倒霉的事 Look,kid,bad things happen. 而你却拿它没办法,对吧? and you cant do anything about it,right? 对 错 - Right. - Wrong! 当这个世界遗弃你的

5、时候 When the world turns its back on you. 你就去遗弃这个世界 you turn your back on the world. 我以前学的不是这样 Well,thats not what I was taught. 那么你或许应该学点新知识 Then maybe you need a new lesson. 跟着我一起念 Repeat after me. 什么? HAKUNAMATATA - Hakuna matata. - What? 就别担心 It means no worries. 真是很有意思 What a wonderful phrase 简单

6、又好记 Aint no passing craze 从现在开始 It means no worries 你不必再担心 For the rest of your days 不必像从前 Its our problem free 听天由命 Philosophy 是我们的座右铭什么是座右铭? - Yeah. Its our motto. - Whats a motto? 管它呢?跟着念就行了 Nothing. Whats a motto with you? 孩子你要知道 You know,kid, 这几个字能够解决你所有的问题 these two words will solve all your p

7、roblems. 对了!拿彭彭举例来说 Thats right. Take Pumbaa,for example. Why. 当他是只小山猪 When he was a young warthog 当我是只小山猪 When I was a young warthog 很好 - Very nice. 谢啦 - Thanks. 看他好像魅力十足风度翩翩 He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal 看来看去好像缺少一些东西 He could clear the savanna after every meal 虽然我长得丑 Im a sensitive so

8、ul 可是很温柔 Though I seem thick skinned 我终于发现我没办法出人头地 And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind 真丢脸 - And,oh,the shame 太丢脸罗 - He was ashamed 我想过改名字 - Thought of changing my name 改什么名字? - Oh,whats in a name? 我终于放弃 - And I got downhearted 为什么? - How did you feel? 每次我想 Every time that l. 彭彭,不要在小孩面前

9、 Hey,Pumbaa,not in front of the kids. 对不起 Oh,sorry. 真是很有意思 What a wonderful phrase 简单容易记 Aint no passing craze 从现在开始 It means no worries 没有烦恼忧虑 For the rest of your days 好!唱下去 Yeah,sing it,kid. 不必像从前 Its our problem free 听天由命 Philosophy 欢迎来到寒舍 Welcome to our humble home. 你们住在这里呀? - You live here? 没错

10、 - We live wherever we want. 对!家就是休息的地方 Yep. Home is where your rump rests. 好漂亮 Its beautiful. 好饿 Im starved. 我肚子饿得可以吃下一匹斑马了 Im so hungry I could eat a whole zebra. 我们这里没有新鲜斑马肉 Ah,were fresh out of zebra. 那有羚羊吗? - Any antelope? 没有 - Nuh-uh. 河马呢? - Hippo? 也没 - Nope. 对了!孩子 Listen,kid, 如果你跟我们住就得跟我们吃的一样

11、 if you live with us,you have to eat like us. 这里像是可以弄到昆虫的好地方 This looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub. 那是什么? Ew,whats that? 昆虫,不然你以为是什么? A grub. Whats it look like? 哦好恶心 Ew,gross. 吃起来像鸡肉 Mmm. Tastes like chicken. 粘粘的,但是还不错 Slimy,yet satisfying. 这真是少有的美味 These are rare delicacies. 咬起来脆脆的,口感

12、十足 Piquant,with a very pleasant crunch. 你会喜欢的啦 Youll learn to love them. 你听我说,这种生活最棒了 Im telling you,kid,this is the great life. 没有规则也没有责任 no rules,no responsibilities. 这个虽小油水很多 Ooh,the little green-filled kind. 而且最棒的是没有忧虑 And best of all,no worries. 来一点吧 Well,kid? 粘粘的,但是还不错 Slimy,yet satisfying. 这就对了 Thats it. 从现在开始 It means no worries 你不必再担心 For the rest of your days 不必像从前 Its our problem free 听天由命 Philosophy 有谁知道我心中悲伤 Nobody knows The trouble Ive seen 有谁知道我痛苦 Nobody knows My sorrow 继续阅读

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