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1、届中考语法专练之宾语从句讲解及配套真题专练 2020届中考语法专练之 宾语从句讲解及配套真题专练宾语从句在中考中主要考查:宾语从句的引导词、宾语从句的语序及宾语从句时态对应及反义疑问句等。1. 宾语从句的引导词(1)宾语从句的引导词有三种:1)that;2)whether/ if;3)特殊疑问词what/ when/ where/ who等。He said that he could help me. 他说他能够帮助我。Your mother asked if you could finish your work this week. 你妈妈问这个星期你能否完成工作。Can you tell

2、me when the sports meeting will begin?你能告诉我运动会将在什么时候开始吗?(2). that引导的宾语从句:that引导的宾语从句的特征:1)一般都是由陈述句充当,2)引导词that没有实际意义,不在从句中作任何成分,3)that可以省略,Do you think (that) it will rain? 你认为天会下雨吗?He said (that) he could come on time. 他说他会准时来的。(3) whether或if引导的宾语从句:whether或if引导的宾语从句的特征:1)语序由原来的倒装语序变成陈述语序。2)whether

3、和if意为“是否”。Let us know whether / if you can finish the work before Friday.请让我们知道你是否能在星期五以前把工作做完。I dont care whether you like the story or not. 我不在乎你是否喜欢这个故事。3)只用whether不用if。1) 接带to的动词不定式。2)与or not连用时。She doesnt know whether to go to the zoo. 她不知道是不是去动物园。Im not sure whether or not he will come on time

4、. 他能否准时来,我说不准。(3) 特殊疑问词what/ when/ where/ who等引导的宾语从句:1)此类宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,变成宾语从句后要用陈述语序,2)由wh-开头的疑问词引导。包括who, whom, whose, what, which等连接代词在从句中做主,宾,表,定,并不能省略3)where, when, how, why等连接副词,做状语,不能省略。Could you tell me which gate we have to go to? 请问我们得走哪个门?He didnt tell me how long he would stay here. 他没有告诉

5、我他要在这里呆多长时间。2. 宾语从句的语序由whether/ if和特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句要用陈述语序,原来的倒装语序改成陈述语序时注意相应的助动词和动词的变化等。Where does your father work? Can you tell us? Can you tell us where your father works?Did you get home very late? He asked me. He asked me if I got home very late. 3. 宾语从句的时态对应(1) 如果主句是一般现在时,宾语从句根据实际情况用各种时态。My teache

6、r says he will be back in a week. (一般将来时)我的老师说他将在一个星期后回来。My teacher says he is watching TV. (现在进行时)My teacher says he has seen the movie. (现在完成时)我的老师说他已经看过这部电影了。(2)如果主句是一般过去时,宾语从句用相应的过去时态。My father said he was watching TV at that time.(过去进行时)My father said the he had already seen the movie. (过去完成时)注

7、意:如果宾语从句是表示客观真理和规律的句子时,用一般现在时。Our teacher told us the sun is much bigger than the earth. (一般现在时)4. 宾语从句的反义疑问句主句如果是I think/ believe/ imagine/ suppose/ guess/ expect等,从句的否定一般要转移到主句中,其反意疑问句与从句一致。例如:I dont think theyll wait to the last minute,will they? I dont believe he did this, did he? 1. Excuse me,

8、could you tell me _?(2019.江苏淮安)A. when he was born B. how far is it from here C. what does he look like D. where he leaves for yesterday2. Did you notice _in her office? (2019.北京) Yes. She was going over our writing.A. what was Miss Lin doing B. what Miss Lin was doingC. what does Miss Lin do D. wha

9、t Miss Lin does3. Tom, do you know _?(2019甘肃兰州)In Beijing.A. where will the 24th Winter Olympics be heldB. where the 24th Winter Olympics will holdC. where the 24th Winter Olympics will be heldD. where will the 24th Winter Olympics hold4. The teacher asked Li Hua . (2019甘肃天水)A. why is he late for cl

10、ass B. why he is late for classC. why was he late for class D. why he was late for class5. Have you decided _ the Expo 2019 Beijing? (2019广东)This summer holiday. A. How are you going to B. how you are going to C. when are you going to D. when you are going to6(1分)I want to know _we will have the mee

11、tting(2019广西百色)Maybe in the classroom Awhere Bwhen Cwho Dwhether7(1分)Do you know_?Yes, well take a bus there (2019广西北部湾)AWhen we will go the museum tomorrow BWhen will we go to the museum tomorrow Chow we will go to the museum tomorrow Dhow will we go to the museum tomorrow8(1分)Could you please tell

12、 me ?Yes He went there by plane last week (2019广西贵港)Awhere Mr Brown will go Bhow Mr Brown went to Beijing Chow long Mr Brown has been in Beijing Dwhen did Mr Brown go to Beijing9. Ben, could you tell me_?Hes my cousin from Shenzhen. (2019广西玉林)A. who he is B. where is she C. who is he D. where he is

13、10. -Could you please tell me _?(2019 贵州安顺)-Its next to the Peoples Bank of China.A. where is Wang Ruofei Square B. where Wang Ruofei Square isC. where was Wang Ruofei Square D. where Wang Ruofei Square was11(1分)Sandy, do you know_?Yes, Some news about black holes (2019 海南)Awhat Tom is searching for

14、 Bwhat is Tom searching for Cwho Tom is searching for12.Before you ask someone for help, find out _he is the right person for your problem. (2019 河南)CA. since B. that C. whether D. unless 13.Excuse me,could you tell me _ ? (2019黑龙江大庆)A.where is the railway stationB. how can I get to the railway stat

15、ionC. where the railway station is do I get to the railway station14.Excuseme,couldyoutellme _?Certainly.Goalongthestreetandyouwillfinditontheright.A.howcanIgettotheradiostationB. howIcangettotheradiostationC. whyIcangettotheradiostation15. Which of the following sentences is correct? (2019黑龙江齐齐哈尔)A. I wonder whats

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