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1、武昌九年级第一学期期中联考武昌区2019-2020年学年度第一学期期中考试九年级英语试题听力部分一、听力测试(共三节)第一节(共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)听下面4个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题,每个问题仅读一遍。1. A.I cantremember. B.InJuly. C.AnEnglishbook2. A. 2000yearsago. B.InChina C. AncientChinesepeople.3. A.Its strong B. Maybethewind. C.InJanua

2、ry4. A.Itsfine. B.Itishungry. C.Itmightbeinthekitchen.第二节(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。5.Whatdoesthemanmean?A.HehelpedDorisbuildupthebookshelves.B.ThewomanhelpedDorisfixupallthesebookshelves.C.Dorishelpedhimfixupsomeofthebookshel

3、ves.6.WhomdidJackbuytheredscarffor?A.Mary. B.Hiswife CHismother7. Whatwasthegirldoinglastnight? A.Climbingthemountains. B.Havingadream C.Having atest.8. WhereisJimnow?A.Intheoffice B.Athome CInthemeetingroom9. Whatcoloristheschoolbag?A. Yellow. B.Red. C.Blue.10.Whatstheweatherlikenow?A.Rainy. B.Wind

4、y. C.Cloudy11.Whyisthewomanrumning?A.Tocatchabus. B.Tocatchupwithsomeone C.Forexercise.12.Whattimeisitnow?A. 8:00. B.9:00. C. 8:30.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答13至15三个小题。13.WhydoesTonysaytheballbe

5、longstoBobatfirst?A.ItlooksjustlikeBobs.B.Bobhascometogetit.C.Boboftenplaysballgameshere.14.WhatmakesthetwospeakersbelievetheballbelongstoBob?A.Bobiscoming. B.Thephotoonit. C.Thenameonit.15.WhatisBobshortfor?A. Robert B.Bill. C.Brant.听下面一段对话,回答16至18三个小题16.Whatdoestheboywanttodo?A.Haveaclassparty B.W

6、inthegames. C.Playwiththegirl.17.Whenwillthepartybeheld?A.Today. B.Tomorrow. C.Thisweekend.18.Whydoestheboyadvisetogivegiftstothewinnersof thegames?A.Becausehelikestogivegiftstotheclassmates.B.BecausehewantstogiveasurprisetohisclassmatesC.Becausehewantstomakeitmoreexciting,听下面一段对话,回答19至22四个小题19.What

7、dowelearnaboutLisa?ASheisgoingtomarry. B.Sheisover50. C.Shehasjustfinishedherproject.20.Whydidthewomansayshewasverybusy?A.Becausemanypeoplerangher.B.Becauseshewasstudyinghard.C.Becausehercompanywasindanger.21.Whatdowelearnaboutthemanfromtheconversation?A.HetakesgoodcareofLisa.B.Heworks in abigcompan

8、y.C.Heworksasasalesmanager.22.Whatdoesthemansayabouthiscompany? A.Itneedsfurtherdevelopment.B.Itsproductsareverypopular.C.Itsinfashion.听下面一段独白,回答23至25三个小题。23.Whatstherelationshipbetweentheyoungwomanandtheoldman?A.Strangers. B.Granddaughterandgrandpa. C.Friends.24. Whydidtheoldmanfollowthewormanandle

9、thersay“Bye-bye.Grandpa”?A.HewantedtostealhermoneyB.Shelokedlikeherdeadgranddaughter.C.Hewantedhertopayforhim 25.Howmuchwerethethingsthattheyoungwomanbought?A. $178.50. B. Over $178.50. C.Lessthan$178.50.笔试部分二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给的A、B、C.D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑.26. Thankssomuchf

10、orhelpinga lot. _.A.Its verymiceofyoutosay so B.ThatsrightC.Withpleasure D.Dontmentionit.27. WouldyoulikethisTVsetorthatone? Imnotsure.Thisonehasbettersound, _thepictureisbetterontheotherone.A. but B.and C.although Dbecause28. Shallwetrysomehomemadeice-creamfordessert _.A.Itdoesntmatter B. Let me pa

11、y for itC.Thatsfinewithme D.Youarewelcome29.Theoldbuilding_ downtomakeroomforthecitylibrarylastyearA.hasbeentaken taken C.wouldbetaken D.wastaken30. Aliceyourroomisreallyinamess.It needs _. Sorry,MomIlldoitrightaway.A.becleaned B.toclean D.clean31.Thelittleelephantisafraidtogoalone.I

12、alwayswalks _itsmotherA.along B.besides C.beside D.close32. Because children really require lots of parental energy and money, DINKs dont want children. Butachildwill_ afamily,I think.A.complete B.produce C.polish D.guard33.Therewere200people _atthemeetingA.attend B.convenient C. present D.strange34

13、.Youngpeopleare_nottosmokeordrinkbothinandoutofschool.A.suggested B.hoped C.requested D.invited35. Verylittleofthecar _aftertheacidA.stayed B.remained C.kept D. left36. In Britain today, women _ 40% of the workforce and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid workA.buildup C. pick

14、 up D.set up37.Lookattheyoungkids!_theyarehavingnow! A. How fun B.Howafun C.whatfun D.Whatafun38. I dont like _ ofthebooks.Pleaseshowmea third one. Ok,waitamomentA.neither B.either C. both D. all39. Excuseme,howcanIgettothetrainstation? Turnleftandgostraightalongtheroad.You_missit!A.shouldnt B.cant

15、C.mustnt D.neednt40. Pardonme.Canyou tell me _.? Ofcourse.A.whereisagoodplacetoeat B.whereagoodplaceis to eatC.whereisthereagoodplacetoeat D.wherethereisagoodplaceto eat三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案Standing on the top of a tower, Dad said to me, “Look down, Elsa

16、.” I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw many turning streets 41 to the square in the center of the town.Dad continued, “See, there is more than one way to the square. Life is just like that. If you cant get where you want to go, try 42 ”Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day,

17、 I had begged my mom to do something about the 43 school lunch. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were so bad. When I 44 to Dad, he said nothing. Instead, he brought me to the tower. When I got home, I had a plan. At school the next day, I secretly 45 my lunch soup into a bot

18、tle. When I brought it home, I asked Mom to drink. She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered (喷溅) “The cook 46 have gone mad!” At once, Mom promised that she would 47 the matter of the school lunch the next day! The plan worked 48 In the years that followed, I often remembered the 49 a Dad taught me.

19、I once dreamed of being a fashion designer, but I found the road blocked while I was 50 working for my winter fashion show, the sewing girls went on strike (罢工). I felt 51 and was ready to call off the show because the clothes were unfinished. Just then, an idea came into my mind: why not show the u

20、nfinished clothes?We worked hurriedly and the show took place as planned. Some coats had no sleeves; others had only one. But we 52 to tell people what the clothes would be like when they were finished. I was such a(an) 53 show that it caught the attention of the public. Soon 54 for the clothes pour

21、ed in.Dads wise words had 55 me once again.41.A.turning B.leading C.striking D.tying42.A.others B.other C.theother D.another43.A.fascinating B.awful C.special D.delicious44.A.turned B.mentioned C.cried D.went45. A.divided B.performed C.poured D.entered46. A.can B.need C.may D.must47. A.pickup B.setu

22、p C. make up D.takeup48.A.widely B.smoothly C.badly D.exactly49. A.sense B.purpose C.chance D.lesson50. A.busy B.absent C.spare D.patient51. A.relaxed B.down C.ashamed D. bored52. A.succeeded B.filed C.managed D. dared53.A. unusual Bcommon C.meaningful D.valuable54.A.designs B.orders D.wars5

23、5.A.lifted B.praised C.guided D.suggested四.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Newport DunesHaunted HouseOCT 27-31 5-9 pmOver 20 Characters in Six Unique Theatrical ScenesSpirits, Witches, Queens, Dwarfs$20 per car FAIRY$30 per SUV TALE$100 per bus THEMEDParking includesAdmissi

24、on walkups $10A56.Thematerialisprobably _.A.afestivalposter B. afairy-talebookC. achildrensmagazine D.anintroductiontoahauntedhouse57.Theeventisorganizedby _.A.CampJames B.btb C.Company 7 D.NewportDunes58.IfAlandecidestogotherealoneonOct27th,heneedstopayat least _.A. $10 B.$20 C. $30 D. $10059.Wecan

25、inferthat _A.theactivitywilllastfor aweek.B.eachscenewillcontainsixkindsofcharacters.C. thehousemightbelocatedbyasea.D.onlyfamiliesareallowedtojoinintheactivity.60. Accordingtothematerial,SUVisprobablyA.a kindoftransportation B.acharacterinthesceneC. a familyexperience D.afairytaleBOn the first day

26、of my second grade. my father asked me if I could read well “Yes, I can.” I said. So he gave me a hand-painted map with street names and directions on how to walk to schoolthe school was miles away, and I had never walked to school by myself.He handed me the map with my lunch box and jacket and simply said to me, “Everything you need to know is written on the map, so you should just read the map and follow the directions.”I was sanding in doubt, terrified to death, but he just kissed me goodbye and sent me out of the door. I didnt know how long it took me

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