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1、八年级英语下册第二单元课堂达标题八年级下Unit2 What should i do? SectionA(1a-2c) () 一.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词:1,What s_ i do?2,Wy brother plays his CDs too l_.3,I a_ with my best friend.4,You could give him a t_ to a ball game.5,I dont want to s_ him.二,根据汉语提示完成句子1,My parents want me to _(呆在家里)every night.2,I_(与.争吵了)my best frien

2、d.3,My clothes _(过时了).4,Maybe you should_(买几件新衣服).5,They should_(谈论)their problems.八年级下Unit2What should i do? SectionA(1a-2c) (B) 一.根据句意和首字母提示写单词.1,I dont have e_money.2,My clothes are out of s_.3,M_ you could go to his house.4,I dont want to s_him.5,Whats the m_?二,根据汉语提示完成句子1,You could _(给他写一封信).2,

3、You should_(给他打电话).3,I dont have_(足够的钱).4,You could_(去他的家).5,I dont_(喜欢写信).八年级下Unit2 What should I do? SectionA(1a-2c) (C) 一,根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1,My brother p_ his CDs too loud.2,He a_ with his brother.3,You should c_him up.4,What w_with you?5,I dont want to talk about it on the p_. 二,根据汉语提示完成句子1,_(怎么了)?

4、2,I dont want to _(使他惊奇).3,You could give him _(一张球票).4,I_(与-打了一架)my best friend.Unit2.What should I do? SectionA(3a-4) (A) 一 ,根据句意及首字母完成单词1,You could b_some money from your brother.2,Maybe you could have a b_ sale.3,He doesnthave any money,e_.4,I need some money to buy g_for my family.5,He could ge

5、t a t_ to come to his home.二,根据汉语提示完成句子1,I need to get some money to_(付-的款)for summer camp.2,You could _(找一份兼职工作).3,You could_(进行面包或糕饼的售卖活动).4,He could_(找一个家教)to come his home.5,I dont like to_(那样做). 八年级下Unit2 What should i do? SectionA(3a-4) (B) 一,根据句意和首字母完成单词1,I need some m_ tobuy gifts for my fam

6、ily.2,Tom get good grade with his t_help.3,My mother doesnt go to the park,i dont go to the park,e_4,I need to get some money to pay for summer c_.5,You should a_your parents for some money.二,根据汉语提示完成句子1,他每个月从图书馆借书He _books _the library every month.2,我们不应该向父母要钱.We _ _our parents _some money.3,你可以找个家

7、教来帮你学好英语.You could _a_to help you learn English_.4,买这些东西你花了多少钱?How much did you _ _ these things?八年级下Unit2 What shuld i do? SectionA(3a-4) (C) 一,根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1.I need some money to p_ for my watch.2.Im not a student ,he isnt a student,e_.3.I got a t_ to help me with my math lsat year.4.May i b_ you

8、r pen?5.I cant b_ some bread. 二,请把下面的单词填入恰当的句子中 borrow join part-time camp tutor1.I want to get a _to help me with my English.2.I need to get some money to pay for summer _.3.Maybe you should _ the art club.4.I think you could get a _ job.5.Can i _a bike from you? 三,根据汉语完成句子1,I often _my parents _so

9、me money.(向-要钱)2,He should get_.(一份兼职工作)3,Maybe that not .(一个好主意)4,I dont want to _(借一些钱)from my sister.答案 Section A(1a-2c)(A): 一,1,should 2,loud 3,argued 4,ticket 5,surprise 二,1,stay at home 2,argued 3,are out of style 4,buy some new clothes 5,talk about(B): 一,1,enough 2,style 3,Maybe 4,surprise 5,

10、matter 二,1,write him a letter 2,call him up enough money 4,go to his home 5,like writing letters(C): 一,1,pleys 2,argued 3,call 4,wrong 5,plone 二,1,Whatt the mater? 2,surprise him 3,a ticket to a ball game 4,argued with Section A(3a-4)(A): 一,1,borrow 2,bake 3,either 4,gifts 5,tutor 二,1,pay for 2,get

11、a part-time job 3,have a bake sale 4,get a tutor 5,do that (B): 一,1,money 2.tutors 3.either 5.ask 二.1.borrows from 2,shouldnt ask for 3.get tutor well for(C):一 2.either 3.tutor 4.borrow 5.bake 二.1.tutor 3.join 4.part-time 5.borrow 三.1.ask for 2.a part-time job 3.a god idea

12、4,borrow any moneyUnit2 What should I do? SectionB(1a-2c)达标测评题(一)根据首字母完成单词:(1) Your idea is o_.(2) You should have a h_.(3) I always like to do the s_ things as others.(4) Everyone is here e_ him.(5) She was very u_ about her fathers illness.(6) My chothers are in s_ (style) I neednt buy new ones.翻译

13、句子:(1)他们是新颖的_.。 (2) 他们是舒适的。_.(3)它们和我朋友的衣服一样。_(4)它们不贵。_.(5)它们是色彩鲜艳的。_.(6)我朋友的衣服比我的更好。_.(7)我朋友的发型和我的一样。_.(8)朋友们不该穿同样的衣服。_.(9)你该告诉他买不同的衣服。_SectionB(1a-2c) 达标题(二)选择填空;1 Its _ to wear saft clother.A. colorful B. comfortable C. style D. advice2 I lost my sports shoes. What _ I do? B.should. C.did

14、3 My friend has _haircut _ I _. A.same, like, have. B.same, as, do. C.the same, like, do. D.the same, as, do.4 He didnt know her. I didnt know her _. A.too B.also C erther D.neither.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. This bed is _ (comfortable) than that one.2.The clothes are _(expensive),many people can pay for them.3

15、 .Our school life is very _(color).4.They are the same as my _(friend) clothses.5.He _(think)hard and had a good idea.6.Tell her_(do) her homework.7.My clothers are the same as _(your). SectionB(1a-2c) 达标测评题 (三)请将问题与相应的建议配对。( )1.I cant find my history book.( )2.I have so many chores to do every day.

16、( )3.I have no money to buy her a gift.( )4.I cant get good greads in English.( )5.I am ofen late for school.A. You could make a card for her.B. You should get up early in the morning.C. You could buy a new one.D. You could ask her to buy you.E. You could get a tutor.完成句子。1. 你的运动鞋很时髦。Your_ _are_styl

17、e.2. 我不知道迈克住在哪儿。I dont know _Mike_.3. 她和我有同样的发型。She has the_ _ _I do.4. 他和她妻子同岁。He is _same_as his wife.5. 你能告诉他早点来吗?Could you _ _ _ _here early?6. 你应该和朋友好好相处。You _your frienss.7. 我朋友和我穿同样的衣服。My friend _ _ _as I do. Section B (3a-4) 达标测评题(一)单项选择1.The window is broken .Try to _who broke it.A.find B.l

18、ook C.find out D.look for2 .Maybe I_my bag in the car.A.leave B. left C. forget D. forgot3.He is learning_ride a bicycle.A.what B. how C. what to D. how to4.She was very_about her parents argument.A.upset B. friendly C. kind D. inerested5.The fime in the cinema is the same_last C. f

19、or D. by句型转换。1. They are cheap.(同义句)They are_.2 I like red.Mary likes red too.(合并为一句)。Mary likes _ _ _ _I.3Idont know what I should say.(改为简单句)I dont know _ _ _.4.He lost his sports clothes.(改为否定句)He _ _his sports ciothes.5.Only I could answer the questions.(同义句)No one could answer the questions_me.

20、Section B (3a-4) 达标测评题(二)汉译英1. 你应该和朋友好好相处。2. 不要忘了告诉汤娒,他把钥匙忘在办公室了。3. 谢谢你邀请我打网球。4. 我妈妈想让我努力学习。5. 你不应该向父母要钱 。6. 我的好朋友喜欢穿新潮的衣服。7. 他把书包忘在家里了。从B栏中找出A栏匹配的答案。 A B( )1.What is wrong? A.Sure.( )2.What can Ido for you? B.I want to buy drinks.( )3.What do you do in C.I left my key at home. your free time?( )4.W

21、hat are you going to D.I am going to be be when you grow up? a driver. ( )5.Could you take out the E.I often read. trash? ( )6.Will there be fewer trees?F.No,there wont.英语八班级下Unit2 What should I do?第五课时A根据意思完成单词1.Boys often play f- after school 2.Tom didnt go to bed u- he finished his homework. 3.Do

22、ctors say many children are under too much p-. 4.Now parents seem too p- their children a lot more . 5.Parents are always c- their kids with other children. 完成句子6.They take their children -activity activity,and - -(他们带孩子从这个活动到那个,尽可能的找到适合孩子的生活) 7Most children -(大多数的孩子参加课外小组)8.In some families competi

23、tion -(在一些家庭里,竞争开始在一个很小的年龄)9.Maybe you shoud-(或许你应该学会放松) 10.She has to -(她带她的女儿 去上课) 答案 2.until 3.pressure 4.push paring 6.from to try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives 7.take part in after-school clubs 8.starts from a very young age 9.learn to relax 10.take her daughter to

24、 piano lessons 英语八班级下Unit2 What should I do?第五课时B根据意思完成单词1.I f- my math test and I was very upset.2.Many panents often c- their children with others. 完成句子3.He didnt go home u- 10 oclock last night.4.There are all k- of animals in the zoo.5.This sweater looks nice and it f- me well. Ill take it.完成句子6

25、.We should -an- - in-activities.(我们应该积极参加课外活动)7Children are under - - - and parents shouldnt - them so -.(孩子们处在沉重的压力下,父母不应该给他们那么大的压力)8.Activities - sports ,language -,music and math classes.(活动包括运动,语言学习,音乐和数学课)9.I find - very imporant to- -.(我发现保持健康很重要)10.I dont want to - - - -Tom,because hes my best friend.(我不想和Tom打架,因为他是我最好的朋友)答案:1.f

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