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1、马尔克斯爱与死主题研究以霍乱时期的爱情为例pdfdoc 分类号:密级:无UDC:单位代码:10118山西师范大学研究生硕士学位论文马尔克斯爱与死主题研究以霍乱时期的爱情为例麻英姬论文指导教师申请学位级别论文提交日期学位授予单位亢西民教授山西师范大学文学院文学硕士专业名称比较文学与世界文学2014年月日论文答辩日期学位授予日期答辩委员会主席2014年月日年 月日山西师范大学评阅人孟昭毅曾艳兵教授年月日 独创声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果,学位论文的知识产权属于山西师范大学。除了文中特别加以标注的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成

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3、姬签名: 指导老师:亢西民签名:摘要哥伦比亚作家加夫列尔加西亚马尔克斯于1982年获得诺贝尔文学奖,1985年以第一部专门描写爱情的小说霍乱时期的爱情再次引起全世界的关注。这部小说是马尔克斯最得意的作品,是在他看来唯一一部可以与百年孤独相媲美的作品,堪称另一种意义上的“百年孤独”。加西亚马尔克斯是一位爱与死的思考者,爱本能与死本能作为“生存美学”在生命中存在,这种存在使生命价值在爱与死的对立统一中实现。本文从以下五个部分进行论述:第一部分阐述马尔克斯其人其作以及研究综述。马尔克斯的“死亡之笔”叙写拉丁美洲的孤独,而“爱之笔”叙写自己的情感体验,为拉丁美洲人找到生命的出口。“爱与死”主题是马尔克


5、的主题表现。第四部分探究了马尔克斯爱与死主题的表现形式。着重说明爱与死对立统一的关系:对立中,爱本能是肯定的建设性力量,代表生命的延续。死本能是毁灭的力量,代I 山西师范大学学位论文表生命的消亡。然而,爱与死的辩证归于精神的美好追求,有爱的存在,死亡的恐惧和老去的威胁有了美好的归宿。第五部分爱与死主题的审美价值中。爱与死的表现形式让读者从主题中获得审美快感,爱与死作为精神和生命的救赎让复活成为可能。个体的存在被赋予新的价值,“爱与死”主题是对人的关注,是对人的本能、感性和身体的颂扬,是人类的“生存美学”。它的审美价值就在于个体性的确立。马尔克斯本人只承认自己是现实主义的作家。这部作品以拉丁美洲

6、为背景,展现的爱与死也是很独特的。他以新的艺术表现形式拓展着爱与死的广度和深度。研究这部作品的主题,为我们更加深入地了解马尔克斯的创作主旨和拉丁美洲人民对情感和生命的看法是有益的。愿作为读者的我们从霍乱时期的爱情中透过爱与死的诠释获得生命的价值领悟。【关键词】霍乱时期的爱情马尔克斯【论文类型】基础研究爱与死主题II AbstractTitle:The research of the theme of love and death of Gabriel Garcia Marquez,as Love in the Time of Cholera for exampleMajor:Comparati

7、ve literature and world literatureName:Ma YingjiSignature: Signature: Supervisor:Kang XiminAbstractGabriel Garcia Marquez, a Colombian writer, awarded the NobelPrize in Literature in 1982, once again drew the attention from all overthe world with his first special novel “Love in the Time ofCholera”,

8、written in 1985. In his opinion, the novel is the most satisfiedwork and the only one that can be comparable to , and in some way isanother “One Hundred Years of Solitude”. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is athinker of love and death. The instinct of love and death as a survivalaesthetics existing in life c

9、ompletely,which makes the value of liferealized in the unity of opposites.The paper discusses it in the following five parts:The first part elaborates Gabriel Garcia Marquez, his writings andresearch summaries. The “pen of death” of Marquez narrates thealoneness of Latin America , and the “pen of lo

10、ve” narrates hisemotional experiences ,which searches lifes exports for LatinsAmericans. Love and death theme is what Gabriel Garcia Marquezfocuses on life. The history of researches has no systematicarguments on this topic but only some partial analysis.The second part discusses the connotation of

11、love and deaththeme of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Originated from ancient Greek andIII 山西师范大学学位论文Roman stories and the Bible, the literary theme of love and death hasa long history through development of the western literature.Duringthe development of the theme,the works uniqueness lies in hiscomprehen

12、sive display of love both in breadth and depth, his love anddeath goes through the death of love fondness and body, and threat ofloneliness and elder.This novel ranges widely, containing the wholeprocess of life journey.The third part analyzes the cause of the love and death theme ofGabriel Garcia M

13、arquez. Latin Americas culture and its uniqueemotion cognition give the writer unique theme expression. Thecreation of the writer and his life experience also have an impact onthe performance of the love and death.The fourth part explores Gabriel Garcia Marquezs manifestationof love and death theme,

14、 and explains the relationship between loveand death in terms of theory:in the opposition, love instinct is aconstructive force, indicating the continuation of life; while deathinstinct is the power of destruction, which represents the death oflife. However, love and death comes to pursuit of the sp

15、irit, thereis,the existence of love is home to the fear of death and the threat ofold age.The fifth part tells the aesthetic value of love and death. Theexpression form of love and death provides readers an aestheticpleasure, Love and death as a spirit and life redemption make theresurrection possib

16、le. The existence of individuals are endowed withnew value. Love and death theme gives attention to human, praise tothe human instinct, sensibility and the body, as well as is the humanexistential aesthetics . Its aesthetic value lies in the establishmentIV Abstractof the individuality.Gabriel Garci

17、a Marquez only admitted himself a realist writer. Thework with Latin America as the background, shows love and death inan unique way. With a new art form, he expands the breadth anddepth of love and death. Studying the theme of the work is beneficialfor our better understanding of the creative theme

18、 of Gabriel GarciaMarquez and Latin American peoples view of emotion and life Itshoped that we readers could gain value of life from Love in the Time ofCholera through the interpretation of love and death.【Key words】Love in the Time of Cholera;Gabriel Garcia Marquez;Thetheme of love and death【Type o

19、f Thesis】Fundamental ResearchV 山西师范大学学位论文VI 1 绪论 .11.1马尔克斯其人其作 .11.2研究综述 .21.2.1国内外研究动态 .21.2.2研究目的和意义 .32 马尔克斯小说中爱与死的基本主题 .52.1爱与死主题在西方文学中的流变 .52.1.1经典的溯源:古希腊罗马神话故事与圣经中爱与死的主题 .52.1.2小说的演绎:西方小说中爱与死主题的类型表现 .62.2马尔克斯小说中爱与死主题的文学传承和创新 .82.2.1马尔克斯小说对爱与死主题的文学传承 .82.2.2马尔克斯小说对爱与死主题的文学创新 .103 马尔克斯小说中爱与死主题的成

20、因 .133.1马尔克斯创作时期的文化语境 .133.1.1拉丁美洲历史文化的抒写 .133.1.2拉丁美洲式情感的认知 .143.2马尔克斯本人的生活和创作积淀 .143.2.1马尔克斯本人的生活积淀 .143.2.2马尔克斯本人的创作积淀 .154 马尔克斯小说中爱与死主题的表现形式.174.1爱与死的二元说 .174.1.1斗争:爱作为本能的延续和死作为本能的终结 .174.1.2和解:爱与死超越有形归于无形的美好需求 .184.2爱与死的无形存在 .224.2.1真正的死亡爱意的死亡 .224.2.2真正的爱死亡恐惧的消解 .244.3爱与死的有形存在 .281 山西师范大学学位论文4

21、.3.1自杀性死亡的存在因爱而无憾. 284.3.2自然性死亡的存在因爱而完美. 305 爱与死主题的审美价值 . 335.1读者的审美快感. 335.1.1读者审美快感的获得. 335.1.2霍乱时期的爱情给读者的审美快感. 345.2爱与死作为理想的救赎. 355.2.1爱与死对精神的解放. 355.2.2爱与死对生命的救赎. 376 结语. 39致谢 . 41参考文献 . 43攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 . 472 绪论1 绪论1.1马尔克斯其人其作加夫列尔加西亚马尔克斯( Gabriel Jose de la Concordia Garcia Marquez,1927.3.62014.4.17)作为

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