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1、初中英语人教版新目标补充词汇表初中英语人教版新目标补充词汇表(以中考考纲为参照) Aability biliti n. 能力 才能e.g He is proud of his daughters ability to speak four languages. (ability to do sth.)他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。I try to do my job to the best of my ability. (=as well as I can) 我尽全力做好我的工作。 above bv prep. 在上面、超过e.g. Good health is above wealth 健康胜

2、过财富。We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上飞行。Children above the age of 10 will not be accepted. 不接收十岁以上的小孩above all 最重要的是 Above all, make sure you keep in touch.abroad br:d adv. 在(到)国外e.g. They are looking forward to going abroad to study. 他们渴望出国学习。absent bsnt adj. 缺席的 不在的 (+from)e.g. It (so) happe

3、ned that I was absent from school that day . 那天我正好没上学。 absent-minded 心 不在焉的The absent-minded boy is always losing his books. 这个心不在焉的男孩老是丢书。accent ksnt n. 口音e.g. He speaks with a Hunan accent. 他说话带湖南口音。accept ksept vt. 接受 (receive 指“收到”)e.g. Please accept this gift which stands for our friendship. 请接

4、受这份象征我们友谊的礼物。accident ksidnt 事故;意外的事 (by accident 意外地)e.g. Youre sure to have an accident if you drive so fast down the road. 你要是在路上开得这样快,准会出事。ache eik vi. & n. 痛 疼痛e.g. He has a heavy ache in the neck. 他的脖子很痛。 I ache all over. 我浑身酸痛。headache 头痛 toothache 牙痛 stomachache 胃痛 advise dvaiz .I,T 劝告,忠告,建议

5、 (sb) doing sth; sb (on sth); sb to do sthe.g. I would advise you to spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii. 我劝您到夏威夷去住两星期。 Will you advise on these points? 关于这几点你提些意见,好吗? I advise you to go slow in what you are doing. 我劝你要谨慎行事。agreement gri:mnt n. 同意 一致(+with) 协定e.g. They finally came into agreement with

6、 each other. 他们彼此最终达成一致。Are we in agreement about the price? 对于这个价格我们是否意见一致呢?The two sides failed to reach an agreement. 双方未能达成一致.airline elain n. 航空公司e.g. The airline people are busy taking care of the passengers. 航空公司志愿正忙着照顾旅客。almost :lmust adv.几乎,差不多e.g. Its a mistake they almost always make. 这是他

7、们几乎总要犯的错误。along l adv. 向前; 和在一起;一同 prep. 沿着 顺着e.g. Im going to see a movie today. Do you want to come along? 我今天要去看电影,你要不要一块儿去?How do you get along with people different from you? 你怎么和与你不同的人相处?The two of us began walking together along the grass road. 我们俩沿着长满草的路边开始一起散步。among m prep. 在中间; 在(三个以上)之间e.

8、g. He was among the last to leave. 他是最后离开者之一。Atlantic tlntik n. 大西洋 adj. 大西洋的e.g. Columbus went across the Atlantic /the Atlantic Ocean in a ship in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年乘船横渡大西洋。available velbl adj. 可用的 有效的 有空的e.g. Im sorry no part-time jobs are available at the moment. 对不起,目前没有兼职的工作。 Will she be availabl

9、e this weekend? 她这个周末有空吗?avoid vid vt. 躲开 避免(+ n./+v-ing) 逃避e.g. The doctor says he must avoid foods with too much fat. 医生说他要避免吃高脂肪食品。We must try to avoid repeating these mistakes. 我们要避免重犯这些错误。Bbackground bkgraund n. 背景Ce.g. He came to know all of Johns background. 他逐渐了解了所有有关约翰的背景情况。bamboo bmbu 竹 C,

10、Ubasic beisik adj. 基本的e.g. They mastered the basic skills only after eight weeks of training. 八周的训练之后,他们才掌握了基本技能。bear (小学已学)bee bi: n. 蜜蜂beyond bijnd prep. (表示位置)在.的那一边e.g. The gang live abroad, beyond reach of the British police. 这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及.bill bil n.账单 法案 议案 (美) 钞票 纸币e.g. The telephone bil

11、l was paid in full and we could use our phones again. 电话费付清了,我们又可以使用电话了She makes a mistake when adding up the bill. 她在合计账单时出了差错。bitter bit adj. 有苦味的 痛苦的 难过的 严酷的e.g. Bitter medicine cures sickness. 良药苦口利于病。 The house keeps them from the bitter weather. 这房子使他们免受严寒。blood bld n.血 Ublow blu (blew, blown)

12、 v. 吹 刮风 吹气e.g. He tried to blow up a fire. The fire died out, instead. 他试图把火吹旺,谁知火却熄了。 The winds blow across the sea, pushing the waves. 风吹过海面,把波浪推向前。boss bs n. 老板 领班bottle btl n. 瓶子 (a bottle of sth)bottom btm n. 底部 底e.g. I want to thank you for your help from the bottom of my heart. 我打心底里想感谢你的帮助。

13、brain brein n. 脑子e.g. A full belly makes a dull brain. 吃得太饱,呆头呆脑。breath bre n.呼吸,气息 Ue.g. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. 她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续追赶。breathe bri: v. 呼吸 e.g. I loved climbing mountains, to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, and breathe the fresh air. 我喜欢爬山,

14、从而远离城市的喧嚣和污染,呼吸新鲜的空气。butterfly (小学已学) Ccancel knsl v. 取消e.g. A storm is coming. Wed better cancel the picnic tomorrow. 暴风雨要来了,我们最好取消明天的野餐。candle kndl n. 蜡烛 cap kp n.(有帽舌的)软帽,便帽 瓶盖 笔套careless kelis adj. 粗心的 漫不经心的e.g. Careless driving often causes accidents. 开车粗心往往酿成事故。Jack was so careless that he for

15、got to head up the composition before it was handed in.杰克太粗心了,作文没有加标题就交了上去。 CD-ROM 信息储存光盘 (compact disk-red only memory的缩写)ceiling si:li n. 天花板 顶棚celebrate selibreit vt. 庆祝e.g. Setting off firecrackers is a traditional way to celebrate the new year. 放鞭炮是庆祝新年的传统方式。cent sent n. 美分 分 (100 cents = 1 dol

16、lar)chairman/chairwoman trmn twumn n. 主席chalk t:k n. 粉笔 U (a piece of chalk)change teind n. 找给的零钱;找头 U vt. n. 改变 变化 更换 兑换e.g. Every day the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers. 南希每天要做的第一件事就是给花换水。 I dont have any small change on me. 我身上没有零钱。chant v. n. 咏唱 歌颂 歌谣(小学已学)cheat ti:t v

17、t.骗取 哄骗 vi. 作弊e.g. If you try to cheat in your exam, I think you will never succeed. 如果你想考试作弊,我肯定你不会得逞的。 Shops and stores can not cheat customers. 商场不能蒙骗顾客。chest test n. 箱子 盒子 胸部chopsticks n. 筷子(小学已学)clap klp vi. & n. 拍手 鼓掌 e.g. Lets give her a big clap. 咱们为她热烈鼓掌。 clap ones hands 鼓掌clone klun v. 克隆c

18、oach kut n. 教练 马车 长途车 (学过其动词用法“训练指导”)coal kul n. 煤 U 煤块 Ccoast kust n. 海岸,海滨e.g. Often on weekends I take the bus to the coast and go fishing. 我常在周末搭公共汽车去海边钓鱼。college klid n. 大学 专科学校 go to college 上大学composition kmpzin n. 作文 作曲 e.g. There are few grammatical mistakes in his composition. 他的作文中几乎没有什么语

19、法错误。 condition kndin n.状况 条件e.g. The doctor said the old mans condition was hopeless. 医生说这位老人的状况没有希望了。 He called on the government to improve the poors living condition. 他呼吁政府改善穷人的生活条件。conference knfrns n. (正式)会议 讨论会 a press conference 新闻发布会control kntrul vt. & n. 控制e.g. Self-control is courage unde

20、r another form 自我克制是勇气的另一种形式。We are losing control of the world population. 我们正在失去对世界人口的控制。When in anger, youd better control your mood. 生气的时候,最好控制情绪。cooker kuk n. 炊具 (锅 炉灶 烤炉等)cotton ktn n. 棉花 Ucouple kpl n. 夫妇 一对 几个e.g. The young couple owned a couple of movie houses. 这对年轻夫妇拥有好几家电影院。courage krid n

21、. U 勇气 胆略crayon 蜡笔(小学已学)cruel kru:l adj. 残酷的 无情的 (be to sb) e.g. He is cruel to animals. 他对动物很残忍。 Ddare de v. & aux. 敢,竟敢 敢于 (情态动词 dare do sth 实义动词 dare to do sth)e.g. How dare you say that to me ! 你竟敢对我说这话 Do you dare to come with me? 你敢跟我来吗? dead ded adj. 死的 无生命的 (die v. death n.)dialogue dailg n.

22、 对话diary dairi n. 日记 e.g. She stuck the photograph on the back of her diary Book. 她把照片贴在她的日记本的背面。dig dig(dug dug) v. 挖(洞 沟) 掘e.g. The bears will be able to hibernate in caves dug by themselves. 这些熊将可以在自己挖的洞穴里冬眠。discovery diskvri n. 发现e.g. The accident led to a great scientific discovery. 这一偶然事件引发了一项

23、重大科学发现。discussion diskn n. 讨论 辩论 (have a discussion about/on sth)disease dizi:z n. 疾病dismiss dismis vt. 解散 解雇 遣散e.g. If you insist on your demand for a pay raise , I shall have no choice but to dismiss you .如果您坚持要求增加工资,我就只好辞退您了。 disturb dist:b vt. 扰乱 打扰e.g. She opened the door quietly so as not to d

24、isturb the sleeping child. 她轻轻地开门,以免惊扰了睡著的孩子。doll dl n. 玩偶 玩具娃娃double dbl adj. 两倍的 双的 n. 两个 双e.g. What luck! This year your birthday and Mothers Day are on the same day. This calls for a double celebration. 真幸运!今年您的生日和母亲节是同一天。这需要双重庆祝。doubt daut n. & vt. 怀疑 疑惑 (without 毫无疑问 )e.g. There is no doubt th

25、at our team will come out on top in the tale tennis finals with the Japanese team 在与日本队的乒乓球决赛中,毫无疑问,我们队一定会获胜的。Maybe he changed his mind, but I doubt it 也许他改变了主意,但我对此表示怀疑。dozen dzn n. 十二个 一打 (a of sth dozens of sth)dry drai vt. 弄干 擦干 adj. 干的 干燥的e.g. As theres no butter we had to do with dry bread. 既然

26、没有奶油,我们也只好凑合着吃干面包。 You can dry the clothes in a dryer. 你可以用烘干机将衣服弄干。 Eeast (学过eastern 及其他方向)edge ed n. 边缘 (at/on the of 处在的边缘)e.g. Dont put that glass on the edge of the table;it might fall off. 不要把那杯子放在桌边,可能掉下来. education edjukein n 教育 培养 (已学 educate, educational)England (小学已学)everyday evridei adj.

27、 每日的 日常的 everyday news 每日新闻 everyday life 日常生活 (=daily)examine igzmin vt. 检查 诊察e.g. Then one of the patients died, and Dr. Lis team was able to examine the brain 后来,一位病人去世了,李医生的小组可以直接检查他的脑部。excite (已学excited exciting)express ikspres vt. 表达 表示(已学expression)e.g. find it difficult to express my meaning

28、. 我发觉我难以表达我的意思。 Ffeeling fi:li n. 感情 感觉 (学过feel)e.g. I will never forget the feeling of the cool bottle on my skin 我永远忘不了冰凉的瓶子接触我皮肤时的感觉。 He got lost in a strong bitter feeling. 他沉迷在一种强烈的愤恨感情中。fine (小学已学)fire fai n. 火 火炉 火灾 (be on 着火 put out a 灭火)fish (小学已学)flat flt n. 公寓 楼中的一套房间e.g. Ill fit you up w

29、ith a bed at my flat. 我可以在我的寓所里为你提供一个床位。 flu flu: n.U 流感force f:s vt. 强迫 迫使 ( sb to do sth; sb into sth/doing sth 迫使某人做某事)e.g. I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. 最后一班车已经离开, 我被迫打的。forest (小学已学)forward frwd adv. 向前 前进 将来 今后e.g. Move forward carefully or youll slip. 小心地往前走,不然会滑倒

30、。Review the past and look forward to the future. 回顾过去,展望未来。freeze fri:z v.结冰 (frozen frozen)e.g. In the bitter cold,we almost freeze to death. 在这严寒中,我们差点冻死。fridge frid n. 冰箱 (= refrigerator)frog frg n. 青蛙 Ggate geit n. 大门gentleman (学过gentle) dentlmn n. 绅士 先生 (pl. gentlemen)gesture dest n. 姿势 手势e.g. He raised his hands in a gesture of victory. 他举起双手做了个胜利的手势。glad gld adj. 高兴的 乐意的e.g. My parents were glad about my passing a

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