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1、爱词霸的920托福词组a beam of light一束光a blast of一阵风a burning desire强烈的愿望a cluster of一群;一组a column of water水柱a constant temperature恒温a crew of一组(工作人员)a crushing blow毁来性的打击a favorite topic爱谈论的话题a grain of truth一丝真理a great many许多a great variety of各种各样的;大量的a gust of wind一阵狂风a host of许多;一大群a household word家喻户晓的(名

2、)字a mess of一大堆a rule of thumb概测法a series of一系列a set of一套a speck of一点点a strip of一条a suite of一系列;一套a variety of各种各样;不同种类a wealth of大量的accomodate to适应account for解释,说明accuse sb. of.指控某人.acid rain酸雨adapt to适应add to加;增加add up to总共达到adjust to适应.advanced composition高级写作air current气流all but几乎;差不多all night lo

3、ng整晚along with一道;一起amine acid氨基酸amount to合计an array of大量的and the like等等,以及诸如此类apart from除.之外appeal to sb.吸引某人apply to适用于arctic (tern)北极(燕鸥)arouse controversy引起争议arrive at达到,作出as a result结果;其结果是as a result of其结果是as a rule通常,一般说来as follows如下as such就其本身而言;如所指的人(或物)那样as the case might be或许as the name su

4、ggests顾名思义as well as也;和as with与.一样as.go (es)就.来说assembly line流水作业线assume control of取得对.的控制权astronomical body天体at a rate of以.速度at a run跑;正在跑at all costs不惜任何代价at an angle成一个角度at any price不惜一切代价at best充其量at great length详细地;细致地at large一般来说at liberty自由地at maturity(动物)成熟时期at most至多,不超过at the opposite extr

5、eme在另一个极端at the peak of在.高峰期at the request of应.的邀请at the suggestion of在.的建议下at the word of command一听到命令声at will任意,随意at work起作用atmospheric pressure大气压力attach importance to认为.有重要性附在.上,把.系在归功于avant-garde artistn. 先锋派艺术家await publication待出版baby boom生育高峰期back and forth来回地balsam fi

6、r香脂冷杉battle against反对be absorbed by被.吸收be accompanied by伴随be accustomed to习惯于be admitted to加入be analogous to与.类比be applied to用于be applied with装配有be assigned to归属于be associated with与.联系在一起be at a loss茫然不知所措be at home in熟悉,精通be at war with与.交战be attributed to归于.be bound by受.约束;由.联系起来be bound to一定;必然be

7、 brought up被抚养be carpeted with覆盖着be cast up on定居在be characteristic of具有.特色的be closely bound up with与.有密切联系be combined with使.与结合(组合)be committed to忠于某一立场;坚定的be compared to与.相比be confined to局限于be connected by由.连接be connected with与.有关be convinced that.确信be credited to.归功于.be dedicated to从事于;致力于be deriv

8、ed from来自be directed against指向.be distinguished for因.而著称be dotted with点缀着be dramatized by通过.得到形象地说明be exposed to处于.的作用下;使曝光be filled with装满be friendly with对.友好be heavily forested森林茂密的be held in particularly high regard非常受器重be held in position使.处于适当位置be honored with被授予be in domestic service当佣人be in t

9、he hands of出自.的手be left for dead被认为已死给撇下不管(意指无法解的难题)be limited to局限于be located on位于;坐落在be obliged to被迫做be of prime importance极其重要be patterned on以.为模式be paved with铺满,遍布be preferable to比.更好be put in chains被囚禁be recognized as被认为是.be related to与.有关be reported as报道称之为be resistant to对.有抵抗作用be restricted t

10、o局限于be secreted from从.分泌出来be short of不及;少于;缺少be substituted for替代be taken by被.吸引be the case情况属实be the rage极为流行之物;风靡一时be the rule普通情况;惯常的事be tired of厌倦be traced to追溯到be viewed as被看作是become (get) involved介入before long不久以后begin with the idea that最初的想法是behind the lines在后方belt buckle皮带搭扣Bessemer converte

11、r酸性转炉(旧称贝氏转炉)Bill of Rights人权法案billions of亿万birth rate出生率blood plasma血浆blood pressure血压blood serum血浆blood stream血流blow out破裂blow up炸毁blue whale蓝鲸born into出身于.家庭bounce bout来回弹跳brain wave脑波break down into分解成.break into碰到;发现break off断裂break off破壳而出break ties with断绝与.的关系breeze up(风)变强bright spot光点bring

12、about导致bring in引如;带进bring sb. to the scene使.来到现场bring sth. to a close结束 an end routine结束broad-brimmed hat宽边帽Bronze Age青铜器时代build confidence树立信心bump into碰到burn out烧掉burst apart猛烈爆裂by accident偶然by means of通过by no means决不,并不是by ones own admission自已承认(认为)by ones own power靠自身的能力by the (thousands)

13、按(千)计算by the age of到.年龄by the close of到.末期by the way顺便说一下by twos每两人(一组)call for要求call for要求cannot help but禁不住capture the imagination of激起.的想象capture the imagination of激发.的想象力care about关注;对.感兴趣care for照料(看)carry on进行carry out进行carry sth. on ones back背在背上carve out of从.切出(引伸为修建)cash prize现金奖励(赏)catch a

14、 glimpse of看一看,瞥见catch on流行起来cater to.满足.的需要;迎合caught up with入迷;给.迷住cause damage to带来损害cave painting洞穴壁画chains of islands岛群chamber music室内乐chaos and confusion混乱与浑沌chemical bond化学键chemical compound化合物chemical integration化学结合chip out切成小片church tower教堂塔circulatory system循环系统civic duties公民义务civil law民法c

15、ivil service行政部门Civil War美国内战(南北战争)clay pottery黏土陶瓷器clean up清理干净;清除clear of离开;脱离cling to粘在.上close in on包围,围住close-up view特写镜头;接近的观察closed circuit television闭路电视coal mine煤矿coated with涂有coax sb. into doing sth.劝诱(说服)某人做某事collection and distribution points集散地collide with与.相碰撞colonial expansion殖民扩张color

16、ed filter彩色滤光片combine.with与.结合(化合)come across遇到come due到期come into being形成;产生come into ones own进入繁盛期come on得到;碰上;找到come to谈到;提及come under heavy criticism遭到严厉的批评come upon遇到communicative competence交际能力commuter train市郊往返列车compete with与.竞争computer programmer电脑程序编制员concentration on注意力集中于concern oneself w

17、ith研究的对象是.concerns over为.担心(忧虑)confer sth. on sb.把.赐予(授予)conform to遵守consist of由.组成continental drift大陆漂移(说)continental shelfcontrary to与.相反contrast with与.相比convection current对流循环气流convection zone对流层convert.into.把.转换成convex polygon凸面多角形cope with与.相适应corpus callosum胼胝体correspond to与.相对应count on依赖cours

18、e offering课程设置craft of poetry诗歌技艺credit sb. with sth.把.归功于crew modules船员舱critical point临界点crouchcurio hunter古董搜寻者cut down减少,削减dance to jazz music在爵士乐的伴奏下跳舞date from追溯deal with处理;研究dearest to ones heart最喜欢的decision point决定点Declaration of Independence独立宣言dedicate oneself to把自己用于;赋予自己defend oneself aga

19、inst对.为自己辩护deprive sb. of sth.使.丧失;剥夺derived from来源于descriptive statistics描述统计学desert landscape沙漠地貌despite the odds尽管有极大的困难develop confidence in sb.对某人产生信任devoid of没有devote ones attention to注意;重视devote oneself to致力于die break钢模损坏die down衰落die hard难解掉;难消灭die out灭绝digestive system消化系统distinguish.from.区

20、分double-glazed panel双层玻璃板draft plan草案drip cup滴壶drum skin鼓皮duct gland有输送管的腺;管腺due to由于;取决于dust off弄掉.灰尘earn the name of获得.的(美)名elective system选修制electric current电流electric eel电鳗electric resistance电阻electric traction line电车线electric trolley电车electromagnetic spectrum电磁光谱emission control废气排出控制empty.of.使

21、.失去in route从.到.的途中end in以.告终endangered species濒临灭绝的物种energy content能量enter a race参加比赛entrance requirement入学要求(条件)environmental concerns环境问题equilateral triangle等边三角形every item of dress每件衣服every walk of life各行各业exercise ones activity活动exocrine gland外分泌腺expansion program扩建工程exploratory trip考察旅

22、行fade away逐渐消失fail to do sth.未能做fall in between介于两者之间fall in steps with与.齐步行进fall into分成fall short of未达到;辜负far beyond the planets远离行星的fasten to固定在. 上fatten sth up使.长肥fault system断层系统feed on以.为生fertilized eggs受精卵fill in填充fill out扩大fill up填补fishing enthusiast钓鱼爱好者fit (fill) the bill符合要求,适合要求flash out辐

23、射;照射flies in amber珍奇遗物flour sack面粉袋focus on以.为焦点;集中于follow close to the line of严格遵守follow suit学样,照着做food processing进食for a time一段时期for the most part多半;通常;在极大程度上for the remainder of余下的岁月里for the time在当时fossil fuel化石燃料free of没有from generation to generation世代相传from sbs of view从.的角度来看from sbs standpoint

24、从.的观点来看from without and within来自外面和内部的front teeth门牙frost heaving冻胀;冰冻隆胀full authority全权full moon满月fully outfitted for为.完全整装好gain a win获胜gain easy access容易接近gain interest among令.感兴趣games of chance机遇游戏gammar radiation伽马射线gem topaz宝石黄晶geologically speaking从地质学的角度来说geomagnetic field地磁场get into hot water

25、陷入困境get under way开始进行 tone使和谐(协调)gifted with天生有give birth产仔,生孩子give birth to产生;形成give off长出;发出give rise to导致give way to让路,让步Glacier National Park国家冰川公园go (es) as follows如下go about从事go back as far as追溯到.go back to追溯到go off爆炸gold rush淘金热gold-headed cane金手杖governing class统治阶级grass plains长满草的平原gra

26、ze on吃grind up磨碎grizzly bear(北美产的)灰熊grocery store杂货店gypsy moth舞毒蛾half brother同母异父(或同父异母)兄弟halfway path中庸之道hand out施舍hand-held drum手鼓hand-to-hand combat肉搏战handsome salary可观的薪水harden into变得确定have .in common有共同点have a good idea of清楚地了解(知道)have a strong arm for有强硬的手段做.(arm指权力,力量)have an advantage over比.有优势have but one只有一个have effect on对.产生影响have intimate knowledge of非常熟悉have less to do with与.关系小一些have more to dowith.与.更有关have on sth.穿戴某物have sth. to do with与.有关 common共有.heartbreak over因.而碎心(的痛苦)high kick高踢腿high p

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