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1、英语拓展课心得体会英语拓展课心得体会篇一:团队拓展新入职员工拓展训练心得体会中英文对照团队拓展新入职员工拓展训练心得体会中英文对照我很感谢能通过此次拓展训练活动有这样一次深刻的体验和有意义的经历。我也为我能处于这样一个有默契的团队而感到荣幸,我相信,在我们这个大家庭中,不论我们接下来会面临怎样的困难,我们都能够手牵着手共同去克服,因为我坚信:团结就是力量!在忙碌了一天后,终于可以躺在床上好好享受这难得的闲暇时光。上周,注定是一个艰难但着实充满意义的两天。它带给我的不仅是生理上的挑战,也给我带来了一笔精神上的财富。 在这次拓展培训中,安排的拓展训练注重团队项目,它的最大特点就是群策群力。在本次拓

2、展训练的过程中,每个队的队员之间最应该注意的是如何组织、协调及配合好,而不是某个队员自己如何能做得更好;个体对团队的关注应该远远超过了其自身!在这个过程中,我深刻的理解到了什么叫“团队”。回顾拓展训练的全过程,历历在目,在困难和挑战面前,大家都能凝心聚力,充分体现了挑战自我,熔炼团队的精神。 没有凝聚力的团队就没有竞争力。如果没有团队精神,这次的所有训练项目就无法完成。如果一个团队的组成人员各行其是、我行我素、自私自利、违法乱纪,势必一盘散沙,工作就是难出成就,相反,当这个团队面临艰巨任务或遇到困难时能坚定信心,同舟共济,在惊涛骇浪面前就能无所畏惧,就能完成别人认为无法完成的任务,就能顺利地到

3、达胜利的彼岸。 这次拓展训练的全程中,所有的队员都为团队完成拓展训练科目发挥了重要作用。正是由于大家严格要求自己,注重了细节,一丝不苟、自动自发、拒绝借口,才顺利地完成了任务。这次拓展训练活动使我深深的体会到团队协作在任务执行过程中的重要性,同时也学会了如何突破自己心理的极限,可以说是一次非常难得的经历。这种心理极限上的突破不是随便的生硬的活动项目就能够达到理想效果的,通过对拓展训练项目的精心设计和拓展培训师的职业能力最终真正能够实现个人某些心理障碍的跨越,于此同时也能够体会到个人能力的发展潜力。证明了自己,超越了自己。通过这种拓展训练项目也使各个小组的成员成为一个真正能够发现问题,解决问题的

4、战略团队,大家都各司其职、各负其责,在拓展训练项目中寻找合作的黄金点,不断形成一种默契,这种关系由原来松散的个体磨合成为一个能够冲破任何防线的组合体,团队的每个成员在项目进展中都增强了克服困难的信心和勇气,提高了面对困难却能坚忍不拔进行到底的决心,更可贵的是锻炼了每个团员的胆识,也克服了有时只凭感觉行事的思维定式。没有不可能,超越自己就能够创造奇迹。Team to develop new recruits to expand training experience in the English languageI am very grateful to have such a profound

5、 experience and meaningful experience through thedevelopment of training activities. I I can in such a tacit understanding of the team and honored, I believe, in our big family, whether we will be the next face what kind of difficulty, we are able to holding hands together to overe, because I firmly

6、 believe that: unity is strength!After a busy day, you can finally enjoy the rare leisure time in bed.Last week, it was destined to be a tough but very meaningful two days. It brings me not only a physical challenge, but also a spiritual wealth. In the training, arrange training team project, its gr

7、eatest feature is the work and pull together. In the process of the expansion of training, between the players of each team should pay attention to the most is how to organize, coordinate and cooperate with, and not a team members how to do better; individual attention to the team should be far more

8、 than its own.In this process, I have a deep understanding of what is called the team. Review to expand the training process, vivid, in the face of difficulties and challenges. Everyone ningxinjuli, fully embodies the challenge themselves, melting the team spirit. No cohesive team is not petitive. I

9、f there is no team spirit, this time all the training projects can not be pleted. If a team members asunder, self willed and selfish, lawlessness, certainly a mess, the work is hard to the achievement. On the contrary, when the team faced with arduous tasks or encounter difficulties when confidence,

10、 solidarity, in the face of waves can be fearless, will be able to plete, others think it is unable to plete the task, you can successfully reach the victory of the other side. In the whole process of training, all the players have played an important role in the development of the team. It is preci

11、sely because of the strict requirements of their own, focus on the details, meticulous, automatic spontaneous, refused to excuse, to successfully plete the task.The development of training activities so that I deeply appreciate teamwork in task execution process in the importance of, and also learn

12、the how to break through the limits of their psychological, can be said to be a very rare experience. This kind of psychological limit breakthrough not just blunt of the activities of the project will be able to achieve ideal effect, through to expand the careful design of the training project and e

13、xpand the professional ability of the training division eventually can really achieve across individual certain psychological disorders, this also can realize the potential for the development of personal ability. Proved themselves, beyond their own.Through the development training program also allo

14、ws each team members to bee a real can find problems, problem solving strategy team, all the duties and responsibilities, to expand training programs to find the gold for cooperation, continue to form the a kind of tacit understanding, this relationship by the original loose individuals running bee

15、a can break through a bination of any defense, each member of the team in the progress of the project have enhanced the confidence and courage to overe the difficulties, improve face difficulties but firm and indomitable determination in the end, more valuable is the training of each member of the c

16、ourage, but also to overe the sometimes only Pingganjiao act mindset. a good team must have a unity, trust and collaboration. Every time together the unity and cooperation, every time after the success the hugeveryone, everyone teams interests, and ultimately / colleagues / showed defend the positio

17、ns,/ spirit篇二:拓展训练体会与分享中英文【图文】拓展训练体会与分享1每项工作都有它的规范和流程,正如每项游戏都有它的规则。在进入工作状态之前,必须去了解、熟悉规范,这是做好工作的基础。2工作中,我们可能会以自我意识为中心,甚至想超越规则而自行其事。然而,个人的鲁莽和造次,都有可能会给整个团队的业绩带来损失。因此,时刻要记住,我是团队的一员,我的任何举动,都会给公司带来正面或者负面的影响。3每个人都知道自己的生日,却不知道别人的生日。于是,沟通成为一种必需。面对一项任务,大家会产生各自的想法,但是如果各行其事、缺乏沟通,行动中不仅得不到理解和支持,更容易出现混乱和矛盾,甚至产生分歧和


19、法、理念或者管理制度有好的、建设性的建议,可以及时提出来,供同事和领导参考,在争取获得组织层面的认可和采纳后,才能真正推动组织的创新和改进。第一个拓展项目:高空抓扛。在空地上竖立一根8米高的铁杆,要求我们爬上铁杆,站到铁杆顶端的一个大概直径为20厘米圆盘上,然后在空中跃起,抓住前方米远的单杠。虽然身上挂满了安全保护措施,但在高空跳跃,每个人都产生了或多或少的恐惧感, 从杆上站到顶端的圆盘是一次极大的考验,从圆盘跃起抓杠更是一次心理的挑战,特别是女员工。有的同伴从满脸通红到面色苍白,有的战战兢兢不敢站立,有的站了许久不敢跃起。在队长的带领下,我们为每一个参训的队员“加油”,目送他们一个一个爬上摇

20、摇晃晃的高杆,然后不断呼喊他们的名字,每完成一个步骤都热烈地鼓掌高呼。结果,全队20多名队员(包括腰肌有劳损的涂总监)都顺利完成了这项训练,最后大家用热烈的掌声庆贺自己的成功和胜利。Expand training experience and share1 each job has its specifications and processes, as each game has its rules. Before entering the working state, must go to understand, familiar with the specification, which

21、 is the basis for doing a good job.2, we may be in the center of self awareness, and even want to go beyond the rules and their own things. However, the reckless and mark time, are likely to lead to the loss of the performance of the team. Therefore, always remember that I am a member of the team, a

22、ny of my actions, will bring positive or negative impact on the pany.3 everyone knows his own birthday, but I do not know other peoples birthday. So, munication is a must. Face a task, everyone will have their own ideas, but if acting unilaterally, lack of munication, action not only to understand a

23、nd support, are more prone to confusion and contradiction, even disagreement and conflict, leading to internal friction and conflict.4 when Yang Shengchao stood in front of the team, the demonstration of squat, he has bee a leader in the game. The team needs a leader, and the leader needs to underst

24、and the teams goals, the current resources, to find the right way. At the same time, he must stand in front of the team, let everyone know of his method, indicating that the leader must be unified the team thought, action, points out the direction and method, and strong execution.5 maybe the squat m

25、ethod is not the best, and even a stupid way. But in the absence of a better way to put forward or to be accepted before, the original stupid way is the best way! What we can do is to keep their own opinions, to obey and to the out and out. Any way, will lead to criticism, persist in wilfully and ar

26、bitrarily the organizations management system and employee action disorder.6. To encourage the team to share knowledge, skills or experience, if you have the good andconstructive suggestions on the methods of work, an idea, or management system can timely put forward, for the reference of colleagues

27、 and leaders, strive to obtain the recognition and acceptance of /chengdouxi4916 /2838232575 organizational level can really promote innovation and /2300628497 improvement of the organization. The first development project: high altitude grab.In the clearing erected a 8 /u/74951353/ meters away from

28、 the bar. Although body covered with safety /u/122418288/ protection measures, but in the high jump, everyone has more or less fear of feeling, from the bar rose to the top of the disc is a great test of, from the /u/90032275/ disk /u/66326837/ leaping grab bars is a psychological /u/103358588/ chal

29、lenges, especially female /u/97410822/ employees. Some friends from the flushed to pale, some fear not stand, some stood for a long time not leaping.Under the leadership of captain, we for each participating in the training of players gas, watched them a a climbed rickety high bar and constantly sho

30、uting their names, each pleted a step /are warmly clapped and whooped. Results, the team more than 20 players /?cdxyktx13551290188 (including lumbar muscle have successfully pleted the training. Finally, we use warm applause to celebrate their success and victory.篇三:一节实用性英语课堂的拓展与延伸.wang一节实用性英语课堂的拓展与


32、识、巩固知识、运用知识和检查知识来展开,其基本做法是:以纪律教育来维持组织教学,以师讲生听来传授新知识,以背诵、抄写来巩固已学知识,以多做练习来运用新知识,以考试测验来检查学习效果。这样以学生被动的接受知识为前提的,没有突出学生的实践能力和创新精神的培养,没有突出学生学习的主体性,主动性和独立性。教学方式、学习方式转变的基本精神也就是自主、合作、创新。因此,我们可以从以下的几个方面进行革新。 变“组织教学”为“动机激发”学习动机是学生学习系统中重要的动力因素,在学习过程中起着“核心”作用。没有学习动机,就不会有积极主动的学习活动。学生的学习动机并不会无缘无故地产生,而要靠教师在师生的交往中去激发、去培养。激发学生的学习动机的目的是让学生在师生交往的情境中,受到某种刺激,对将要学习的内容产生需求的欲望,进而形成学习的动机。比如在英语七年级上册“what do you think of game shows?”一课中,我们可以让学生自由的讨论一下自己喜欢的电影、电视节目以及自己喜欢的歌星和演员。在学生的积极性被调动起开的时候,教师以解决他们表述中遇到的生词困难的时候,

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