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高二英语学案 units 1112.docx

1、高二英语学案 units 1112高中二年级英语学案Units 11-12 (B2)【知识网络】 一、重点词汇与短语1英语中常见的复合宾语主要有以下几种类型: (1)名词 (或代词)+形容词. 例如: He said waltzes made him dizzy. 他说华尔滋舞使他头晕. She had proved them all wrong. 她证明他们全错了 (2)名词 (或代词)+名词. 例如: He appointed her Secretary of State. 他任命她为国务卿. They call this numerical control. 他们把这称作数字控制 (3)

2、名词 (或代词)+不定式. 例如: He told me to be cautious. 他要我谨慎 I often saw him do this. 我常常看到他这样做. (4)名词 (或代词)+分词. 例如: He saw two men fighting in the street. 他看见两个人在街上打架. Ill get your blood tested. 我让人给你验一下血 (5)名词 (或代词)+介词短语或副词. 例如:I found her in excellent condition. 我发现她处于极佳状态 You wont find him in at this time

3、. 这时候你不会在家里找到他 2matter (1)matter当 “物质”讲, 是不可数名词. 如: Most matter has three states. 大多数物质具有三种状态. (2) matter 当 “事情, 问题”讲, 是可数名词. 如: Dont do bthat. It will only make matters worse. 别这么干, 那只会把事情搞得更糟糕 (3)matter还可以表示 “麻烦事, 毛病”, 是可数名词, 通常表示 “什么事, 怎么了”. 例如: Is anything the matter? 有什么问题吗? (4)matter还可以作为动词, 意

4、思是 “关系重要, 要紧”. 例如: He said it didnt matter whether we stayed or went. 他说, 我们去不去都可以 (5)同义词: material, substance 物质, 物体; affair, thing, business事情, 情况, 事态; problem, question, issue (讨论, 考虑)的问题; trouble, problem, worry毛病, 麻烦事 (6)习 语: a matter of大约 matter cycle物质循环 as a matter of fact事实上 in the matter o

5、f至于, 关于 matter in hand当前问题 matter of personal whim个人好恶问题 matter in dispute争执事件 matter of expediency 权益之计 matter energy物质能量 matter of record有案可查的事项 二、词义辨析 1below; under; beneath; down; underneath的区别 (1)below指高度低于某物, 但不一定在其正下方. 如: We are below the stars 我们在星光下 (2)under指在某物的正下方, 或直接低于. 如: He stood unde

6、r a tree. 他站在一棵树下 (3) beneath是正式用词, 并有紧接, 靠近的意思. 如: He lies beneath the ground. 他长眠于地下 (4)down常与表示动作的动词连用, 指从高至低的运动. 如: The sun went down. 太阳落山了 (5). underneath制某物的直接下面. 如: Someone was pushing underneath. 有人在下面推. 2huge; enormous; gigantic; immense; vast的区别 (1)Huge “巨大的”, 通常指体积的巨大.如: I saw a huge dog

7、 in the street. 我在街上看到一条很大的狗. (2)enormous指超出比例的, 异常的和过分的 “巨大的”. 如: The fat man in the circus is enormous. 马戏团里的那个胖子太胖了. (3)gigantic指有如巨人一般 “巨大”. 例如: He has a gigantic appetite and eats gigantic meals. 他的食量很大, 能吃很多东西. (4)immense指各方面都极大, 非一般标准所能衡量. 如: The distance between the earth and the sun may be

8、said to be immense. 太阳和地球间的距离可以说是巨大的 (5)vast通常指范围”巨大的”. 例如: There is a vast expanse of desert in Sinkiang. 新疆有一片广阔的沙漠 三、重点句型 a)In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. 在他们努力求生时, 发现自己就在怪兽的身体表面上, 结果怪兽竟然是一艘潜水艇. in ones ef

9、forts to do sth. “在某人试图做某事时”, 通常在句中作状语. 如: In his efforts to come to work earlier, he got caught in a traffic jam. find oneself +介词短语,意为“(突然)发现自己处在。”。 如: On hearing this, I found myself in an embarrassing position. b)Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely th

10、at many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. 无论中国将来会有什么样的伟大成就, 其中许多很有可能就诞生在北京的西北部. whatever在此引出一个让步状语从句, 相当于no matter what, 意为 “无论; 不管”. 如: Whatever you many think, Im going ahead with my plans. it is likely that是常见句型, 其中it是形式主语, that从句作句子的真主语. 如: It is likely that we will be given another

11、chance. c)At the beginning of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. 是他最有名的小说之一, 该书的开头描写: 全世界的轮船都快全部消失了, 这据说是一个海洋水怪造成的. it指前文中的ships are disappearing这件事, 这是it的用法之一. 如: There is a lot of

12、air in loose, and it helps to keep the cold out. be believed to是固定句式, 意为 “据说, 人们认为, 有人相信”, 其中不定式有几种变化:to be; to do; to be doing; to have done. 如: The little boy is believed to be sleeping in the room. 四、语法复习 1部分否定: 英语中的概括词all, every, both, 以及与every构成的合成词everybody, everything用于not否定句时, 只表示部分否定, 常译成 “

13、并非都”. 例如: Both of the books were not published in Britain 这两本书不都是在英国出版的.Everything isnt ready. 并不是一切都准备好了 Not everyone likes this garden. 并不是每个人都喜欢这个花园. 以上句子如果表达全部否定, 则必须运用完全否定词语none, neither, no one, nothing等.例如: None of the answers are correct. 所以答案都错了 Neither of the books are published in Britain

14、 . 这两本书都不是在英国出版的 Nothing is ready. 什么都没准备好 No one likes this garden. 没有人喜欢这个花园. 注意任何人不经允许不能离开这个聚会 误Anybody cant leave the party without permission. 正Nobody can leave the party without permission anynot的表达形式不符合英语习惯. 2现在分词和不定式均可作结果状语, 区别如下: 分词作结果状语, 通常表示一个比较自然的, 意料之中的结果, 是主句谓语动词动作的直接结果. 不定式作结果状语, 通常表示

15、发生的一个出乎意料, 事先没有想到的结果. 例如: He hurried to the station. Only to find the train had gone. 他急急忙忙赶到车站, 结果发现火车已经开走了. (他未料到) He lifted a rock only to have it drop on his own feet. 他搬起石头, 结果却砸了自己的脚. 3构成法(一)-合成法 合成词的概念 将两个或两个以上的词组合在一起而形成新的词, 叫做合成词. 如: international, worldwide, telephone, broadband, mankind, extremely, hi-tech, e-mail 合成形容词的常见构成方式: 1形容词+名词+ed: kind-hearted, cold-blooded 2形容词+doing:

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