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本文(浙江专用版版高考英语大一轮复习第一部分Unit2Robots课下作业新人教版选修7.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、浙江专用版版高考英语大一轮复习第一部分Unit2Robots课下作业新人教版选修7Unit 2Robots.情景默写1Should we have sympathy (同情)for beggars?2Theres a digital (数码的)watch on the table.3She piled (堆积)all the groceries on the counter.4Its surprising that he has no desire (渴望)for wealth.5He prefers light fictions (小说)to serious ones.6I must ask

2、 you to accompany (陪同)me to the police station.7He stated (陈述)that he had never seen the accused man.8She scanned (细看)his face to see if he was telling the truth.9Its a theoretical (理论的)matter as well as a practical one.10All employees get an annual bonus (奖金)before the summer holidays.11The entire

3、staff (全体员工)in our company has done an outstanding job this year.12It seems quite absurd (荒谬的)to expect anyone to drive for three hours just for a tenminute meeting.13He kept promising her that he would divorce (与离婚)his wife,but he never actually did it.14There are several people with a lower rank t

4、han me in our factorythat is,they are junior (资历较浅的)to me.15Some experts are in_favour_of (赞成)animal testing while others are against it.16There was little time left.He had to walk,or_rather (更确切地说)run to the office.17With the old people and young children left_alone (单独待着)at home,more and more peas

5、ants come to big cities to make a fortune.18The new product which will be_tested_out (检验)next month is a combination of modern technology and artificial intelligence.19Since these aprons are of such poor quality,they need to be_set_aside (放在一边)and taken back to the shop.20We know that we Chinese peo

6、ple are_bound_to (一定)win the battle against the present severe smog with the help of our government.词性转换1The young lady dressed elegantly (elegant)when she went to work.2He was right in his assessment (assess)and wrong in his prediction.3The soldier who disobeyed (obey)the commander has been severel

7、y punished.4Gratitude is double happiness because it blesses both the giver and receiver (receive)5The old blind man asked me to do him a favour and find his favourite book.(favour)6To the satisfaction of the boss,his products could satisfy the needs of the customers.(satisfy)7I was very alarmed to

8、hear the alarming news that another bombing had hit London.(alarm)8Tom had a deep affection for his grandfather,so he was deeply affected by his grandfathers death.(affect)9Its declared that the both sides agree to stop fighting.They must obey the declaration for ever.(declare)10Everybody said Jane

9、was a talented girl because she did well in all her subjects and had a talent for singing,dancing and drawing.(talent)1句型公式:it是形式主语,that引导的从句是句子的真正主语我们在竞赛中获胜真让人兴奋。 It_is_exciting_that we has won the competition.2句型公式:表示方位的副词位于句首时,句子要完全倒装这家饭店隔壁还有多栋大楼和另一家装修华丽的大酒店。Next to this restaurant stand_many_bui

10、ldings and another grand hotel which is beautifully decorated.3句型公式:what引导的感叹句看,男孩们正在操场上玩耍。多么热烈的场景!Look!The boys are playing on the playground.What_a_warm_scene_it_is!第一板块 核心词汇1desire n渴望;欲望;渴求vt.希望得到;想要高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/一句多译We always desire to_live (live)in harmony with our neighbors.He has a desire fo

11、r success though he has failed many times.我们班的所有学生都渴望上名牌大学。1 All the students in our class have_a_desire_to_go to a famous university.(desire n)2 All the students in our class desire_to_go to a famous university.(desire vt.)3 All the students in our class desire that they_(should)go to a famous univ

12、ersity.状元笔记全记牢(1)have a (strong) desire to do sth.(迫切)想要做某事have a (strong) desire for sth.(急于)想得到某物(2)desire to do sth.渴望做某事desire do sth.想要某人做某事desire that.(should)do sth.渴望2favour n喜爱;恩惠;帮忙;优惠vt.喜爱;偏袒高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子Most of them were in favour of my opinion while David was against it.Do me

13、 a favour and turn the radio down while Im on the phone,will you?They voted_in_favour_of the prohibition of smoking in public areas.他们投票赞成禁止在公共场所吸烟。状元笔记全记牢(1)ask sb.a favour 请某人帮忙do sb.a favour 帮某人一个忙owe sb.a favour 欠的人情(2)do a favour 为了帮忙而做某事(3)in favour of同意;支持in ones favour有利于某人3accompany

14、vt.陪伴;伴奏;附有;配有高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/一句多译While she danced wonderfully on the stage,her mother accompanied her on the piano.Thunder accompanied (accompany)by heavy rain in this season is very common.她要求我陪她到机场去。1 She asked me to_keep_her_company_to_the_airport2 She asked me to_accompany_her_to_the_airport状元笔记全

15、记牢(1)accompany sb.keep pany 陪伴某人accompany some place 陪伴/陪同某人到某地(2)accompany sb.on sth.用某物为某人伴奏(3)companion n同伴;伙伴4declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子/句型转换The accused man was_declared (declare)to be innocent by the court.When they asked him for his opinion,he declared_strongly_against the policy.当他们向他征求意见时,他声明强烈反对这项政策。He declared that the news was true.He declared the news to be true状元笔记全记牢declare sb./ be.宣布某人或某事declare for/against表示赞成/反对declare war (on/against) (向)宣战5

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