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1、人教版高中英语必修四单元过关检测卷一高中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji英语必修4(人教版)单元过关检测卷(一)A卷基础知识检测一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空1He _ his goal in the end and was a man of great _(achieve) 答案 :achievedachievement2Many people kept _ in and the room became very _(crowd)答案 :crowdingcrowded3His strange _ made us puzzled and we didnt know why he s

2、hould have _ like that.(behave)答案 :behaviourbehaved4As a good _,she was good at _ parties.So there was no doubt that party _well _(organize)答案 :organizerorganizingwasorganized5Its no use _ with you.(argue)答案 :arguing二、用本单元所学的单词或短语完成下面的短文My neighbour Alan is a 1._ in economics and works as a CEO in a

3、 big company.Though he is rich and important, he never 2._ us.Instead, he always shows 3._ and 4._ to us and whenever we have any problem, we can 5._him.One day, we had an 6._in our family.My little daughter was running a fever, but I couldnt get a taxi to the hospital.When we were waiting in the st

4、reet, we 7._Alan, who 8._ to 9._ a speech at an 10._After he heard our problem, he rushed us to the hospital in his car.You could never imagine how much I appreciate his help.答案 :1specialist 2.looks down on 3.kindness4consideration5.turn to 6.emergency7came across8.was intending9.deliver10institute三

5、、完成下列句子1只有看到许多人往大厅外跑时她才知道大楼发生了火灾。Only when she saw many a person _ out of the hall _ that a fire _ in the building.答案 :runningdid she knowhad broken out2一旦你决定致力于建设一个强大的祖国,你会发觉你的生活充满希望。_ youve decided to devote _a stronger country,youll find your life is full of hope.答案 :Onceyourself to making3前天,我偶然

6、读到了那本专为我们高中学生写的书。The day before yesterday I read the book _us senior students quite_答案 :(which was) intended forby chance4二战期间,Anne 生活艰难。Anne _ during World War .答案 :led a hard life5应该道歉的人是你。_ you _ should say sorry.答案 :It waswho/ that四、语法填空1_(Follow) Janes way of studying chimps,our group will visi

7、t the chimps in the forest.Jane has studied these animals 2._many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.Watching a family of chimps wake up 3._(be) our first activity of the day.This means going back to a place 4._we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night be

8、fore.Everybody sits and 5._(wait) while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move off.Then we follow as the family begins to wander off into the forest.Most of the time,chimps either feed or clean each other as 6._way of showing love in their family.Jane warns us 7._everybody will be very t

9、ired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right.8._the evening makes it all worthwhile.The mother chimp and 9._babies play in the tree and,after they come into her arms,we see them 10._(go) to sleep together in their nest for the night.答案 :1Following2.for3.is4.where5.waits6.a7.that8.But9.her10.goB

10、卷综合检测(测试时间:120分钟评价分值:135分)第一部分语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Harriet Tubman was born a slave.She didnt get a _1_ to go to school.As a child,Harriet had to work very hard in_2_ all day.That way,her owner could _3_ a lot of money when he sold his crops.Har

11、riet didnt think that she was being treated fairly.After Harriet grew up,she ran away from the plantation(庄园) to the northern United States.There,and in Canada,black people could be free.Harriet liked to be free.She felt _4_ for all of the black people who were still slaves.Harriet returned to _5_ t

12、o help other slaves to run away.She made _6_ that they got to the north and became free.Harriet was in great _7_ because of a law that had just been _8_The law said it was not permitted to _9_ runaway slaves.She also _10_ that the slave owners said they would _11_ $4,000 to anyone who could catch Ha

13、rriet Tubman.There were many stories about Harriet helping slaves run away.In all,she made nineteen trips back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to _12_When the Civil War _13_,the northern states _14_ with the southern states.Harriet _15_ the northern states because the northerners believed t

14、hat slaves should be free.She worked as a nurse and spied behind enemy lines until the northern states won the war.() Bchance Cpermission Dmoment解析:此处不是强调上学时间的长短,排除A、D。从下文“As a child,Harriet had to work.”看,她是没有机会去上学,而不是别人不允许。答案:B()2.A.the farm Ba school Cthe fields Da factory解析:从下文的“That way,her owner could make a lot of money when he sold his crops.”分析,排除B、D,farm与on搭配。答案:C()3.A.make Bpay Cgot Dspend答案:A()4.A.happy Bsure Cwrong Dsorry解析:根据下文她帮奴隶逃跑

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