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1、倒装倒装英语中基本的词序通常都是主语在谓语动词的前面,宾语、表语和补语在谓语动词的后面。但有时可以改变这种正常词序,把谓语放在主语的前面,这叫倒装。如果将谓语动词全部移到主语的前面,叫做完全倒装;如果只是把助动词或情态动词放在主语的前面,这就叫部分倒装。由于语法结构的需要而使用的倒装:1.在疑问句中。如:Did you come by car?你是坐轿车来的吗?Has she gone to the countryside?她到乡下去了吗?2. 用在there be结构中。如:There are over three thousand students in our school.我们学校有三

2、千多名学生。There stands a high building by the river.河边有一栋高楼。There lived an old man in the house.有一位老人住在那座房子里。3. 用在以here, there, now, then等副词开头的句子中,采用完全倒装。如:Then came his secretary.随后他的秘书来了。Here is a registered letter for you.这儿有你一封挂号信。There goes the bell.铃响了。Now comes your turn.现在轮到你了。 如果主语是人称代词,则主语和谓语的

3、位置不变。如:Here it is.在这儿。There he comes.他来了。4. 用在省略了if的虚拟条件句中(把were, had或should移至主语前),采用部分倒装。如:Were she here, she would help us.(=If she were here, she would help us.)她要是在这儿,她会帮助我们的。Had China not been liberated in 1949, my uncle would have suffered cruel exploitation by landlords and died of hunger.(=I

4、f China had not been liberated in1949, my uncle would have suffered cruel exploitation by landlords and died of hunger.)如果不是1949年中国解放的话,我舅父会遭受地主的残酷剥削,并且会饿死的。Should the imperialists dare to start a new war, it would mean their end.(=If the imperialists should dare start a new war, it would mean their

5、 end.)如果帝国主义胆敢发动新的战争,那就意味着它的完蛋。5. 在表示祝愿的句子里,谓语动词或谓语动词的一部分,要放在主语的前面。如:May you succeed!祝你成功!Long live the solidarity of the people of the world!世界人民大团结万岁!May your country become prosperous and strong!祝贵国繁荣富强!6. 直接引语中间或后面表示“某人说”这类意思的插入语(特别是谓语较短时)中。如:“There is no need to examine him,” said the doctor.“不

6、需要给他检查,”大夫说。“Mr. Green,” said my father. “Will you permit an old pupil to shake hands with you?”“格林先生,”我父亲说道。“您能允许您的一位老学生和您握手吗?”7.用在以so开头、表示谓语所述情况也适用于另一个人或另一事物的肯定句中,表示“也一样”,“也这样”。结构为:so + 系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语如:I study in this school and so does my brother.我在这所学校学习,我的弟弟也是如此。They had a good time last night

7、, so did I.昨天他们玩得痛快,我也是这样。He can speak English, so can we.他会讲英语,我也一样。 so + 人称代词(同一主语)+ 助动词,这种结构中的主谓是正常语序,用以重述前面的情况,以表示赞同或强调。如:-The film is very instructive for us students.-So it is.那部电影对我们学生很有教育意义。的确如此。-Tom hopes to become a teacher.-So he does.汤姆希望当一名教师。的确如此。-It was cold yesterday.-So it was.昨天冷。的

8、确如此。 so it is/was with + 另一主语,这种结构表示这一主语的情况也如此。主要用于上文出现两个以上句子(情况),而在逻辑上这些句子表现同一主语,通常是有肯定和否定的混合句。或有两个(以上)谓语。如: Mike likes Chinese but he is not good at Chinese. So it is with Tom.迈克喜欢汉语,但并不擅长。汤姆也如此。Mike was very ill and was sent to hospital. So it was with Tom.迈克病得很厉害,被送往医院。汤姆也如此。 主语+ 动词do(某种形式)+so,

9、此句型用以避免重复前文所述动词及其宾(状)语,表示该句型中的主语做了前文中已提到的动作,此句型中的主语可与前句主语相同,也可以是另外的人。如:He said he would come and see me, and he did so.他说要来看我,他真的来了。She asked me to speak louder and I did so.她让我大声讲稿,我就提高了声音。8.由neither, nor引导的,表示前面所说情况也适用于另一人(或东西)的句子(否定句),表示“也不”如:-I wont do such a thing.-Nor/Neither will I.我可不做这样的事。我

10、也不敢。They havent prepared their lessons.Nor/Neither have I.他们没预习功课。我也没预习。 为了加强语气而使用的倒装1. 以never, little, not only, not until, hardly, scarcely, no soonerthan, hardlywhen, by no means, nowhere, at no time, not a +名词等表示否定或半否定意义的副词或词组开头的句子中,采用部分倒装。如:Never before have I seen such a good harvest.(正常语序为I h

11、ave never seen such a good harvest before.)我从来没见过这么好的收成。Not until recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like.(正常语序为 I didnt have any idea what a guided missile was like until recently.)直到最近我才有点知道导弹是什么样子。Seldom have I met him recently.(正常语序为I have seldom met him recently.)我最近很少碰到他。Ha

12、rdly/No sooner had I reached the station when/than the train started.(正常语序为I had hardly/no sooner reached the station when/than the train started.)我刚到车站,火车就开动了。Not a single mistake did he make.他一点错误也没有出。Not only is the teacher himself interested in football but also all his students are beginning to

13、 show an interest in it.不但老师本人对足球感兴趣,而且学生也开始显现出兴趣。(not onlybut also连接两个分句时第一个分句倒装,第二个分句不倒装。)Not only does she play football, but she also climb mountains.她不仅踢足球,而且还爬山。 not onlybut also连接两个主语时不倒装如:Not only he but also his parents have been to Beijing.不但他而且他的父母到过北京。2. 为了强调,或为了紧密衔接上下文,常将表语放在句首,颠倒主语和谓语的

14、次序。如:Such was the story he told me.这就是他讲给我的故事。Such was Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.这就是爱因斯坦,一个简朴而有很大成就的人。Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people.他们对中国人为所欲为的日子一去不复返了。Present at the meeting were Mr. Smith, Mr. Green and many other celebrities.出席会议的有史密

15、斯先生、格林先生以及许多其他的知名人士。为了使句子生动Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing horse-headed fiddles.坐在地上的是一些拉马头琴的年轻人。3. often, many a time, always, once等表示时间的频度副词放在句首时应用部分倒装。如:Many a time has he been to Paris.他去过巴黎多次。Often had I intended to speak of it.我曾多次打算谈谈那件事情。4. sothat(如此以至于)出现在句首引导结果状语从句时,采

16、用部分倒装。如:So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself.(正常语序为He drove so carelessly that he almost killed himself.)他开车如此粗心以至于几乎丧命。So difficult was the exam that more than a half of the students failed.(正常语序为The exam was so difficult that more than a half of the students failed.)这次考试如此难以至于多

17、半学生没及格。So busy is she that she has no time to spare.(正常语序为She is so busy that she has no time to spare.)她忙得抽不出时间。5.为了使句子生动、流畅,可把in, out, down, over, off, away之类用作状语的副词放在句首,采用完全倒装。句中的谓语动词多是行为动词,而且是不及物动词。如:Out rushed the boys.(正常语序为The boys rushed out.)男孩们冲了出去。Away went the car.(正常语序为The car went away

18、.)小汽车开走了。 Down came the rain.(正常语序为The rain came down.)下雨了。Up went the kite.(正常语序为The kite went up.)风筝向上升。In came a girl in blue.(正常语序为A girl in blue came in.)进来一个穿蓝衣服的女孩。Up went the arrow into the air.(正常语序为The arrow went up into the air.)箭一下射上了天。Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among th

19、e bushes.(正常语序为Following the roar, a tiger rushed out from among the bushes.)一声吼叫,呼地从林子里冲出一只老虎。 这时如果主语是个人称代词,谓语就仍然得放在后面,不采用倒装形式。如:Away they went.他们一下子就走了。Down it flew.它飞了下来。In he came and the lesson began.他进来了,课就开始了。6. 当介词短语位于句首作地点状语时,也常常用完全倒装。如:North of the city lies a big department store.(正常语序为 A

20、 big department store lies north of the city.)在城市的北部有一家大百货商店。From the empty house came a cry for help.(正常语序为A cry for help came from the empty house.)从空荡荡的房子里传出了呼救声。In the distance was a boat.(正常语序为A boat was in the distance.)远处有一艘船。On either side were rows of fruit trees.(正常语序为Rows of fruit of tree

21、s were on either side.)两边是一排排的果树。In a lecture hall of a university in England sat a professor.(正常语序为A professor sat in a lecture hall of a university in England.)在英国一所大学的报告厅里坐着一位教授。By the window stood an old man. He seemed very sad.(正常语序为An old man stood by the window. He seemed very sad.)窗户旁边站着一位老人

22、,他似乎很忧伤。7. 以only开头的句子(only后面为副词、介词短语或状语从句),采用部分倒装,即把谓语的助动词放到主语之前,谓语用原形。如:Only in this way will you be able to make progress in your English.只有用这种方法你才能在英语方面取得进步。Only when you have lost something will you know how precious it is.只有当你失去某物时才会知道它有多珍贵。Only then did he realize the importance of English.只有到

23、了那时他才意识到英语的重要性。Only because he was very busy did he not go there.只是因为他忙,他才没有去那里。Only when the class began did he remember that he had left his book at home.上课时他才记起来他把书忘在家里了。Only when the war was over could he go on studying.只有战争结束,他才能够继续学习。 only修饰主语时不能使用倒装。如:Only the teachers can use this room.只有老师们

24、才能使用这个房间。Only five men were hurt in the accident.这次事故中只有五个人受伤。Only a few important people know about it.只有少数重要的人知道这件事。 only和所修饰的状语如果不放在句首,则不倒装。如:He didnt go there only because he was busy.他没去那里只是因为他忙。We can learn English well only in this way.我们只有用这种方法才能把英语学好。8. as引导让步状语从句时,常将句末的表语、动词、副词提至句首。如:Much

25、as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John.(=Although I have traveled much, I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John.)尽管我经常旅行,但我从来没看到像约翰这样有能力的人。Tired as he was, he went on working.(= Although he was tired, he went on working.)尽管他累了,但他继续工作。Cold as it was, we went out

26、 for a walk.( =Although it was cold, we went out for a walk.)尽管天气冷,我们还是出去散了散步。Child as he is, he knows a great deal.(=Although he is a child, he knows a great deal.)虽然他是个小孩,但他懂很多东西。Beautiful as she is, she is not clever.(=Although she is beautiful, she is not clever.)尽管她漂亮,但是她不聪明。 在这种倒装句中,主谓语语序无需倒装

27、在这种倒装句中,名词前不用冠词。 如:Child as he is, he knows a great deal.此句不能说成A child as he is, he knows a great deal. 某些不是倒装句的句型:有些句型形式上酷似倒装句,但实际上不是倒装句,不需要进行主谓或其他特殊倒装。 感叹句中:感叹句中的what和how两个词看似疑问词,易误导将感叹句判断为特殊疑问句而采用倒装句序,实际上应用陈述语序。如:What a long way it is from Beijing to Tibet!从北京到西藏是多么远呀! 带有插入语的疑问句中:这种句子以疑问词开头,也易误导将

28、此种句型判断为特殊疑问句,从而采用倒装语序,实际上插入语后面应视为宾语从句而采用陈述语序。如:Where do you think he has gone?你认为他去了哪里? 名词性从句中:名词性从句中的what, how, when, why等连词易被误认为特殊疑问词而采用疑问式倒装语序,实际上这些词为连词,引导名词性从句应用陈述语序。如:I have no idea when he will be back.我不知道他什么时候回来。(宾语从句)This was what the blacksmith was reading.这就是铁匠在读的东西(表语从句)高考预测题:1.I did not come to the party yesterday. _, I must have made the party more exciting.A. If I came B. Would you come C. Had I come D.

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