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1、高中英语LifeThrowsaBrickatYourHead教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思教学设计【设计理念】小故事蕴含大道理,本课贯彻英语学科核心素养即语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,其中对于学生思维品质的训练尤为突出。鼓励学生在教师的引导下,通过实践、体验、参与、小组合作与探究等方式,内化输入,外化为输出,逐步掌握语言知识与技能,提升情感态度,掌握有效的学习策略和自主学习能力。本节课,教师根据对文本的理解,训练学生思维的逻辑性和批判性,提升学生分析和解决问题的能力。 【内容分析】本文本属于小故事大道理类的阅读课,基于文章的文体,让学生通过阅读了解故事发展的结构和故事构成的要素,并

2、对于what, how, why 的信息获取进行训练。此外,在文章中学生学会了在阅读中关注人物的性格和感情的变化。通过文章中关键词“brick”培养乐观的生活态度和积极向上的生活作风。【学生分析】 本次授课学生为高一年级学生,他们来高中学习已经接近一年,有了一定的阅读基础和单词量,通过阅读这样的故事类文章对学生的思维进行训练,让他们学会积极的看待问题和对待人生中出现的问题。本课遵循语言的学习规律,本节课主要让学生自行阅读,猜测学习单词短语,引导他们对关键词进行理解,最后输出讨论成果,输入输出有机结合。在教学设计上,遵循他们的身心发展规律,由浅入深,层层递进,设计不同的教学活动,让大部分学生参与

3、进来。在学生生成部分,要注意引导学生用学过的词组句型,避免语法问题。【教学目标】1) 知识目标:学习故事类文体的结构、要素以及深层次情感。2) 技能目标:培养学生在阅读中了解文章结构能力、快速获取主要信息能力、发散思维能力以及合作探究精神。3) 情感目标:通过指导学生对文本知识的学习与探讨,进一步让学生学会乐观的看待问题,积极主动的解决问题。【重点难点】Important points: 1. To learn the structure of the story and basic elements.2. To learn to get the general idea and detail

4、s of this text by skimming(略读) and scanning(查读).Difficult points: To understand the hidden meaning of the story and learn to face life positively. 【教法分析】根据本课为故事类文体的特点,以“任务型”教学为依据,确立如下方法:1. 情境教学法:创设一定的情境,在用中学,在学中用。2. 交际法:学生通过讨论和小组合作,培养自主探究、合作学习能力。3. 整体教学法:学生中体感知课文初步了解大意,局部梳理并细化对课文的理解,再进一步整体理解课文,为语言的输

5、出做好铺垫。4. 讨论法。5. 现代化教学手段多媒体辅助教学。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming-upIf your car is damaged like this, what are your feelings?Step 2 Fast reading Activity 1 finish the structure of the story.Activity 2 Find the elements(要素)of this story where It happened in the _ who It happened between _ and _. what and how? Step

6、 3 Detailed reading what how feelings charactersActivity 1 Answer the question. (paragraph 1)1. Whats your first impression of the actor?Activity 2 Answer the following questions. (para2-_)2. What was the young mans first reaction?3. Why did the kid throw the brick at the young mans new car? Activit

7、y 3 Fill in the blanks. (para_-7)4. After knowing the cause, how did the young man feel and what did he do?He was _and _the young man back into the wheelchair and _his handkerchief and _the cuts, _to see that everything was going to be okay. Activity 4 Answer the question. (para8-9)5. Why did he nev

8、er repair the side door? Can you savor(体味) his feeling?Step 4 Further readingSummarize the feelings of the young man and the characters of the two people.Listen and feelIts a long walk backs to his Jaguar.a long, slow walk. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent to remind him not to go

9、through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Whats your story?Do you have the similar experience?Would you swallow the “brick” in your throat like this young man? Step 5 Group discussionCritical Thinking How do we treat the “bricks” in our life? How do we avoi

10、d the “bricks” in our life in the writers eye?Step6 Homework Required work Suppose you are the young man of the story, please write a diary to put down what happened to you today and your feelings.Optional work Continue to write this story, what happened afterwards?Step 7 Reflection and self-assessm

11、ent Key words & phrases: _Key sentence pattern: _What Ss have learned about the story:_学情分析本次授课学生为高一年级学生,经过快一年的学习初步具备一定的阅读能力,能够用英语进行一定的交流。在教学设计上,将“以学生为本,以学生的发展为本”的课程理念贯穿于整个教学过程中;将“自主学习、体验参与、合作探究”的学习方式渗透于学习过程中,遵循他们的身心发展规律,由浅入深、由易到难、逐层拓展、循序渐进地实施课堂有效教学。设计不同的教学活动,让大部分学生参与进来。在学生生成部分,要注意引导学生用学过的词组句型,避免语法问

12、题。效果分析 通过提问问题和图片的展示,极大地激发了学生的兴趣,让学生把抽象的文字与故事情节发展联系起来。通过快速阅读,学生对文体和文章的主要结构有所了解,并对相关单词短语有所熟悉,增强了学生快速阅读能力和猜测词义的能力,对后期输出有一定作用。精读部分,学生能注意到情节发展和人物情感的变化,学会分析人物性格。小组活动部分让学生结合自身经历体会“brick”的深层含义,学会乐观积极的看待问题和对待人生。总的来说,尽管存在输出不充分的问题,但学生通过讨论达到了预期的学习效果。教材分析“Life throws a brick at your head”是属于小故事大道理的阅读课。从文体结构上看,本文

13、是一篇形式清晰、结构分明的记述文,从故事的开头到情节的发展再到故事的高潮,最后得出深刻的人生哲理。 从内容来看,文章的主题是“brick”,阅读部分首先通过图片让学生体会如果自己新买的爱车被砖头砸了,自己是什么反应,这样先入为主体会文章主人公的感受,为以后情感的发展做好了铺垫。文章的词汇量并不是很大,生僻单词已给出,通过阅读作者可以获得故事情节的四部分,即开头、发展、高潮和结尾。此外阅读中主要训练学生对于故事情节发展的what, how,why的理解,中间贯穿故事发展的线索一是关键词brick,二是feelings,此外对于故事中人物的性格也进行了分析。学生通过本节课的阅读,不仅对故事情节的要

14、素和线索有了了解,重要的是对于文章中关键词“brick”的认识也加深了,为以后阅读相同故事类的文本,及深层含义的理解有很大帮助。测评练习Extensive readingA young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar(捷豹汽车). He was watching _41_kids dashing out from between parked cars and_42_ when he thought he saw s

15、omething.As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick_43_into the Jags side door. He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag back to the _44_from where the brick had been thrown.He jumped out of the car, grabbed some kid and pushed him up against a parked car, _45_, What was that all about and

16、who are you? What are you doing? Building up a head of steam, he went on Thats a new car and that brick you threw is going to_46_a lot of money. Why did you do it?Please, Mister, please, Im sorry. I didnt know what else to do! pleaded the youngster.Its my brother, he said. He rolled_47_the curb (路边)

17、 and fell out of his wheelchair and I cant_48_him up._49_, the boy asked the executive, Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? Hes hurt and hes too _50_ for me._51_beyond words, the driver tried to _52_the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He lifted the young man back into the

18、 wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and_53_the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be okay.Thank you, sir. And God bless you, the _54_child said to him. The man then watched the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward their home.It was a long walk back to his Jaguar. a long, slow walk. He never did _55_ the side door. He kept the dent(凹痕) to _56_him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your _57_.

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