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1、外研版英语八年级上册Module16习题汇总 Module1 How to learn English 学习目标:1. 重点单词和短语2. 提出建议的几种方式3. 知识与技能:本模块的重点是介绍学习英语的方法,好的学习方法能够有效地提高学习效率。在本模块中,听力采用对话形式,阅读理解采用书信的方式,并通过阅读来理解课文,掌握征求建议和提供建议的功能项目,并复习一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时这四中时态,为我们本学期的学习做好准备。学会猜测处理文中的生词,为今后更好的学习英语打下良好的基础。Unit1(一)预习检测短语翻译1、同意某人 2、查找 3、写下 4、犯错误 5、努力做某事

2、 6、对.有益 7、尽可能多的 8、认识 9、.怎么样 10.正确答案 (二)课堂训练题 一、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. My brother _ ( make ) some mistakes last night.2. Our teacher thinks Marys _ (pronounce) is good.3. How about _ ( get ) any English books?4. Thank you for _ ( tell ) me the news.5. Dont forget_ (lock) the door when you leave the classro

3、om.二选择合适的词填空。class , understand , advice, correct, down, each,. Idea, radio Hello, boys and girls! Im your new teacher .Because its a new term. Im going to give you some 1_ .You can write it 2_.You should always speak English in 3_. And you should write down your mistakes in your notebooks. And why

4、dont you write down the 4_ spelling and grammar next to the mistakes? Its a good 5_to check your vocabulary notebook every day .And you can listen to the 6_ or read a newspaper in English. But it doesnt need to 7_every word. If you have a pen friend, you can write email messages to 8_ other. (三)达标检测

5、一、根据首字母提示和句意完成单词。1. How about l_ to the radio?2. Now, let me show you how to l_ English.3. There are some mistakes. Please c_ them.4. I dont understand the new word, so I should look it up in a d_.5. Can you give me some a_? My English is so bad.二、用所给动词 的适当 形式填空1. He is going to_ (watch) TV this Sun

6、day.2. Why dont you_ (go) to movies?3. We should_ (study) hard.4. Its a good idea_ (read) English in the morning.5. How about_ (play) football this afternoon?6.-What are they doing?-They_ (listen) to music.7. Can you_ (help) me with my English?8. How often write the correct_ (spell) next to the mist

7、akes.9. Dont forget_ (lock) the door when you leave the classroom.(四)课后拓展A、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。1. _ _ (欢迎回来) , everyone!2. -Lets go out for a walk now. -_ _ _ _ (好主意).3. You should always _ _ _ _(在课堂上说英语.4. Were going to talk about _ _ _ _ _ (学习英语的好方法).5. Its a good idea to _ _ _ _ _ _every day.(拼写并读出新

8、单词).B、将下列翻译成英语1.让我们尽可能多说英语吧。_2.我们能给他们写信。_3.那对我们的发音也很好。_4. 不要忘了在错误答案的旁边写下正确答案。_5.为什么不把错误都写下来呢?_ Module 1 Unit2(一)预习检测A 汉译英。对某人微笑 一些新东西 谈论 害怕做某事 和某人说话 start a conversation _B、根据首字母提示和句意完成单词。1.There are four _ (主要的) parts in this work.2. She is afraid to speak in front of class, because she is very _ (

9、害羞).3. Many students ask for advice about i_ their English.4. I had a _ (谈话)with my teacher yesterday?5. Its a _ (合乎常情的) behavior (行为) to help the old men.(二)课堂训练题用所给词的适当形式填空1. I write them down, but I forget them_ (quick)2. He was afraid _ (go) out alone at night.3. This is a good way_ (learn) Engl

10、ish.4. They ask for advice about how _ (study) French.5. Do you know the _ (mean) of the words?6. These are good questions _ (start) a conversation.7. Why not _ (take) a deep breath before you speak to a foreigner.8. They ask for advice about _ (improve) their English.(三)达标检测同义句转换(每空一词)1. I have som

11、ething else to say.Do you have _ _ to say?2. What does the sentence mean? Whats _ _ _ the sentence?3. good, start, a, are, conversation, these, to, questions (连词成句)_4. ask for, they, improve, advice, how to, English, their(连词成句)_.(四)课后拓展翻译句子1 这里有三个基本问题。_看电影和听歌曲都是学英语的好方法。 _我也建议你和你的朋友谈论一下电影或歌曲。 _许多学生寻

12、求关于英文电影和英文歌曲的理解问题。_ 每次你都会学到一些新的东西。 _Module1Unit3一首字母及汉语提示填空。1. I can make a s_ with these new words.2. My teacher gave me some a on how to study math.3 .Miss Wang always helps us when we make m .4. What e do we have to do?5.Whose p (发音)is the best in your class?6.“Very good” means (好极了).7.He _ (完成)

13、his homework with the help of his teacher.8. How many l are there in the word? Four.9.I dont like English (语法).10.With a (微笑)on her face, she teachers us English every day.二、适当形式填空1. Why not _ (invite) your friend to your birthday party?2. I forget _ (bring) my homework to school.3. The teacher advi

14、sed us _ (talk) about something in English.4. What about _ (watch) a film tonight?5. Dont be afraid to make _ (mistake).三、短语1、in groups _ 2. 思考_ 3. be good at _ 4. 一直_ 5. check up _ 6. 请求、要求_7. look for _ 8. 带领某人参观_9. make friends _ 10. 向某人微笑_四、句型转换1. Thank you very much for meeting me at the airpor

15、t.(同义句) for meeting me at the airport.2. Why dont you go there with your friend? (同义句)Why there with your friend?3. To remember new words is difficult. (同义句)_ difficult _ remember new words4. Put all your things here, please. (否定句) all your things here, please.5. He is good at English. (同义句)He Engli

16、sh.6. I want to go to the park on Sunday. (同义句)I go to the park on Sunday.7. Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? (同义句)Did you yesterday?五、1、离开时请记得关窗。Please the windows when you leave.2、你为什么不写下这些正确的单词? Why _ you _ _ the _ words?3、去散散步如何? out for a walk?4、为什么不给他一些关于拼写的方法? give him any ways about ?5、学英语的

17、好方法是什么?Whats the good way English?Module2 学习目标:1. 方位介词的正确使用2. 询问人口的有关知识3. 形容词的比较级4. 用比较级来描述并区分事物知识与技能:本模块的重点是掌握形容词比较级的用法以及使用方位介词来表示某地的地理位置,培养热爱祖国热爱家乡的情怀。Unit1(一) 预习检测1.相当好_ 2.和一样._3.实际上_4.有一天_5.在海岸上 the 1980s _7的人口_ 8.重点单词_(二)课堂训练题根据汉语完成英语。1. I live in a city with a small _ (人口).2.Tom is my pen

18、 friend. He is two years older t_ I.3.The weather in my home town is _ (相当地) hot.4.The river in front of my house is five meters _ (宽).5 .Look! There are many students planting trees on the _(小山).(三)达标检测 用括号内动词的适当形式填空1. Shanghai is _ (hot) than Shenzhen.2. There are _ (million) of people in this cou

19、ntry.3. Is Hong Kong _ (big) than Shanghai?4. This computer is _ (new) than that one.5. My schoolbag is _ (heavy) than Toms.6. The big tree in my village is about seven _ (hundred) years old.(四)课后拓展1.你周末过的怎么样?_2.它正越来越大,越来越繁华。_3.有一天它将变得和香港一样繁华。_4.那比中国其他许多城市的人口多。_5.它的街道也变得更宽阔、更干净。_Module2 Unit2(一)预习检测

20、翻译短语1.家乡_2. 因.而闻名_3.在.的东方_ 4.在.的北方_5.在.的南方_ 6.在.的西方_7的一部分_ 8的首都_(二)课堂训练题根据首字母和汉语完成单词1.Na Ying is a _ (有名的) Chinese women singer.2.My home lies in the _ (北方) of Hubei.3. My mother works in a _ (大学).4. The rising sun is _ (尤其) beautiful today.5. My parents live in the _ (乡下) because it is quiet.6. Tai

21、wan is the biggest i_ in China.7. Wed like to help the children in poor a_ .(三)达标检测 population popular history part visitor1. Diaoyu Island is _ of our motherland.2. India has the second largest _ in the world.3. The movie star is _ with most young people.4. I like _ best of all the subjects.5. Ther

22、e are lots of _ in the Summer Palace.(四)课后拓展翻译句子。1. 我的家乡尤其以它的大学而闻名。_2. 学生和游客喜欢乘船沿着河流而下。_3. 它有大约750万人,所以它比剑桥更大,更繁忙。_4. 海滨的小村庄和沙滩是受欢迎的度假胜地。_5. 你会注意到英格兰各地的绿化做得很好。_ Module2 Unit3一、首字母填空。1、The p_ of Hong Kong comes to seven million.2. The city is on the western c_ of the country.3. London is the c_ of Britain.4. London is famous for Cambridge U_.5 Many people will go on a visit to Xisha I_.6. Changjiang is w_ than the Yellow River.7. He is a f_ singer and many young people like him.二、适当形式填空。1. Two heads

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