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1、Unit14Unit14 ShoppingIn this Unit we need four periods. In the first period, we will learn Lesson 53.After this period the students should know how to make a shopping dialogue, and they also should know some language items.In the second period, we will learn Lesson54 .The studentsshould know how to

2、order online, and they should master the past perfect tense.In the third period, the students still learn the past perfect tense, and the way of using “sothat” and “so that”, “cost”.In the fourth period, the students should know how to write a diary, and use the past perfect tense.Today we will lear

3、n Lesson 54Teaching aims: 1. To make the students know how to order online and how to use the past perfect tense 2. learn some new language items.Teaching importance: the past perfect tense Some language items, such as “so that” “seem” and so on.Teaching methods: 1. look listen and say 2. teach on t

4、he InternetTeaching steps:Step1 Pre-reading Sing an English songT: Yesterday we learned how to make a shopping dialogue. Now I will give you some time to prepare a new dialogue in pairs or groups.(Ss prepare their dialogues using some objects)Then T ask Ss to act out their dialoguesS1: Can I help yo

5、u?S2: Yes, Im looking for a pair of shoes.S1: What size do you need? S2: Size36.S1: What about this one?S2:I dont like the colour. Have you got any other kind?S1: Would you like this pair. I think this colour Is very nice.S2:Oh,I like it very much. Green is my favourite. How much are they?S1:100yuan

6、.S2:Thats a bit dear ,but can I try them on?S1: Of course, Dont you think they are very nice on you?S2:Yes, Ill take them. (Ask two more groups to act out their dialogues)Step2 PresentationT: We know Miyoko has bought a pair of shoes. Why did she buy shoes?S3:She wants to travel.T: Do you know where

7、 she wants to go?S4: Maybe she wants to go to Beijing.T: Good.If she wants to travel ,what else does she want to buy?S5: I think she wants to buy some food.S6: I think she wants to buy some coats. S7: I think she wants to buy a big bag. S8: I think she wants to buy a camera.T : Yes, She needs many t

8、hings to prepare. Today we will learn how she bought a camera Can you help her to order a camera? (Ss give their advice) T : I think your advice is very helpful. Next lets see how she bought a camera. Please listen to the tape, then answer some questions.Qs 1: How did she buy a camera? 2:What kind o

9、f camera did she buy? (Ss listen and answer the questions) T: Listen to the tape again ,then answer more questions. Qs:1 Why didnt she buy it in a store? 2. How long had she searched the Internet before she found an ad? 3. What did her father think of her choice? 4. How did she order it online? 5. W

10、hen did she receive what she had ordered?Step 3 Practice: A) 1 Ss read and repeat the text. 2. Explain some grammar:(1) the past perfect tense(2) some language items:so thatHe got up early so that he could catch the first bus.So.that She is so angry that she cant say a word. As well I like swimming

11、as well. Seem Seem+adj She seems very happy. Seem+n. She seems a teacher, Seem +to do It seems to rain. Offer the most at the best price Order sth. Online Fill in /type in Be excited to do Some interesting places=some places of interest B) According to the text, Ss retell how Miyoko order the camera

12、 online. C) Ss make up a similar story about shopping online using the Internet.Step4 Homework.1. Do some exercises about the past perfect tense.2. make up a similar story about shopping online一、教学目标与要求初步学习过去完成时态;初步掌握用 sothat引导状语从句和总结、归纳有关购物的用语,是本单元的教学重点。经过学习,学生应能掌握这种状语从句的结构和用法,掌握教学大纲中规定有关购物的用语和应答,并

13、能较为熟练地运用在交际中,口头表达流畅,书面表达正确。学生应能从顾客的角度,对所需购买物品的名称、尺寸、颜色、价格等进行询问和表示意见;也能从售货员的角度接待顾客、提供服务及方便等。学生应能独立完成练习册编排的各种形式的练习,正确率不低于70。二、教学重点与难点1 句型:What size do you want? Size 38. How much does it cost? She decides to buy a digital camera online so that it could be sent to her. She enjoyed her visit to Beijing

14、so much that she took a lot of photos with the new camera. 2语法:过去完成时态(1)(The Past Perfect Tense) 3日常交际用语:购物(Shopping) 1) Can I help you? 2) Im looking for a pair of shoes. 3) What size do you want? 4) How much does it (do they) cost? 5) Have you got any other colour/size/kind? 6) Can I try it (them)

15、 on, please? 7) Thats too expensive. Have you got anything cheaper? 8) Thats cheap. Ill have it, please. 9) Thats a bit expensive. Ill think about it. I dont think Ill take it. 10) None of them are the right size. They are either too big or too small.三、课时安排本单元共用4课时,每课书用1课时。本课时为第二课时-Lesson54。本堂课媒体的设计

16、本课教学重点,落在“购物”对话的操练和网上购物 以及对过去完成时的认知上。教学设计的思路遵循学习认知规律,运用现代教学技术,以电脑多媒体辅助教学为基本的教学手段,创设生动有趣的语言教学情景,在尊重学生个性发展,面向全体学生基础上,唤醒学生的主体意识,从而全方位调动学生的学习积极性,进行听、说、读、写操练,使整个教学从知识的内化到外显呈现出一种动态的、和谐的发展过程。 在教学过程中,电脑的软件融汇了多种传统电教媒体录音机、投影仪、录像机及电视机的功能,精简了教学工具的使用,操作简便,使课堂学习气氛浓厚,学习氛围宽松。首先通过电脑,以文字的形式静态地展示对话范例,为学生树立明确的语言模仿对象;在学

17、生初步操练后,仍以文字形式归纳呈现典型句型,促进学生对重点知识的把握;接着引人录音媒体,检测学生对该句型的初步理解及掌握程度,为下一步的对话练习奠定基础,通过借助媒体,句型教学做到由易到难,由感性到理性的过渡,更易于被学生理解和掌握。之后以网上购物为主要情景,推出动静结合,声像俱佳并配以适当文字说明及短句练习的音像材料,为学生的进一步交际创设出生动的语言运用环境,激发学生的学习兴趣和交际冲动,提高语言交际的真实性、生动性。通过媒体的介入,成功地把词汇教学融汇到句型教学之中,使语言知识的音、形、意全面完整,形象逼真地展现在学生面前,在有限的时间内增大了知识容量,提高了学生的识记效率。同时在知识的反馈上,因为媒体的适时介入,使得反馈与调整更及时更准确,从而减轻了老师和学生的负担,达到了及时巩固的效果。 媒体组合使用表知识点媒体类型媒体内容要点媒体来源媒体在教学中的作用使用方法1多媒体电脑购物内容自备创设语言情景帮助学生套用显示图片学生操练对话2多媒体电脑网上购物自备创设语言情景帮助学生套用新句型投影图像及新句型展示3多媒体电脑网上购物自备创设语言环境听录音,学生回答问题4多媒体电脑网上购物自备展示过去完成时相关句型显示图片,学生操练

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