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1、贝多芬名言英文贝多芬名言英文导读: 1、凡领悟音乐的,便能从一切烦恼中超脱出来。Anyone who understands music will be able to take it out of all his troubles.2、牺牲,永远牺牲你的艺术和一切人生的愚昧!艺术,是高于万物的神!Sacrifice, sacrifice your art and all your life! Art is God above all things!3、卓越的人一大优点是:在不幸与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。Outstanding people is one major advantage: in

2、misfortune and hardship never yield in spite of reverses.4、对你们的孩子要教之以德性,只有德性,而不是金钱,才能使人幸福,这是我的经验之谈。For your children to teach only by virtue, virtue, not money, can make people happy, this is my wise remark of an experienced person.5、我们的时代需要坚强的心灵去鞭策那些可悲的人们。Our time needs a strong heart to spur the s

3、ad people.6、机遇大多是为那些倒霉的人准备的。Most of the opportunities are for those who are unlucky.7、逆境对于天才是一块垫脚石,对于能干的人是一笔财富,而对于弱者则是一个万丈深渊。Adversity is a stepping stone for the genius for is a wealth of talented people, and it is an abyss for the weak.8、在我们的时代,对于那些可悲的人们,需要用坚强的心灵去鞭策。In our time, for those sad peop

4、le, need to use a strong heart to spur.9、用苦难铸就欢乐。With the joy of suffering.10、我要扼住命运的咽喉。它决不能使我完全屈服奥!能把生命活上千百次真是多美!I will take fate by the throat. It can never bring me to the full! What a beautiful life to live a thousand times!11、丑恶穿行于充满欲望的路径,引诱许多人跟着它走。美德追求一条险峻陡峭的途径,对人类较少*力。The ugly moves through t

5、he path of desire, luring many to follow it. The pursuit of virtue of a steep slope of the way of human less temptation.12、奔跑人生,我们体验一种艰辛,奔跑人生,我们体验一种畅快,奔跑人生,我们体验一种满足。Run life, we experience a hard run life, we experience a carefree life, running, we experience a meet.13、当我最孤独的时候,也就是我最不孤独的时候。When Im a

6、lone, thats when Im not alone.14、卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。One of the merits of excellent people is: never yield in spite of reverses in the negative and difficult encounter.15、对于富有才华和热爱劳动的人来说,不存在任何障碍。There is no obstacle to a man of talent and labor.16、人拥有的东西没有比光阴更贵重,更有价值了,所以千万不要把你今天所做的事拖延到明天去做。Wha

7、t do not have is more valuable and precious than time, so do not put off what you do today until tomorrow.17、世间君王有无数,而贝多芬只有一个。There are many kings in the world, and Beethoven has only one.18、我就是为人类酿造琼浆的酒神巴库斯,我让大众享受的是精神上的癫狂。I am human brewing wine, Baku wine, I let the public enjoy is the spirit of m

8、adness.19、通过苦难,走向欢乐;通过斗争,走向胜利。Through suffering, to joy; through struggle, to victory.20、若是为了更美丽的东西的话,任何规则都可以破坏。Any rule can be destroyed if it is more beautiful.21、即使是最神圣的友谊里也可能潜藏着秘密,但是你不可以因为你不能猜测出朋友的秘密而误解了他。There may be a secret in even the most sacred friendship, but you must not misunderstand hi

9、m because you cannot guess the secret of a friend.22、涓滴之水终可磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。只有勤奋不懈的努力才能够获得那些技巧。Little drops of water finally can wear stone, not because it is strong, but because of day and night wont drop pendant. Only hard work can get those skills.23、苦难是人生最好的老师。Suffering is the best tea

10、cher in life.24、声乐应当使人类的精神迸出火花。The vocal music should make the human spirit sparks.25、根据我一贯的作曲方式,即使是写器乐曲,我眼前总有一个整体。According to my usual way of composing music, even if it is to write music, I always have a whole.26、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。生活是这样美好,活它一千辈子吧。I will take fate by the throat, it makes me

11、 paranoid to yield, it is absolutely impossible. Life is so beautiful, live it for one thousand years.27、运气就像一个球那样圆圆的,所以很自然地,它并非总是滚落在最善良、最高贵的人的头上。Luck is like a ball so round, so naturally, it is not always rolled in the kindest and most noble man on the head.28、在困厄颠沛的时候能坚定不移,这就是一个真正令人钦佩的人的不凡之处。When

12、 the firm can Dianpei distress, this is a really admirable person unusual.29、成名的艺术家反为盛名所拘束,所以他们最早的作品往往是最好的。The artists who are famous are so bound by their reputation that their earliest works are often the best.30、那些立身扬名出类拔萃的,他们凭藉的力量是德行,而这也正是我的力量。Those famous with power they rise above the common h

13、erd, is a virtue, and this is my strength.31、只要行为正当,那么勇气会使你获得一切。As long as it is right, it will bring you everything.32、生活这样美好,活它一辈子吧!Life is so beautiful, live it for a lifetime!33、我的艺术应当只为受苦的人造福。啊,多么幸福的时刻啊!当我能接近这地步时,我该多么幸福啊!My art should be for the sake of the suffering. Oh, what a happy moment! H

14、ow happy I was when I could get close to it!34、卓越的人一大优点:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。One major advantage: excellent people never yield in spite of reverses in the negative and difficult experiences.35、我,一座已倒落的火山,头颅在熔岩中燃烧,拼命巴望挣扎出来。I have a falling head burning on the volcano, lava, desperately keen to struggle.36、

15、苦难是人生的老师。通过苦难,走向欢乐。Suffering is the teacher of life. Through suffering, to joy.37、赢得名声的艺术家常为此受苦,因此,通常他们的最佳。The art of winning fame suffers from this, and therefore, often their best.38、领悟音乐的人,能从一切世俗的烦恼中超脱出来。The person who understands music can get rid of all the worldly troubles.39、真正的友谊,只能基于相近性情的结合

16、。True friendship can only be based on a combination of similar temperaments.40、别以为我耳朵不好使,就听不见你们在那里谈情说爱!Dont think my ears are bad, he will not hear you in there to!41、我的王国在天空。My kingdom is in the sky.42、最痛苦的人往往通过痛苦才得到快乐。The most miserable people often get happiness through pain.43、生命的幸福不在于环境,地位,财富和他

17、们所能享受到的物质,而在于人的心灵。The happiness of life lies not in the environment, the status, the wealth, but in the material.44、我的箴言始终是:无日不动笔;如果我有时让艺术之神瞌睡,也只为要使它醒后更兴奋。My motto is: do not write every day; if I sometimes let art God sleep, only to wake up to make it more exciting.45、无论谁只要说一句谎话,他就失去了纯洁的心。No matter

18、 who tells a lie, he loses his pure heart.46、我要克制住命运的咽喉,它绝不能使我屈服。I will hold back the throat of fate, it will not bend me.47、我未曾想过写谱是为了名誉与荣耀。我一定要把内心深处的东西释放出来;这就是我作曲的原因。I never thought Id write for fame and glory. I have to let go of something deep inside; thats why I write.48、一个人看海,让心远离浮躁,这是一个智慧生命所能

19、享受的最好的休闲。A person to see the sea, so that the heart away from impetuous, this is a wisdom of life can enjoy the best leisure.49、最美的事,莫过于接近上帝,把祂的光芒撒播于人间。The most beautiful thing, not too close to God, his light scatters in the world.50、在全人类中,凡是坚强、正直、勇敢、仁慈的人,都有是英雄!In all men, all who are strong, hones

20、t, brave and kind are heroes!51、当梦想与现实偏离人生的航线时,你是选择奋起还是沉沦?When the dream and reality deviate from the course of life, you choose to rise or sink?52、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它决不能使我屈服。I will take fate by the throat, it will not make me yield.53、唯有苦难,才有欢乐。Only suffering, there is joy.54、我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。I w

21、ould like to prove that those who act in a good and noble manner will be able to bear the burden of suffering.55、音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示。Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.56、不要懒懒散散地虚度生命。Dont idle away your life.57、孤独是我的信仰。Loneliness is my faith.58、音乐当使人的精神爆出火花。Music when the spi

22、rit of sparks.59、我要紧紧的扼住命运的咽喉,它决不能让你屈服。I want to hold the fate by the throat, it will not get to you.60、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。I will take fate by the throat, it makes me paranoid to yield, it is absolutely impossible.61、患难中支持我的是道德,使我不曾*的,除了艺术以外也是道德。It is morality that supports me in adversity, wh

23、ich makes me not to commit suicide.62、爱是人生的合弦,而不是孤单的独奏曲。Love is a chord in life, not a solo.63、我宁肯忘掉亏欠自己的而不愿意忘掉亏欠别人的。I would rather forget myself and not willing to forget the debt owed to others.64、没有什么能伴你一生,只有你的心情。Nothing can keep you alive, only your mood.65、我愿以我的事实证明,凡是善良与高尚的人,定能因此而担当苦难。I would

24、like to prove to my facts that all good and noble people are bound to suffer.66、使你的父亲感到荣耀的莫过于你以最大的热诚继续你的学业,并努力奋发以期成为一个诚实而杰出的男子汉。Make your way to the glory of his father with the biggest enthusiasm you continue your studies, and make efforts to become an honest and outstanding man.67、智慧、勤劳和天才,高于显贵和富有

25、。Wisdom, diligence and genius than dignified and rich.68、友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。Friendship is based on two peoples hearts and souls have the greatest similarity.69、我的家乡,我出生的美丽的地方,在我眼前始终是那样的美,那样的明亮,和我离开它时毫无两样。My hometown, I was born in a beautiful place, in front of me is always so beautiful, so bri

26、ght, and I leave it without two.70、我只能完全和你生活在一起,要么根本就活不下去。I can only live with you, or I cant live at all.71、我要扼住命运的咽喉它绝不能使我完全屈服。I will take fate by the throat it will never make me completely.72、于是,我只有向内心深处去寻求一个支点。在外部世界,我根本找不到这样的支点,我所能得到的,只有种种伤痛。So, I only go to the depths of my heart to find a ful

27、crum. In the outside world, I can not find such a fulcrum, I can get, only a variety of pain.73、智慧,勤劳和天才,高于显贵和富有。Wisdom, diligence and genius than dignified and rich.74、除了善良以外,我不承认还有什么其他的高贵品质。In addition to goodness, I do not recognize any other noble qualities.75、即使为了国王的宝座,也永远不要欺骗、违背真理。Even for the

28、 throne of the king, do not deceive or violate the truth.76、信不信当灵感向我说话时我想到的是一把圣琴,我把它的口授听写下来?Believe it or not when I think of my inspiration to speak is a Shengqin, I put it down dictation?77、一心向善,爱自由高于一切。就是为了御座,也绝不背叛真理。Good one, love freedom above all. To the throne, and never betray the truth.78、音

29、乐是比一切智能、一切哲学更高的启示,谁能渗透我音乐的意义,便能超脱寻常人无以自拔的苦难。Music is better than all intelligence, all the higher philosophical enlightenment, who can penetrate the meaning of my music, it can be detached from the ordinary people have no trouble to extricate themselves.79、我不知道有什么比教养一个孩子成人更神圣的职责了。I have no idea what is more sacred than the birth of a child.80、打开心的窗口,睁开敏锐的眼睛,莫让一切都随风。Open the window, opened his sharp eyes, do not let all the wind.

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