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高三复习词汇 翻译.docx

1、高三复习词汇 翻译高三复习 高一 (Unit 1 Unit 2)Unit 11. like doing 2. enjoy doing3. hate doing 4. be fond of5. be into 6. surf the Internet7. all the time 8. so that9. all over the world 10. survive the crash11. all alone 12. be interested in13. in order to 14. learn sth about15. even though/if 16. treat sb. as17.

2、 care about 18. make friends (with)19. hurry up 20. such as21. keep dogs as pets 22. be quick in23. go outing 24. make sb. do25. have fun 26. drop sb. a line27. keep in mind 28. make fun of29. stop doing 30. everyday lifeUnit 21. Oh, there you are. 2. have a good flight3. You must be very tired. 4.

3、Did you sleep at all?5. Not really. 6. make oneself at home7. (Ive) got it. 8. a great many9. on ones way back 10. replace with11. native speaker 12. in total13. mother tongue 14. a second language15. such as 16. The number of is17. except for 18. develop into19. the working language 20. be able to2

4、1. on the radio 22. through the Internet23. communicate with 24. have a good knowledge of25. stand still 26. leave the door open27. know about 28. the differences between and29. come about 30. the answer to the question31. stay the same 32. in the same way33. at the same time 34. end up with35. (be)

5、 different from 36. written / spoken English37. the written / spoken language 38. more or less 39. for example 40. have difficulty (in) doing41. have difficulty with sth. 42. over the centuries 43. the reason for 44. bring in Exercises For Unit 1 Unit 2一完成句子1. Chuck _ (在飞机事故中幸存下来)and lands on a dese

6、rted island.2. I _ (网上冲浪) all the time and I like playing computer games.3. I am not _ (不喜欢) classical music and I _ (讨厌) reading too much.4. Many of us have pets and we all have favorite objects , _ (比如), a lucky pen or a diary.5. In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, _ (

7、除了) those in Hong Kong. 6. Most of the time people from the two countries do not _ (没有问题) understanding each other.7. _ (总共), for more than 375 million people English is their _(母语).8. In only fifty years, English has _ (发展成为) the language most widely spoken and used in the world. 9. For a long time

8、 the language in America _ (保持不变), _ (而) the language in England changed. 10. Except for the differences in spelling, written English is _ (多多少少) the same in both British and American English.二. 翻译句子1. 他和 Wilson 聊天并且像对待朋友一样对待它。2. 剧院里一定会有很多人,所以我们要早点去,这样可以占一个好位子。3. 你不必问, 就当是在你自己家里吧。4. 你可以用英语与来自全世界的人交流

9、。5. 我们学校学生的数量是6000多。6. 很多学生想要知道英语和美语之间的差别。7. 你应该先了解他, 再决定和他成为朋友。8. “永远不能取笑他人”, 要把这句话牢牢记在脑子里。9. 友谊帮助我们了解我们是谁;我们为什么彼此需要;我们可以为彼此做些什么。高三复习 高一 (Unit 3 Unit 4)Unit 31. in the future 2. keep in mind 3. get away from 4. get close to 5. take exercise 6. at the same time 7. go for a hike / walk 8. watch out 9

10、. protectfrom 10. fallen trees 11. think about 12. go rafting / hiking 13. such as 14. go on holidays 15. fill with16. in a few days time 17. be off 18. see sb. off19. take a taxi 20. get back 21. have a nice time22. say sth. to sb. 23. have a good trip 24. used to do25. a form of 26. be bad for 27.

11、 on the other hand 28. so that 29. find out 30. as well as31. arrive at 32. have picnic 33. watch a film 34. list good ideas 5. make notes 36. instead ofUnit 41. take place 2. be caught in3. Well done! 4. I hope so.5. take care of 6. go on a holiday7. on fire 8. It scares me! 9. Dont be afraid 10. C

12、ome on11. keep doing 12. hear/see sb. Doing13. look around 14. put sth. In order15. pull sb. up 16. against the wall17. get on ones feet 18. fight for 19. look into each others face 20. fall down21. look out of 22. sweep past the house23. tree after tree 24. cut down25. must have done 26. sweep away

13、27. go through 28. move up and down29. refer to 30. in the end31. hand in 32. spend time (in) doing 33. used to do 34. far away from31. in a newspaper 32. a two-day trip 33. travel agent 34. all the way35. take photos of 36. in a second 37. It is fun to do sth 38. on the way backExercises For Unit 3

14、 Unit 4一、 完成句子1. We are going to finish this work _ (几天之后).2. Last year, Tom paid a visit to Paris. _ (同时) Lucy went to London for her holiday.3. Its hot outside. Wear a hat to _ ( 保护你自己) the sun.4. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will _ (靠近) the nature.5. Eco-travel is a form of travel that _

15、normal tourism _ (把与相结合 ) learning.6. Im not very _ (擅长) tennis, you know.7. Tree after tree went down, _(切断) by the water, which must have been three meters deep.8. He _ (给照相) a monkey that was sitting on my head.9. _ (在回来的路上 ) we saw a strange person.10. She struggled and struggled, but couldnt _.

16、 (站起来 )二、翻译句子1 我们在去机场的路上赶上了堵车。 2 种树是为了保护我们的城市不受沙尘暴的袭击。3 我们应该多花些时间参加体育锻炼。4 腿断了的那个人曾经是个足球运动员。5 地面还是湿的,昨晚一定下雨了。6 在阳光下看书对我们的视力有害。7 我刚才路过的时候听到他正在唱歌。8 请把这些文件整理好。9. Betty 从未出国过,可她的英语却很不错。(用定语从句)高三复习 高一 (Unit 5 Unit 6)Unit 51. high school 2. while still a student 3. play roles (of) 4. make a film 5. the 198

17、0s 6. get married7. later on 8. win a prize 9. work on 10. take off 11. be afraid to do 12. outer space 13. do research 14. go wrong 15. win over the war 16. top director 17. owe sth. to sb. 18. It was 7 years before they got married.19. in all 20. a moving story 21. stay away 22. primary school23.

18、take ones place 24. nobody else25. lock sb. up 26. run after27. run away 28. determine to do 29. afford to do 30. get off / onto a bus 31. on the air 32. ask sb. for sth. 33. together with 34. make comments 35. think highly ofUnit 61. Im terribly sorry. 2. apologize for3. introduce sb. to sb. 4. go

19、over5. Please forgive me. 6. I didnt mean to do that.7. Sorry about that. 8. Thats life.9. pay a visit to sb. 10. Maybe she is a teacher.11. She may be a teacher. 12. make a good impression13. on the left 14. the knife and fork 15. at the table 16. at table 17. start with 18. some others 19. keep si

20、lent 20. ask for sth. 21. main course 22. finish doing 23. on the plate 24. soft drinks 25. all the time 26. drink to ones health 27. at once 28. good manners 29. prefer doing 30. thank sb. for doing 31. think of 32. at this moment 33. be busy with 34. Its time for sb. to do 35. do well in 36. invit

21、e sb. to do 37. I wish you all the best. 38. laugh at 39. stare at 40. make jokes about sb.Exercises For Unit 5 Unit 6I. 完成句子1. I _ ( 参观了) Shanghai last summer.2. He is telling us _(一部感人的电影).3. Chinese people _ (高度评价)his contribution.4. To be polite and dont _ (盯着)the foreigners.5. He is very sensit

22、ive. Please dont _(拿他开玩笑) him.6. Nobody should _(保持沉默)at a meeting.7. He lost his job so he couldnt _(支付得起) bring up all his children.8. I _(感谢) helping me.9. We _(邀请他) play football with us.10. He is _ (忙于)his work.II. 翻译句子1 在新奥尔良遭到飓风的袭击之后,一切都开始乱套了。2 你应该为你的行为道歉。3 汤姆决定赶上其他人。4 他将他的成功归功于他的妻子和孩子们。5 吉姆经

23、常给他的父母惹事。6 请原谅我。我不是有意要那样做的。7 首次吃正规西餐的人可能会对西餐的礼节感到惊讶。8 该到奶奶吃药的时间了。9. Lucy太穷了,她买不起房子和车。10. 杭州是我去年去过的地方,所以我今年想去没去过的地方。高三复习 高一 (Unit 7 Unit 8)Unit 71. Why not? 2. Why dont you.?3. How/What about? 4. in ones opinion5. Where there is a river, there is a city. 6. in history7. under attack 8. give in9. in r

24、uins 10. in pieces 11. It seems (to be) impossible. 12. give up 13. be used to do 14. in all 15. bring sth. back to life 16. with the help of17. missing pieces 18. Dreams can come true.19. take a boat 20. change ones mind21. together with 22. millions of 23. send up 24. set up 25. plan to do 26. so

25、far 27. make sth. done 28. be worried about 29. human beings 30. thousands of 31. one way to solve the problem 32. at least 33. man-made objects 34. for several reasons 35. all through the year 36. as a result of 37. date from 38. in danger 39. We will do everything (that) we can to save our country

26、. Unit 81. stand for 2. because of 3. the host city 4. seem interested in 5. win against 6. preferto. 7. would rather do than do 8. every four years 9. all over the world 10. take part in 11. the same as 12. be allowed to do 13. in modern times 14. join in 15. do ones best 16. rank third 17. They do love sports. 18. the history-making success19. the best ever games 20. in preparation for21. have good/bad effects on 22. tens of thousands of 23. take exercise

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