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1、届高三英语下册期中检测试题有参考答案2012届高三英语下册期中检测试题(有参考答案) 青岛二中2011-2012年学年第二学期期中考试-高三英语试题(满分10分 时间 120分钟) 第 I 卷(选择题 共10分)第一部分:听力 (共两节 满分30分)第一节(共小题;每小题1分,满分7分)听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1hih restaurant are the speaers st liel t hse?A Frenh B Italian

2、hinese2 hat des the an ean? A Hell g t the par ith the an B The eather reprt is nt alas true Thed better sta indrs trr3 hats st iprtant fr the an? A Living envirnent B nvenient transprtatin b pprtunities4 h is the an plaining? A He dislies filing duents B His r is alas the sae His -rer as areless H

3、did Ada prbabl get the ftball? A He bught it hiself B He brred it fr sene else It as given t hi as a birthda gift第二节 (共1小题;每小题 1 分,满分 22 分)听下面 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。6 hat des the an ant the an t d?

4、 A T attend an art urse B T paint a prtrait f her ther T pa fr the prtrait7 H des the an feel in the end? A Unnfident B Anned Exited听第7段材料,回答第810题。8 hat des the an sh the an? A Se lthes B A agazine A ne stre9 hat is the prble ith the stre? A The lthes are t expensive B The lthes are nt the right siz

5、e The lthes are nt available10 hat ill happen next Tuesda? A There ill be a part B The an an get hat he ants The lthes ill be delivered t the an听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11 hat did the an d fr the an? A She leaned his huse B She ade hi breafast She said sething nie abut hi12 hat des the an thin the an ants t

6、d? A Sething unpleasant B Sething seet Sething funn13 hat d e n abut the an? A She is fnd f shpping B She ants t brr se ne She has taen up a ne hbb听第9段材料,回答第1416题。14 hat are speaers ainl taling abut? A An nline servie B The ans favrite TV shs The qualit f TV shs nadas1 hat des the an lie t ath? A ur

7、rent TV shs B vies rented fr stres ld TV shs16 hat des the an ant t d? A T bu a TV B T in Netflix T ath a vie听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17 hats the speaers suggestin in the tal? A Getting a variet f lthes B Taing an ubrella in suer Drining plent f ater18 hats suer lie in the United States? A It lasts fr abut

8、nths B It ften rains in st areas The teperature generall eeps the sae19 h are an hes and buildings l even in suer? A The are built ith speial aterials B Drs and inds are ept pen The ften have fans r air nditiners20 here ight the tal tae plae? A In a lassr B n the radi In a studi 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节 满分3分

9、):/gaa/shandng/第一节:语法和词汇知识(共l小题;每小题l分,满分l分)从A、B、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21 Their universit is lated n a beautiful lae, _ f this develping it A sutheast thirt iles B thirt iles sutheast thirt iles t sutheast D t thirt iles sutheast22 I _ u, but I didnt thin u uld listen t e A uld have tld B ust have tl

10、d shuld tell D ight tell23 I nder h it _ that hinese libers suessfull finished the trh rela n the unt Qlanga, here the air is s thin A ae ut B ae arss ae ver D ae abut24 ill u see t _ that birds are led after ell hile I aa? A the B urself it D e2 _ the help f experiened areer instrutrs, this tpe f b

11、-hunting training _ t be ver effiientA B; has prved B ith; has prved Under; is prving D ith; is prved26 hats the atter ith Ti? h, Tis ell-phne as left in a taxi aidentall, never _ again A t find B t be fund finding D being fund27 The beae partners at r that da Until then, the _ t eah ther fr nearl t

12、hree ears A didnt spea B hadnt spen haven t spen D haven t been speaing28 D u thin I shuld in the singing grup, ar? _ If I ere in ur shes, I ertainl uld A Nne f ur business BIt depends h nt DI dnt thin s29 Than u fr sending us _ fresh vegetables f an inds u have dne us _ great servie A 不填; a B the;

13、a 不填; 不填 D the; 不填30 e had a reall bad tie abut six nths ag but n things are _ A piing up B ing up aing up D turning up31 _this prgra is ver ntrversial, it _ an teenagers A In spite f; appeals B Despite; appeals t Althugh; appeals D Despite the fat that; appeals t32 He has learned_, n atter hat happ

14、ens and h bad _ sees tda, life ges n and it ill be better trr A that; it B it; that it; it D that; that33 _ he has learned thrugh pratie befre _ hi a lt in his future r A That; helping B hat; helped That; it helps D hat; ill help34 Last ee, part f hina as stru b heav sn, fr _effets the peple are sti

15、ll sufferingA thatB hse thseD hat3 Arding t nes reprts persnal _f guns in the USA auses a lt f truble A ealth B pssessin atter D prble第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短, 从短后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its eas t see h t help se peple, but hat abut thse hse needs are nt s bvius? This str a have

16、happened a hile ba -but it as a 36 hih has staed ith e and helped e ever sineIt as Thansgiving Da and I as 37 ith parents at a shelter entre fr the need Standing behind the unter, e 38 ht fd t hever ae in st f the peple h ae here led lie the had been 39 hard ties Their lthes ere s rn-ut, and the ere

17、 s dirt In shrt, the led need!Then, a an ae in , h led _40_ but need He as ell dressed, fr he re an expensive suit I ndered hat he as ding there and a drpped in 41 hen he ined the line fr fd The lser he ae t servie statin, the re I 42 in a l vie I anted t n hat this an as ding 43 he asnt ging t tae

18、fd 44 fr thse h ere reall in need! Then ther 4 t e t ne side She said, “u have 46 that the needs f the peple h e here ust be purel phsial: hunger, la f 47 , lthing and s n And this gentlean desnt see t have an f thse 48 But hat if his needs are 49 ? hat if he needs frt, friends, r ust t be ang ther

19、huan beings?” Her rds 0 e lie a tn f bris! I felt lie I shuld 1 t the an -but I didnt Abut a ee later the shelter entre reeived a large 2 fr an annus(匿名)sure I ant help but 3 if it ae fr that anN, henever I eet sene I reeber thers lessn and tr t sendindness and blessings 4 hat the l lie Needs arent

20、alas But indness alas aes a differene36A situatin B seret lessn D ent 37A vlunteering B pratising training D perfring 38A reended B lleted delivered D distributed39A ling fr B ging thrugh learning fr D preparing fr 40A sething B everthing anthing D nthing 41A peae B respet delight D aazeent42A delar

21、ed B reared plained D argued 43A Generall B Surel Largel D Prbabl 44A eant B applied athed D ansered 4A rudel B exitedl sll D quietl 46A assued B ignred annuned D nfired47A fdB shelter ater D ats48A prbles B hies satisfatinsD feelings49A natural B pratial valuable D etinal 0A enuraged B stru unded D

22、 disappinted1A respnd B suggest desribe D aplgize 2A rder B baggage dnatin D bill 3A iagineB nder realize D adit 4A in hnr f B fr fear f regardless f D in spite f A visible B reasnable ridiulusD sterius 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAt a ertain tie in ur lives e nside

23、r ever plae as the pssible site fr a huse I have thus searhed the untr ithin a dzen iles f here I live In iaginatin I have bught all the fars, ne after anther, and I ne their pries The nearest thing that I ae t atual nership as hen I bught the Hllell plae But befre the ner pleted the sale ith e, his

24、 ife hanged her ind and ished t eep it, and he ffered e additinal dllars t return the far t hi Hever, I let hi eep the additinal dllars and sld hi the far fr ust hat I gave fr it The real attratin f the Hllell far t e as its psitin, being abut t iles fr the village, half a ile fr the nearest neighbr

25、, bunded n ne side b the river, and separated fr the higha b a ide field The pr nditin f the huse and fenes shed that it hadnt been used fr se tie I reebered fr earliest trip up the river that the huse used t be hidden behind a frest area, and I as in a hurr t bu it befre the ner finished getting ut

26、 se rs, utting dn the apple trees, and learing aa se ung trees hih had grn up in the fields I anted t bu it befre he ade an re f his iprveents But it turned ut as I have said I as nt reall trubled b the lss I had alas had a garden, but I dnt thin I as read fr a large far I believe that as lng as pss

27、ible it is better t live free and unitted (无牵挂的) It aes but little differene hether u n a far r nt6 hat d e n abut the authr? A He anted t bu the ldest far near here he lived B He ade a stud f an fars befre buing He ade ne b buing and selling fars D He had the ne t bu the best far in the untr7 h did

28、 the authr deide t bu the Hllell plae? A It as f gd aret value B It as next t the higha It as in a gd psitin D It as behind a nie garden8 h did the authr ant t bu the far in a hurr? A He as afraid the ner ight hanges his ind B He hped t enlarge the frest n the far He anted t eep the far as it as D H

29、e as eager t bee a far ner9 The underlined rds “the lss” in the last paragraph refer t _A the ne the authr lst in buing the farB the sale f the garden in the Hllell plae the reval f the trees arund the huseD the failure t pssess the Hllell plae60 hat des the authr believe as iprtant in life?A T n a

30、far B T satisf his needs T be free fr rries D T live in the untrsideBIn a ent f persnal risis, h uh help an u expet fr a Ne r taxi driver? I began studing this questin and fund the ansers interesting ne rning I gt int three different taxis and annuned, “ell, its first da ba in Ne r in seven ears Ive

31、 been in prisn” Nt a single driver replied, s I tried again “eah, I sht a an in Ren” I explained, hping the driver uld as e h, but nbd ased The nl respnse ae fr a Ghanaian driver, “Ren? That is in Nevada?” Taxi drivers ere unifrl spatheti hen I said Id ust been fired “This is Aeria,” a Haitian driver said “ne dr is lsed Anther is pen” He argued against plan t burn dn bsss huse A Paistani driver even turned dn a hane t prfit fr lss f hpe; he refused t tae e t the iddle f Gerge as

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