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1、1第一节 会计确认的定义与特征第一节 会计确认的定义一、会计确认的定义与分类“确认是将某一项目,作为一项资产、负债、收入、费用正式地记录或记入某一主体财务报表的程序(过程),它包括同时用文字和数字描述某一项目,其金额则包括在报表总计之中。对于一项资产或负债,确认不仅要记录该项目的取得和发生,还要记录其后发生的变动,包括从财务报表中予以取消的变动(FASB第5号概念公告,1984)。根据以上讨论,借鉴FASB的成果,我们认为,确认是一种基于会计准则的规定对经济活动是否应纳入会计报表核算以及纳入会计报表核算的资产、负债价值变化的判断,并且要以文字或数据反映这种判断。前者为初次确认,后者为重新确认。


3、贯穿于整个会计程序中: 确认包括初步确认(Initial Recognition)与再确认(第二步确认Subsequent Recognition)以及中止确认三种类别:确认涉及对记录和报告两个程序的决策,一切交易和事项都要经过初步确认(Initial Recognition)作成记录,然后通过再确认(第二步确认)予以报告。1.初始确认(Initial Recognition)每当一项交易、事项发生、就要识别是否应在会计上正式记录(对合法性与合理性的判断,以及分类的判断);对记录来说,确认主要指:(1)是否有项目(哪些项目)应作为要素进入会计系统正式记录;(2)这些项目应记录为什么要素?(3)

4、何时应予记录。对第一个问题的回答是:“交易观(transaction approach)”与“事项观(events approach)”;“交易观(transaction approach)”;即会计只反映那些对企业的经济利益(现在的或未来的)确实产生了影响或导致企业资产和负债要素发生了变动的交易或事项。这些交易或事项可以是发生在不同主体之间,也可以是发生在同一个主体内部。“事项观(events approach)”,也称“非交易观”。美国财务会计准则委员会的第6号概念公告将事项界定为包括一主体所买卖物品或劳务上物价的变动(par135);Transactions, Events, and C

5、ircumstances135. This Statement commonly uses transactions and other events and affecting an entity to describe the sources or causes of changes in assets, liabilities, and equity or net assets. An event is a happening of consequence to an entity. It may be an internal event that occurs within an en

6、tity, such as using raw materials or equipment in production, or it may be an external event that involves interaction between an entity and its environment, such as a transaction with another entity, a change in price of a good or service that an entity buys or sells, a flood or earthquake, or an i

7、mprovement in technology by a competitor.52 Many events are combinations. For example, acquiring services of employees or others involves exchange transactions, which are external events; using those services, often simultaneously with their acquisition, is part of production, which involves a serie

8、s of internal events (paragraph 79, footnote 40). An event may be initiated by an entity, such as a purchase of merchandise or use of a building, or it may be partly or wholly beyond the control of an entity and its management, such as an interest rate change, an act of vandalism or theft, the impos

9、ition of taxes, or the expiration of a donor-imposed time restriction.136. Circumstances are a condition or set of conditions that develop from an event or a series of events, which may occur almost imperceptibly and may converge in random or unexpected ways to create situations that might otherwise

10、 not have occurred and might not have been anticipated. To see the circumstance may be fairly easy, but to discern specifically when the event or events that caused it occurred may be difficult or impossible. For example, a debtors going bankrupt or a thiefs stealing gasoline may be an event, but a

11、creditors facing the situation that its debtor is bankrupt or a warehouses facing the fact that its tank is empty may be a circumstance.137. A transaction is a particular kind of external event, namely, an external event involving transfer of something of value (future economic benefit) between two

12、(or more) entities. The transaction may be an exchange in which each participant both receives and sacrifices value, such as purchases or sales of goods or services; or the transaction may be a nonreciprocal transfer in which an entity incurs a liability or transfers an asset to another entity (or r

13、eceives an asset or cancellation of a liability) without directly receiving (or giving) value in exchange. Nonreciprocal transfers contrast with exchanges (which are reciprocal transfers) and include, for example, investments by owners, distributions to owners, impositions of taxes, gifts, charitabl

14、e or educational contributions given or received, and thefts.53138. This Statement does not use the term internal transaction (which is essentially contradictory). Transferring materials to production processes, using plant and equipment whose wear and tear is represented by depreciation, and other

15、events that happen within an entity are internal events, not internal transactions.英国会计准则委员会在讨论交易外的其它事项时,举例说明,尽管企业所拥有的土地或其他财产的未来利益没变(从使用角度看),但其市场价格水平已发生变动,如果证据充足,就应该确认。由于谨慎考虑,最后所确认的主要是物价变动的损失而不是收益(par424)。但是到目前为止,仍然没有迹象表明:由于主体长期有效努力而产生的超额盈利能力它实际上是大量的交易累积影响的结果可以正式进入确认程序。也就是说,目前会计实务所允许的非交易观的确认,仍然是不全面的

16、。2. 再确认(第二步确认Subsequent Recognition)再确认是将初始确认已经记入账簿的事项记入会计报表前的判断,是在初始确认的基础上,筛选什么信息应列入财务报表,什么样的信息在报表外列示。它所代表的是会计的决策行为。包括:(1)有无项目应进入报表系统;(2)该项目应列入何种要素;(3)何时应当在报表中表述并将其金额列入报表总计。(4)并且还应考虑:效益是否大于成本,所应计入报表的项目是否符合重要性原则。 至于如何在财务报表中表述(除确认外还包括披露),那也意味着财务会计的活动进入了最后的程序-报告。 3.后续确认(Subsequent Recognition)后续确认主要是对

17、已在会计报表中反映的项目,在后一个会计期间发生了价值或产权上的变化,而在会计记录或会计报表中反映之前,由会计人员所做出的基于事实的合理合规的判断。作为一个程序和过程,确认对大多数交易和事项所应予记录和报告的项目可以一次完成。例如发生的费用如电费,由于购入的该项劳务(能源)当时就能消耗掉,已记录的项目不可能发生后续的变动,因此这类交易和事项只需要一次确认即可完成 。有一些交易和事项的确认,其已记录和已报告的项目嗣后可能发生变动,而需要后续确认甚至不再符合确认标准而需要终止确认,比如:固定资产按历史成本确认为资产后,由于价值变动而批准进行重估,则重估价的记录与报告的确认,应属于后续确认。 按现行成

18、本或公允价计量的某些项目在其交易开始时是通过初始确认,在初始确认后如现行成本或公允价值发生变动时,一般于下一个报告年度开始按变动后的成本或价值重新确认,即所谓后续确认。如果已确认的某个项目不再符合某一要素的定义,例如已确认的资产由于作为其他企业的抵押(担保)而当做担保品被偿付债务进行处置,本企业对它不再保持控制的能力,这时,对该项资产,就要在会计记录和财务报表中终止确认(Derecognition)第四,确认的标准在第5号概念公告中,还提出确认的四项基本标准:定义性、可计量性、相关性、可靠性(par63)“。Fundamental Recognition Criteria63. An item

19、 and information about it should meet four fundamental recognition criteria to be recognized and should be recognized when the criteria are met, subject to a cost-benefit constraint and a materiality threshold. Those criteria are:DefinitionsThe item meets the definition of an element of financial st

20、atements.MeasurabilityIt has a relevant attribute measurable with sufficient reliability.RelevanceThe information about it is capable of making a difference in user decisions.ReliabilityThe information is representationally faithful, verifiable, and neutral.All four criteria are subject to a pervasi

21、ve cost-benefit constraint: the expected benefits from recognizing a particular item should justify perceived costs of providing and using the information.38 Recognition is also subject to a materiality threshold: an item and information about it need not be recognized in a set of financial statemen

22、ts if the item is not large enough to be material and the aggregate of individually immaterial items is not large enough to be material to those financial statements (1)定义性:所确认的项目要符合财务报表中某一要素的定义;(2)可计量性:所确认的项目要能予以量化;(3)相关性:因所确认的项目所生成的信息,对使用者的决策有影响; (4)可靠性:所确认的项目是真实、可验证的。这四条标准缺一不可,因为,总的确认标准可以概括为:一个项目

23、符合于会计要素的定义并能可靠地计量,同时对信息使用者相关。在第2号公告中,论述会计信息的质量特征时,将相关性、可靠性做了展开:第一,相关性(Relevance)。相关性指与决策相关,所提供的会计信息具有揭示差异、影响决策的能力。一项信息是否具有相关性,主要由三个因素决定,即预测价值(Predictive Value)、反馈价值(Feedback Value)和及时性(Timeliness)。其中,预测价值指信息具有帮助决策者预测过去、现在或未来事项可能结果的能力;反馈价值指信息能使决策者证实或更正过去决策时的预期结果;及时性指信息应当在失去影响决策的能力之前提供给决策者。这三个概念对会计准则的

24、制定产生了重大影响,原因在于预测价值和反馈价值是选择确认和计量政策的依据,及时性则与披露政策密切相关。 RELEVANCE46. In discussions of accounting criteria, relevance has usually been defined in the dictionary sense, as pertaining to or having a bearing on the matter in question. That broad definition is satisfactory as far as it goesinformation must,

25、 of course, be logically related to a decision in order to be relevant to it. Mistaken attempts to base decisions on logically unrelated information cannot convert irrelevant information into relevant information 5 any more than ignoring relevant information makes it irrelevant. However, the meaning

26、 of relevance for financial reporting needs to be made more explicit. Specifically, it is informations capacity to make a difference that identifies it as relevant to a decision.47. To be relevant to investors, creditors, and others for investment, credit, and similar decisions, accounting informati

27、on must be capable of making a difference in a decision by helping users to form predictions about the outcomes of past, present, and future events or to confirm or correct expectations. Event is a happening of consequence to an enterprise (Exposure Draft on elements, paragraph 67), and in this cont

28、ext can mean, for example, the receipt of a sales order or a price change in something the enterprise buys or sells. Outcome is the effect or result of an event or series of events and in this context can mean, for example, that last years profit was $X or the expectation that this years profit will

29、 be $Y. The event in question may be a past event the outcome of which is not already known, or it may be a future event the outcome of which can only be predicted.48. Information need not itself be a prediction of future events or outcomes to be useful in forming, confirming, or changing expectatio

30、ns about future events or outcomes. Information about the present status of economic resources or obligations or about an enterprises past performance is commonly a basis for expectations (Concepts Statement 1, paragraph 42).49. Information may confirm expectations or it may change them. If it confi

31、rms them, it increases the probability that the results will be as previously expected. If it changes them, it changes the perceived probabilities of the previous possible outcomes. Either way, it makes a difference to one who does not already have that information. Decisions already made need not b

32、e changed, nor need a course of action already embarked on be altered by the information. A decision to hold rather than to sell an investment is a decision, and information that supports holding can be as relevant as information that leads to a sale. Information is relevant if the degree of uncertainty about the result of a decision that has already been made is confirmed or altered by the new information; it need not alter the decision.50. One of the more fundamental questions raised by the search for relevance in accounting concerns t

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