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1、高一英语上册第三次周考试题高一英语上册第三次周考试题本试卷考察内容:必修I Unit 2第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21. He_ and asked me if I knew the time. . A. came up with B. Came about C. Came up D. Came across22. When I give up work I shall take a long _ over sea. A. trip B. Travel C. jou

2、rney D. voyage23. As is known to all language learners, the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless_used in everyday communication. A. gradually B. Accurately C. familiarly D. frequently24. He had changed so much that I didnt _ him at first sight. A. know B. realize C. recognize D. see25. -

3、What do you think _ an important part in their lives?-Folk music. A. plays B. takes C. makes D. acts26. The army office _ his men to fire as soon as the enemy came up. A. requested B. commanded C. begged D. suggested27. The open-air celebration has been put off _ the bad weather.(07 浙江)A. in case of

4、 B. In spite of C. Instead of D. Because of28. The _ om his face told me that he was angry. (06 湖北)A. impression B. Sight C. appearance D. expression29. During the flight to the Moon, Change I Satellite_ adjusts her direction so that she can go into her programmed orbit and then circle around it at

5、the most appropritate angle(角度). (08 全国I)A. and B. whereas C. thus D. so30. This tree looks high and strong but _ its trunk is hollow. A. really B. truly C. Actually D. surely第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3150各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Differe

6、nt people 31 have different answers. Have you 32 noticed ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? “We help you 33 English within six weeks, or your 34 will be given back. . . ” “Easy and fun! Our records and tapes help you master your English in a month. 35 the first day your 36 will be exce

7、llent. Just send. . Of course, it never 37 quite like that. The only language that seems 38 to learn is the mother tongue. We still 39 that we all learned our own language well when we were 40 If we could learn English 41 the same way, it would not seem so difficult. 42 what a small child does-He li

8、stens to what people 43 and tries to imitate(模仿)what he hears. When he wants something, he has to ask for it. He is using the language, talking in it, 44 in it all the time. Just imagine how much 45 he does!So it is 46 to say that learning English is easy, because a good command(掌握)of English 47 upo

9、n a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and 48 much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books. And dictionaries will 49 though they cannot do the students 50 for him. 31. A. should B. shall C. may D. would32. A. Ever B. still C. never D. yet33. A. Know B. Get C. Study D. master34. A. k

10、nowledge B. Time C. money D. English35. A. from B. On C. since D. after36. A. spelling B. listening C. writing D. pronunciation37. A. happened B. Looked C. seemed D. felt38. A. difficult B. likely C. easy D. good39. A. Know B. remember C. understand D. think40. A. students B. children C. Babies D. g

11、raduates41. A. with B. through C. by D. in42. A. imagine B. mind C. do D. look43. A. saw B. listened to C. looked D. noticed44. A. Using B. thinking C. trying D. doing45. A. Time B. money C. language D. practice46. A. Hard B. possible C. necessary D. important47. A. depends B. tries C. has D. spends

12、48. A. Uses B. Takes C. Gets D. costs49. A. do B. work C. Help D. improve50. A. reading B. washing C. experiment D. work第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat is the hottest topic at your school? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, its money. The school ran an activity

13、called making a living recently. About 800 Junior I and Junior II students were divided into 112 teams. They went out to make money by selling things. What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold paper shopping begs and bamboo baskets. Hu Qis team decided t

14、o sell educational books in front of the Children Activity Center. There are always many parents around there and they thought parents would like to spend money for their children, especially on books. But unluckily, they met with urban management officers(城管人员). The officers asked them to leave. We

15、 played hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)with the officers for the whole morning, said Hu. Finally we gave up and moved to other places. Wang Yongyi and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didnt meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying t

16、he money was to help the Project Hope(希望工程)for countryside kids. It was useful. More people came to them. A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan without asking for change. Meng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39. 5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. It

17、 was not easy to make the money, said Meng. Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didnt buy any. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to earn the money we need to live happy lives. 51. Hu Qis team sold books in front of the Children Activity Center because_. A. there were no urban man

18、agement officers thereB. they could play hide-and-seek thereC. they thought parents would buy books for their children. D. they were familiar with the place52. More people came to Wang and her team because they_. A. liked their ice cream B. wanted some changeC. were interested in their ice cream D.

19、wanted to help countryside kids. 53. How much did Meng Zhaoxiangs team make in four hours?A. 39. 5 yuan B. 80 yuan C. 40. 5 yuan D. 100 yuan54. Through the activity, most children learn that_. A. it is hard to make money B. it is necessary to help country kidsC. it is easy to sell cakes D. it is imp

20、ortant to live a happy life. BOne day a rich father took his young son on a trip to the country. He wanted to show him the poverty in the world. They spent a day and a night at the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”“Very good,

21、 Dad!”“Did you see how the lives of the poor can be?” the father asked. “Yeah!”“And what did you learn?” After thinking for a moment, the son answered “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden, and they have a creek(小溪)that has no

22、end. We have imported lamps in the garden, and they have the stars. Our patio( 天井)reaches to the front yard, and they have a whole horizon(地平线). ”When the little boy finished, his father was speechless. His son added, “Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are!”Isnt it true that it all depends on

23、the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude toward life, youve got everything! You cant buy any of these things. You can have all the material possessions you can imagine, provisions for the future, etc, but if you are poor of spirit, you

24、 have nothing!555. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?A. A foolish boy misunderstood his father. B. A smart father couldnt teach a good lesson to his son. C. Different people have different views of the world. D. Different people hold different views that how poor they are. 56.

25、What did the father do for his son?A. He took his son to visit a farm so he could learn something. B. He took his son to visit a farm so he could learn to enjoy the countryside. C. He took his son to visit a farmer. D. He took his son to learn how to do farming. 57. . What did the boy get out of thi

26、s trip?A. He realized that the country family he visited was very poor. B. He learned that he was lucky to be born into a rich family. C. He learned that the country family was much richer than his own family. D. He realized that he was lucky to visit the farm. 58. Was the father satisfied with his

27、sons answer?A. Yes, he was very proud of his son. B. Yes, but he was speechless. C. No, he was so angry that he couldnt say anything. D. We cant tell from this passage. CThey say there are three ways to experience the Grand Canyon, on foot, on mules(骡子)or by air. We chose the first. Up early, my hus

28、band and I and our three children couldnt wait to get started. We decided to walk along a lovely path named Bright Angel Trail. As we set out, I was shocked at how narrow the path was. And I couldnt help noticing that the other tourists werent like us. They had heavy backpacks, water bottles, and ha

29、ts. But as usual we were dressed. As the sun rose higher, Arizonas famous heat seemed to roast(烘烤)us. There was no shade and our legs were aching. We decided to go back, with the girl on my back and the boys far behind. By the time we finally got back, our legs were like jelly. The next day, after w

30、ed had a long rest and a good breakfast, we were ready for another view of the Canyon by air. After our last walk, this would be the easiest thing in the world. We called to each other excitedly as the plane took off and circled around the Canyon. But the smiles on our faces disappeared as the pilot

31、 tossed(翻转)the plane around, pretending he was going to hit the ground. I shouted, “STOP, TAKE US BACK!” When we finally arrived back on land, once again our legs were like jelly. We hardly spoke as we drove back. As I said, there are three ways to view the Grand Canyon. We never tried the mules, but personally Id suggest a fourth: buy yourself a good magazine like National Geographic. That way, you can see the Canyon, without fear or

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