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1、初三英语上期末练习题一初三英语上期末练习题一一、单词拼写。根据英文提示写出单词(第一个字母已经给出)。1. p_ a child who is taught in school or privately2. s _ only one3. d _ make sth beautiful4. l _ fasten a door5. s _ collect or save sth for future use.6. a _ come into view, become visible7. f _ build sth.; establish8. f _ the land for farming9. p

2、_ machine for printing10. s _ vehicle for traveling in space二、选择填空。1. The boy is too hungry, he has already eaten an apple, but he asks for_ one.A. the other B. other C. another D. others2. Its going to rain. Youd better _ there.A. dont go B. to not go C. not to go D. not go3. He spent much time _ t

3、he work.A. at B. in C. on D. for4. Mr Green would like to meet the headmaster _ 8:00 _ 9:00 tomorrow morning.A. from; to B. at; at C. between; and D. from; and5. When _ his uncle _?A. did; dead B. has; died C. did; die D. has; been dead6. They _ this city last week.A. reached to B. got C. arrived D

4、arrived in7. English is a foreign language, but Chinese isnt a foreign language _us.A. to B. for C. of D. by8. His father will be back from Berjing _a month.A. between B. after C. in D. for9. He read nothing, _he?A. does B. doesnt C. did D. didnt10. Theres _ milk in the bottle , is there?A. little B

5、. few C. a little D. a few11.It is not so difficult _ maths well.A. learns B. to learn C. learning D. learned12. Light _ faster than sound .A. was travelling B. is travelling C. travel D. travels13. How long have you_the library bookA. borrowed B. lent C. keeped D. kept14. A: Have you _spoken to an

6、English man?B: No, Ive _met a foreigner.A. ever, ever B. never, never C. ever, never D. never, ever15. A:Have you eaten your breakfast?B: Yes, I _it twenty-four minutes ago.A. have had B. have eaten C. eated D. ate16. A: How many times _ you _ _ Japan ?B: Several times.A. have, been to B. have, gone

7、 toC. have, been in D. have, been on17. Do you know the boy _two big eyes?A. has B. with C. have D. in18.Would you please_ it again?A.speak C.say D.tell19.The shops _ three years.A. opened for B.opened since C.opening for D.been open for20.The boy is weak _ Chinese. But he is good _ maths.A.i

8、nat in on D.onin三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空.1. This job can _ quite quickly. (do)2. _ you _ your homework yet? (finish)3.That pen isnt yours. Its _ .(her)4.Can you help _ with my English?(I)5.Lin Lin is the _ in our class.(young)6. Who is _, Mike or Jack ? (tall)7. We live on the _floor. (twenty)8. E

9、nglish _ in many countries today. (speak)9. I _ born on July 2nd, 1989. ( be)10. Youd better _ here as soon as possible. (leave)四、补全对话。1. How are you? Im _.2 . Shall I call you Jim or James ? It doesnt _.3. I didnt win in the sports meeting. Bad _.4. What does that word mean? _ one?5. I think foreig

10、n languages are more important than science.I really cant _ with you.6. What were you doing at that time when your father came back yesterday?I was _ the floor.7. Thank you for your help. Thats all _.8. Have you found my ruler yet? Im _ I havent.9. Is Bill as tall as Li Lei? No, he isnt _ tall as Li

11、 Lei.10. Well _. Congratulations. Thank you.五、句型转换。按要求填词完成句型转换。A)在下面各题B句的每个空格里写上一个单词,使B句的意思与A句的相近。1. A: My eyes started to fail at the age of seven.B: My eyes started to fail when _ _ _ _ old.2. A: He is so tired that he cant do anything else.B: He is _ tired _ do anything else.3. A: Well remember C

12、omrade Lei Feng for ever.B: Comrade Lei Feng _ _ _ by us for ever.4. A: How expensive the car is !B: _ _ expensive car it is!5: A: We use computers in many ways.B: Computers _ _ in many ways.B)按照下面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子,把答案写在横线上,词数不限。1明天我们要尽力打赢这场足球赛。Tomorrow we will _ to win the football game.2教师走进来时,学生们停止了谈话。When the teacher came in, the students _.3我们的国家变得越来越强大了。Our country has become _.4他的画将于明天在我们学校展出。His picture _ at our school tomorrow.5在昆明,我感到真像在家一样。I really _in Kunming.六、阅读理解

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