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1、小学四年级英语下册期末练习题小学四年级英语下册期末练习题一、选择正确的答案填空。( ) 1. What do you usually have _ lunch?A. to B. for C. with( ) 2. I _ like dimsum for breakfast.A. dont B. am not C. mustnt( ) 3. I think we can have some _.A. cokes B. a coke C. coke( ) 4. _ you like some thing to drink?A. Are B. Can C. Would( ) 5. Id like a

2、 piece _ toast.( ) 6. I want to have an apple to _.A. drink B. eat C. eating( ) 7. What can I do _ you?A. to B. in C. for( ) 8. How much _ the piece of meat?A. am B. are C. is( ) 9. How much _ they cost?A. do B. does C. are( ) 10. How much _ the milk cost?A. do B. does C. are( ) 11. What _ dad like

3、to have for dinner?A. do B. does C. are( ) 12. Some of them are cabbages.A. of B. give C. on( ) 13. I dont like salad, and I dont like soup, _.A. either B. too C. yet( ) 14. Breakfast isnt ready _.A. either B. too C. yet( ) 15. Im _ doing my homework.A. either B. still C. yet( ) 16.I like _ to the r

4、adio in the morning.A. listen B. listens C. listening( ) 17. Your friend Mike _ paying tennis over there.A. am B. are C. is( ) 18. _ your brother like the uniform?A. Are B. Do C. Dose( ) 19. _ your mother often _ her bedroom on Sunday?A. Do, clean B. Dose, clean C. Are, clean( ) 20. Look, the old ma

5、n _ in the sea.A. fish B. fish C. is fishing( ) 21. _ your mother usually _ shopping on Sunday?A. Do, go B. Does, go C. Does, goes( ) 22. How _ do the onions cost?A. many B. much C. old( ) 23. There _ some meat on the plate.A. is B. are C. am( ) 24. There is _ water in the bottle.A. a B. some C. any

6、( ) 25. There aret _ eggs in the fridge.A. a B. some C. any二、把下列句子补充完整。1.What do you usually have _ breakfast? Three _ of toast and a _ of milk.2.Can I _ the Chinese cabbage _, please?3.What _ you like to _? A glass of milk, please.4.Im full now. Nothing _ _, please.5.Junko is _ Japan. So he _ eatin

7、g fish.6.What time do you usually _ dinner? _ about 7 oclock.三、根据上下文的意思,把对话或短文补充完整。A: Who _ that man in the jeans?B: He _ my father.A: _ _ is he?B: _ forty-five _ old.A: Oh, he _ so handsome! What _ he do?B: Hes a movie star.A: What are you _ here, Janet?B: Im still doing _ homework.A: Dont be too _

8、. Its _ to go to bed.B: _ time is it?A: _ ten thirty.B: But Im hungry now. May I _ some bread?A: Of _. And drink _ milk?B: Yes, _.A: How are you, iamin. What are you _ at?B: Im looking at _. Its _ Beijing, my father.A: Let me _ a look. Whos this man? Is he your _?B: Yes, he _. He is an _ of weight-l

9、ifting.A: He _ strong. And he looks _ Zhan Xugang.B: Zhan Xugang is his teammate(队友). He is _ good at _. Look! Here are his medals _ Olypic Games!A: What are you _ here?B: Im eating _.A: Why so late? Its ten oclock.B: I usually get _ late on Sunday. So I eating _ and lunch now!A: There _ so many thi

10、ngs on the table! Can I _ some buns? Theyre my favourite _.B: Of _. Here you _.A: What _ I do for you?B: I _ like some mushrooms.A: These mushurooms are very _.B: How _ do they _?A: 5 dollars a _.B: _ I have 2 _, please?A: No _. Here you are. Anything _.B: No, _ it. Thanks.A: What are you _ in the k

11、itchen, jack?B: Im _ a breakfast.A: _ you cook?B: I _ I can. Look, here is the fried rice.A: Mmm, its _. Thank you.A: Whats your favourite _, jack?B: I like football _.A: Are you _ at it?B: No, Im not.A: My uncle is _ at football. He _ football very well.A: What _ it is now?B: Its six _.A: _ is a TV

12、 play now. _ on the TV, please.B: all _.A: _ your father like coffee, Jim?B: Yes, he _ coffee every morning.A: Please _ this bottle _ coffee to him.B: _ you.A: _ I help you?B: Yes, _ _ some carrots?A: These carrots are _.B: Yes, they are nice. How _ are _?A: 1.5 dollars a _.B: 2 kilos, _.A: Thank yo

13、u.A: _ birthday, grandpa.B: _ you.A: How _ are you?B: Im ninety-nine _ _.A: Wow.A: What are you _ in the bedroom, Tim?B: Im _ _ the tape.A: _ you listening _ music?B: Yes, _ _. English song are very nice.A: Whats your favourite _, Betty?B: Swimming.A: Are you _ at it?B: No, _ _.A: My father is good

14、_ swimming. He _ very _.A: What _ is it now?B: _ five thirty.A: There _ a cartoon _ TV now. _ on the TV, _.B: _ right.A:_you like some coffee, Xiao Li?B: No, _. I _ drink coffee.A: What _ you like to _?B: Tea, please.A: _ I help you?B: Id _ a kilo _ broccoli. How _ _ it cost?A: Five dollars a kilo.B

15、: _ else?A: No, _ it.B: Thank you. Whos _?A: _ I have the salad?B: _ course. No_.A: Can I _ a plate _ pasta?B: _ you are?A: And a glass _ coke.B: All _. _ you are.A: _ you.B: Youre _.A: _ you like going shopping?B: No, I _. My sister _ going shopping. She often _ shopping _ my mother.A: What _ your

16、father? _ he like go shopping?B: No, he _.A: What does your father like _?B: He _ reading and _ TV.A: Good afternoon, Mr Chen.B: Good afternoon, Mike. _is Miss White? _ she in your classroom?A: Yes, she _.B: What is she _ there?A: Shes talking _ Janet.B: Is Ban in the classroom _?A: No, he _.B: _ is

17、 he?A: Hes over there.B: What is he_?A: Hes _ the fuitar.四、根据所给的第一个字母,用适当的单词把句子补充完整.1. C_ I be a fary, Miss White?2. I think your parents w_ come here to see you.3. Our teachers often t_ us stories.4. I have a_ idea.5. Good evening, l_ and gentlemen.6. I like the game because its very i_.7. Do you n

18、_ any help?8. They t_ the programme is nice.9. Do you like s_ the films?五、根据图意, 把对话补充完整。A: _?B: Yes, do you have _ clothes?A: Yes, of _.B: I _ to buy a white _. How _ does it _?A: _ fifty dollars.B: Its _. Ok, Ill _ it. Heres the _.A: _ you are. Heres the _. Thanks, goodbye!B: Bye!六、选择单词填空。my short

19、picture man all us are timeLook at this _. This is a picture of _ family. Look, the tall _ is my father. The _ lady is my mother. We are _ in the garden. My father and I _ playing chess. My mother is looking at _. All of us are having a good _.under friend eating sitting their morning homeIts Saturd

20、ay _ Jiamin is at _. He and his _Kate and Rose are doing _ homework. Look, they are _ at the table in the living room. There are three orange on the table. _ the table there is a cat. Its _ a fish.funny under Sunday catch lake geese many young in playing there want chessIts a fine _morning. Therere

21、_ people _ the park. Many of them are _ and some of them are old. Some children are _ games over _. Two boys are playing _ _ the tree. Theres a big _ in the park. Therere some ducks and _ swimming on the lake. Can you see two_ cats? They are running up the tree. What do they want to do? They _ to _ the fit friends truth games heavy boring idea room dontA: Where are our _?B: Theyre in the _. Theyre watching the _. Lets go and have a look.阅读下部份

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