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1、高二英语下册Unit16复习教案高二英语下册Unit16复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”. 亚特兰大以“大苹果”为人们所熟知。(p.41 Ex.1 No.3) be known as 作为而有名气 known as, known by, known for与known to be known as以而知名,著称;be known by意为根据(按照)得知(较少用),be known for因而众所周知,表示之所以被众人所知的原因或特征,for后面常跟抽象动词;be known to则意为“为所知”,仅仅

2、表示“大家都知道”指某个地方或某一范围的人知道。例如:A man is known by the company he keeps. 看其交友可知其人。She was well-known as an excellent dancer. 她作为一名优秀的舞蹈家而闻名。Hes known for his readiness to help others. 他乐于助人是非常闻名的。 Hes known to the police as a thief. 警察都知道他是个小偷。 辨析:know与recognizeknow指“知道”可表示“认识”,也可表示熟悉,了解事物。recognize指“认出,认

3、识,承认”。例如: I dont know the star but I know of him. 我不认识这位明星,但我听说过。I recognized his voice in the dark. 黑暗中我听出了他的声音。 2. Why do you think Ellis Island was turn into a museum? 你认为为什么Ellis岛变成了博物馆? (p. 42 Listening Ex.3 No. 1) turn into的用法turn既可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,作及物动词时,turn. into意为“把变成”。如: Im thinking of tu

4、rning the flower garden into a vege- table field. 我正在考虑把花园改成菜地。 We can turn a liquid into a gas. 我们能使液体变成气体。 Can you turn this passage into English? 你能把这个短文译成英语吗?turn 作不及物动词时,意为“变成”“译成”。如: He has turned into nice boy after all. 他到底变成了一个不错的小伙子。 Jane is turning into quite a skilled musician. 简正成长为一个训练

5、有素的音乐家。 Shakespeares plays are difficult to turn into any other language. 莎士比亚的戏剧译成其他语言是困难的。3. There is a lot of history connected with people settling in the USA. 有一段悠久的历史与在美国定居的人有关。(p. 42 Listening Ex.3 B) connect . with . connect.with.意为“连接”“使有关系”。如: This road connects Beijing with Tianjin.这条公路连接

6、北京和天津。 The early bus from the village connects with the 8:30 train.村里开出的早班公共汽车可与8点30分开出的火车接上。 The visit of the police was not connected with the lost child. 警察这次来访与失踪的孩子无关。 Mr Thompson has been connected with our company since 1990.汤普森先生自1990年以来就与我公司有联系。 Its natural to connect Australia with kangaro

7、o.把澳大利亚与袋鼠联系在一起很自然。 The police did not connect him with the murder.警方没有想到他与凶杀案有关。 We usually connect spring with sunshine and flowers. 通常一提起春天我们就联想到阳光和鲜花。 【注】动词join也有“连接”之意,与介词to连用,与connect.with.作 “连接”解时同义。如:Sometimes the needles are joined to electric wires. 有时把针和电线连接起来。4. Officials treated the peo

8、ple passing through the island badly. 官员们粗暴对待那些过岛的人。(p. 42 Listening Ex.3 No. 2 B) pass through的几种用法 pass though 在本课中作“通过”“经过”解释。如: He passed through the doorway and entered the room. 他穿过门道,走进房间。 The newspaper is passing through the press.报纸正在印刷中。 His sister had passed through medical college to bec

9、ome a qualified doctor.他姐姐上完了医学院成了一名合格的医生。 Henry passed through a very hard time when his wife died. 亨利的妻子去世后,他经历了一段十分困难的时期。 When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible ideas passed through Mothers mind. 简到了半夜还没有回来,这使母亲脑子里闪过了许多可怕的念头。5. Some people cried when they were refused entry into t

10、he USA. 一些人在被拒绝进入美国的时候哭了。(p. 42 Listening Ex.3 No.2 C) entry (1) n. 进入The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher. 老师突然进来把孩子们吓了一跳。The thieves had forced an entry into the building. 窃贼闯进了大楼内。(2) n. U进入权 We cant go along that road because the sign says No Entry. 我们不能走那条路,牌子上写着“禁止人

11、内”。(3) (日记,账本等)项目There is no entry in his diary for that day. 他的日记上没有那一天的记录。 辨析:entry与entrance 两词均可表示进入,但entrance特别用于指进入仪式,演出;而entry指进入组织或指进入的权力。例如:to make an entrance onto the stage, an entrance examination;Chinas entry into the WTO;no entrySection II 阅读6. Ever since the Civil War, the South has st

12、ruggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past.自从南北战争以来,美国南方各州一直在竭力找办法处理动荡不安的过去。(p.43 Reading 第一段 第1行) struggle此处是动词,作“尽力使得”解释,后面接不定式。如: The businessman struggled to free himself from debt. 那商人竭力想要摆脱债务。 She struggled to remember where she had been at the time of the accident.她竭力回忆事故发生时她在哪里。 【注】

13、struggle的原意是“挣扎”“斗争”后面可接不定式或for, against, with等介词。如: Most animals have to struggle for existence in a dangerous world.大多数动物不得不在一个充满危险的世界里为生存而斗争。 The man in the boat struggled with the great waves.小船上的人与巨浪搏斗。The boy struggled with the question and at last found the answer.那男孩苦想问题,终于找到了答案。The swimmer

14、struggled against the tide. 游泳者奋力与海浪搏斗。way(1)道路,路线路途 Which is the best / right / quickest / shortest way? 哪条路是最好(正确、最快、最近)的路? The longest / farthest way round / about is the nearest way home. 最远的路才是捷径。He made / pushed / fought / felt his way out. 他走(挤、冲、摸索着走)出去。(2)方法,手段 They had no way to communicat

15、e with her. 他们没有办法与她联系。Whats the way of address- ing the Queen? 怎么称呼女王才得体? The way (that) you are doing it is wrong. 你这么做错了。拓展:by the way 顺便说 on ones way 在的路上; on the way 在途中; all the way 一直地; ask the way 问道; by way of 取道,经由; have a long way to go 还要走很远的路,还要做很大的努力; in a / one way 在某种程度上(in) ones own

16、; way 按自己的方式 in the way妨碍 deal with有“对付”“应付”“相处”之意。如: That man is impossible to deal with. 这人无法相处。 Ill get someone else to deal with them. 我将另找一个人来对付他们。 Deal fairly with your students! 对你的学生要公正! He seemed to be quick- tempered, but was actually not difficult to deal with. 他性子急,但不难相处。【注】deal with还常用来

17、表示以下意思:(1) 是的买主;与.有生意往来 The Greens deal with the butcher at the corner of the block. 格林家通常在街角处的肉铺买肉。(2) attend to 处理 (事情、问题、紧急情况等) He is a person who can deal properly with all situations. 他是一个能恰当处理各种局面的人。(3) 关于,论及This article deals with an important subject. 这篇文章论及一个重要问题。7. . the pains of slaves br

18、ought from Africa by greedy slave owners. 被贪婪的奴隶贩子从非洲带来的奴隶的痛苦。(p.43 Reading 第一段 第3行) pain原意为“疼痛”,表示身体局部的疼痛,其前一般用不定冠词,也可以用复数。如: Mary is crying because she has a pain in her stomach.玛丽胃疼得哭了起来。 She had pains in her back all the time. 她背部一直痛。 I couldnt sleep for pain. 我疼得睡不着觉。【注】表示身体某部分的疼痛,介词要用in,不可用at或

19、on,如例句 。【注】pain表示“痛苦”时,是不可数名词。如: You will forgive me if I have given your pain.如果我给了你痛苦,请你原谅我。 The pain in her heart was intolerable. 她内心的痛苦简直无法忍受。 It will cause her infinite pain. 这会给她带来无限的痛苦。 How well I understood the confusion and pain of her parents! 我非常理解她父母的迷惑和痛苦!【注】 pain作“烦恼”“辛苦”“费心”“努力”解释时要用

20、复数形式。如: He is a good teacher and takes great pains with his pupils.他是个好老师,非常尽力地教育学生。 With great pains and much patience, I at last managed to get from them the information I wanted. 我煞费苦心,坚韧不拔,总算从他们那里弄来了我需要的信息。 The old lady had taken great pains with her hair.这老太太在头发上花了一番工夫。 She took great pains to

21、show me how the computer worked.她努力向我展示这台计算机的工作原理。【注】in pain是“痛苦”“疼痛”之意,通常作表语,with pain是“疼痛地” “痛得”之意,用作状语。如: The soldier Was wounded, and in pain.这名战士受伤了,疼得很。 The boy Was crying with pain after he broke his arm. 这男孩摔断胳膊后疼得哭叫起来。【注】也可作动词用,意为“使心痛(痛苦)”“使苦恼”。如: It pained me to watch them quarrel. 看见他们争吵我

22、很难受。 On nights like this, his wounded foot pained him.在这样的夜晚,他的伤脚就作痛。 My tooth doesnt pain me now.我的牙齿现在不痛了。8. the many sacrifices of the Civil Rights Movement. 许多人在民权运动中所作出的牺牲。(p.43 Reading 第一段倒数第4行) sacrifice(1) n. U供奉,献祭,祭祀 the sacrifice of an ox to Jupiter. 用牛祭祀朱庇特。 (2) C供品,祭品,牺牲 Kill a sheep as

23、 a sacrifice. 宰羊用作祭品。 (3) U放弃某事物(通常是重要或有价值的东西) Getting rich isnt worth the sacrifice of your principles. 为致富而牺牲原则是不值得的。He became a top sports- man at some sacrifice to himself. 他付出了些代价才成为优秀的运动员。 (4) C牺牲的事物 Her parents made many sacrifices so that she could go to university. 她父母为她上大学在多方面作了牺牲。 (5) v.

24、供奉,献祭,牺牲某物 She sacrificed her career to marry him. 她为了嫁给他牺牲了自己的事业。The cars designers have sacrificed comfort to economy. 汽车设计人员为降低造价舍弃了汽车舒适方面的一些设想。 Im not sacrificing my day off just to go shopping with Jane. 我可不愿意牺牲一天休假日单单陪简去买东西。9. The wounds are slow to heal and the scars run deep.伤口很难愈合,伤疤很深。(p.4

25、3 Reading 第一段 倒数第3行) 在作表语的形容词后的不定式,如果不带宾语,则与句子的主语往往有一种逻辑上的动宾关系,如本句to heal逻辑上的宾语是句子的主语the wounds;若该不定式动词是不及物动词,则其后应加上适当的介词,与主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,请体会下列例句的意思和结构。 Your writing is impossible to read. 你的书法没法认。 My car is hard to start in cold weather.我的车天冷时很难发动。 Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你认为这水喝起来安全吗

26、? The food is not fit to eat. 这食品不适合吃。 【注】上述例句中,不定式动词均为及物动词,其逻辑宾语是句子的主语,若不定式动词为不及物动词,则需加一介词。如: The room is comfortable to live in. 这房间住起来很舒服。 Mr Turner is easy to get along with.特纳先生很容易相处。 The bench is long enough to sleep on.这凳子很长,可以在上面睡觉。run此处为连系动词(常作连系动词),后接形容词,意为“变得” (进入或达到某一状态) 。如: The fiver wa

27、s beginning to run dry.河水开始干涸起来。 They had to return to camp because their food supply was running low.因为粮食不够了,他们只好返回营地。 You mustnt let the children run wild and do exactly what they like.你不要让孩子们毫无约束,爱干什么就干什么。 Prices for fruit are running high this season.这个季节的水果价格上涨了。 As the fuel ran short, the plan

28、e was forced to land.由于燃料快要用完,飞机被迫降落。 【注】(1) 负责(某事物),经营,管理 He has no idea of how to run a successful business. 他不知道把企业办好的办法。Stop trying to run my life for me! 我的生活不用你来管。(2) (使某物)动转,起作用。Your new car seems to run very nicely. 你的新车开起来不错。(3) (指公共汽车等) (沿一固定路线) 往来行驶。Buses to Oxford run every half an hour.

29、 去牛津的公共汽车每半个小时一班。The trains dont run on Christmas Day. 圣诞节火车停驶。 (4) run还有“内容为”之意。如: He received a note which ran as follows.他收到一个条子,内容如下。 The story runs like this. 故事大致内容如下。 This is how the song runs. 这首歌曲是这样唱的。10. Even today, the South is far behind the rest of the United States in areas such as ed

30、ucation and economic development. 甚至到今天,南部在教育和经济发展方面都远远落后于美国其他州。(p.43 Reading 第一段倒数第2行) behind prep.(1) 在或向(某人,物)后面 Who is the girl standing behind Richard? 站在理查德后面的那个姑娘是谁? She glanced behind her. 她向身后瞥了一眼。The accident is behind you now. 事情已过去了,别再想它了。(2) 落后于 Britain is behind Japan in developing mod

31、ern technology. 在发展现代技术方面英国落后于日本。(3) 支持(人,物),赞成 My family is right behind me in my ambition to become a doctor. 我的家人对于我立志从医很赞同。11. There are signs that a new, different south is coming out of its dark past. 有迹象表明,从黑暗的过去中将诞生出一个崭新的,完全不同的南方。(p.43 Reading 第二段 第2行) come out of意为“有的结果”。如: Nothing came out

32、 of this talk.这次会议没有产生任何结果。 Well, what came out of your careful planning?喂,你那样精心筹划的结果怎样? No one can say what will come out of the discussion.谁也说不上讨论会有什么结果。【注】come out后接不同的介词表示不同的意思。如come out with意为“说出来”“讲出”“发表”。如: If you have anything in your mind, I want you to come out with it. 你要是有什么想法,我希望你说出来。 He came out with some funny ideas.他提出了一些可笑的想法。 That year they came out with another art

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