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1、雅思写作句子改错参考答案雅思写作常用语法错误分析1We are frequently confronted with statement about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity. 错因:statement是可数名词,在这里要么加冠词,要么变复数。改正:We are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity大意:我们经常听到关于语言多元性快速丧失的言论。2Globalization wil

2、l always have supporters who are blind on the destruction it can cause错因:惯用法。介词使用错误,blind后面常加to.改正:Globalization will always have supporters who are blind to the destruction it can cause.大意:全球化总有一些支持者,他们对由全球化造成的破坏视而不见。3One problem that has not yet been addressed is the existing infrastructure and fa

3、cilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists错因:句子结构。有两个谓语动词,分别是is和fail,需要将其中一个改成从句。改正:One problem that has not yet been addressed is that the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists大意:一个仍然还没有被解决的问题是现有的基础设施和设备不

4、能够满足越来越多的游客的需要.4Children,if grown up in a multicultural society,are more likely to embrace different cultures and values错因:从句部分不能用过去分词,小孩与 grow up之间是主动关系。改正:Children,if growing up in a multicultural societyare more likely to embrace different cultures and values大意:如果孩子在多元文化的社会中成长,他们更容易接受不同的文化和价值观。5I

5、t is obvious that comparing with its drawbacks,the rise of English as a global language can bring us a lot of benefits.错因: 不能用现在分词comparing,因为the rise of English as a global language 是被比较,是被动,因此要用过去分词compared。改正:It is obvious that compared with its drawbacks,the rise of English as a global language

6、can bring us a lot of benefits大意:很明显的是,相对于它的弊端,英语作为全球性语言的崛起会带给我们更多益处. 6Importing goods from overseas might cause a country to depend exceedingly on imports, which mean that it would gradually lose the control on the market. 错因: 主谓不一致。这个定语从句修饰的是整个主句,因此动词要用第三人称单数。改正:Importing goods from overseas might

7、 cause a country to depend exceedingly on imports,which means that it would gradually lose the control on the market大意:进口商品有可能导致一个国家过于依赖进口,从而逐渐失去对市场的控制。7. It would be not denying that almost every country has its unique culture or art forms that is different from other countries错因:没有It would be not

8、denying这种说法;or连接两个词的时候,谓语动词跟随后面的成分变化。改正:There is no denying that (也可以说It cant be denied that) almost every country has its unique culture or art forms that are different from other countries大意:毫无疑问,几乎每个国家都有不同于其他国家的独特文化或艺术形式。8Cultural diversity can be viewed both positively and negativelyWhile some s

9、ee it as a barrier to effective communication or a cause of miscommunication,the others regard it as an asset. 错因: the others和others的区别在于:前若是特指某个范围里的另外一些人,而后者并不强调任何一个特定范围,只是泛指其他人。改正: Cultural diversity can be viewed both positively and negativelyWhile some see it as a barrier to effective communicat

10、ion or a cause of miscommunication,others regard it as an asset大意: 我们可以从正反两方面看待多元文化、一部分人把它视作一个有效交流的障碍或者是一个引起误解的原因,另一些人则把它看作财富9. It is undeniable fact that the tourism industry has provided a substantial source of income for many countries错因:fact是个可数名同,应该加冠词。改正:It is an undeniable fact that the touri

11、sm industry has provided a substantial source of income for many countries大意:不可否认,旅游业已为很多国家带来可观的收入。10. I believe that everything has its downside,and the spread of English as a global language in the world is not exception.错因:not是副词,不可以修饰名词exception。改正:I believe that everything has its downside,and

12、the spread of English as a global language in the world is no exception大意:我相信每件事都有它的弊端,英语作为全球性语言在世界的扩展也不是例外.11. New immigrants cannot fit into a new environment can happen very often.错因:句子结构混乱。此处应用it作形式主语。改正:It can happen very often that new immigrants cannot fit into a new environment.大意:新移民无法适应新环境

13、的情况经常出现12Tourism also enables people,not only visitors,but also local dwellers,learn values and features of different cultures错因:谓语动词使用错误。enable后面需要加to,enable somebody to do something.改正:Tourism also enables people,not only visitors,but also local dwellers,to learn values and features of different c

14、ultures大意:旅游业不仅让观光者也让当地居民了解不同文化的价值和特色.13Cross-cultural communication occurs between people living in same country but from different cultural backgrounds错因:same之前一般都需要有定冠词the。改正:Cross-cultural communication occurs between people living in the same country but from different cultural backgrounds大意:跨文

15、化交流一般在那些在相同国家居住却拥有不同文化背景的人之间进行.14In a multi-ethnical society,nationality can a taboo subject and people are embarrassed to talk openly about it错因:谓语不完整。can本身不能构成完整的谓语.改正:In a multi-ethnical society,nationality can be a taboo subject and people are embarrassed to talk openly about it大意:在一个多民族的社会里,国籍是

16、一个忌讳的话题,人们公开讨论国籍是尴尬的。15Many donor countries believe that the main obstacle to third-world development is lack of capital and that giving poor countries cash to invest can spur rapid grow. 错因:grow是动词,不能作宾语,要用其名词形式growth。(注:这句话中的两个that引导的从句并列作believe的宾语从句。)改正:Many donor countries believe that the main

17、 obstacle to third-world development is lack of capital and that giving poor countries cash to invest can spur rapid growth大意:很多捐献国相信,第三世界发展的主要障碍是缺乏资金,给贫穷国家用以投资的资金可以促进其快速发展。16The continuing cultural invasion creates problems and troubles for social solidarity,whether it is at the level of nation,com

18、munity or family.错因:赘述。problems和troubles意思相近,不需要一起使用。改正:The continuing cultural invasion creates problems for social solidarity,whether it is at the level of nation, community or family大意:持续的文化入侵无论在国家、社区还是家庭的层面上都给社会团结一致造成了问题。17. No matter where they come from or what their previous lifestyle is, mig

19、rants should seek to adapt to a new culture错因:单复数错误。lifestyle应该用复数,因为是their作定语。改正:No matter where they come from or what their previous lifestyles are,migrants should seek to adapt to a new culture大意:移民需要设法适应新的文化,不管他们从什么地方来、以前的生活方式如何。18. The host country provides many social settings for language ac

20、quisition to be taken place错因:take place是不及物动词词组,没有被动。改正:The host country provides many social settings for language acquisition to take place大意:东道国为语言学习提供了很多社会环境。19. We are not surprising to see that in the coming decades,English language learners will account for the majority of the entire school-

21、aged population in every part of the world错因:不应该用现在分词:surprised表示“惊讶的”,主语为人;surprising表示“令人惊讶的”,主语为物。改正:We are not surprised to see that in the coming decades,English language learners will account for the majority of the entire school-aged population in every part of the world大意:在未来的几十年里,在世界的每个地方,学

22、龄人口中的大多数都会成为英文学习者,对此我们不会感到惊奇。20. There can be little doubt that the people who are fluent bilinguals outperform monolingual speakers in the workplace,as the world is increasingly global connected错因:global是形容词,不能修饰connected这个过去分词。改正:There can be little doubt that the people who are fluent bilinguals

23、outperform monolingual speakers in the workplace,as the world is increasingly globally connected.大意:毫无疑问,可以流利讲两种语言的人在职场上的表现会超过讲单一语言的人,因为世界各地的联系正逐步变得密切。21. As our world shrinks and business becomes increasingly international, people, who can speak two languages fluently, will be taken as a valuable r

24、esource to society. 错因:在这里不宜用非限制性定语从句,句中特指能够讲两种语言的人,修饰关系紧密,最好用限制性定语从句。改正:As our world shrinks and business becomes increasingly international,people who call speak two languages fluently will be taken as a valuable resource to society.大意:随着世界的缩小、商业逐步国际化,可以流利讲两种语言的人将会被看作是社会里有价值的资源。22. The effect glob

25、alization has had on culture is immense and diversity错因:diversity是名词,在这里应该用形容词diverse作表语。改正:The effect globalization has had on culture is immense and diverse大意:全球化对文化的影响是广泛和多样的。23During last decade,there has been much discussion and controversy over the impact of global economic integration错因:惯用法。l

26、ast前一般要用定冠词the,不能省略。改正:During the last decade,there has been much discussion and controversy over the impact of global economic integration大意:在过去十年里,人们进行了很多关于国际经济一体化影响的讨论和争论。24Globalization poses both opportunities and problems for every industry in a worldwide scale错因:介词使用错误。onscale为常用搭配。改正:Globali

27、zation poses both opportunities and problems for every industry on a worldwide scale.大意:全球化在世界范围内给每一个行业提供了机会,同时也带来了问题。25There is an inescapable trend that those economic developed areas are in the vanguard of a cultural change.错因:economic是形容词,不能修饰过去分词developed。改正:There is an inescapable trend that t

28、hose economically developed areas are in the vanguard of a cultural change大意:经济发达地区处于文化变革的前沿,这是不可避免的趋势。26Like tourism, telecommunications represent the fastest-growing and the most profitable industry in many countries across the world.错因:赘述。如果出现两个或者两个以上最高级,可以共用一个the。改正:Like tourism,telecommunicatio

29、ns represent the fastest-growing and most profitable industry in many countries across the world大意:在世界上很多国家,电子通信如同旅游业一样,代表着一个快速发展而且利润可观的产业。27Movies have a means to present contemporary attitudes, fashions and events.错因:谓语结构不完整。应该使用be动词的完成时态。改正:Movies have been a means to present contemporary attitud

30、es,fashions and events。大意:电影一直是展示当代观念、时尚和时事的一种方式。28. The government and the local people have to preserve the original appearance of the local cultures, customs and etiquettes,even though their purpose is meeting the expectation of the tourists from all over the world.错因:当purpose作主语的时候,表语经常用不定式。改正:T

31、he government and the local people have to preserve the original appearance of the local cultures, customs and etiquettes,even though their purpose is to meet the expectation of the tourists from all over the world大意:政府和当地居民必须要保护好包括风俗和礼节在内的当地特色文化,尽管这样做仅仅是为了满足来自世界各地的游客的需要。29The easy of communication

32、and the spread of information increase the proportion of economic activity that can operate beyond national borders.错因:easy是形容词,应该改成名词ease,表示“轻松,便利”;activity是可数名词,在这里应该用复数。 改正:The ease of communication and the spread of information increase the proportion of economic activities that can operate beyond national borders大意:交流的便利和信息的传播增加了跨国经济活动的比例。30. Those who speak English as the native language ha

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