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1、小学英语五年级上册mynewroom教案小学英语五年级上册My New Room教案 My New Room 话题:My new room 适合级别:二级课时说明:一课时课题说明:本课是PEP教材五年级上册Unit 5 Part B的Lets learn & Lets find 部分。 教学内容:Where is the closet/ ?Its in/on/under/near/behind/over/in front of the . 学生情况说明: 本教学设计适合五年级学生。五年级学生已有两年的英语学习经验,积累了一定的词汇量,掌握了一定的句型和表达方式。经过三年级下册对本课的部分内容的

2、铺垫,能对事物与方位进行简单的表述。本着遵循教材循序渐进、由易到难的编排意图,本课时将在学生原有知识的基础上,扩展词汇,提高表达能力。从五年级学生的认知水准和年龄特征出发,要求动口、动手、动脑,体验学习过程的乐趣。课堂教学“动静结合”,充分体现英语课堂中“在活动中主动思维”的教学理念。 教学目标:【知识目标】能听、说、读、写词汇:in 、on 、under、 behind、 near能听、说、认读:over 、in front of和句子Where is the ? Its .【能力目标】运用句型Where is the ? 询问相应事物的位置,并正确运用Its .作答。 【情感目标】培养学生

3、注重观察、比较,积极与同伴合作,参与活动,共同完成任务的能力。同时培养学生良好的审美和生活习惯。 教学重难点:教学重点:使学生熟练掌握表示七个方位介词的用法,并能询问和回答物体或人所在的位置。教学难点:in front of 的发音及on 和over 的区别。 课前准备:1. 录音机、磁带及相关课件。2. 教具,如大号纸质家具一套(closet, end table, mirror, trash bin, air-conditioner, curtain)不干胶房间背景;小号家具若干套。3. 16k 练习纸50份。 板书设计:My New Room Where is the ? Its ino

4、nunder the . nearbehindin front of over教学过程: 教学结构 教师指导 学生学习 设计说明Step 1.Warming up & revision 1. Lets sing.T: Shall we sing a song 2. Lets guess. T: I have a friend. His name is Mei Tounao. Hes moving to a new house today. Let me show you his new room. Theres lots of furniture in it. Lets take a look

5、. U-oh , cannot see them. But can you guess? Whats in his room?(剪贴画呈现房间,用大色块遮掩所有家具) Students sing the song.Students try to guess. Ss: A ? T: Maybe.Lets look at his room. Whose answer is right? (教师用模棱两可的答语激发学生竞猜的兴趣。最终为答对的小组加分。) 用相关歌曲热身,创设出一个轻松的学习环境。既活跃课堂气氛,又隐含本课时的相关话题。用学生喜欢的动画人物做主角,吸引学生的注意力。以“没头脑”搬入新

6、居为切入口,展示他的房间,要求学生竞猜其间的家具作为热身。既复习了Part A 部分的词汇,又为下一个教学环节作铺垫Step2. Presentation and practice 11. PresentationT: Oh, what a mess! Where is teddy bear?(回到“没头脑”的房间。)(教师板书句型Where is the .? Its in the . )跟读,拼读,正音。T: Where is the closet? (教师板书on)跟读,拼读,正音。T: Where is the ball ?教师板书under跟读,拼读,正音。2. Practice T

7、PR activity: 教师示范,左手展开,表示方位;右手握拳,表示物体。Lets chant: In , in , in, in the hand.On, on, on, on the hand.Under,under,under, under the hand.2. Practice课件展示P61球与盒子的关系图。T: Lets look and match. 3. Oral practiceWhere is the pencil/pen/bag/?Ss: Its in the trash bin. Ss: Its on the bed. Ss: Its under the bed.St

8、udents imitate the actions and chant. Students think and try to match. “没头脑”杂乱的房间设置,符合人物个性。同时吸引学生的注意。教师要求学生通过观察,经过思考,给出相应的回答。这一过程是教师的用心所在。此外, 这一过程又可视为另一角度的热身。它激活了学生对于该知识的记忆,为下一阶段的介词教学起到承前启后的作用。该活动用两只手分别表示事物与方位,非常直观地让学生习得三个介词的意思。这个设计充分考虑到五年级学生的认知特点,先听后说,读写结合。使课堂生成的过程“动静结合”。让学生尝试上台做电脑演示更能激发学生学习的热情。这个设

9、计让学生的学习从课本走入生活空间,不局限课本,懂得学以致用。Step3 Presentation & practice 2 1. Lets think and do.T: I think all of you are helpful. You put your books on the desk, and all the pencils are in the pencil-box. You keep the desks tidy. Now can you help Mei Tounao? You see, his room is really in a mess. ( 请几个学生上来整理,控制

10、时间)T: Thank you, dear children. You are all helpful and smart.Now, where is the closet/Teddy bear/trash bin?教师板书 near, in front of , behind2. Ask and answerA: Where is the B: Its . the .T: Wow, how nice the room is. Oh, I have got a nice present for Mei Tounao, because hes my friend and today is his

11、 moving day. Guess, what it is? T: Da da da da ! A picture. Can I put it here under the bed? On the desk? On the shelf ? Ok, behind the door!板书 behind T: Is it nice? T:Tell me your idea, please.教师根据学生的意愿把画挂在相应的位置。跟读,正音 over教师快速移动画,请学生反应。3.TPR activityT: Stand behind /in front of / near the chair. St

12、udents come and arrange the furniture.Ss: Its near/ in front of/ behind the Ss:.Ss: No.Ss:学生可能把画挂在床的上方,并说出on the bed让学生主动参与,成为课堂的主人是教师们一致推崇的教学方式。通过这项设计,为学生搭建展示勤巧双手,聪明脑袋的小小舞台。同时,教师又假借学生的手为其下一步的另一组介词的教学作好了充分的准备。所谓“水到渠成”。能让学生动手的, 就给予机会。学生谈论同学整理设置的房间的兴趣远远超过教师一手包办的设计。从中让学生体验自主学习的乐趣。送礼物给乔迁新居的朋友,合乎情理。这个环节的

13、设置是为了引出behind 和over 。 通过教师带有带诙谐色彩的“武断”行为,引出词汇。再让学生判断是否合理,直至引出最后一个易与on混淆的单词over。轻松地化解了本课的难点。注,斜体部分教学片断为机动部分。在presentation and practice 3整理房间部分若学生已引出词汇behind,这个环节便略掉。 XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我教师通过学生的失误直观解答on, over 的区别。 on- over over-on (教师快速移动,引导学生快速反应 )让学生,想一想,动一动,即时反映。以获得良好的方位感知。同时放松肢体。St

14、ep4 Consolidation and extension 1. Listen and talk.听录音, 跟读。 看图模仿说话.A: Where is the ?B: Its the .2. Look , read and write.课件: 展示如图P61的房间位置,同时提供介词,请学生做选择填空。收取若干份讲解。 3. Do a match: I guess. This is my/s room. Guess, where is the ?3. A taskT:Dear children, do you like Mei Tounao. Today is Mei Tounao s m

15、oving day. Would you like to send him gifts ? Here Ive got so much modern furniture. You could choose and put them in his room. Pay attention to make the room nice and tidy, ok?Homework1. Copy the new words and try to make four sentences like: Where is the ? Its . the . 2. Design a room for yourself

16、 and talk about it with your partner. Students listen to the tape and try to say after it, and then do the practice. Students do the exercises.Students guess.Each team start to put things in Mei Tounaos room and practice in English. 这是一个综合性的读写练习,全面考察学生对于本课知识点的掌握情况。同时,遵循英语的规律,让学生主动思维,积极思考。答案的不确定性引发学生思考,述说的热情。这个游戏的优点在于让学生在不经意中快速反应,高频率地练习本课时的词汇和句型。 再次利用该教具,在帮助整理房间的基础上为他人挑选家具或用品并按照生活习惯放置在相应位置。以此项任务型活动促进学生团结协作,再次操练句型和词汇,并自然地教给学生有关房间布置的常识及初步的审美。

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