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信息系统项目管理师章节题目 高级英语题集锦.docx

1、信息系统项目管理师章节题目 高级英语题集锦2013年上试题71-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-(71) is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project.A. Integrated managementB. C

2、onfiguration managementC. Scope managementD. Requirements management分析:(71)是一个过程,该过程用来对需求进行记录、分析、跟踪、优先级排序并确认、然后进行变更控制并与干系人联系。它是一个贯穿于项目始终的连续过程。A. 整体管理B. 配置管理C. 范围管理D. 需求管理参考答案:D试题72-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-(72) is a collection of data sets, which is so large and complex that it becomes difficult to pro

3、cess using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications.A. Big dataB. ClusterC. Parallel computingD. Data warehouse分析:(72)是一个数据集合,它是如此庞大和复杂,使得很难使用一般的数据库管理工具或传统的数据处理应用程序中对它进行处理。A. 大数据B. 集群C. 并行计算D. 数据仓库参考答案:A试题73-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-In requirements engineering, requ

4、irements elicitation is the practice of collecting the requirements of a system from users, customers and other stakeholders. In the following practices, (73) is rarely used in requirements elicitation.A. brain stormingB. interviewC. questionnaireD. Monte Carlo analysis分析:在需求工程中,需求获取是从用户、客户和其他干系人中选择

5、系统需求的过程。下列方法中,(73)不是需求获取的方法。A. 头脑风暴法B. 会谈C. 调差问卷D. 蒙特卡洛法参考答案:D试题74-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-Software configuration management (SCM) is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the software. Configuration management practices include configuration identification, change control, (74) and configur

6、ation audit.A. milestones markingB. status reportingC. stakeholder managementD. quality audit分析:软件配置管理用来跟踪并控制软件的变化。配置管理过程包括配置标识、变更控制、(74)和配置审计。A. 里程碑标记B. 状态报告C. 干系人管理D. 质量监查参考答案:B试题75-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-(75) is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of empl

7、oyees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws.A. Human resource managementB. Strategic analysisC. Team managementD. RACI分析:(75)用来吸引、选择、培训、考核以及奖励员工,同时负责组织领导和企业文化,并确保组织遵守相关雇佣和劳动法。A. 人力资源管理B. 策略分析C. 团队建设D. RACIRACI:是一个相对直观的模型,

8、用以明确组织变革过程中的各个角色及其相关责任。参考答案:A13下试题71-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-Each machine in the internet is assigned a unique network address, called (71), that is used to identify the machine for communication purposesA、MAC address B、IP addressC、Host address D、Domain name address分析:互联网上的每台设备都会被分配一个唯一的网络地址,称之为(71),该

9、地址在通讯时用来识别设备。A、MAC地址 B、IP地址C、主机地址 D、域名地址MAC地址与IP地址区别IP地址和MAC地址相同点是它们都唯一,不同的特点主要有:1. 对于网络上的某一设备,如一台计算机或一台路由器,其IP地址可变(但必须唯一),而MAC地址不可变。我们可以根据需要给一台主机指定任意的IP地址,如我们可以给局域网上的某台计算机分配IP地址为192.168.0.112 ,也可以将它改成192.168.0.200。而任一网络设备(如网卡,路由器)一旦生产出来以后,其MAC地址永远唯一且不能由用户改变。2. 长度不同。IP地址为32位,MAC地址为48位。3. 分配依据不同。IP地址

10、的分配是基于网络拓扑,MAC地址的分配是基于制造商。4. 寻址协议层不同。IP地址应用于OSI第三层,即网络层,而MAC地址应用在OSI第二层,即数据链路层。 数据链路层协议可以使数据从一个节点传递到相同链路的另一个节点上(通过MAC地址),而网络层协议使数据可以从一个网络传递到另一个网络上(ARP根据目的IP地址,找到中间节点的MAC地址,通过中间节点传送,从而最终到达目的网络)。参考答案:B试题72-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symb

11、ols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as (72).A、Symbols B、Message C、Signals D、Wave分析:严格意义上讲,信息,是由一系列符号组成的消息。信息可以用记号来记录,或用(72)来传递。A、符号 B、消息 C、信号 D、波参考答案:C试题73-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of o

12、ccurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in (73).A、possibility B、bits C、bps D、probability分析:事件的不确定性可以由该事件的发生概率计算,它们成反比关系。事件越不确定,解决该事件所需的信息量就越大。信息量由(73)

13、来衡量。A、可能性 B、bits C、bps D、概率bit中文名称是位,音译“比特”,是用以描述电脑数据量的最小单位。bps,中文名称比特率,又称为位率、码率,比特/秒,位/秒,每秒传送位数。参考答案:B试题74-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-A(74)is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. It illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project.A、Ga

14、ntt chart B、Project histogramC、Milestone chart D、Project flowchart分析:(74)是用来描述项目进度计划的条状图。它可以描述项目各活动的开始和结束时间。A、甘特图 B、项目柱状图C、里程碑表 D、项目流程图参考答案:A试题75-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-The intention of the(75)is to schedule, organize and control all activities to achieve the project goal eventually. No matter how di

15、fficult it is and what kind of risks are there.A、project work breakdown B、Project security authenticationC、Project management D、Project flowchart分析:无论项目有多困难,也不管它存在哪些风险,(75)的目的就是通过计划、组织和控制项目的所有活动,来最终实现项目目标。A、项目工作分解 B、项目安全鉴定C、项目管理 D、项目流程图参考答案:C14上试题71-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-all of the following are fun

16、ctions of CRM system except (71) A. automation procurement B. automation sales C. automation marketing D. automation customer service分析:以下不属于CRM功能的是(71)A、自动化的采购 B、自动化的销售C、自动化的市场营销 D、自动化的客户服务中级教程p33原文。参考答案:A试题72-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-all the following tools and techniques are helpful to accurately co

17、nfirming customers needs, except (72) A. questionnaires B. prototyping approaches C. fishbone diagrams D. interviews分析:以下所有的工具和技术有助于准确地确定客户的需求,除了(72)A、问卷调查 B、原型法 C、鱼骨图 D、访谈参考答案:C试题73-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-试题74-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-Requirements management is the process of (73),analyzing,tracing,pri

18、oritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a ( 74 ) process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome(product or service)should conform. (73) A. communicating B. collecting C. filing D. do

19、cumenting (74) A. persistent B. continuing C. permanent D. continuous分析:需求管理是对需求进行(73)、分析、跟踪、排序、确认,进行变更控制并与项目干系人进行沟通的一系列过程。它是作为一个(74)过程贯穿项目始终。项目成果(产品或服务)应符合项目需求。(73)A、沟通 B、收集 C、归档 D、记录(74)A、持续的 B、连续的 C、永久性的 D、连续的参考答案:(73)B、(74)ABD试题75-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-Setting redundant components in subsystem t

20、o handle with the risks brought by the defaults of original components, what kind of risk response strategy is this? (75) A. risk avoidance B. risk acceptance C. risk mitigation D. contingency plan分析:在子系统中增加冗余元件,以应对主元件失效,这种风险应对策略属于(75)A、风险避免 B、风险接受C、风险减轻 D、应急计划参考答案:C14下试题71-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-The

21、 following diagram is()network topology structure.A、bus B、star C、ring D、tree分析:下图所示的是()种网络拓扑结构A、总线型 B、星型 C、环型 D、树型参考答案:A试题72-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-The main types of social networking services are those that contain category places (such as former school year or classmates), means to connect with fri

22、ends (usually with self-description pages), and a recommendation system linked to ().A、net B、interests C、others D、trust分析:(来源于英文版维基百科关于“社交网络”的介绍)社交网络服务通过一个与信任相关的推荐系统,让人们与朋友(通常有自我描述页)相联系,他们往往出自某一个地方(比如都来自于同一所学校)。A、网络 B、兴趣 C、其他的 D、信任参考答案:D试题73-烂-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-Some team leaders think that the onl

23、y way to ()their team is through cash incentives. However research proves that money is the last thing you would want to useA、arouse B、encourage C、incite D、motivate分析:一些团队领导认为()团队的唯一方式就是用钱。但研究表明,这是最坏的方法。A、激发 B、鼓励 C、刺激 D、激励英文近义词考试?!kao!参考答案:D试题74-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-In the () phase, team members be

24、gin to work together and adjust their work habits and behaviors to support the team. The team learns to trust each other.A、storming B、performing C、norming D、adjourning分析:在团队建设的()阶段,团队成员开始一起工作,并调整自己的工作习惯和行为举止来支持团队。团队开始互相信任。A、震荡 B、发挥 C、规范 D、结束参考答案:C 试题75-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-The ( ) is primarily conc

25、erned with acceptance of the deliverables, while quality control is primarily concerned with correctness of the deliverables and meeting the quality requirements specified for the deliverablesA、verify scope B、define scopeC、quality assurance D、validate scope分析:()过程主要用来接受可交付物,而质量控制则致力于使可交付物与其质量要求相符。A、

26、范围确认 B、范围定义C、质量保证 D、范围生效参考答案:A15上试题71-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-71、Wireless LAN, also widely known as WLAN or WIFI, is probably the most well-known member of the IEEE802 protocol family for home users today. It is standardized by()and shares many properties with wired Ethernet。A、IEEE 802.1 B、IEEE 802.3

27、C、IEEE 802.5 D、IEEE 802.11分析:无线局域网(被广泛称之为WLAN或WIFI)是人们最为熟悉的IEEE802协议族。它由()协议定义标准并具备许多有限局域网的特性。A、IEEE 802.1 B、IEEE 802.3 C、IEEE 802.5 D、IEEE 802.11参考答案:D试题72-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-72、When multiple routers are used in interconnected networks, the routers exchange information about()using a dynamic rou

28、ting protocol。A、destination addresses B、IP addressesC、work addresses D、router addresses分析:当接入网络存在多个路由器时,路由器利用动态路由协议交换()信息。A、目的地址 B、IP地址 C、工作地址 D、路由地址参考答案:A试题73-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-73、Before a project schedule can be created, the schedule maker should have a(), an effort estimate for each task, and

29、 a resource list with availability for each resource。A、work breakdown structure B、baselineC、software requirements specification D、plan分析:制定项目进度计划之前,制定计划者需要()、各任务的工作量估计以及可得到的资源列表A、工作分解结构 B、基线 C、软件需求描述 D、计划参考答案:A试题74-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-74、Establishing a project management timetable involves listing

30、 milestones, activities, and()with intended start and finish dates, of which the scheduling of employees may be an element。A、relationships B、resources C、stakeholders D、deliverables分析:建立项目管理时间表需要里程碑列表、各活动、以及含有估计开始和结束时间的(),其中员工的调度被看作为元素。A、关系 B、资源 C、干系人 D、可交付物参考答案:D 试题75-命-技-N.ZJ.00.p000-9.00-75、The following diagram denotes dependency between two activities A and B, It says()。A、B cant start before A is finished B、B cant finish before A is finishedC、B cant start before A starts D、B cant finish before A starts分析:下图表示的活动A与

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