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七上Unit 8 When is your birthday Period One.docx

1、七上Unit 8 When is your birthday Period OneUnit 8 When is your birthday?Period One New wordsTeaching and learning Goals:1.Learn the new words of Unit8 and remember most of them.2.Lead Ss to learn the names of months and numbers 3.Learn the expression of English dates.设计意图:学生对本节课的教学目标了解,上课时更有目标性。Teachi

2、ng and learning steps :Step1 GreetingTeacher greets Ss: How are you? Nice to meet you!What day it it? Whats the date today?Ss: Its Tuesday, December 18th.Step2: Lead in new lesson(1).Play a song about months, then ask:T: How many months are there in a year? Ss: TwelveT: What are they? (Show flash ca

3、rds to study months) (2)T: What months are in spring/summer/autumn/winter?(Show flash cards to learn again)Ss read together and Teacher check the pronunciation) spring summer autumn winter(3 )Finish up 1a. Listen and repeat. Tell Ss to pay attention to ini(缩略)January Jan. July Jul.February Feb. Augu

4、st Aug.March Mar. September Sept.April Apr. October Oct.May May November Nov.June Jun. December Dec设计意图:通过图片展示要学的月份名词,形象感兴趣,学生既了解了月份名词,同时还了解了季节名词,通过反复展示,加深印象。Step 3:Learn to read the new words of Unit 8.(P93) 1. Ask Ss to read the new words of Unit 8 with their partner . Then check the difficult wor

5、ds. 2. Let the students read the difficult words according to the phonetic symbols and deal with the problems they have in their pronunciation in pairs or groups.3. Get individual students to read the new words to the class, the others listen. If possible , the teacher gets the student to correct so

6、me pronunciations4. Play the tape ! Ss listen and repeat ! Correct their pronunciations.5. Get the students to read by themselves again, and then ask some students to read in front of class. Make sure most students can read the words correctly. 设计意图:通过学生的自主学习,合作探究,小组互助达到学习新单词的目标,同时借助听录音矫音,能使学生发音更标准。

7、Step4 : Learn to remember the words on P93.一. Remember the words by answering the questions.1. Show questions to teach new words and remember them.T: Can you answer the questions?(Fill in the blanks)The first month of a year is . (January) .The second month of a year is . (February) The third month

8、of a year is . (March) The fourth month of a year is . (April) The fifth month of a year is . (May) The sixth month of a year is . (June) The seventh month of a year is . (July) The eighth month of a year is . (August) The ninth month of a year is . (September) The tenth month of a year is . (Octobe

9、r) The eleventh month of a year is . (November) The twelfth month of a year is . (December) 2. Study the ordinal numbers :Show the cardina numbers ,t hen ask Ss to tell their ordinal numbers基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten序数词:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth n

10、inth tenth 缩略写法:1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 基变序,有规律,词尾加上th。123 ,特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d。8去t,9去e,f来把ve替。 基数词:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 序数词:eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth

11、缩略:11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th基数词:twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred序数词: twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth 21st 22nd 23rd 30th 40th 50th 60

12、th 70th 80th 90th 100th整十变y为ie, 后跟 th 莫迟疑。若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以3. Give Ss some time to read and remember the ordinal numbers4. Finish up 2a Listen and repeat 二. Remember the words by reading and writing. Then check the words.1. Show a date to teach how to write and read the English dates.2012 (year). 12 (

13、month). 18 (day) -December 18th, 2012 (December the eighteenth, two thousand and twelve)Teach the diferences between Chinese dates ans English dates.2.Read the datesWriting Reading January 1stJanuary (the) firstMarch 8th March (the) eighthAugust 2ndAugust (the) secondSeptember 10thSeptember (the) te

14、nthJuly 3rdJuly (the) thirdFebruary 12thFebruary (the) twelfthOctober 20thOctober (the) twentiethDecember 25thDecember (the) twenty-fifth3. 写出下列日期的英文表达法: 1. 3 月12日 March 12th 2. 8月8 日August 8th3. 1月5日 January 5th 4. 7月20 日July 20th5. 12月1日 December 1st 6. 9月9日September 9th7. 4月3日 April 3rd 8. 11月2日N

15、ovember 2nd9. 2月14日 February 14th 10. 5月30 日May 30th11. 6月23日 June 23rd 12. 10月21日October 21stHave the students check if they remember all the words by working in pairs and check each other. If they cant, they can open the books and read them again.设计意图:通过多种形式,比如听,说,表演,书写等形式,让学生自查自究单词掌握情况,有利于同学们的掌握。

16、Step 5 .Practice in pairs 1.When is your birthday?My birthday is on 。/Its on .Ask and answer in pairs to practice the dates.2. When is your birthday?My birthday is on _ _.(8月20日)When _ your birthday?My birthday is on _ _.(5月30日)When _ your birthday?It is on _ _.(11月3日)(Write down the blanks )Step6.F

17、ill in the blanks and check the using of new words用月份的词填空: 1._ 1st is New years Day.(January) 2._ 12th is Planting Day (植树节)(March) 3._ 1st is Fools Day.(April) 4._ 1st is Labors Day.(May) 5._ 1st is Childrens Day.(June) 6.The last (最后的)three months of a year are _, _ , and _.(October,November,Decem

18、ber) 7.New school year (新学年)begins in _.(September) 8.When is your birthday ?My birthday is between _ and _, (July,September) Oh , thats August . 9.Which month you cant find above (上面的)? Its _.(February)设计意图:通过以上填空,让学生对本课整体目标有个认识,借助单词填空,解决本课重点词汇的运用,学生通过做题加深了对新学单词的巩固。Step 7. Task after class 1、Rememb

19、er the months of a year. 2、Say the ordinal numbers 3、Write down the birthday of you and your family.Step 8.The end-of-class test:一根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词补全句子(每词限用一次)。third, age, trip, December, art, happy, seventy, festival, Chinese, February1. Our speech contest is in _.2. Jack is very small for his _. 3.

20、 She is the _ girl of the family.4. I want to have a _ to Beijing!5. What _ do you have in January? New Years Day.6. Johnsons new watch is lost. He is not _.7. My grandma is _ years old.8. Do you have a _ name?9. The second month of a year is _.10. Miss Chen is my _ teacher.二。给词语排序,组成一个句子1. May , to

21、day , is , first2. birthday , on , my, is , fifteenth , August .3. his , is , birthday , September , second4. my , birthday , mothers , when , is5. old , are , how , your , parents .当堂检测答案:(一) 选词填空:1. December 2.age 3.third 4.trip 5. festival 6.happy 7.seventy 8.Chinese 9. February二) 连词成句:1.

22、 Today is May first 2.My birthday is on August fifteenth.3.His birthday is September second4.When is my mothers birthday?5.How old are your parents?亮点: 新课程的主旨主要是“以学生为主体,把课堂还给学生,教师的角色定位于示范者、引导者、合作者,而不是教师一言堂” 本人根据以学生为中心的教学思路,设计了大量问答、听、说,表演、讨论等形式多样的语言实践活动。同时,我也根据青少年学生的心理特点,设计形式多样的活动,采用灵活多样的教学方法,实施趣味教学,激发、保持、巩固学生的兴趣,轻松愉快的开始、轻松愉快的过程、轻松愉快的结尾,使得整节课课堂气氛活跃、充满情趣。使用建议:月份和序数词新单词过多,而且刚开始学习,学生很难一下子全部记住和掌握,最好下节课再进行复习和巩固

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