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秋安徽专版人教新目标版八年级上册英语Unit 9单元过关卷精品教育doc.docx

1、秋安徽专版人教新目标版八年级上册英语Unit 9单元过关卷精品教育docUnit 9单元过关卷时间:100分钟满分:120分听力部分(20分).关键词语选择(每小题1分,共5分)1Apast Bpart Cparty 2Aweekday Bweekly Cweekend 3Aaround Baunt Calmost 4Ashorts Bshirt Cskirt 5Aglad to Bready to Csimilar to . 短对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)6Who will leave next month?A B C7How did Stacy feel this morning?A B

2、 C8What does the boy have to do first?A B C9Where will Miss Li go back?A B C10What does the girl have to do on Friday evening?A B C. 长对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。11What will Paul have to do tomorrow?AGo to a party. BGo to a concert.CLook after his brother. 12When will they go to the concert?AO

3、n Thursday. BOn Friday.COn Saturday. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。13When will May have her birthday party?AThis evening. BTomorrow evening.CNext week. 14What will Joe do tomorrow evening?AMeet friends.BPlay a basketball game.CHave a language test. 15What present will Joe give to May?AA birthday cake. BA baske

4、tball.CAn interesting book. . 短文理解。(每小题1分,共5分)16What kind of party does Karen have on Thursday evening?AA birthday party. BA housewarming party.CA tea party. 17What is Sonia going to do this evening?AVisit her uncle. BGo to work.CGo to a party. 18When will Sonia go to the dentist?AOn Tuesday. BOn We

5、dnesday. COn Thursday. 19Where will Sonia go on business (出差)?ATo Dalian. BTo Kunming.CTo Wuhan. 20What will Sonia do on Friday evening?AStay at home. BDo exercise.CGo to the movies. 笔试部分(100分)21I think you will not do a good job in the exam _ preparation. Awith Bwithout Coutside Dinside22The little

6、 boy didnt stop crying _ he saw his mother. Aif Bbut Cso Duntil23Is that Mr. Smith speaking?Sorry, Mr. Smith isnt _ now. Can he call you back later?Aserious Bavailable Ccareful Dcreative24The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛) was a great _ last year. Acalendar Bservi

7、ce Cevent Dpromise25I got an Email from my American friend yesterday. Now I am _ him. Ashouting Bshouting to Creply Dreplying to26I am glad _ that our team won the basketball game last Friday. Ato hear Bhearing Cto hope Dhoping27Tim asked his father for some money, but his father _. He is sad now. A

8、agreed Brefused Claughed Dcried28Im _ that they invited me to their party because I dont know them well. Ainterested Binteresting Csurprised Dsurprising29My brother is studying medicine in London. I cant say _ I miss him. Ahow often Bhow many Chow long Dhow much30What are you doing? I am _ my trip t

9、o London. Apreparing for Bcaring about Cfinding out Dmaking up31_ you go to see the movie Wolf Warrior (战狼) with me tomorrow, Jane? Sorry, I _ go to see my grandparents. AMight; must BCan; mustCMight; can DCan; can32Im so happy with my new English teacher that Im looking forward to _ her class every

10、 day. Ahaving Bhave Cgiving Dgive33Lisa, I think your article is too long.OK. I _ some words. Adeleted Bdidnt deleteCwill delete Dwont delete34Sarah would like to _ my pet bird when Im on vacation.Alook at Blook after Clook like Dlook for35Linda, why not take a walk after dinner?OK. _. ALets make it

11、 BCatch you thenCThats it DI think so. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)I wanted my 13th birthday party to be the best one ever! I decided to have a_36_party. I invited about twenty friends. My parents_37_to have the party at the town hall. We hired (雇用) a DJ and made a list of the_38_we wanted to play. We also hi

12、red a photographer (摄影师). There was a long table with_39_on it, such as cakes, hamburgers, and bread. We had chairs around the table, so people could_40_and eat. The party started_41_a dancing contest. The winner (胜利者)_42_a large bottle of cola. It was fun to see_43_my friends dance.Then, I had a su

13、rprise. Everyone said that they wanted to_44_me sing, so I sang a song by Hannah Montana. It was_45_! After we ate, we talked and had fun. Then we danced to Mr. CThe Slide Man. 36Atea Bsinging Cdance Dbeach 37Atired Bforgot Cdecided Dkept38Aballs Bsongs Cgames Dboat39Afood Bbooks Cclothes Dparts40Al

14、ie Bhave Cstand Dsit 41Ato Bat Cwith Din 42Agot Bgave Cfound D agreed43Aone Ball Cwhole Dtwice 44Ahelp Bwatch Cspend Dhear45Asad Bserious Cfun Dclever . 补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)A:Today is Sues birthday. (46)_B:Me, too. What should we give her? A:She likes reading books. (47)_B:I think she also loves cakes.

15、(48)_A:But her sister will make a cake for her. B:OK. Lets go shopping and buy a book for her. A:(49)_B:Yes, she will. A:(50)_B:At her home. AWhere will she have the party? BLets make a cake for her. CI want to give her a birthday present. DWill she have a birthday party this evening? EWhen is her b

16、irthday? FHow about buying her a book? GLets buy some flowers for her. . 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ADear Lynn, Thank you for inviting me to stay in your home. I had a great time with you and your family. I really like your beautiful house, your smart dog and your great dinner and desserts. It was my first tim

17、e in another country, so I was a little nervous (紧张的). However (然而), all your family members were very nice to me. When I had problems in school, you gave me advice and it made me feel better. I came back to Japan safely. I will never forget the time we spent together. I learned a lot about Vancouve

18、r because you took me to many places and my English improved a little, too. Vancouver is a very good place, so I want to go there again when my English is better. Please come to Japan someday if you are free. Yours,Ann51Ann is from _. AJapan BAustraliaCFrance DCanada 52Which of the following isnt me

19、ntioned (提到) in the letter? ALynns family. BLynns smart dog.CAnns family. DAnns English. 53Ann wrote the letter to _. Afind a pen friendBask for advice from LynnCinvite Lynn to her birthday partyDthank Lynn and her family 54Why do you think Ann went to Vancouver? AShe studied there.BShe wanted to pr

20、actice her English.CShe went there for sightseeing.DShe found a good family to stay with.BYesterday Jane had a birthday party. This year she planned a very different kind of party for her birthday. It was a costume party(化装舞会). Everyone had to dress up as an animal, a thing, or a different person. J

21、ane told everyone that they could not buy their costumes. They had to make the costumes by hand. Jane knew what costume she wanted. She used the clothes she wore to dance class. She took out her black trousers and black shirt. Then Jane borrowed some yellow paper from her mother. She put the paper a

22、round her legs all the way from her feet to the top of her legs. She also got a big pillow. She put the pillow under her shirt to make her body look like round. After that, she made two wings and covered them with yellow paper. All of Janes friends came, dressing up. One boy came as a panda. He pain

23、ted big black eyes on his face. Janes best friend Laura came as an icecream. She had covered herself with brown paper. On her head she wore a big pink ball that looked like strawberry icecream. Janes friends all had a good time making their costumes. At the party, they tried to guess(猜) what everyon

24、e was. Jim, one of Janes friends, came as PacMan, a character in a computer game. Jim fooled(使上当) everyone at the party and he won the prize. 55What was special about Janes party? AEveryone had to bring their pets.BEveryone must bring an old costume. CEveryone had to make their own costumes.DEveryon

25、e must buy something for the party. 56What did Jane probably dress up as? AA bird. BA computer. CA panda DAn icecream. 57From the passage, we know that Laura _. Aput a pillow under her shirtBwore a big ball on her head Ccovered herself with pink paperDate lots of icecream in the party 58The passage

26、is mainly about _. Aa party Ba competition CJanes friends DJanes costume CDear mother and father, I would like to invite both of you to the United States of America to stay with me for six months. It would be very nice to have you with me. During your stay here, we would visit many interesting place

27、s in the USA such as, New York, Washington DC and Florida. During your stay in the United States, I will afford all your living cost, air tickets to travel from India to the USA and back, travel cost in the USA, housing and food. You will stay with me in my apartment. During your stay here, you will

28、 also get a chance to see and experience(体验) western culture, meet different kinds of people and different kinds of food. You will also enjoy the nice weather and the nice city I live in. We would have a nice time together after a long time. So, please begin planning for the trip. Im looking forward

29、 to your visiting me. Yours, Rahul Gupta59Rahul Gupta asked his parents to stay with him for _ in the USA. Athree months Bhalf a yearCa year Done and a half years 60Rahul Gupta and his parents will _ during his parents in the USA. Alive in a hotelBvisit many interesting placesCvisit many famous peop

30、leDmake lots of money 61Rahul Guptas parents must pay for their _ during they are in the USA.Afood BtravelingCshopping Dair tickets 62Which of the following is WRONG? ARahul Guptas parents will live with him in the USA. BRahul Gupta lives in a nice city in the USA. CRahul Guptas parents can try different kinds of food

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