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1、高中英语难点词语使用解释一高中英语难点词语使用解释一,高中英语难点词语使用解释一,使用代用词one应注意的问题英语中one可用作代用词.它代替上文出现的名词词组中心词,以避免重复.使用代用词one时需注意以下几个方面:1.只能代替可数名词,不能代替不可数名词.eg:I havent got a raincoat.Ill have to buy one. Browns old car is much better than our new one.2.复数名词的代用词为 ate all the big cherries and left me the little ones.

2、There was a mother bird in the nest and there were four young ones.3.代用词one的常用关联情况1)与前面带有冠词的形容词连用.eg:We are moving from our present house into a smaller one.Have you any knives I need a sharp one.I like a strong cup of tea better than a weak one.I propose in this chapter and in the following one to

3、give an outline of the pioneering work.2)与形容词性物主代词和形容词连用.eg:Take off your blue dress and put on your green one.3)其前有定冠词,其后有后置修饰语(形容词短语或定语从句).eg:If you cant find your pen, use the one on the table.Hand me my coat,please.It is the one hanging on the third hook.Of the two watches, I prefer the one that

4、 you showed us first.4)与this和that连用,其后可接后置修饰语或定语从句.eg:You sit in that chair,and Ill have this one.The book I am referring to is that one on the second shelf.The most valuable ring that l possess is this one I am wearing.5)其前可用广义序数词,如next,1ast, other,another及疑问代词which等.eg:Lets finish this exercise so

5、 we can go on to the next one.Some of the answers were correct,but I dont remember which ones.6)在口语中,代用词one常与形容词最高级连用.eg:Betty had tens of thousands of Augustuss 1etters. She chose from these thousands the fifteen most damaging ones she could find.4.代用词one(或ones)的省略1)句中形容词表示前后对比时,可以省略代用词.eg:His prof

6、essional instincts are stronger than his personal (ones).Local political forces are 1ess concentrated than national(ones).There are,of course,bad architects as well as good(ones).AngloSaxon should be preferrted to foreign words,and the short word to the long(one).2)句中只提到两种可能性时,一般省略代用词.eg:The new lib

7、rary will be like the o1d(one).Lean years may be expected to follow the fat(ones).3)形容词比较级后常省略代用词.eg:I know this is not quite the right word,but I cant be bothered to think of a better(one).There were two tables 1aidhe and Ann were expected to preside at the smaller (one).4)不定冠词+原级形容词后的代用词一般不省略.eg:H

8、ave you any knives I need a sharp one.5.不使用代用词的场合1)one不可用来代替不可数名词或集合名词.以下各句中省略的均不是代用词 prefer the red wine to the white (wine).It is cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new (furniture) made.2)one一般不能与own连用.eg:I cant write properly with your pen;Id rather use my own.(不能用my own one)Mrs S

9、mith is both 1oved and respected in many countries besides her own.(不能用her own one)3)one不能置于所有格名词或形容词性物主代词之后.eg:As my own bicycle was broken,I borrowed Johns.(不能用Johns one)Is this my pen,or is it yours (不能用your one)如需连用,所有格名词或形容词性物主代词与代用词之间必须有一形容词,如Johns old one,your new one,my best one等.eg:You may

10、borrow my o1d pen,if you wish,but I cannot 1end you my best one.My humble fate is curiously bound up with Johns illustrious one.4)one不能与these和those连用.eg:I dont care for those flowers;I would rather have these.These machines are better than those we turned out last year.5)one不能与基数词连用.eg:You have thre

11、e book; I have only two.(不能用two ones)但在口语中有时可以例外.eg:There were a 1ot of artistic kinds of people there,and one or two ones from the BBC.二,to.to结构之肯定意义的语域及其成因研究tooto是英语中常见的,以其肯定形式表示否定意义的结构.但是,并不是所有的tooto结构都表示否定意义.在某些情况下,tooto结构也表示肯定意义.下面将从too.to结构的语义特征分析其肯定意义及其语域和成因.一,too.to结构的肯定意义在某些特殊副词+tooto结构语域中的

12、体现及其成因研究:1.语域研究too.to结构之前带有but,only,all,simply,just时,该结构表示强烈的肯定意义,汉译为非常/十分/实在/真是太等.eg:They are but too glad to do so.他们非常喜欢这么做.The patient was only too willing to be operated upon.病人非常愿意接受手术.We are all too satisfied to take your advice.我们非常乐意接受你的建议.We shall be simply too glad to help you.我们很乐意帮助你.I

13、am just too glad to help you.能帮你的忙,我真是太高兴了.2.成因研究在以上例句中,too前面的but,only,all,simply,just等副词只起到了加强语气的作用.因此,用于too.to结构前面的这几个副词可以互换,而不定式,to则表示原因,有肯定意义.另外,该用法中的too只表示程度深一些,所以不会对其后的形容词产生否定意义,反而更强调了其肯定意义.二,too.to结构的肯定意义在否定副词+too.to结构和too.+notto语域中的体现及其成因研究1.语域研究too.to结构前也可以加否定副词not或never构成not/never tooto和to

14、o.not to结构.该结构不表示否定,而表示肯定,译为不太可以,决不能,非常(很,太,那么)不会不(必定能,所以能).eg:He is not too weak to carry the bag.他不太弱小;可以背得动那个书包.The box is not too heavy to lift.这只箱子不太重,可以抬得起来.It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未晚也.One is never too old to learn.活到老学到老.He is too careful not to have noticed that.他那么小心,肯定会注意到那一点的.Y

15、ou are too kind not to help me.你很善良,肯定会帮助我的.2.成因研究 当too表示太,过分意义时,它是一个表示超量的程度副词,对其后所跟的形容词起一种消极作用,含有否定意义,因此就导致了tooto结构含有否定意义.但如果在too前加否定词not或never,形成双重否定,则能使原来具有否定意义的too.to结构转化为肯定意义.三,tooto结构的肯定意义在too+特殊形容词+to结构语域中的体现及其成因研究1.语域研究有时可以在too之后加表示某种心情或描绘性的形容词,表示肯定意义.这类形容词有glad,pleased,happy,satisfied,ready,apt,incline,kind,eager等.eg:He is too ready to help others.他十分乐意帮助别人. He is too inclined to be cheated.他很容易上当受骗. Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar.初学者极易犯语法错误. He is too e

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