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1、Revisionnumbersandcolours教学案例黎毅峰“Revision - numbers and colours”教学案例禅城区南庄镇吉利小学执教教师:黎毅峰教学年级:三年级课题名称及课型:“Revision - numbers and colours”复习课教材版本:Join in 英语 Book 1课时:第一课时一、学生分析本节课的教学对象是三年级学生,他们活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛特别感兴趣。经过了两年多的英语学习,有一定的口语基础,但他们年龄较小,接触英语的时间不长,英语语言学习的兴趣和习惯还有待进一步加强和培养。而且他们好说好动,放任自由,自我约束、自我控

2、制能力很弱,注意力容易分散。低年级学生的英语学习的情感态度较高,乐于表现自我,表演欲较强。在这节课之前,学生已经系统的学习了1-12的单词和10个颜色的单词,绝大部分学生能够比较熟练地对单词进行认读和拼写,并能够运用颜色和数字进行简单的口语交际。二、教材分析本节课的主要内容是复习Join inBook 1中第一单元的数字单词和第二单元的颜色单词。由于数字和颜色与学生的日常生活密切相关,而且数字类和颜色类单词是小学英语词汇的重要组成部分,熟练掌握好这部分词汇,能为学生今后进一步用英语交流打下坚实的基础。三、教学目标 教学内容根据本课的课型特点和教学内容以及学生的现有认知水平确定以下教学目标:(1

3、)知识与技能:学生能够熟练听、说、读、写数字和颜色类单词。(2)过程与方法:通过完成一系列的任务(活动),学生能够熟练掌握单词的听、说、读、写。(3)情感态度与价值观:通过形式多样的英语游戏活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学内容:(1)重点:复习数字单词one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve和颜色单词red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, brown, pink, purple, white的听、说、读、写。(2)难点:eleven, twelv

4、e, black, brown的发音和拼读。四、教学策略小学英语新课程标准中把激发学生学习兴趣放在重要的位置,强调让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习外语。针对三年级学生好奇、好玩、好动、好表现的年龄特征,本课通过创设情景游戏活动完成故事书等环节进行教学。整个教学环节以学生到“开心乐园”玩游戏这条主线贯穿整个课堂,让学生在比较真实的情境中进行语言学习。并且充分利用多媒体课件展示以“开心乐园”为主题的丰富多彩的活动,让学生在玩中学,乐中学,让枯燥乏味的单词学习活起来,让学生在手、口、眼、耳多种感官共同参与下学习知识、巩固知识、提高学习兴趣。五、教学过程Step 1. Lead-in 1. Create

5、the real situation.Use the CAI to show a picture of a park and say: “Today, we are going to go to the Happy park. Do you want to go there? There are many games to play.” Then let the students know that after the games, they can get some prizes. 设计意图:创设一个贴近学生生活的情景,让学生在情境中学习语言,激起学生的学习情绪,让学生在比较真实的情景中有机

6、会运用已学到的语言材料,充分体现语言的实践性和交际性,使学生能够“学以致用”,同时有利于语言的记忆和巩固。游戏是学生的挚爱,用游戏激发学生的学习动机,能够让学生更有兴趣地投入到学习中。2. Warm-up Do the tiger jump.(a) T: Ok. Stand up. Come on. Before we play the game, lets do a warm-up exercise. Follow me!Show the students how to do the exercise step by step. At the same time, the students

7、follow the teacher to do it.(b) T: Do you remember the tiger jump? Ok, now watch the video, and do the tiger jump together.Let the students watch the video and do the tiger jump together.设计意图:在老师的带领下,学生做动作,调动了学生的积极性,把学生的注意力都集中到课堂上来,并将他们带入了学英语的气氛中。这个Warm-up exercise不但起到了热身的作用,同时也对numbers中的1-10单词的读音复习

8、了一遍。为接下来的学习做了一个很好的铺垫。Step 2. Revision of numbers 1. Activity1 Who is lucky?(a) First use the CAI to present a spinner with the numbers from one to twelve on it. Let the students guess what the number will be shown. Then click the button to rotate the spinner to show the number. And then let the stud

9、ents spell the shown number.Write down the shown number on the blackboard. (b) Play this game for 6 times and show 6 numbers including one, two, six, nine, eleven and twelve.T: Which number is missing? Can you spell it?Let the students say out and spell the six missing numbers.(c) Show the prize aft

10、er this game (The prize is a picture of a cat.)设计意图:第一个游戏Who is lucky?的设计目的是让学生通过猜1-12的数字,不知不觉地回忆起数字单词的读音与拼写,让所学的知识在学生玩游戏的过程中得到再现。通过给学生奖励奖品,激发学生参与活动的热情。2. Activity2 Paper-scissors-stone.(a) First explain how to play this game.T: Do you remember the game paper-scissors-stone? If you win you can show

11、your fingers and ask the other student:“How many?” And the student must say out the number and spell it. If the answer is right, you should say:“Yes.”If the answer is wrong, you should say:“No.”。(b) Ask a student to come to the front. Play the game with the teacher to demonstrate how to play the gam

12、e. And then ask two students to play the game in front of the class.(c) Play the game in pairs.(d) Show the prize after this game (The prize is a picture of a rabbit.)设计意图:学生喜欢竞争,通过两个同学进行Paper - scissors - stone这个游戏,赢了的同学就可以发问,满足学生的好胜心理。通过出示手指,让输了的同学快速反应数字的读音及拼写,能够让学生在玩的过程中操练数字的单词,让枯燥乏味的单词操练变得更加有意思了

13、。3. Activity3 Golden eyes.(a) Let the students look at the screen carefully. Click the CAI and the words of numbers with different colours will move very fast across the screen. Let the students say out the moving words.(b) After three words, not only let the students say out the words, but also ask

14、 them to answer the question: “What colour is it?”(c) Show the prize after this game (The prize is a picture of a budgie.)设计意图:Golden eyes这个游戏是很受学生欢迎的一个游戏,通过这个游戏,不但能够让学生从单词的整体外形去判断是哪个单词,培养学生快速认读单词的能力和短时记忆能力,而且这个游戏能够让学生从复习数字单词自然过渡到颜色单词的复习。Step 3. Revision of colours1. Activity 1 Memory game.(a) Use t

15、he CAI to show ten circles with different colours. The students are allowed to memorize the colours and the circles positions within 10 seconds. (b) After 10 seconds, the circles of colours will be covered with 10 black circles which are marked with 1 to 10. Point to No.1 and ask “What colour is it?

16、” At the same time, write down the sentence “What colour is it?” on the blackboard and read the sentence together. When the students answer each colour word, write down the word on the blackboard.(c) Show the prize after this game (The prize is a picture of a fish.)设计意图:如何让学生能够回忆起颜色单词的读音与拼写呢?传统的做法是老

17、师出示一种颜色,然后问学生什么颜色然后学生回答。这种方式是比较枯燥乏味的,不到一会儿,学生就开始厌倦了。学生喜欢有难度,有挑战性的游戏,于是就设计了这个Memory game,让学生通过快速记忆,既初步复习了颜色单词的读音和拼写,也训练了学生的短时记忆能力,调动了学生的积极性。2. Activity 2 Say the colours.(a) Show how to play this game: “A black rectangle will be shown on the screen. When the rectangle moves away, some colours will be

18、 shown up. You must say out the colours as soon as the colour is shown up.”(b) Let the students play the game together in order to familiarize them with the game.(c) Have a competition between groups. Divide the whole class into four groups, and then play this game group by group. The group that can

19、 read the most quickly and correctly will get the extra prize (sweets) (d) Show the prize after this game (The prize is a picture of a hamster.)设计意图:这个游戏的要求比上一个游戏明显增大。通过这个游戏,能够让学生更进一步地复习10个颜色单词的读音,并且能够训练学生的快速反应能力,检测学生的知识运用能力。由于三年级学生非常喜欢比赛活动,也非常想通过努力为自己所属小组获得荣誉,所以,设计了小组竞赛活动,让学生在竞赛过程中发挥自己所长,力求正确快速地读出颜

20、色单词,为自己小组夺得荣誉。通过这个竞赛活动,既巩固了学生对颜色单词的掌握,也培养了学生的集体主义精神。3. Activity 3 Mix colours(a) Show a picture. Two wizards, Pit and Pat, are making drugs. T: Look, Pit and Pat are making something now, they want to mix colours. Lets see whatll happen.Then show a bottle of yellow drug and a bottle of blue drug wit

21、h the CAI.T: They mix yellow and blue. Itll be?Let the students to say what the colour is after mixing yellow and blue. (b) Then show the combinations of yellow + red, blue + red, green + red, green + orange. Lets the students answer what colours they will be.设计意图:Activity 3 是一个拓展练习。通过学生熟悉的人物Pit和Pat

22、两个巫师混色这个情景,让学生说说不同颜色混合在一起会变成什么样的颜色。通过这个活动,学生不但能够更进一步地复习颜色单词的读音,而且能够了解常见颜色混合后得到的颜色,增长了学生的知识,拓展了学生的眼界。同时,也给予知识面广的学生一个展示课外知识的机会。Step 4. Expansion - Quiz Time(a). Explain the game - Quiz Time. T: OK, now is quiz time. There are eleven questions here. And every question has got some points. If you can an

23、swer the question, you can get the point for you group. And the best can get the sweets. Teacher gives an example.(In each question, there are some pictures to help the students answer the question. For example:Question 1:Question 2:Question 3:Question 4:(b) The students play the games.设计意图:教师通过图片展示

24、出学生日常生活中经常碰到的各个场景,然后就各个场景提出问题,或者提出一些有关文化和涉及课外知识的问题,以Quiz Time这个抢答游戏为载体,让学生把学到的知识用于解决生活中的问题,并拓展学生更多的课外知识。而且这个游戏是以小组抢答竞赛的形式,大大调动了学生学习的积极性。Step 5. Summary(a) T: Children, you did a very good job. So, I have two gifts for you. Do you like apples and pears?Draw a big apple around the words from 1 to 12 a

25、nd a big pear around the words of ten colours.(b) T: I give you a big apple and a big pear. Whats in the big apple?Let the students read the words from 1 to 12. Then point to the words and ask: “These are” Let the students say that these words belong to numbers. And then write down the word: Numbers

26、.(c) T: Whats in the big pear?Let the students read the words of 10 colours. Then point to the words and ask: “These are” Let the students say that these words belong to colours. And then write down the word: Colours. 设计意图:在归纳的时候,运用特别的方式,用画一个苹果和梨子作为学生表现好的礼物,自然巧妙地让学生归纳今天所复习到的数字和颜色单词,并让学生自己归纳出numbers和

27、colours这两类主题,培养学生的归纳能力。Step 6. HomeworkFinish the colour book.设计意图:通过这个有趣的完成一本颜色书的作业,激发学生学习的兴趣,让学生把复习到的数字和颜色的单词运用到解决实际的问题中,让学生学以致用,并做到课后及时复习。这个活动要求学生根据提示画画,与美术学科比较好地整合在一起,不但能运用所学的知识解决实际问题,也能练习画画。六、课后反思通过了这一节课的学习,学生能够较好地达到老师设定的教学目标。本节课主要的特色是充分利用现代化设备,提高课堂效率。多媒体集图、文、声、像多重刺激于一体,可以有效促进记忆,培养记忆能力。本课教学媒体是电


29、性和高效性相结合的原则,让学生在宽松的环境中学会学习,真正体现了快乐英语的概念。本课活动设计除了让学生巩固单词之外,另一个特色是在各个活动中充分训练学生的眼力,快速反应能力,记忆力。教学拓展的Quiz Time抢答比赛,在这个Quiz Time活动中,每个抢答题目都有一个独立的情景,例如发生火灾的情景,有人受伤的情景,乘坐公共汽车情景等,让学生能够在情境中解决特定的问题,不但让学生用学到的知识去解决实际的问题,还可以了解更多的课外知识。通过完成colour book的这个作业,既增长了学生的课外知识,又训练了学生画画的能力,从而实现学科之间的整合。总之,这节课设置的各个环节,都达到了活动设计的预期的目标。最后,在课堂中老师以亲切,并不乏有激情的语气来带领学生进行不断深入的学习,对学生的评价主要以表扬为主,并结合不同的奖励方式,使学生在学习过程中完全没有压力感,整堂课全部都在一片轻松,愉快的气氛中有条不紊地进行。但是,这堂课的教学过程太过依赖于多媒体课件,教师忽略了用学生身边的看得见,摸得着东西进行教学,例如教室里面物品数量,物品的颜色都可以成为复习的途径,这样比起看多媒体课件更加有效,学生更感兴趣。附件:Colour Book板书设计

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