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1、议论文经典句型雅思议论文话题句型A经济角度: 正面1. Providing economic incentives for is unarguably one of the main contributions of .推动经济增长毫无疑问是主要贡献之一。 2. is essential to the economic and social well-being of a country.对国家经济和社会的健康发展有重要意义。 3. Availability of is a mark of the social and economic development of a country. 能利

2、用。是一个国家社会和经济发展的标志。 4. The first point to note is that government funding for is of great benefit to economy and the society as a whole. 首先要注意的是政府对。的资助对经济和整体社会非常有益。 5. is an effective tool by which a society can achieve the redistribution of income and close the gap between haves and have-nots. 是一种有效

3、的工具来实现社会的收入再次分配以及减少贫富差距。 6. When pinning the hope of future on , the government can not shake off the responsibility for financing 当把未来的希望寄托于。的时候,政府就不能摆脱对。的资助责任。 7plays a significant role in fostering full development and facilitating economic well-being. 起着推动全面发展和经济发展的重要作用。 8. serves as a main faci

4、litator of local economy so that local people will greatly benefit from it. Cultural tourism 起着推动当地经济的作用,因此当地人获益良多。 9.contributes to economic growth, therefore bringing huge benefits to the country and its people. 促进经济增长,因此给国家和大众带来巨大利益。 10.More money should be made available to for the simple reason

5、 that it is the foundation of economic development. 更多的资金应该用来。就是因为这是经济发展的基础。 11.? This phenomenon gives renewed impetus to while it deserves staggeringly heavy price from the government and the public. 这个现象给。以全新的动力,然而却需要政府和人们付出沉重的代价。 12. will help relieve peoples economic pressure coming from将有助于释放人

6、们来自于。的经济压力。 负面 1.One of the main objections to is that it would hamper, and meanwhile pose a huge burden on the state. 其中的反对意见之一是这将会削弱。,与此同时给政府带来沉重的负担。 2.will definitely deter local economy from moving forward, thus causing great losses to local people. 一定会阻碍当地经济向前发展,因此给人们带来巨大的损失。 3.will add cost to

7、 in order to make more profit from people. 将会增加成本,为了从人们那里赚取更多的利润。4.will adversely affect the order of local economy, thus causing local people to suffer from its disastrous consequences. 将会恶劣地影响当地经济秩序,因此让人们承受严重的后果。 5.stirs , which will trigger a series of serious problems for the government to tackl

8、e. 搅乱了。, 将会引起一系列严重的问题亟待政府解决。 6.? The overdevelopment of economies is responsible for which needs an urgent solution. 各国经济的过度发展是主要原因,这需要立即解决。7. It will be immoral on the condition that is purely used as a tool of seeking profit. 如果把它单纯地看作是追求利益的工具,那么这将是不道德的。 8.From the economic angle, scarcity of natu

9、ral resources will impose detrimental impacts on the local government in industrial development. 从经济角度而言,这回对当地政府在。上带来不良影响。 9. is facing the challenge of huge expenditures. 正在面临巨大开支的挑战。 B: 科技角度 正面: 1.Space research improves technological competitiveness in different sectors, especially in national de

10、fense. 提高不同行业的科技竞争力,尤其是在。2.Moon landing not only improves high-level expertise in the outer space, but also reignite the public enthusiasm for natural science. 不但提高了在。方面的高水平知识, 而且重新点燃了大家对自然科学的热情。 3. Space research combines efforts of both humans and technology in exploring clean energy in order to m

11、aintain social well-being. Fossil fuels 结合人类和科技的力量来开发利用。,为了维护社会的稳定。 4.has brought considerable convenience to people. 给人们带来巨大的方便。 5. The widespread use of has dramatically reshaped the nature of the society meanwhile its invention was a landmark in the technological advances of humans. 。的广泛利用已经剧烈地重新

12、改变了社会的本质,同时它的发明是人类科技进步的标志。 6.Modern technology also enables any person in a contemporary society to be more creative and enlightened than before, and therefore the society has been moving forward. 。也能让当前社会的任何一个人比以前更有创造力和聪明。因此社会向前发展。 7.One of the many benefits of is improving efficiency. 诸多好处之一就是提高了效

13、率。 8. The advent of technologies has sustained the development of different sectors. 科技的兴起已经维持了不同行业的发展。 9. Government investments will do much to develop environmentally friendly technology. 政府将在研发环保科技方面做出诸多贡献。 负面: 1. Peoples obsession with convenience has meanwhile caused enormous disturbance when

14、has generated convenience to them. 当。已经给人们带来方便的时候,人们对便捷的过度依赖也造成了巨大麻烦。 2.Too much exposure to modern technologies will have destructive effects in the long term. 过度地受现代技术的影响将从长远角度来看有坏的影响。 3.Advances in technologies have exerted negative effects on. 科技的进步对。有坏的影响。 4. People should rely on , rather than

15、 not only on high technology. 人们应该依赖于。而不是单纯地依赖于高科技。 5.Advances in technologies will add fuel to the environment because the truth has taught a big lesson. 。将对。有火上浇油的作用,因为事实已经给我们有巨大的教训。 6.The aging can not make use of technologies, which will make them isolated away from the outside. 老年人不能利用各种技术,这将让他

16、们与外界隔绝。 C. 社会文化角度正面1.can make a native culture known to the world and rally support worldwide to protect it. 能让当地文化全球共知,并且能聚集全球的支持来保护它。 2. People who have migrated into a new society can follow individual cultural traditions by adopting local customs and blending into the local culture. 在一个新的社会环境里生活

17、的人们通过接受当地风俗和融入当地文化的方式能适应个人的文化传统。 3. advocates which will be beneficial to the society as a whole. 提倡。,这将对整个社会有好处。 4. Animal protection is fundamental to the stability and development of a country, which will bring about huge benefits to the public. 。对国家的稳定和发展有重要的作用,这将给大家带来巨大的好处。 5. Caring for the el

18、derly is a moral imperative which is beneficial to the society as a whole. 是道德上的要求, 这对整个社会是有好处的。6. Access to free healthcare is a basic right and a measure to assure a decent standard of living. 接触。是最基本的权利和一种措施来确保良好的生活水平。7. has proven indispensable in modern life. 已经证明在现代生活中是必不可少的。 负面1. On the negat

19、ive side, cultural tourism develops sometimes at the expense of part of culture. 从负面角度来说,有时候。的发展是以部分文化为代价的。 2.? Some people are faced with the problem of assimilating into an exotic culture and integrating into a new society. 一些诶人面临着融入外国文化和进入新的社会环境的问题。 3. Rise of computer technology will endanger tr

20、aditional culture, for the simple reason that an increasing number of people have used it as a way of communication. 。的兴起将会威胁到。因为越来越多的人已经把。当作。 4. Prejudice against local culture is also responsible for peoples narrow sense of ways of life. 是人们对生活方式狭隘理解的主要原因。 5. Some components of a culture, say, cus

21、toms, might die out over time although .provides a driving force for cultural reservation. 一种文化的构成因素,比如风俗习惯也许会随着时间的推移消失,及时给文化保护提供支持。 6. advertising will mislead people, making them buy products on a whim. 将会误导人们,让他们冲动地。7. There is no denying that cultural tourism is detrimental to traditional cultur

22、es that symbolize the past history and the national identity. 不能否认的是对传统文化有害。传统文化代表着过去的历史和民族的身份。8. The increasing weight has been given to which is detrimental to the society as a whole. 要更多地关注。这对整体社会有坏处。 9.There will be more turbulences if continues to exist in the society. 如果继续存在于社会,将会有更多麻烦。 D. 公众角

23、度 正面 1.The accelerated pace of life implies the expansion of peoples social networking that plays a key part in their lives. 生活节奏的加快意味着人际关系的扩大。这在他们的生活中起着重要作用。2. People have been accustomed to living in a world that appreciates convenience and efficiency and they prefer to be involved in numerous soc

24、ial activities. 人们已经适应了生活在这样一个崇尚方便和效率的世界,他们更喜欢参加各种各样的社会活动。 3. The benefit obtained from international tourism is the boost for the understanding about exotic cultures. 从中得到的好处是对。的提高。 4. The popularity of the internet has given people many opportunities to share information and enhance interpersonal

25、relationship. 。的流行已经给予人们更多的机会共享。和提高。 5. It is the basic human right to seek personal fame and profit. 追求个人名利是人的个人权利。 6. To develop an interest in traditional arts will be beneficial to young people in the forthcoming future. Develop their aesthetics 培养在。方面的兴趣将会对。在不久的将来有好处7. No matter what career one

26、 pursues, he or she should be treated as an ordinary citizen, which is of necessity for a civilized society. 无论一个人追求什么样的职业,他或她都应该当作普通的公民来对待,这对于一个文明的社会是必要的。 8.This practice provides sb with sth which has impacts on them in their future. 这种做法提供了。, 这对他们的将来有影响。 9. People still remain as decision makers

27、even if they are deeply affected by 即使深受。的影响,人们仍然是决策者。 10. Talents and professionals should be encouraged to .because they are on demand in different sectors. 人才和专业人士应该鼓励去。因为在不同行业他们是抢手的。 负面 1. The fast-paced life is responsible for the outbreak of lifestyle-related diseases that are usually incurabl

28、e. 快节奏的生活是无法治愈的生活习惯相关疾病暴发的主要原因。 2. is the leading factor of this phenomenon. 是这个现象的主要因素。 3. People should beware of the misleading and changeable nature of although the enjoyment is brought by it. 即使,。会带来乐趣,但是人们也应该意识到它误导和善变的本质。 4. Juvenile delinquency will be intertwined with personality, especially

29、 with eccentricity and egoism. 将和个性密不可分,尤其是古怪和利己主义。 5. People who are exposed too much to violence will be influenced to settle conflicts through violence. 过多地暴露在暴力中的人们将被影响到以暴制暴。6. Undoubtedly, family education has a profound impact on personality and future behavior. 不能否认的是,对个性和将来的行为有深远的影响。7. There

30、 is a cited reason that few people take the mass extinction of seriously. 有这样一个被大家引用的原因,即有极少数的人把。的大范围灭绝当回事。 教育话题主题句参考句型A.能力和工作能力正面: 1.helps students/ children develop an interest in which will be useful in their future. 有助于孩子/学生培养兴趣,这对他们的将来有用。 2.makes sb more sociable and communicative, which is ben

31、eficial to their future lives. 让学生/孩子更加具有社交能力和沟通能力,这对他们将来的生活有好处。3.makes sb build up their social networking which to some extent determines their success in the society. 让孩子/学生建立自己的社交网络,这在某种程度上决定了他们在社会上的成功。4. helps cultivate sbs potential in participating in social activities. 有助于培养参加社会活动方面的潜质。 5. By offering more opportunities to sb, schools help them to be more experienced and easier to integrate into the society. 通过给学生/孩子提供更多的机会,学校帮助他们更有经验和更容易融入社会。 6. Sb should be taught how to distinguish between ri

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