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1、届一轮复习人教版必修二Unit3Computers单元学案26页word版2019届一轮复习人教版必修一Unit 3Computers单元学案单元基础词汇1_convenience_ n方便;便利2beneficial adj._有益的;有好处的_3electronic adj._电子的_4_technology_n.技术;科技5_update_ n& vt.更新;(使)现代化6_be addicted to_对上瘾7negative effect _负面影响_8_with the help of_在帮助下9_make a great contribution to_对做出极大的贡献10sho

2、p online _网购_11change ones life _改变某人的生活_12_improve the quality of life_改善生活质量13_more and more popular_越来越流行14_surf the Internet_上网浏览信息(网上冲浪)15contribute to._导致;促进_单元好句1_With the help of_ the computer, _it will be possible_ for humans to work at home.在电脑的帮助下,人们在家办工将是有可能的。2_There is no doubt_ that bl

3、og can provide a platform to show their talent and release their pressure, thus making it more and more popular with high school students.毫无疑问,博客能够提供一个展示才华,释放压力的平台,因此,博客在高中生中越来越受欢迎。3We have to say _it is_ just the Internet _that_ is making our life more colourful and comfortable.我们必须承认正是网络使我们的生活更加丰富

4、多彩和舒适。词汇素养).单词识记1_arise_ vi.出现;发生2_anyhow/anyway_ adv.无论如何;即使如此3_signal_ vi.& vt.发信号nC信号4_goal_n.C目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分5_solve_ vt.解决;解答_solution_n.C解决;解决办法6_simplify_vt.简化_simple_adj.简单的_simply_ adv.简单地;仅仅7_intelligent_ adj.智能的;聪明的_intelligence_n.U智力;聪明;智能8_total_adj.总的;整个的nC总数;合计vt.共计;总计;把加起来_totally_ad

5、v.完全地;整个地9_personal_adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的_personally_adv.就个人而言;亲自_personality_n.C,U个性;性格10_application_n.C,U应用;用途;申请_apply_v.应用;涉及;申请_applicant_n.C申请人11_explore_vt.& vi.探索;探测;探究_explorer_n.C探险家;勘探者_exploration_n.U探索12_appearance_n.C,U外观;外貌;出现_appear_vi.出现(反义词)_disappear_vi.消失13download vt._下载_14finance n_

6、金融;财经_15technology n_工艺;科技;技术_.词汇运用1It may take a long time to find a _solution_(solve) to the problem.2After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her _personal_ opinion. _Personally_ speaking, I agreed with what she said.(person)3Young people want something _totally_(total) di

7、fferent from the old ways.4The subject is very complex, and hard to _simplify_(simple)5A team of _explorers_ will _explore_the valley and the _exploration_ will last 10 days.(explore)6Humans or animals of high _intelligence_ are always _intelligent_.(intelligence)7(2017江苏阅读)In _total_,_25% of Indias

8、 workingage population has no education. In 2030, a sixth of the countrys potential work force could be _totally_ uneducated.(total)8Any _applicant_ who would like to _apply_ to become an assistant in our company should send us an _application_ before December 10, 2018.(apply).单词巧记1后缀“ology”高频名词一览te

9、chnology科技biology生物学ecology生态学geology地理学/地质学psychology心理学sociology社会学physiology生理学archaeology考古学2以后缀“ify”结尾的动词荟萃simplify简化beautify美化purify净化identify鉴定;识别出classify分类horrify使恐惧modify修改;修饰electrify使电气化3“互联网”家族download vt.下载click vt.点击connect vt.连接surf vi.& vt.浏览network n网络database n数据库;资料库,短语速记).短语默写1从

10、起_from.on_2结果_as a result_3如此以至于_so .that_4下载信息_download information_5在某种程度上_in a way(to some extent/to a certain degree/in some degree/in a sense)_6在的帮助下_with the help of._7处理;涉及;对付_deal with_8监视;看守_watch over_9有共同之处_have .in common_10人类_human race_11技术革命_technological revolution_12用这种方法;这样_in this

11、 way_13编造;化妆;和好_make up_14一大笔钱_a large sum of money_15亲自_in person_16总共;一共_in total_17毕竟;别忘了_after all_.短语填空1They use specially trained dogs to_watch over_their sheep at night.2How about his speech at the meeting?What he said was reasonable_in a way_.3Now the poor children can go to school_with the

12、help of_Project Hope.4He has been ill for a long time;_as a result_,_his heart is slightly damaged.5Im going to deliver a speech about how to_deal with_troubles.6Though they are twins, they_have_nothing_in common_.7You should forgive him for his forgetfulness;_after all_,_he is over seventy.8When I

13、am back to school from sick leave, I will_make up_for the missing lessons.联想归纳1“v.with.”结构面面观share.with.与分享cover.with.用覆盖equip.with.使具有mix.with.把和混合connect.with.把与连接起来2all相关短语大全after all毕竟;终究above all首先;最重要的是in all全部;合计at all(否定句)一点儿也不;到底;究竟first of all首先;第一,句式悟通)背会原句知晓考点我会仿用1.And my memory became s

14、o large that even I couldnt believe it!我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!so.that.引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。1.(2015浙江卷)这如此吵闹以至于我们听不见自己说话。It was _so noisy that_ we couldnt hear ourselves speak.2.As time went by,_I was made smaller.随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。as引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。2.(2016全国卷)随着人口的增长,人们开始把食物切成小块。_As population grew_,_peo

15、ple began cutting food into small pieces.3.By the time I was sixteen,_my dream had come true.在我满十六岁时,我梦想成真了。 by the time“到为止”,引导时间状语从句。3.在他五岁时,他已学会了如何弹钢琴。_By the time he was five_,_he had learned how to play the piano.精 研 词 汇 短 语1total adj.总的;整个的n总数;合计归纳拓展(1)a total of总数为in totalin all总计;总共(2)totall

16、y adv.完全地;整个地多维训练补全句子。Out of_a total of_17 groups,only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees.总共17组中,只有一组忽略了愤怒的蜜蜂的声音。How much do you have to pay_in total/all_if four of you go together?如果你们四个一起去的话你总共需要支付多少钱?(牛津高阶)They came from _totally_ different cultures.他们来自完全不同的文化。单句语法填空。If you are not_to

17、tally_(total)satisfied,return it at our expense.如果您并不完全满意,可以退货,运费由我们来出。2signal v& n发信号;发暗号;示意;信号;暗号归纳拓展(1)signal(to) do sth.示意某人做某事signal(sb.)that.示意(2)a danger/warning/traffic signal危险/警告/交通信号辨析比较signal,symbol,sign,marksignal指为某一目的而有意识地发出的信号symbol指符号、象征、标志等,常表示某种有深邃寓意的事物sign表示“记号;符号”时,同symbol;

18、表示“告示;标志”时,侧重指用图形、文字等所表达的内容;另外还可指“征兆;迹象”mark既可指为便于辨认而有意识地做的标记,又可指自然而然形成的标志或有别于其他事物的特征;也可指“分数;成绩”多维训练单句语法填空。(2015湖北高考改编)In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards_signal_(signal) that someone was moving about upstairs.为了不让别人听到,她竖起手指示意有人正在楼上走动。The police signalled the driver_stop_(stop)

19、his car by raising his hand.警察举手示意司机停车。选词填空(signal, symbol, sign, mark)。George was responsible for the accident because he didnt give a _signal_ to other drivers.Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a _sign_ to the HefeiNanjing Expressway.Mandela has become a _symbol_ of the blacks fighting a

20、gainst the whites in South Africa.Youd better make a _mark_ where you dont understand.3arise vi.(arose; arisen)出现;发生;起身;起床归纳拓展(1)arise表示“出现;发生”之意时,其主语多为problem, argument, quarrel, danger, movement, question等抽象名词,多指不好的事情发生或出现。(2)arise from/out of由而引起;由而产生;从中产生。辨析arise/arouse/rise/raise词汇含义arise(arose

21、, arisen) vi. 出现;发生;起身arouse(aroused, aroused) vt. 唤醒;唤起rise(rose, risen) vi.升起;增长;上升raise(raised, raised) vt. 举起;唤起;提高;饲养;抚养;提出;收集;筹(款)巧学助记形象记忆“升起”多维训练完成句子。A new difficulty _has arisen_.出现了新困难。Problems _arise from/out of_ the lack of communication.由于缺乏交流而产生问题。写出各句中arise的含义。Unexpected difficulties a

22、rose in the course of their experiment._出现_Mistakes often arise from carelessness._由而引起_A curl of smoke is arising out of the chimney._上升_They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park._起床_Seeing their teacher come into the classroom, all the students arose from the chairs._起身_选用上述单词完成小片段。A

23、s we all know, the problems between parents and children have _arisen_ from lack of communication.Although the standard of living has been _raised_,_Tom cant get along well with his mother.His mother _arises_ the moment the sun _rises_ in the east.She works hard day and night to support the family.A

24、s a result, she was badly ill, which _aroused_ Tom eventually.众所周知,父母与子女间的问题是由于缺乏交流而引起的。尽管生活水平提高了,但汤姆与母亲相处不好。母亲在太阳一从东方升起来就起床,她日夜辛勤工作养活家人,结果她病得很重,这最终唤醒了汤姆。4as a result 结果(副词短语,不接任何词,其后常有标点)归纳拓展as a result of 由于结果(介词短语,接名词、代词或 ving形式)result from(接原因)起因于;由造成result in(接结果)导致多维训练一句多译。越来越多的污染(原因)很多物种正在灭绝(

25、结果)There is more and more pollution. _As a result_,_many species are dying out._As a result of_ more and more pollution, many species are dying out.More and more pollution _has resulted in_ many species dying out.The fact that many species are dying out _results from_ more and more pollution.5in a w

26、ay在某种程度上归纳拓展in the way 妨碍on the way (to) 在途中by the way 顺便说(问)all the way一路上;自始至终;完全in no way 绝不in this way 这样;通过这种方式温馨提示“在某种程度上”表达方式还有:to some extent, to a certain degree, in some degree/ways, in a sense多维训练完成句子。_In a way_ I can see what you mean, even though I dont share your point of view.尽管我和你看法不

27、一样,但在一定程度上我是能明白你的意思的。Her social life got _in the way_ of her studies.她的社交活动妨碍了她的学习。_In no way_ can theory be separated from practice.理论决不能脱离实践。The storm is _on the way_.暴风雨即将来临。6watch over 看守;监视;照看归纳拓展(1)watch for 盼望或等待某事物watch out 小心(be carefultake care)watch out for(look out for)提防watch oneself 小心

28、谨慎watch ones figure注意体型(2)watch ones step当心别摔跤keep (a) watch on监视be on the watch for注意;小心;警惕on/off watch在/不在值班多维训练完成句子。The mother was _watching over_ her sick baby most of the time last night.那位母亲昨天晚上大部分时间一直照看着她生病的婴儿。The police warned holidaymakers to be _on the watch_ _for_ car thieves.警方提醒度假者提防偷车贼

29、。_Watched over_ by guards with guns, the prisoner was taken into the police car.在携枪警卫的监视下,这名犯人被带上了警车。7deal with处理;对付;论述;论及;与打交道,做买卖归纳拓展do with处理;对付;安排handle sth.处理某事deal in sth.做生意;经营;买卖make a deal达成协议;做成交易Its a deal成交/一言为定名师点津(1)deal with意为“处理;对待;对付;涉及;与交易”等众多含义,其中的deal为不及物动词,常与疑问副词how连用;(2)在do with短语中,do为及物动词,表示“如何处理、对待”时,要与疑问代词what连用。多维训练写出下列句中deal with的含义。(2015浙江高考书面表达)We may have various ways to deal with such a situation._处

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