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1、八年级英语下册综合能力测试题及参考答案 八年级英语下册综合能力测试题及参考答案ainly revisin单元验收B单元验收(B卷)下列各组单词中,有一个单词画线部分的读音与其他三个单词画线部分的读音不同,请选出。(5)( )1Awindy Bwinter find Dthin( )2Apht Balne hpe Dwhse( )3Ausi Buse duty Dpull( )4Awear Bnear dear Dhear( )5Areah Blean idea Dseasn根据汉语提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。(5)ly ther is busy _(做)duplings.2e ust

2、keep ur lassr _(干净).3The peple here are re _(友好) than I think.4hih f these three ities is the _(远) fr us?5D yu have anything t say fr _(你自己)?根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5)lThe yellw River is the _ lngest river in hina. (tw)2r. ang is the _ an in ur ffie. (busy)3It rained _ last night. (heavy)4I shall d it

3、 with _. (please)5st wen eny _. (shp)找出与句中画线部分意思相近或相同的选项。(5)( )1I have t take are f y little brther when y is ut.Alk fr Blk after lk at( )2e have lunh in the iddle f the day.Aevery day Ball day at nn( )3Its hard fr us t learn English well.Ant easy Binteresting different( )4Ill ring yu up when I knw

4、the answer.Awake yu up Btelephne yu tell yu( )5Lts f peple visit the Great all every day.Aany BFew A fe选择填空。(15)( )1here is y pen? I ant _ it.Alk fr Blk at find Dfind ut( )2“Are yu _?”“N, thank yu. I full.”Ahungry Bfree srry Dhappy( )3y pen is brken. ay I use _?Ayu Byur yurs Dyurself( )4lass begins

5、nw. Stp _, please.At talk Btalking talk Dtalks( )5There isnt _ bread in the basket.Aany Bse any Dlts( )6She ften helps e _ y English.At Bat fr Dwith( )7They have lunh at shl, _ they?Ahave Bhavent dnt Dd( )8y ther tld e _ in bed.Adnt read Bnt readnt t read Dnt reading( )9She lks very _ tday.Awrried B

6、wrry wrrying Dt wrry( )10“I want t d se shpping this afternn.”“_.”AS d I BI d sI dnt s DS I d( )11y little brther enyed _ TV.Awathing Bwath wathed Dt wath( )12There was a telephne all yu.Awith Bf t Dfr( )13The third ake is _ f all, but its t dear.Adeliius Bre deliiusst deliius Dthe st deliius( )14yu

7、d better _ late fr shl next tie.Adnt be Bntnt be Dnt t be( )15y ther ade e _ at he yesterday.Astayed Bstay t stay Dstaying根据句意,选用所给的词语,并用其适当形式填空。(10)take, n a visit t, tt, take exerise, ake, eat, beause, what abut, nt laugh at, hw ften1He is strng beause he _ every day.2y friend ant e t see e _ he i

8、s very busy.3_ ther peples istakes.4_ it away! I dnt want it here.5I hungry. uld I have sething _?6The questin is _ hard fr e _ answer.7She ant _ it tdayShe has t stay at he.8y father is _ England nw.9_ des yur granda g t see the dtr?10_ ging t fly kites?按要求改写下列各句,每空一词,缩写词算一词。(15)1ike wathed TV last

9、 night. (就画线部分提问)_ _ ike _ last night?2yu ustnt play n the rad. (改为祈使句)_ _ n the rad.3ust I finish y hewrk tday? (给出否定回答)_, yu _.4He is a very lever by. (改为感叹句)_ a _ by he _!5rs. Green des se shpping every day, _ _ ? (完成反意疑问句)6His father tk hi t the park yesterday. (就画线部分提问)_ _ his father _ hi t the

10、 park?根据中,完成句子,每空一词,缩写词算一词。(15)1王叔叔擅长做风筝。Unle ang is _ _ _ kites.2这小男孩太小,不能照顾自己。The little by is _ yung _ _ after _.3我昨天做作业花了大约两个小时的时间。_ _ e abut tw hurs _ _ y hewrk yesterday.4老师让我们上学别迟到。The teaher tld us _ _ _ late _ shl.根据短内容填入所缺单词,首字母已给出。(10)ne day a rw(乌鸦) f 1 e f eat. She piked it up in her ut

11、h and flew t a tall tree. She was ust ging t e 2 the eat when a fx(狐狸) saw her. He ae and std u 3 the tree and said,“H 4 pretty(美丽) yu are! yu ust be the prettiest bird in the wrld(世界).”The rw was very p 5 with these wrds. Then the fx spke a 6 , “I an see yur pretty fae, but I have nt heard yur vie(

12、声音). 7 dnt yu sing a sng?” This pleased (使高兴)the rw again. She pened her uth and b 8 t sing. As(当时) she pened her uth, the eat drpped (落下) d 9 . The fx piked up the eat at ne(立刻) and went away w 10 it.阅读理解。(5)阅读下面的短,根据短内容,选择正确答案。I was dwntwn(进城)yesterday, and deided(决定) t stp at the bank(银行) t see A

13、lie Green. I thught she ight have tie t g t lunh with e. hen I gt t the bank,they tld e she had ust been ut fr a few inutes. I asked the if(是否) she wuld be bak by 1130 r 1145, and they said yes. I had se tie, s I deided t wait fr her. Then I walked ver t se hairs by the windws and sat dwn. I deided

14、t wath the frnt dr beause I knew she wuld e bak in that way. I waited and waited, but she didnt e thrugh(通过) the dr. Finally(终于), I deided nt t wait any lnger. It was 1230, and I was sure that she wuldnt be bak until after lunh. I gt up , and as(当时) I started t walk twards(朝;向) the dr, sebdy alled y

15、 nae. I turned arund and was surprised(吃惊)t find that it was Alie. hen I said that sene had tld e she had been ut, she tld e she hadnt left her ffie all rning.( )1The writer went t the bank t _.Asee Alie Green and ask her t have lunh with hiBget se ney s that(以便)he uld have lunh with Aliesee Alie Gr

16、een and ask her t take a walk with hiDask Alie t g t the twn( )2hen the writer gt t the bank, _ in fat(事实上).AAlie had leftBAlie was in her ffie f the bankAlie was waiting fr hiDAlie was n her way t the bank( )3The writer deided t wait beause he was tld that Alie wuld be bak at _.A1230 B12451100 D114

17、5( )4The writer was waiting fr Alie _Ant far fr the frnt dr.Bin her ffieat the bus stpDin frnt f the bank( )5The writer waited fr Alie fr _.Ahalf an hur Ba few inutesan hur Dre than an hur完形填空。(10)阅读下面短,掌握其大意,然后从短下面各小题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。The advertiseent(广告) in the newspaper reads, “I very ill and have

18、 t 1 y kind,lving husband and beautiful sn sn. Thats why I a 2 a lady t take y 3 . She ust be helpful, aged between 35 and 38 years 4 and unarried(未婚). She will first bee(成为) a faily friend. And then she will bee y husbands 5 wife.The advertiseent has a P. . Bx nuber and 6 says that the husband is a

19、 gd an. He des nt ske 7 drink.The advertiseent is in a newspaper in Lndn. It is 8 a wan. She knws she is dying(死). She lves her faily s uh that she wants 9 wan t arry(结婚) her husband and 10 their yung sn.( )1Atell Btake are f leave Dgive ut( )2Alking at Bhearing ffinding Dlking fr( )3Aplae Bsn husba

20、nd Dfriend( )4Aelder Bld lder Dldest( )5Afirst Bsend best Dlast( )6Ait Bshe this Dhe( )7Abut Br s Dnt( )8Awith Bfr fr Dt( )9Aanther Bthe ther ther Dne( )10Alve Bbe gd at lk after Dlive with参考答案1 2D 3D 4A 5laking 2lean 3friendly 4farthest 5yurselflsend 2busiest 3heavily 4pleasure 5shpping1B 2 3A 4B 5

21、A1 2A 3 4B 5A 6D 7 8 9A 10A 11A 12D 13D 14 15B1takes exerise 2beause 3Dnt laugh at 4Take 5t eat 6t, t 7ake 8n a visit t 9Hw ften 10hat abut1hat, did, d 2Dnt, play 3N, neednt 4hat, lever, is 5desnt, she 6hen, did, take1gd, at, aking 2t, t, lk, hiself 3It, tk, t, d 4nt, t, be, fr1fund 2eat 3under 4Hw 5pleased 6again 7hy 8began 9dwn 10with1A 2B 3D 4A 5D1 2D 3A 4B 5B 6A 7B 8 9A 10

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