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1、辽宁省鞍山市立山区中考二模英语试题2021年辽宁省鞍山市立山区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Shanghai is _ eastern city of China while Lanzhou is _ western city of China.Aan; the Ban; a Cthe; a Dthe; the2Jason is a man full of _. He can keep working for a long time.Apower Benergy Cwealth Dfame3Larry wasnt satisfied with the work,

2、but he got _ experience from it.Avaluable Bavailable Cunbelievable Duncomfortable4Lisa put off writing to me until today because she was busy _.Afinally Bsuddenly Clately Dgradually5Mr. Zhou, dont forget to _ the meeting this afternoon.Of course. I have explained it three times, I wont. Thanks for r

3、eminding me of it.Amention Breflect Csupport Dattend6Jane seems strange. I think _ is hard to get along with her.Ashe Bit Cthis Dthat7Isnt that Anns husband over there?No, it _be him. He doesnt wear glasses.Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dmay not8Ive got a serious cough, but I dont have a fever.Youd better g

4、o to see a doctor. Dont forget _ your mask. (口罩)Aputting on Bwearing Cto put on Dto wear9Sorry, Miss Green. Im late again.Jason, you are supposed _ your house earlier next time.Ato leave Bleft Cleave Dleaving10Can you make the washing-machine _?No problem, but I have to examine it first.Ato work Bwo

5、rk Cworking Dworked二、补全对话7选5A: Hello, Jenny! What are you doing toninght?B: 11 What about you?A: Im going to see Beijing Opera.B: Beijing? 12A: No, its here. Beijing is only the name. 13 And it has been popular since the Qing Dynasty (清朝).B: 14 China is really an interesting country with a colorful

6、history.A: So it is. Many foreigners are also interested in Beijing Opera. Would you like to go with me?B: Yes, Id love to. 15.A: OK. See you then.B: See you!ANot much.BIm very busy.CLets meet at 7 oclock.DWhen and where shall we meet?E.Oh, Ive never heard of it before.F.Isnt that a long way to go f

7、or an opera?G.Beijing Opera is a traditional Chinese art form.三、完型填空 Rivers provide food, water and transportation for people. As a result, most of the worlds greatest cities have grown up along rivers. Here are some fun facts 16 rivers!Rivers are powerful. They can make electricity. In fact, hydroe

8、lectric plants(水力发电厂) 17 about 16 percent of the worlds electricity.The Amazon River has more tributaries (支流) than any other river on the planet! Over 1,000 streams (溪流) and small rivers run into it as it 18 through Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil(巴西).How 19 is the Nile to Eg

9、ypt(埃及) ? Most of Egypts population lives within a few miles of the river, 20 the river is not important to just Egypt. It is a water source (水源) for many other East African countries including Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚) and Kenya (肯尼亚). 21 in London in the summer of 1858 was not enjoyable. The Thames (泰晤士河)

10、, which runs through the city, was so dirty and polluted that it 22 a terrible smell known as the Great Stink, The government had to do something to deal with it. Since then it has been an ongoing (持续的) effort to keep the river 23 The Yellow River in China gets its 24 from the mud (泥) it carries. It

11、 is the worlds muddiest river. The Chinese have a saying about the river. If you fall into the Yellow River, youll 25 get clean again!16Ato Bin Cfor Dabout17Ause Bchoose Cproduce Dwaste18Asees Bwalks Clooks Dpasses19Ainteresting Btypical Cimportant Ddangerous20Aso Bbut Cunless Dbecause21AWork BLife

12、CWeather DEducation22Agave out Bgave up Ctook out Dtook up23Aclean Bdirty Clong Dshort24Ashape Bname Csize Dsmell25Aever Bnever Cjust Dsoon四、阅读单选School Trip NoticeJoin us on a school trip to Cardiff on Saturday December 15th.We will spend the morning in the city center. For lunch, well have a picnic

13、 in the park. In the afternoon, we will visit the Science and Technology Museum.Price: $ 20Meet in the school car park at 8:00 a.m. and the school bus leaves 10 minutes later. Please arrive on time. We will return to the school at 5: 30 p.m.December 7thIMPORTANT: SCHOOL TRIP UPDATE (最新消息) Dear stude

14、nts, We hope you can come on our school trip next weekend. Unluckily, the Science and Technology Museum is closed for building work on Saturday. But we have got tickets for St Fagans National Museum of History instead. The good news in that entry (进入) is free so the trip will now cost $10 each.Arriv

15、al and departure(出发) times are the same.Mr. Stuart NobleHead teacher26Next Saturday afternoon, the students will visit _.Athe park Bthe city centerCa national historical museum Da science and technology museum27The school bus will leave at _.A8 :00 a.m. B8:10 a.m. C9:00 a.m. D10:00 a.m.28When did th

16、e school trip update come out?AOne weekend. BOn December 15th.C8 days before the school trip. DAt the end of last month.29Which of the following about the school trip has changed?AThe cost. BThe date.CThe arrival time. DThe departure time.30The head teacher writes the letter mainly to _.Asay sorryBe

17、xpress thankfulnessCinvite students to attend the school tripDgive further information about the school trip The world is a lot greener thanks to a young man named Felix Finkbeiner. Ever since he was 9 years old, he has been trying lo save the planet. In 2007, the German created an environmental org

18、anzatian called Plant - for - Planet . It encourages and trains children from around the world to plant trees as a way of fighting against climate change, The first tree for Plant - for - the - Planet was planted in Starnberg (施塔思贝格) Germany in March, 2007.Since its creation, the organization has al

19、ready made great progress with the help of over 100,000 children between the ages of 9 and 12. One year after it was created, 150,000 trees had been planted. And four years after it was created, it had achieved its goal of planting a total of 1 million trees around the world.Felix once said in a spe

20、ech, Forests are not only the livelihood (生计) of billions, but for us children forests are our future. It inspired kids from over 90 countrics to join his movement (活动) In 2011, the United Nations handed over (移交) its Billion Tree Campaign (战役) to Plant-for-the-Planet. The Billion Tree Campaign was

21、inspired by Wangan Maathai from Kenya (肯尼亚) , an African country. Her Green Belt Movement planted more than 30 million trees in Africa. In 2017, the Billion Tree Campaign became the Trillion (万亿) Trees Campaign: to plant one trillion trees in the next 30 years. There are about 3 trillion trees alive

22、 in the world today, so planting a trillion more would be a huge increase. Thats about 150 trees for every person on Earth.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31The man behind Plant- for - Planet is _.AGerman BAfrican Cold Dshy32Plant - for - the - planet achieved its goal of planting I million trees in _.A2008 B2009 C201

23、1 D201233What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AThe forest. BThe futureCPlant - for - the - Planet. DWhat Felix said in his speech.34What can we know about Wangari Maathai?AShe is from the same country as Felix.BHer organization planted over 30 million trees in Africa.CHer goal

24、was to plant 3 trillion trees in the world.DShe started the Billion Tree Campaign.35Which can be the best title for the passage?ACome and join Plant - for - the - Planet!BFun free - planting activities for kidsCHe is getting the world to plant trees!DTree planting organizations around the world. Whe

25、n I was finishing secondary school before going to medical school, I was walking around the halls of my old school. The school was a small, poor place and there was only one building.I already had the acceptance (接纳) e-mail from the medical school. So I already had a plan in my head about how it wou

26、ld be going to the medical school. Id wake up at 6: 30 in the morning and get a 10-minute bus into the center of Glasgow (my home city) , then get a 50-minute train to Edinburgh and from there walk 10 minutes to the medical school. I unluckily had to do so because I didnt have much money. I was the

27、first in my family to go to university.So, back to when I was walking through the halls one day. My head teacher was speaking to a woman. They were looking over to me and my head teacher pointed at me and asked me to come to her office. I went in and was introduced to the woman, Lisa. The head teach

28、er explained that Lisa was a former (以前的) pupil of the school, and now she was a doctor. Lisa then went on to say that when she went to medical school from my own school, she enjoyed it but didnt have enough money to finish the last year. Luckily, a businessman helped her out.She then explained she

29、was setting up a scholarship (奖学金) for any student from her old school who was studying medicine (luckily only one, me!). I couldnt believe it. This woman wanted to help me through medical school!Lisa still helps me. Im in third year now and will hopefully become a doctor like her. And maybe one day

30、 Ill also be able to go back to my old school and help out a student just like she did!36Where did the story happen?AIn a small and old secondary school.BIn a small but new secondary school.CIn a small and old medical school.DIn a small but new medical school.37How did the writer plan to go from Gla

31、sgow to Edinburgh?AOn foot. BBy bike. CBy bus. DBy train.38Which of the following about Lisa is TRUE?AShe was the head teachers student. BShe got help from a businessman.CShe was the writers teacher. DShe used to live a rich life.39What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?ALisa was as poor as the writer.BLisa kn

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