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1、公开课教案高中英语选修六unit3reading教案Unit 3 A healthy life .教材分析 本节课的教学任务是人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life 中的Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending 部分。Warming up部分主要围绕健康问题展开讨论,并提供了几个有关健康的话题(cigarette smoking/Drinking alcohol/Drug taking/Physical fitness/Sexual health/Stress),同时展示了几张图片,使学生能联想现实中的健康话题,更好引

2、入阅读。Pre-reading部分通过看标题预测文章大意的方式,激发了学生的阅读兴趣。Reading部分分为两部分,首先是爷爷写给孙子的一封信,信中82岁的爷爷以亲身体会向孙子介绍了上瘾的原因、抽烟的危害和戒烟的方法,告诫孙子把烟戒掉。第二部分是有关戒烟的网页,详细列举了戒烟的六种方法:l制订计划;2下定决心;3破除旧习;4学习自我放松;5必要时请求帮助;6坚持不懈。Comprehending 部分设计了三个练习,讨论部分可以激活学生在读前部分学过的内容,以便对抽烟这一话题作深入讨论。表格填空主要帮助学生加深对课文内容的理解和巩固,并通过角色扮演让学生们学会运用本节课所学短语,句型,是一种很好

3、的复习方式。II. 教学设计思路 本课设计以“A healthy life”为课堂教学材料,以学生现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在培养学生阅读能力及其发展学生的语言实际运用能力。本设计以学生为中心,运用了图片展示,采用了学生预测文章内容、复述、讨论、学生自读及教师指导阅读等形式,使学生由浅入深,理解课文,同时又提高了学生各方面的能力。III. 学习任务分析本单元的中心话题时“健康生活”,在阅读这部分,主要谈到了爷爷通过自己抽烟及戒烟的亲身经历对孙子提出很多建议。讨论部分:我们在日常生活中能做些什么去保护非抽烟者免受二手烟的侵害,尤其是妇女和儿童,又会遇到什么困难,也是学生较为感兴趣并且很想了解的

4、东西,而文章正式给我们解释了这一问题,而且阅读的难易程度适中,学生有一定的学习热情。IV. 学习者分析教学对象为高中二年级学生,他们已经完成了高二2个多个模块的学习,部分学生渐渐适应了本套教材的学习,也习惯了我的教法。且智力发展趋于成熟,基本能用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题。但由于课外语言活动环境不够丰富,对阅读的重视也不够,学习中还存在一定的问题。V.Teaching goals1.Target language目标语言1) Key words and phrases: keep it up, fit in, cafeteria, lecture, qualification,

5、 preparation, recommend, get use to, comfort, substitute, academic, requirement, essay, tutor, numb, acknowledge, as far as one is concerned, occupy, hopefully, enterprise2) Important sentences:Xie Lei, who is 21 years old, has come to our university to study for a business qualification. Its not ju

6、st study thats difficult. You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.I have been so occupied with work that I havent had time for social activities. Im going to join a few clubs. Hopefully Ill make some new friends.2.Ability goals能力目标En

7、able the students to master the useful words and expressions related to the text.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to deal with the problems that they would face when they become addicted to smoking. 4. Emotion goals 情感目标(1)Enable the students to learn how people usually get a

8、ddicted to cigarette and how they can quit smoking.(2)Students will know smoking is harmful to health.5. Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点1. Teaching important points:(1)Master the following words and phrases: cigarette alcohol sex sexual stress stressful adolescent due addicted addictive

9、, accustomed, due to, addicted to, accustomed to.(2)Understand the text exactly.2. Teaching difficult points(1) How to master the important words and phrases.(2) How to help the students understand the text exactly.VI. Teaching methods 教学方法Task-based teaching method. Group work. Discussion . Role pl

10、ay. Brainstorming.VII. Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector and some slides. VIII.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step 1: Crazy reciting . (2 minutes for the students to recite the proverbs)1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy

11、and wise. 3. A light heart lives long.4. Good health is over wealth.5. Health is happiness.Step 2:warming up Brainstorming-What health issues do you think concern young people the most?Suggested answers:cigarette smoking/drinking alcohol/drug taking/physical fitness/sexual health/stressAIDS and infe

12、ctions/cancer/anxietystep 3: Lead-in (Show some pictures and invite some students to answer questions.) Questions: 1.Why do people smoke? Suggested answers:To be cool. To relax when facing pressures. Just to imitate others. Curious. 2. In what ways is smoking harmful?Suggested answers:The leaves of

13、lung turn black.The teeth & fingers become yellow. Smoking causes lung cancer. Affect the health of the nonsmokers Be a bad example to children【设计意图】 课前两分钟通过疯狂背诵与健康有关的俚语,可激发学生对本节课中心话题健康话题的把握,并为以后的口语对话和写作积累素材。中间大脑风暴联想与健康有关词汇,可以拓展学生知识面和词汇量,后面展示相关图片,并提出几个问题,导入戒烟主题,为课文阅读作铺垫。Step 4: pre-reading (predicti

14、on)look at the titles of the two texts and tell your partner what you think this reading will be about. Then skim it quickly to see if you were right.【设计意图】运用看标题预测文章大意的方法,把主动权交给学生,激发学生阅读下去的兴趣,并训练学生通过标题抓主旨大意的能力。Step 5: skimming 1.Go through the passage and figure out the structure of the passage. Par

15、t 1: A letter from _1_to _2_ to help_3_ quit _4_.Advice from Grandad(in two parts) Part 2: A page on the internet: about some _5_ to quit_6_.Suggested answers: 1. James grandfather 2. James 3. James 4. smoking 5. advice 6. smoking2. Match the main idea with each paragraph in the letter.Para1 a. Lead

16、ing to the topic of the letter.Para2 b.3 ways of becoming addicted.Para3 c.The writers hope for his grandson.Para4 d.The harmful effects of smoking.Para5 e.The life the writer is leading now.Suggested answers: 1-a ; 2-a ; 3-b ; 4-d ; 5-c.【设计意图】 本部分通过快速阅读划分段落,搭配主旨大意,并抓住关键词的训练方法,能帮助学生从整体上把握课文,培养了学生快速捕

17、捉文章整体信息的能力。尤其是主旨大意的搭配,降低了阅读的难度,较好地激发了学生的学习主动性。Step 6:Scanning1.Read para. 3 &4 again and fill in the blanks and try to grasp the key words :Information from the reading passageDifferent ways people can become addicted to cigarettes_1_ addicted to nicotineaddicted through _2_3_ addictedHarmful physic

18、al effects for smokersdo terrible damage to _4_have difficulty in _5_can not _6_Effects that a persons smoking can have on other peopleother people dislike _7_The cigarette smoke may do harm to _8_Effects that smoking can have on sporting performancebe unable to _9_Suggested answers: 1.physically 2.

19、 habit 3. mentally 4. heart and lungs 5. becoming pregnant 6. run fast 7. the smell 8. non-smoker or other people near the smoker 9. enjoy sports2. The second part: An internet page What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?Suggested answers: Prepare yourself.Be determined.Break the

20、habit.Relax.Get help if you need. Keep trying.【设计意图】本部分把文章分为了两部分,课文内容填空题训练了学生捕捉关键词的阅读技巧,而且用表格的形式更直观地让学生了解本部分阅读任务,使学生更详细地理解了文章内容。Step 7: Detailed reading1.True or False practice.If a young lady often smokes, she may give birth to a bigger baby in the future. people who smoke are more likely to suffer

21、 from heart disease.After smoking for a few years, a man may find that he cant run as fast as before.Tom said that he felt happier when he smoked. That means he is physically addicted.A heavy smoker may pick up a cigarette to smoke even without realizing what he is doing.John said he was mentally ad

22、dicted, because he felt rather upset or even painful if he didnt smoke for a while.Suggested answers: F T T F T F2.Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.1. According to the text, if youre a smoker, when you dont smoke, you may not feel_.A. painful B. angry C. sick D. bad-tempered2.Whic

23、h of the following is NOT true according to the text?A. Every time you want to smoke, you can smoke a cigarette.B. Dont choose a day of exams to stop smoking.C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation exercises.D. Its helpful to stop smoking with a friend.Suggested answers: B A【设计意图】本部分是细节阅

24、读部分,通过True or False 练习,锻炼了学生对文章细节问题准确把握的能力,单项选择也更接近考试题型,且难度适中,培养了学生排查信息的能力,同时也提高了学生在应试时做细节辨析题的能力。Step 8: Discussion What kind of person do you think James grandfather is? Suggested answers: *Take exercise to keep fit. *Care about his families members a lot. * Have determined resolve to give up a bad

25、 habit. * Respect his girlfriends opinions. * Have a desire for knowledge, for example, searching information on line.【设计意图】本部分是对文章内容的进一步深化和升华,通过讨论的方式让学生能较大程度地参与其中,激发了学生的学习主动性,在对爷爷的性格分析中培养了学生分析人物性格和归纳信息的能力,也提高了学生应试时对此类题的解决能力。Step 9: Role playOne day, you find my brother smoking in the schoolyard. Yo

26、u try to persuade him to give up smoking and offer him some helpful advice.【设计意图】本部分应用创设情境的方式,让学生身临其境,进入角色扮演,有利于其发挥学习的主观能动性,并提供了在表达中可能用到的重点句型,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力以及逻辑思维能力,在学生上台展示的过程中也培养了学生的自我表现能力。Step 10: SummaryRead the article about the advice on stopping smoking on Page 19, then finish the following summ

27、ary of the passage.Choose a day that is not stressful to quit smoking. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Throw away all your cigarettes. Reread the list of benefits when you feel like smoking. Develop some other habits to keep yourself busy. If you feel nervous or s

28、tressed, try some relaxation exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group. If necessary, ask a doctor or chemist for help. The most important is to keep trying . Dont feel ashamed if you have a cigarette again. Just try again.【设计意图】通过课文填词对文章内容进行高度概括和细致的梳理是全文信息的整合

29、和重组的过程,在掌握了全文之后对文章的复述锻炼了学生组织语言的能力,也可通过学生复述的流畅与否及时把握学生对课文的了解程度,以及时查漏补缺,加强课后巩固。Step 11: Homework1.Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and advice on stopping smoking.2.Write a short passage to summarize your advice on stopping smoking.【设计意图】 课后作业紧扣课文主题,并将课堂教学任务进一步深化和拓展。第一项

30、作业主要为了让学生更广泛地了解有关戒烟的信息,拓宽学生的知识面,并进一步树立戒烟意识,从自我做起,并惠及他人。第二项作业以写作的方式,让学生把在课内外所积累的信息以书面的形式记录下来,培养了其写作能力。XI.教学反思(1) 成功之处:1.把有关词进行归类,既扩大了学生的词汇量,又活跃了学生思维。 2.通过问题回答、填写表格的方式,使学生透彻理解并掌握课文大意。3.利用计算机网络、图片,让学生直观了解课文内容。4.教师讲解知识点透彻,使用语言准确,进一步体现教师备课的细致。更重要的是学生能积极参与到教学活动中,体现了新课程所倡导的“以学生为主体”的教学思想。5.实行启发式和讨论式的教学方式,激发学生独立思考和创新意识能力,重视培养学生收集、处理信息和分析问题、解决问题的能力,使学生受到思想品德和爱国主义等方面的教育,寓德育于教学中,增进对所学语言国家的进一步了解。(2) 不足之处: 1 课前准备不充分,太仓促。2与课文有关的影片因教学时间紧张,只能让学生另找时间观看。

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