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1、部分金融词汇部分金融词汇部分金融词汇 infusion of capitalization资本注入融资融券margin Trading大小非解禁unlock the nontradable stock退市delist股权分置改革stock reform创业板Growth board中小板SME board 定向增发Private Placement帐簿管理人(Book Runner)非公开发行股票(Private Equity Placement)(又被称为定向增发私募(Private Placement)是相对于公募(Public offering)破发Broken IPOs 跌破发行(Br

2、eak issue) 描述新股跌破发行价的术语Quoting股票报价一种股票在一个交易日的价格(包括叫价及出价)highest valuations最高估值题材股theme stockTrina Solar (TSL), China Sunergy (CSUN), LDK Solar (LDK), Yingli Green Energy Holding (YGE), and JA Solar (JASO)天合光能、中电光伏、江西赛维、英利新能源以及晶澳太阳能公司Proceeds 融资收益Companies go public to raise money. The money raised i

3、s referred to as proceeds. In every prospectus there is a section entitled Use of Proceeds. Investors should read this section to find out whether the company plans to use the money it raises in the IPO for capital investment (good) or to pay off insiders (bad).Sarbanes-Oxley萨班斯奥克斯利法案Class Actions集体

4、诉讼案prospectus for a secondary offering二次募股招股说明书issuers企业,股票发行人moffshore listing海外上市外管局State Administration of Foreign Exchange, 简称:外管局GP管理团队GP(创投管理人员); LP(基金投资人);LP出资人目前国外股票首次公开发行(IPOs)的研究主要集中于三种普遍现象,即股票首次公开发行定价过低(IPOs Underpricing),股票首次公开发行后的长期弱势(Long Run Underperformance of IPOs)以及股票首次公开发行的热销市场(Ho

5、t Issue Markets)。包括证券市场的运行效率(efficiency run)与证券市场的配置效率(efficiency allocation)IPO 即initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票,或者说新股上市) Definition of IPO - initial public offeringInitial Public Offering or IPO is the first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPOs are often smaller, younger compan

6、ies seeking capital to expand their business. the big board 大盘the ups and downs of the stock market股市行情 blue chip绩优股 component index成份指数 deceptive accounting 虚假帐务 earning report 业绩报表 financial irregularities /improprieties 金融违规行为 financial reorganization 金融重组 financial statement 财务报表 fund custodian

7、bank基金托管银行 fund manager基金经理/管理公司 high-tech sector高科技板块 income statement 损益表 industrial stock工业股票 inflate profits 虚报盈利 listed company / delisted company 上市公司/被摘牌的公司 record high (股票指数)创历史新高 red chips红筹股 return on equity股本回报率 share, equity, stock 股票、股权 closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金 op

8、en-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金PE”即Private Equity,我们将其译为“私募股权”。 净资产收益率(Rate of Retern on Common Stockholders Equity, 简称ROE) 低市值公司股, Small-Cap stocks risk check风险控制粒(Marketable Lot)溢价(Premium)经纪费,佣金(Brokerage)股票经纪人因其买或卖股票服务而收取的费用。股票买卖通知书(Contract Notes)市场负债/权益比率(Debt/Equity Ratio)金融杆杠或资本负

9、债比率的指标。用于比较债权人资产与股东资产。由共同股东权益的长期负债决定。 折旧(Depreciation)长期资产在使用期内注回成本。稀释( Dilution)因发行新股而使收益或股息减少。折价(Discount)挂牌股票价格低于票价值。与“溢价”相反。股息(Dividend)董事分配给股东的公司利润部分,可以是现金也可以是股票。通常表达为相关资本名义价格的百分比。股息收益率( Dividend Yield)年股息除以股价。股利保证倍数、净 利与股息比率( Dividend Cover)公司净利与公司总股息的比率。每股股息(Dividend Per Share)付给每股普通股的股息。 到期日

10、-股票 (Due Date)买或卖的结算日,或非对敲的簿记日。目前是交易日加三个市场日。 每股收益(Earnings Per Share)每股普通股的利润。以净收入除以普通股数量计算。股票电子支付 ( Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS)通过直接贷记银行帐户,及通过自动柜员机借记结算模式。无股息(Ex-Dividend)资本负债比率,资本结合率(Gearing)借入资本与股东权益比率。可以用负债/权益比率衡量。增长股票(Growth Stocks)通指每股收益和股价增长高于平均增长率的股票。套期保值(Hedging)通过使用购买期权、卖出期权、卖空或期货合同来

11、规避风险的一项策略。其目的是减少资产组合的易变性,以及减少亏损风险。通货膨胀( Inflation)货物和/或服务的价格持续上涨。内在价值( Intrinsic value)股票的内在或真实价值。在投资中,这是市场股价围绕波动的价值。不可偿还( Irredeemable)指发行公司在预定日期前不偿还所负的债款。 发行资本(Issued Capital)指发行的资本,通常与名义或额定资本不同。后者为已额定但未发行、印花税已交的资本。清算( Liquidation)公司清盘或将资产转换为现金。流动性( Liquidity)迅速将资产转换为现金的能力。多头,买超( Long Position)持有证

12、券或商品,希望其价格会上升。市场资本总额(Market Capitalization)挂牌公司总市场价值。以每股市价乘以股数计算。证券数量代表在新加坡证券交易所交易名义单位。零星股( Odd Lot)股价高于帐面价值,与“折价”相反。本益比(Price-Earnings Ratio)股价和公司每股收益的比率。用于衡量投资者资本支出以股息形式或保留利润收回的年数。初级市场(Primary Market)新发行股票的每一个买主在初级市场购买股票。接下来的股票交易在二级市场进行。私下配售(Private Placement)发行公司和投资者之间的直接交易。 反弹 (Rally)股价在下跌或巩固后回升

13、。可变现(Realizable)指通过清理资产变成现金。已实现利润/亏损(Realized Profit/Loss)抛售证券的利润或亏损。重估(Revaluation)公司资产帐面价值变化反映现有市场价值。*纵(Rigging)通过市场活动和谣言非法*纵股价。附加股(Rights Issue)按其持有的固定比例以某一价格发行股票给现有股东。股东有权选择执行或拒绝其权利。整粒(Round Lot)在某一特定股市交易的基础单位。在新加坡证券交易所,为1000股。上涨(Run)市场术语用于形容股价增值。无票交易(Scripless Trading)不须交换股票的交易。二级市场(Secondary M

14、arkedt)买或卖以前拥有的股票的市场,如主板和新加坡自动报价股市。证券(Security)一种表明所有权的票据(如股票、债券或期权),表明债权持有人和公司或政府的关系。卖空(Short-sell)卖方抛售其并不据有的股票。新股套利(Stag)投机者认购新股后马上抛售以赚取利润,与那些长期持有股票的投资者不同。 股票指数(Stock Index)衡量股市股价变化的统计组合。执行价格,履约价格(Striking Price)期权价格。停盘(Suspension)证券包销商(Underwriter)保证认购所有发行的新股的公司。积极成长型(Aggressive Growth Funds):积极成

15、长型基金以追求获取最大资本利得为目 AAllocation This is the amount of stock in an initial public offering (IPO) granted by the underwriter to an investor. For most IPOs, the allocation is significantly less than the indication of interest. The allocations are meted out based on commission volume, trading history and

16、type of investor. Aftermarket Trading in the IPO subsequent to its offering is called the aftermarket. Trading volume in IPOs is extremely high on the first day due to flipping and aftermarket purchases. Trading volume can decline precipitously in the following days. 企业第一次向公众发行股票被称为IPO(Initial Publi

17、c Offering)。即企业通过一家股票包销商(underwriter)以特定价格在一级市场(primary market)承销其一定数量的股票,此后,该股票可以在二级市场或店头市场(aftermarket)买卖。 首次公开招股是指一家私人企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。通常,上市公司的股份是根据向相应证券会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 另外一种获得在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的可行方法是在招股书或登记声明中约定允许私人公司将它们的股份向公众销售。这些股份被认为是自由交易的

18、,从而使得这家企业达到在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的要求条件。 大多数证券交易所或报价系统对上市公司在拥有最少自由交易股票数量的股东人数方面有着硬性规定。Venture Capital Venture Capital firms invest in private companies that need capital to develop and market their products. In return for this investment, the venture capitalists exact a price - significant ownership of the

19、company and seats on the board of directors. For the most part, venture capitalists focus on companies in the technology, medical and retail sectors. Venture capitalists raise money from institutional investors, state pension funds and high-net worth individuals, usually in the form of partnerships.

20、 Investors should look at the venture capital firms track record and expertise when evaluating an IPO. Back-door ListingA strategy of going public used by a company that fails to meet the criteria for listing on a stock exchange. To get onto the exchange, the company desiring to go public acquires a

21、n already listed company.A plan for mid-sized brokerage Changjiang Securities to obtain a backdoor stock market listing has been approved by Chinas securities regulator, a company involved in the scheme said on Saturday.Shijiazhuang Petrochemical Co. said the China Securities Regulatory Commission p

22、assed its plan to merge with Changjiang by issuing new shares, in a deal which it previously estimated would value Changjiang at 10.3 billion yuan ($1.37 billion).Under the plan, Shijiazhuang will separate itself from its parent firm, oil refining giant Sinopec Corp. Sinopec will buy all of Shijiazh

23、uangs assets by assuming debts estimated at 3.7 billion yuan.The merger, which is subject to conditions specified by the commission, will provide Changjiang with Shijiazhuangs listing on the Shenzhen Stock ExchangeCITIC Trust, an arm of Chinas largest financial conglomerate, China International Trus

24、t and Investment Corp. (CITIC), will seek a backdoor stock market listing, a Chinese company involved in the deal said yesterday.Anxin Trust & Investment Co. plans to issue up to 1.5 billion new A shares to CITIC and two other local companies, including Anxins current controlling shareholder, Anxin

25、said in a statement.As part of the deal, Anxin would obtain 100 percent ownership of CITIC Trust, while CITIC would become the controlling shareholder in Anxin. “CITIC Trust would then be a listed company, paving the way for the further development of its trust business,” Anxin said.The placement of

26、 Anxin shares would be priced at no less than 90 percent of Anxins average traded stock market price in the past 20 days, subject to approval by shareholders and regulators.Anxin noted that the deal might fall apart because the firm had been under investigation by regulators since September 2005 for

27、 possible violations of securities laws. Its shares have been suspended since Nov. 22, when they closed at 4.79 yuan. Based on the stocks 20-day moving average on its last trading day, the placement of Anxin shares could raise about 5.67 billion yuan.The money would be used to shore up Anxins capita

28、l base and improve its profitability, the company said.Many Chinese securities and other financial companies are seeking backdoor stock market listings as faster and easier alternatives to the process of conducting initial public offers.Cash-Hungry Developers Try the Back Door05-08 14:36 Caijing Mag

29、azineAccessing capital markets in the face of tighter controls on IPOs is possible for Chinese real estate developers willing to try a back-door listing technique.By staff reporter Zhang YingguangPressured by Chinas increasingly sluggish real estate market and tightening credit, Chinese real estate

30、developers are increasingly choosing to raise funds through back-door listings as an alternative to initial public offerings.Developers hungry for financing have been turning to the capital markets with a sense of urgency for several years. But the governments recently tightened monetary policies ha

31、ve made it difficult to list new enterprises on the stock exchange, dampening enthusiasm for IPOs.According to domestic media, scores of developers have completed back-door listings since late 2006. Statistics show that about half of the 100 property companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges came in through the back door.An investment banker told Caijing that many Chines

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