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1、高中英语完型填空题型训练附答案共10篇2020-2021高中英语完型填空题型训练附答案共10篇一、完型填空1Chris and Nicole Davidson are a couple that live in New Tazewell, Tennessee with their 2-year-old son Elijah, 22-month-old daughter Erin, and a 7-year-old adopted son Eli, whos been with the family for nearly a year. On December 8, around 8:30 p.

2、m., the parents told stories to their 1 and asked them to go to bed. Then they went to 2 . However, a few hours later, Nicole woke up to the smell of smoke and 3 that their house was on fire.Nicole and Chris were able to 4 the boys Elijah and Eli, though when it was time to 5 the 22-month-old baby E

3、rin, the couple was faced with a 6 reality the flames had already 7 the room entrance. “The smoke and fire was so 8 that there was no way I could get to her,” Chris said.“We went outside to get to her from the 9 , but there was nothing for me to 10 on to reach up there,” the father told CNN. 11 , th

4、e 7-year-old Eli was eager to help. “I picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to catch her from her bed,” Chris Davidson said. “We couldnt be more 12 of Eli,” Chris Davidson told CNN. “He did something a 13 man wouldnt do.” By the time the fire-fighters arrived on the scene, the fam

5、ilys house was already almost burn to the ground.“I thought I couldnt do it, but then I said, I got her, Dad,” the 7-year-old Eli told CNN. “I was 14 , but I didnt want my sister to 15 .1Achildren Bpets Cboys Dparents2Awork Btravel Csleep Dcook3Aneglected Brealized Cimagined Dforgot4Awaken Bteach Cs

6、eek Dcarry5Afeed Bfeel Cinfluence Drescue6Aterrifying Bembarrassing Cpleasing Dinteresting7Aformed Bdecorated Cblocked Ddecreased8Ahot Bthick Cbright Dpoisonous9Abed Bwindow Centrance Droof10Arest Bjump Chold Dstand11Ausually Bunwillingly Cfortunately Dgradually12Aproud Btired Ccommitted Dexposed13A

7、professional Bbig Cheavy Dgrown14Aglad Bscared Ccalm Dexcited15Acry Bdream Cdie Dache【答案】1A2C3B4A5D6A7C8B9B10D11C12A13D14B15C2 I had a student today who got his finger stuck inside a test tube in science class. It was really quite stuck. This young mans finger 1 to get whiter and whiter right before

8、 my eyes. Remaining 2 , I suggested he carefully rotate(转动)the tube. It wouldnt move a bit. He 3 soap and cold water. Still stuck. Meanwhile chaos was breaking out in the class. Finally, I 4 the young man to our secretary, who was a miracle(奇迹)worker 5 three kids of her own. With her in charge, I wa

9、s 6 all would be OK. To get the students back in order, I 7 my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony. Same kind of curiosity, I remembered 8 then how far I could thrust (塞)my knee between the rails. Inch by inch, I kept 9 and before I knew it, my knee was stuck and 10 bef

10、ore my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel! Hearing my story, many students followed with their own 11 of heads, arms, fingers stuck in places they shouldnt be. A few minutes later, the young man came back, test tube unbroken and finger 12 to a lovely shade of pink. I

11、 just couldnt 13 this kid. Hes only twelve. I too got my knee unstuck, but not without great 14 . The excuse for me, however, was not 15 but plain stupidity. I was after all fifty years old when this happened. 1Aused Bneeded Chappened Dcontinued2Acalm Bsilent Ccheerful Dactive3Alost Bfetched Ctried

12、Daccepted4Adescribed Bcarried Cintroduced Dsent5Araising Bobserving Csaving Dteaching6Ahappy Bdoubtful Csurprised Dconfident7Ashared Bwrote Cread Dheard8Acalculating Bexplaining Cwondering Dreporting9Apushing Bclimbing Cwalking Dkicking10Ashaking Blifting Cresting Dswelling11Afindings Bconclusions C

13、stories Dnews12Apointing Breturning Cbelonging Dgrowing13Aget along with Bget rid of Cget used to Dget mad at14Aencouragement Bdisappointment Cembarrassment Dachievement15Aambition Byouth Cbravery Dexperiment【答案】1D2A3C4D5A6D7A8C9A10D11C12B13D14C15B3It was a hot, damp summer day. After I 1 my tank in

14、 the local gas station, I started to walk inside to pay. Just then I noticed two elderly 2 standing back from their car. There was a mixture of shock and 3 on their faces. I followed their 4 and saw what they saw: five yellow jackets were building a 5 around their gas cap. My eyes 6 . I shared the l

15、adies fear.Yellow jackets had never been 7 to me. When I was a young boy, a friend of mine and I were 8 and playing in my backyard. I must have 9 on one of their hidden nests while running. 10 , both of us were being chased and stung over and over by the yellow jackets. We ran away 11 with great fea

16、r. My mom 12 ran a cold bath and put us both in it to ease the pain and itching (瘙痒) 13 giving us medicine to fight all the poison in our little bodies from the stings.I knew I couldnt let fear stop me now. I 14 my back pocket for a paper towel I had there, tore out the nest and stepped on it while

17、the 15 wasps (黄蜂)buzzed around me. 16 of the ladies thanked me excitedly. I smiled, and nervousness and fear were replaced with 17 .In this life, you cant let the fear of being stung either physically or 18 keep you from doing what is right. We need to go 19 ourselves and love each other. Dont let t

18、he yellow jackets in your life 20 you back.1Afilled Bmoved Ccharged Demptied2Amen Bwomen Cdrivers Djackets3Aanger Bpain Csadness Dfear4Anose Bears Ceyes Dmouth5Aroom Bnest Chouse Dhall6Awidened Bclosed Copened Dlowed7Alovely Blikely Cfriendly Dcarefully8Ajumping Bclimbing Cwalking Drunning9Aremoved

19、Bstepped Cpaced Dsearched10AAs a result BAfter all CAbove all DAt the same time11Adiscussing Bexploring Cscreaming Dlaughing12Anervously Bsuddenly Ccasually Dimmediately13Aafter Bwhile Cbefore Duntil14Areached into Barrived in Cgot to Dpulled out15Ahappy Bangry Csad Dworried16ANeither BBoth CAll DNo

20、ne17Apain Bsurprise Cdoubt Djoy18Aheartedly Bintelligently Cemotionally Dpunctually19Athrough Bback Cahead Dbeyond20Ahold Bset Chang Dgive【答案】1A2B3D4C5B6A7C8D9B10A11C12D13C14A15B16B17D18C19D20A4The most unforgettable thing during my long summer holiday last year, of course was my trip 1 England. Thi

21、s was my first time to go abroad, so it really made me 2 .There were quite a lot of interesting places in England, 3 Oxford. When we walked around Oxford, we saw quite a lot of ancient buildings on 4 sides of the streets. One of the most famous tourist 5 in Oxford is Christ Church, its 6 one of the

22、Oxford Universitys 39 colleges. There is a huge hall in Christ Church, 7 was used as the dining hall at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter 8 . I felt really excited when I heard this. 9 place that impressed me 10 during my trip was a place called StratforduponAvon. It was a small town. Maybe you havent 11

23、 it, but Im sure you have heard about William Shakespeareits the great mans 12 . In StratforduponAvon, I could 13 Shakespeares Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, and a lot of places that are connected with 14 .I went to Shakespeares Birthplace. It was the hous

24、e 15 Shakespeare was born and 16 his early years. 17 sitting room, hallway (走廊), bedrooms, and kitchen were furnished (布置) in 16th century 18 . I also went to see the Shakespeare Exhibition. It illustrated (以图解说明) Shakespeares life and career in both Strarford and London.I really enjoyed this nice t

25、rip to England, 19 I learnt a lot. Im very happy that I could visit such an interesting 20 . I want to go there again in the future.1Aat Bfor Cfrom Dto2Aexcited Bappointed Cstubborn Ddetermined3Afor example Bsuch as Cas such Dfor instance4Aboth Beither Cneither Deach5Aviews Bscenes Csites Dinterests

26、6Aalso Btoo Cstill Dyet7Athat Bwhich Cwho Dwhere8Anovels Brecords Cfilms Dsongs9AOther BEvery CEach DAnother10Adeep Bdeeply Chigh Dhighly11Athought about Bheard about Clistened to Ddreamed about12Ahometown Boffice Cplay Dtheatre13Aspeak Bsay Ctalk Dsee14AShakespeare BOxford CEngland DHarry Potter15A

27、who Bthat Cwhen Dwhere16Apaid Bspent Ccost Dtook17AIts BIts CIt had DIt was18Astyle Bsite Cshape Dshade19Afor which Bwhich Cfrom which Din which20Aplace Btown Ccountry Dsummer【答案】1D2A3B4A5C6A7B8C9D10B11B12A13D14A15D16B17B18A19C20C5Wheeling her red chair and scissors around the city, Katie gives outo

28、fluck strangers the gift of visibility.Last summer, Katie saw a man sitting with a 1 asking for help. She asked, “Hey! Im giving 2 haircuts. Do you want one?”The man, named Edward, was in his 60s. “ 3 ,” he said, “I have a funeral to go. I was really 4 to get a haircut.” After Katie was done, Edward

29、 looked in a mirror. “I look 5 !”“Its more than a haircut. I want it to 6 value and respect.” Katie knows that a haircut can 7 a life. As a teen, she 8 a disease that was so severe that her hair thinned seriously. Seeing this, her mother 9 for Katies first haircut. “To sit down and have somebody loo

30、k at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness helped me feel cared about and less 10 .” she says.Katie wanted to help people 11 the same way. In 2009, she began her Red Chair Project, reaching out to people on the streets. Katie listens to peopled stories of loss, addiction, and 12 to get back on their feet. The attention 13 works.It all began with a belief in simple acts o

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