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1、学位英语听力部分常考习语汇编学位英语听力部分常考习语汇编(按字母顺序排列)Aa big sale 大减价 对照:on sale 在减价出售,for sale在出售。 A:Were those shoes very expensive? B:I never could have bought them if the shoe store wasnt having a big sale. A:这些鞋子贵吗? B:要不是鞋店在大减价我是永远也不可能买的。a couple of 两三个,几个 A:Should I help clean up by throwing away these newspap

2、ers?B:I want to clip a couple of articles first.A:我帮你收拾一下,把这些报纸扔了行吗?B:我想先剪几篇文章下来。a long A:如果天气一直这样的话,我就要买一件暖和一点儿的外衣了。B:听起来是个不错的主意。你知道,离春天还有很长一段时间呢。a waste of money 浪费钱I really felt the movie was a waste of money, didnt you?我认为看这部电影简直是浪费钱,你觉得呢?a waste of time 浪费时间This seminar is simply a waste of tim

3、e.这个课程简直就是浪费时间。absent-minded 心不在焉,健忘He is really absent-minded. Whatever I say to him goes in one ear and out the other.他总是心不在焉。跟他说什么都是一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出。account for解释,说明;占百分比How do you account for it? 这事你怎么解释?after all毕竟,终究,到底,终于A:Mary wont be coming to work tomorrow. Shes finally going to the photography

4、 exhibit.B:Oh, so she managed to get tickets after all.A:Mary明天不会来上班,她最后还是去看那个摄影屏了。B:噢,这么说她终于还是搞到票了。ahead of time提前请对照记忆另外还有两个习语:in advance, beforehand, 都同样表示提前。A:Did you have to do anything special to use the rare book collection?B:I just had to tell them a day ahead of time what I needed.A:你对珍藏书的使

5、用有没有什么特殊要求?B:我必须提前一天告诉他们。and how 的确 A: Shes a good dancer. B: And how. annual checkup年度体验 Hello! This is Dr.Greys office. Were calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.anything but 单单除之外;恰恰不;根本不会对照习语:nothing but 正是,只是,不过。如:She is nothing but poor.她很穷。Susan is a

6、nything but poor.苏珊一点儿也不穷。apply for 申请1)None of the people who applied for the job has the required credential.申请这份工作的人都没有所需的文凭。2)Because he brought the wrong documents. My cousin couldnt apply for this drivers license.因为我的表弟带的文件不对,申请不了驾照。3)Why is Alex applying for financial aid? Doesnt he have a lo

7、t of money?为什么Alex正在申请财政资助?他不是有很多钱吗?4)A:Id like to apply for the part-time job.B:Fine, just fill out this form. Someone will be with you in a moment.A:我想申请这个兼职工作。B:好的,把这个表格儿填了。一会儿就会有人接待你的。around the corner在街角附近;即将来临Just around the corner theres another drugstore.就在那个街角还有一家药店。Christmas is around the

8、corner. 圣诞节即将来临了。as long as只要;和一样长A:What did you do with your dog while you were away?B:Oh, hes a good traveler as long as he gets a chance to play.A:你不在的时间,狗怎么办?B:噢,只要它有机会玩,它会是个不错的旅伴。at hand在手头,在手边I couldnt look up the spelling of the word. I didnt have a dictionary at hand.我查不了这个词的拼写,我手头没有字典。at th

9、e most至多,顶多A:Has Sandy ever missed coming to one of our parties?B:Only once or twice at the most.A:我们的晚会Sandy有没有缺席过。B:顶多也不过是一两次。Bback out 退出A:Wasnt Bert supposed to sing tonight?B:Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.A:Bert今天晚上不是要唱歌吗?B:是的,可是他在最后一刻退出了。be absent from school缺课,没上学Clare is absent f

10、rom school today. Clare今天没上学。be absorbed in 专注于,被吸引She is absorbed in a detective story. Its hard to tear her away.她正专注于一本侦探小说,要把她拉走很难。be accustomed to习惯于同义习语:be used toIm not accustomed to using a gas stove.我不习惯用煤气灶。be behind schedule晚点The subway is running behind schedule, and traffic is backed up

11、 for blocks. I dont know if well make the 7:15 show.地铁晚点了,交通堵了好几个街区。我不知道我们能不能赶上7点15的演出。be bound to一定会,必然会The plan is bound to succeed, and we are bound to win.计划一定会成功的,我们一定会赢的。be on a diet正在节食减肥场景中经常出现的习语,其他如:get on a diet, begin ones diet可一起记忆。Susan is on a diet. Susan正在节食。be overwhelmed with忙着做A:I

12、 havent seen you at the student center all week. Have you been sick?B:Ive been overwhelmed with my history paper.A:这周我都没在学生中心看见你。你病了吗?B:我正忙着做历史论文呢。be responsible for 对负责任Jack is to blame. He is responsible for the whole accident.应该受到责备的是杰克,他对整个事件负责。be sensitive to 对敏感A:Why didnt you go to the hockey

13、 finals last weekend? You missed a great game.B:Oh, come on. You know how sensitive I am to loud noise.A:为什么上周末你没有去看冰球决赛?你错过了一场精彩的比赛。B:得了,你知道我对噪音是多和地敏感。be supposed to 应该这个习语在听力当中出现很多,当它被用于现在时的时候,表达“应该”的意思,和should同义;但当它被用于过去时的时候,则含有责备的意思,表示“该做的没做”,和should have done something同义。A:Do you know if George

14、 is coming to the meeting?B:Oh, no. I was supposed to tell you he is sick and cant come.A:你知道George会来开会吗?B:噢,不。我早该告诉你他生病了不能来。be tied up被占用Im so frustrated. We are supposed to do our assignments for statistics on the computer. But the ones in the student center are always tied up.我真绝望了。我们应该在计算机上完成统计学

15、的作业。但是学生中心的那些计算机总有人占着。beat around the bush 说话不着边际,没有要点before long不久,很快 表达这个意思的习语有很多,同学可以一起记忆。例如:in no time, in next to no time, in second to no time, in a while, in a little bit, by and by, right now, right off, right away.Before long, wed all gotten to know one another. 很快我们就会彼此熟悉了。believe it or no

16、t信不信由你 A:Is that math course really as hard as everybody says?B:Worse, believe it or not.A:数学课真像大家说得那么难吗?B:比那还糟,信不信由你。book up订光(常用于被动语态)A:I think Ill take my mother to that French restaurant on Main Street for her birthday.B:I hope its not any time soon. They are usually booked up weeks in advance.A

17、:我想带我妈去梅茵大街的法国餐馆庆祝生日。B:我希望你妈妈的生日不在近期,它们总是提前很多星期就被订光了。break down坏了,出故障 If the computer doesnt break down again, the data will be available to us soon. 如果计算机不出故障的话,我们很快就能得到那些数据了。bring to attention 使注意到by accident不小心,偶然 A:Oh, Ive turned all of my white socks pink. I threw a red T-shirt in by accident B

18、:Have you tried running them through again with bleach? A:噢,我将所有的白袜子都染成粉红色的了,我不小心将一件红色T恤扔了进去。 B:你有没有试着用漂白剂将它们再过一下呢?by oneself自己一个人,单独 A:Matthew wants to know if he can go with us to the party. B:Thats odd. This morning he said he wanted to go by himself.A:Matthew想知道他是否能和我们一起去参加聚会B:这太奇怪了。今天早晨他说他想自己去。

19、Ccall off取消1) A:Has tomorrows meeting been confirmed?B:Ah, I was told its been called off.A:明天的会议有没有确认?B:啊,我听说被取消了。2) The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather. 室外音乐会由于天气被取消了。cant help doing避免不了;忍不住I cant help thinking it was all my fault.我不禁要想这全是我的错。can not without=must 执意要,一定坚持要对照:coul

20、dnt have done without 虚拟语气,意思是“假如没有就不可能做成某事”cancel an appointment取消约会约会是日常生活中经常碰到的事情,有关的习语表达法自然需要掌握:make an appointment, set an appointment, schedule an appointment, reschedule make an appointment, set an appointment, schedule an appointment, reschedule an appointment 等等。A:When are you going to have

21、 your eyes checked?B:I had to cancel my appointment. I couldnt fit it in.A:你什么时候去检查眼睛啊?B:我得取消我的预约,我的日程安排不开。carry out 执行,履行carry out这个习语使用场合较多,如:carry out the plan执行计划,carry out the policy执行政策,carry out ones duty履行职责,carry out ones words 履行诺言。A:Have you ever put one of these together before?B:No, nev

22、er. But I think if we carry out these instructions exactly, we wont have any trouble.A:以前你有没有把这些都拼在一起过?B:没有,但如果我们严格按说明做的话,不会有问题的。clear up天气放晴A:If the weather doesnt get any better, we may have to scrap our plans for this afternoons picnic.B:Dont give up yet. The forecast says the clouds should clear

23、 up by midmorning.A:如果天气还不好的话,我们就得放弃下午野餐的计划了。B:现在还不是放弃的时候,天气预报说上午10点左右天就会放晴了。clock watcher一直看表的人(尤指特想早点儿下课,一直看表的学生)A:Im sure glad its almost quitting time.B:Me too. I have been watching the clock all afternoon.A:真高兴,终于要下课了。B:我也是。今天下午我一直在看表。come up 来临;发生1) A:Mary is watching a movie on TV.B:Should sh

24、e be doing that now with the exams coming up next week?A:玛丽正在电视上看电影。B:她下星期就要考试了,怎么可以现在还看电视呢?2) A:Last Monday when I was at Doctor Smiths office, I spent over an hour in the waiting room.B:Really? Something must have come up that day.A:上星期一我去了史密斯医生的诊所,我在候诊室里等了一个多小时。B:真的吗?那天一定是出什么事了。come up with 想出A:I

25、ve finally found a research topic for our sociology class.B:Actually I still havent come up with anything.A:你的论文选了什么题目啊?B:事实上我还没想出来。concentrate on 将注意力集中于A:Could you turn down your stereo a bit? I really cant concentrate on my book.B:Why didnt you just say so?A:你能把音响关小点儿声吗?我都无法集中精力看书了。B:你为什么不早说呢?coo

26、l off 凉爽;消气,不再生气A:Larry was really angry during the meeting.B:Yes, I am not going to approach him until he cools off.A:开会时Larry可真生气了。B:是的。在他冷静下来之前我是不会去找他的。count on依靠,依赖Im counting on my professor to get me a job in the cataloging department this summer.我就依仗着我的教授在今天夏天能给我在目录部找一份工作了。Dday and night夜以继日A

27、:I cant stop thinking about my research.B:Neither can I. Im working on my thesis day and night.A:我一直都想着我的研究。B:我也是。我一直在夜以继日地写我的论文。develop the film冲胶卷Linda developed the film herself. Linda自己冲洗胶卷。do the cooking 做饭do the dishes洗碗Have you asked your brother to do the dishes?你有没有让你弟弟洗碗?do the kitchen 收拾厨

28、房do the laundry洗衣服Bill dislikes dong the laundry. Bill不喜欢洗衣服。do the washing 洗衣服dont mention it 没什么值得提的,没关系的A:Its very nice of you to give me your tickets for the play.B:Please, dont mention it. Im going to be out of town this weekend anyway.A:很感激你把戏票让给我。B:好了,这没什么。反正这个周末我不在城里。drop 退课due to 因为The outd

29、oor concert was called off due to the weather.因为天气的原因,室外音乐会被取消了。Eeat out出去吃饭editorial section(报纸的)社论版A:Would you pass me the sports section, please?B:Sure, if you pass me the classified ads and editorial section.A:你能不能把体育版给我?B:当然,那你把分类广告版和社论版给我every once in a while有时A:Do you ever think of changing y

30、our major to art?B:Every once in a while.A:你有没有想过转成艺术专业?B:有时候想过。exam period考试周A:Lets ask Professor Brown if she can give us the final exam during the last week of classes.B:You mean instead of during the exam period? Not much chance of that.A:我们问问布朗教授看看她能不能在我们最后一周上课的时候进行期末考试。B:你的意思是说不在考试那一周考?没有什么可能。

31、Ffigure out琢磨出,搞清楚1)I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program.我认为保罗能帮我解决这一计算机程序问题。2)what I cant figure out is how to make it work in my program.我现在搞不清的就是怎样才能让它在我的计划书里发挥作用。financial aid助学金,奖贷学金,财政援助A:I have to fill out these forms. They are due at the financial aid office by tomorrow afternoon.B:You were just complaining about how broke you are. If I were you, Id make that

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