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1、高考英语核心高频688词汇词义释析核心扩展 138 词汇序单词音标词义号1pursuepsju:v. 追求扩展:pursue knowledge/dream 追求知识/梦想派生:pursuitn. 追求in pursuit of追求2008江苏阅读:Infact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of thedreams. 译: 实际上,Jack 横跨全国就是为了追求梦想。同义:seek, go for, chase寻求, 追求2quitkwitv. 停止, 放弃扩展:quit doing, give up doing 放弃做扩展:

2、quit school, withdraw from school, drop out of school 辍学2011天津阅读:Why did the author quit school in her second year ofcollege?译: 为什么作者会在他大二的时候辍学呢?3raisereizv. 举起, 筹集, 提出2012福建阅读:Money is raised by the Newspaper.译: 这笔款是通过报纸筹集的。扩展:raise money 筹款raise children 抚养孩子raise question 提出问题辨析:arise出现rise升起arou

3、se唤起arouse interest 唤起兴趣2012山东单选:Anumber of high buildings have arisen where there wasnothing a year ago but ruins.译: 许多高大的建筑物出现在了这一年前的废墟上。2009全国卷一单选:The calf was washed away by the rising water.译: 幼崽被上涨的河水冲走了。2007山东阅读:She made great efforts to arouse students interest inliterature.译: 她费了很大的努力来唤起学生们

4、的兴趣。4rangereind n. 范围;v. 涉及扩展:out of reach 够不着within reach 够得着range从.到.范围a wide range of各式各样的2007浙江阅读:Topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking.译: 话题涉及的范围从美好的事物到饮酒的危害。2010重庆阅读:We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about awide range of things.译: 我们谨慎地开始了谈话并且谈论了各式各样的事情。5reactio

5、nri k nn. 反应2010广东阅读:Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicalswhen they eat the crops.译: 当他们吃谷物的时候,有些人可能会对这些化学物质产生不良反应。近义:feedback n. 反应,反馈派生:react v. 反应扩展:react to, respond to , in response to 对.作出反应2006北京阅读:I had seen how people reacted to AIDS.译: 我已经看到了人们是如何对艾滋作出反应的。2011陕西阅读:Every sy

6、stem of the body responds to laughter in someimportant or positive way.译: 身体的每个系统会以某种重要或积极的方式对笑声产生反应。6realiserilaizv. 意识到, 实现(梦想)2012陕西阅读:Brad realised that the talk show was over and reading wouldbe impossible.译: Brad 意识到脱口秀已经结束了,阅读已是不可能了。扩展:realise ones dream实现某人的梦想dreams come true梦想实现7recycleri:s

7、aiklv. 循环2006湖北听力:Tocollect the sortedrubbish and then recycle it.译: 把垃圾分类收集,然后将其回收。8referrif:v. 涉及, 提到, 查阅2011安徽写作:When I am faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer torelevant learning materials or Web pages.译: 当我遇到困难时,我通常会选择查阅相关的学习材料或者网页。扩展:reference book 参考书refer to the dictionary 查字典l

8、ook up the word in the dictionary 查字典扩展:词根 fer-“拿”infer. from. 从.中推测出prefer. to. 偏爱.suffer from遭受.differ from与.不同2008江西听力:What can we infer from the conversation?译: 从对话中我们能推测出什么?2011浙江阅读:People still prefer to buy goods online.译: 人们仍然偏爱在网上购物。2010安徽阅读:Most industries in the world suffer from water sh

9、ortages.译: 在世界上的大多数工业都在遭受水资源的短缺的问题。2007重庆单选:Human facial expressions differ from those of animals inthe degree to which they can be controlled on purpose.译: 人类的面部表情不同于那些动物的是因为人们可以在某种程度上有意地控制面部表情。9regardlessriga:dlisadv. 不顾 (of)扩展 把.看作.regardless of 不管,不顾2006天津阅读:Regardless of these differ

10、ences, there is something incommon in the learning and modification(修正)of attitudes.译: 除了这些不同点,在学习和态度的修正上是有一些相同之处的。10rejectrid ektv. 拒绝, 排斥2012陕西阅读:There are plenty of well-qualified candidates, so it is notwrong to reject someone who might disappoint my customers.译: 这儿有大量的有资历的候选者,所以拒绝一个可能会让我顾客失望的人是

11、没有错的。近义:refuse, decline, turn down 拒绝2012山东阅读:In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to visitOxford. 译: 尽管受到多次邀请,他总是谢绝参观牛津。2006福建单选:The workers will go on strike if the demands they putforward are turned down.译: 如果工人们提出的要求被拒绝了,他们就会罢工。扩展:词根 ject-“投”project n. 工程injectv. 注入, 插入subjectn.

12、 主题objectn. 物体; v. 反对11reliablerilaibladj. 可靠的2012浙江阅读:Dad was an honest and reliable man.译: 爸爸是一个诚实可靠的男人。扩展:rely on, depend on 依靠2011浙江阅读:Customers rely on their phones to obtain services.译: 顾客们依靠他们的电话来获得服务。12remarkrima:kv. 评论; n. 评论派生:remarkableadj. 卓越的2012山东阅读:Murray was at the port to wave goodb

13、ye to his remarkablefriend.译: Murray 在港口向他杰出的朋友挥手告别。扩展:marked, outstanding, excellent, brilliant , eminent 卓越的2011福建单选:Tsinghua University, founded in 1911, is home to a greatnumber of outstanding figures.译: 1911年成立的清华大学,是大量杰出人物的家。13remindrimaindv. 提醒派生:remindern. 提醒物扩展:accuse sb. of 控告某人inform sb.

14、of使某人知道.convince sb. of 说服某人相信warn sb. of 警告某人persuade sb. of 劝服某人remind sb. of 提醒某人2006上海春单选:Both sides have accused of the other breaking thecontract . 译: 双方都控告对方违背合约。经典例句:Please inform me by letter of your plans.译: 请来信把你的计划告诉我。经典例句:I am utterly convinced of your loyalty.译: 我完全相信你的忠诚。2010江西阅读:Bris

15、tling (直立的) fur is an unmistakable warning of attackamong many animals.译: 在许多动物中,毛发竖起是一个明显的攻击性的警告。经典例句:How can I persuade you of my sincerity?译: 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?2007上海翻译:I forgot to remind him of the time for the interview.译: 我忘了提醒他面试的时间了。14replaceripleisv. 取代派生:replacement n. 替代物扩展:alternativen. 替代物i

16、n place ofv. 替换take place of v. 取代substitutev. 代替; n. 代替品replace A with B 用 B 替换 A2006北京完形:Hecould replace his great pain with a feeling of love forothers. 译: 他能用对他人的爱来替换他巨大的悲痛。15represent.reprizentv. 展示, 代表派生:representative n. 代表2009安徽阅读:The ox is a representative of the farming culture of China.译:

17、 牛是中国农业文化的代表。同义:stand for, on behalf of 代表2009湖北阅读:What did the “service pins” stand for in the eyes of the littlegirls? 译: 在这个小女孩的眼中 “service pins” 代表了什么?经典例句:The agent spoke on behalf of his principal.译: 代理人代表他的委托人说话。16requirerikwaiv. 要求2010天津阅读:Why are visitors required to turn off their mobile p

18、hones?译: 为什么游客被要求关闭他们的手机?派生:requirement n. 要求辨析:requestv. 请求demandv. 强烈要求commandv. 命令扩展:demand for对.的要求demandingadj. 要求多的2012辽宁阅读:This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missionson the International Space Station (ISS).译: 在国际空间站,这种类型的日程表对长期的任务来说,要求过高。17reserveriz:vv. 预定, 保留; n. 自然保护区2010

19、福建阅读:We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour.译: 我们将只能预留这个水池一个小时。扩展:reserve sth. for sb. 为.人而保留.派生:reservationn. 预定cancel the reservation v. 取消预定近义:bookv. 预定orderv. 订购18resistrizistv. 抵制, 抵抗2008北京阅读:We will be much betterable to resist diet products.译: 我们将能够更好地抵制减肥产品。派生:resistantadj. 抵抗

20、的resistancen. 抵抗扩展:resist the temptation 抵制诱惑19respectrispektv. 尊敬, 尊重; n. 尊敬, 尊重扩展:self-respectn. 自尊2006上海阅读:Yellow is linked withconfidence, self- respect andfriendliness.译: 黄色和自信、自尊及友好联系在一起。20managem nid v. 管理, 设法 (to)派生:manager n.管理者managementn. 管理manageableadj. 易管理的扩展:succeed in doing sth, .manage to do, make it成功做某事2009全国卷一阅读:How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from thefast-flowing water?译: Ma Shwe 是怎么成功将她的幼崽从激流的河水中救出来的?21migratemaigreitv. 迁移, 迁徙2010江苏阅读:Millions of people willmigrate to the western regions.译: 数百万的人将迁移到西部地区。派生:migrationn. 移民辨析:immigrate

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