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同步复习Could you please tell me the restrooms are.docx

1、同步复习Could you please tell me the restrooms are同步复习Could you please tell me the restrooms are?重点词组(Key Phrases) 1. buy shampoo买洗发香波 2. get some magazines买杂志 3. make a telephone call打电话 4. get a dictionary买字典 5. get some information about the town打听城镇的信息 6. buy some stamps买邮票 7. save money存钱 8. on Riv

2、er Road在大河路 9. take the elevator to乘扶梯去 10. turn left / right onto Oak Street向左转/向右转到橡树街 11. go past路过,经过 12. betweenand在两者之间 13. next to紧挨着在旁边 14. go out the front door走出前门 15. take a right walk about three blocks正好走三个街区 16. exchange money兑换钱 17. on the second floor在二楼 18. prefer doing sth乐意做某事 19.

3、 hang out with sb与某人闲逛 20. take a vacation度假 21. water slides滑水道 22. rock band摇滚乐队 23. dress up as clowns装扮成小丑 24. bothand二者都 25. have fun过得愉快 26. take dance lessons上舞蹈课交际用语1. Do you know where I can get a dictionary? 你知道我在哪里能买到字典? 2. Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 你能告诉我邮局怎么走吗? 3.

4、Can you please tell me where I can get some magazines? 你能告诉我在哪儿能买到一些杂志? 4. Could you please tell me if there are many good museums? 你能告诉我这里有没有好的博物馆? 5. Yes. Theres a fascinating science museum. 有,有一家迷人的科技馆。 6. The museum is really interesting. 那所博物馆真的很有趣。 7. Turn left / right. Take the escalator to

5、the second floor. 向左转/向右转。乘扶梯上二楼。 8. The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore. 药店在家具店和书店之间。 9. The bank is next to the bookstore. 银行在书店旁边。 10. Go past the bank.走过银行。重点难点释义(Language Points)1Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 请你告诉我厕所在哪儿好吗? Could you?是个句型,could在此不是过

6、去形式,它此时表示语气婉转、有礼貌。在希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,以及在含有表示建议、请求和征求意见语气的疑问句中,常用some和something,而不用any和anything。 【例】(1)Could you lend me your motorbike, please? 请把你的摩托车借给我好吗? (2)Would you like to have some apples? Would you like some apples? 你们要吃苹果吗? 2Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? 请你告诉我在哪儿能买到字典好吗?

7、 Can you please tell,是个句型,它后面可跟宾语从句,也可跟不定式结构。can可换成could, would, will。【例】(1)Could you please tell me where we show our tickets? 请告诉我我们在哪儿验票好吗?(2)Would you tell me how much it costs to fly to Canada? 你能告诉我乘飞机去加拿大要多少钱吗?3Take the elevator to the second floor(2a) 乘电梯上二楼。 take在此表示“搭、乘”的意思。 【例】(1)He told

8、me to take an express 他叫我搭乘特别快车。(2)She takes a bus to work every day 她每天乘公共汽车上班。(3)在美国和英国,对楼层的说法是不同的,请对比: 美国: on the first floor在一楼 on the second floor在二楼 on the third floor在三楼 英国: on the ground floor在一楼 on the first floor在二楼on the second floor在三楼4. The drugstore is between the furniture store and t

9、he bookstore (1)between prep.“在两者之间”,常与and连用。例如: Do you know the difference between the two verbs “bring” and “take”? 你知道bring和take这两个动词的区别吗? (2)among prep“在当中”,指三者或三者以上之间。例如: They saw a village among the hills 他们看到群山中有个村庄。7. We decided to talk to some students about why they go there. 3a 我们决定和一些同学谈

10、论一下他们为何去那。 decide to do sth.意为决定做某事。例: I have decided to sell my house. 我已决定卖掉房子。 此外有此意义的词组还有:(1)make ones decision to do sth. decision n.决定(2)make up ones mind to do sth.(3)set ones mind to do sth.如: He made his decision to go to the USA. 他决定去美国了。 8. I go to the mall because my friend hang out ther

11、e. 我去的原因是我的朋友经常在那闲逛。 hang out意为闲逛,此外hang about / around亦有此意。如: Men hanging about at street corner, waiting for the pubs to open. 闲逛在街道拐角上等着酒店开门的人们。 hang vt. vi悬挂 pt. pp hung 绞死pt. pp hanged 同学们应该注意此词在不同意思时,过去式与过去分词的不同形式。例: (1)She hung the washing out in the garden. 她把洗好的衣服晾在花园里。 (2)He was hanged for

12、 murder. 他因杀人而被绞死。9I prefer being outside3a prefer vt“prefer doingto doing” prefer to do rather than do结构中,表示“喜欢而不喜欢”。例如: Do you prefer coffee or tea? 你喜欢咖啡还是茶? I prefer walking after supper 我喜欢晚饭后散步。 He prefers to wait until evening 他宁愿等到天黑。 I prefer doing to talking 我喜欢做不喜欢说。10Theres always someth

13、ing happening(3a) 总会有事发生。 happening是现在分词作定语,当然过去分词也可作定语。 【例】(1)We can see the rising sun 我们可以看到东升的旭日。(2)He is a retired worker 他是位退休工人。(3)There was a girl sitting there 有个女孩坐在那里。(5)There is nothing interesting 没有有趣的东西。11. Its also just fun to watch people. (1)for fun意为开玩笑地、非认真地。例: He said it only fo

14、r fun. 他只是说着玩的。(2)make fun of取笑“Its+adj+to do sth”结构,其中“作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。例如: It is a great pleasure to talk with him。 和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事。 It is necessary for us to have some exercise every day 我们每天需要一些运动。12. When I go into stores I always spend too much money. 当我走进商店,我总会花掉很多的钱。 (1)spend 花钱,用钱 spend mone

15、y on sth/ in doing sth例: She spends too much money on clothes./in shopping 她花在服装上的钱太多。 (2)spend 花时间 spend time on sth. / in doing sth.例: They always spend a lot of time(in)explaining a plan / on a projector. 他们总会花费很多的时间来说明一项计划/于一项计划。14. Go past the park. 走过公园。 (1)past此处为介词,意为“越过”。例: 男孩们从我们身旁越过。 (2)p

16、ast还可以作为副词用,意为“经过”。例: Days went past without any news. 日子过去了,一点消息也没有。 (3)past还可以作为名词来用,the past以前,过去的事,往事 In the past he has been a milkman and now hes a farmer. 从前他曾经是送牛奶工人,现在他是个农场主。16. A different rock band plays at Uncle Bobs every night. 3a 每天晚上在鲍勃叔叔的餐馆里总有一支不同的摇滚乐队演奏。 Uncle Bobs中s属格后的名词省略掉了。 因为s

17、属格后的名词如指商店、家宅等地点时,该名词常省略。如: at the doctors在诊所 to my uncles到我叔叔家Johnsons = Johnsons Shop约翰逊商店17. They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns. 他们组织了游戏,并且员工化装为小丑。 (2)dress up通常指小孩穿别人衣服闹着玩,装扮 to dress up as an astronaut装扮成宇航员 另外,还有穿上礼服,穿上盛装之意。例: Dont bother to dress up for the party. 不必为这

18、次聚会穿礼服。 (3)dress in和be dressed in用来形容某人的外表。 She always dresses in black. 她总是穿黑衣服。 Ill be dressed in a red coat. 我将会穿件红色的大衣。 wear“穿着(衣服)”亦表示一种状态 She always wears black clothes. put on则指穿衣这个动作。例: She put on a woolly scarf before she went out.她出门前带上了毛围巾。19. Is that a good place to hang out? 那是一个闲逛的好地方吗

19、? to hang out是不定式作后置定语修饰a good place这个名词短语。又如:(1)She has nothing to say. 她无话可说。 to say是不定式作后置定语修饰nothing.(2)They have little food to eat. to eat是不定式作后置定语修饰little food.20. While the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach. 当孩子们嬉闹的时候,父母可以在海滩上进行舞蹈课。 (1)while连词,当的时候,和同时。while后面所引导

20、的动词,往往是可持续的。如: They arrived while we were having dinner. 他们来的时候我们正在吃晚饭。 (2)when当时,持续或非持续性动词都可跟在when后面。 I jumped up when she called. 她打电话来时,我吓了一跳。 21I live right next to a supermarket(self -check) 我就住在超市的隔壁。 right在此起到强调的作用,它是副词,含义很多,如:“对,顺利,直接地,正好,完全,非常”等。【例】 (1)You have guessed right你猜对了。 (2)Everyth

21、ing will go right with you if you follow the doctors advice 如果你照医生的建议去做,一切都会好的。 (3)The wind was right in the face 风迎面吹来。 (4)They placed the table right in the middle of the room 他们把桌子放在房间正中。 (5)He has read right through the book 他把这本书全部读完了。 (6)I am right glad to hear the news 听到这个消息我非常高兴。22Ive been

22、collecting them for many years 多年来我一直在收集他们(邮票)。 本句是个现在完成进行时的句子,表示现在以前这一段时间里一直在进行的动作,这动作可能仍然在进行,也可能停止了一会儿。【例】 (1)How long has it been raining? 雨下多久了? (2)Weve just been talking about you 我们正谈着你呢。 (3)What book have you been reading these days? 这几天你在看什么书? (4)Ive been hoping Id have chance to see the fil

23、m 我一直盼望有机会看这部电影。23What kind of food are you looking for? 你在找哪种食品? look for是个短语,强调“寻找”这一动作,而find则强调找的结果,表示“找到”;类似的词语还有hear和listen to。 【例】 (1)The young lady is looking for her pet dog 那位年轻的女士在找她的宠物狗。 (2)He has found his lost bike 他已找到丢失的自行车了。 (3)They are listening to a piece of beautiful music 他们正听一曲优

24、美的曲子。 (4)He heard their whisper 他听见他们在低声说话。语法知识1. 宾语从句的概念 宾语是句子的重要成分之一,在多数情况下,是由名词性的词类充当的。如果宾语部分是由一个句子充当的话,则被称为宾语从句。我们以前学过的间接引语实质上就是宾语从句。如:Mary said that she was going to visit Hong Kong.(that引导的宾语从句) 宾语从句三件事,时态语序连接词; 主从时态要一致,陈述语序才合适; 一般问句做从句,连接词if别忘记; 特殊问句做宾从,特殊问词莫漏掉。 2. 宾语从句的三要素时态、语序、连接词 (1)时态:主句和

25、从句的时态必须保持一致。即主句为一般现在时,从句可根据需要选择各种时态;如果主句是一般过去时,从句只能用过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时等)。 e.g. Were sorry to hear that your mother is ill.(主句是一般现在时,从句一般现在时) 听说你母亲病了,我们很难过。 e.g. Mr. Black didnt know why Jenny was late again.(主句是一般过去时,从句一般过去时)。 布莱克先生不清楚为什么珍妮又迟到了。 (2)语序:不管什么类型的宾语从句,总是用陈述句语序。即:从句的连接词后是主语

26、、谓语、宾语的语序。当连接词做主语时,后面直接跟谓语和宾语。 e.g. I shall write to you what I want to say.(连接词+主谓陈述语序,what不是疑问词) 我会写给你我想说的话。 e.g. She asked who is the boss of this store.(连接词做主语+系表结构) (3)连接词:宾语从句是陈述句时,连接词用that;宾语从句是一般疑问句时,连接词用if或whether;宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,连接词直接用特殊疑问词做引导词,后面变为陈述语序,如who, what, why, where, whose等。具体类型,在下文详

27、细讲述。 3. 宾语从句的类型 (1)由that引导的宾语从句,从句为陈述句,注意时态要保持一致。 (2)由if, whether引导的宾语从句,要注意时态的一致以及陈述语序。If, whether的意思是“是否”,用来引导一般疑问句变成的宾语从句。 e. g. I want to know whether(if)you can repair the recorder or not. 不知道你是否能修理录音机? (3)由who, what, how, which, whose, where, when, why等引导的宾语从句,特殊疑问词作为引导词,没有疑问的作用,但本身的意思不变。要注意时态

28、的一致和陈述语序。 e. g. The reporter will tell us what he saw and heard in Japan. 这个记者要给我们讲讲他在日本的见闻。 e. g. Do you know where the Great Pyramid is? 你知道大金字塔在什么地方吗? 在这一单元中,我们重点练习where引导的宾语从句。Where后面的从句一定要用陈述语序。 e. g. Do you know where I can get a dictionary? 你知道我在哪里能买到字典? e. g. Can you please tell me where I c

29、an get some magazines? 你能告诉我在哪儿能买到一些杂志?A例: Start take modern remain increase large Build occur thousand Destroy Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the cities in the world. It is one of the worlds most _cities. Twice in the 20th century, the city was_ and rebuilt. In 1923, there was a great earth

30、quake in the city. _of people were killed and millions left homeless. It _ people there seven years to rebuild the city. During World War 2,Tokyo was destroyed once again, After the disasters(灾难), nothing _ in the downtown area of old Tokyo.After the war, the people of Tokyo began to rebuild their city. The city was _ at a high speed between 1945 and 1960, and the citys population_ very fast. As a result of this quick development, however, many problems have _,such as housing shortage, pollution and unemployment(失业), but the governmen

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